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title: Our Notes On Django
sidebar: Handbook
showTitle: true
hideAnchor: true
## Start here
If, like me, you haven't worked with Django before, the best place to start with is
[Writing your first Django app](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/intro/tutorial01/)
from the official Django website. This gives you a quick understanding of the major
parts of Django without needing to read an entire book to get it.
## Useful Django commands
- `django-admin startproject mysite` - creates Django project
- `python manage.py runserver` - starts Django web server (optionally add a port at the end `8080`)
- `python manage.py startapp polls` - creates Django app in project
- `python manage.py makemigrations polls` - creates migration scripts in migrations folder
- `python manage.py sqlmigrate polls 0001` - shows SQL that will run for this migration but doesn't perform it
- `python manage.py migrate` - performs all migrations
- `python manage.py shell` - puts you in a Django ORM shell to play with the models on the command-line
- `python manage.py createsuperuser` - creates super user for django admin app which comes by default with all Django projects, url `/admin`
- `python manage.py test polls` - run tests for polls app
## Useful resources
- [Writing your first Django app](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/intro/tutorial01/). I recommend
reading Parts 1-5 of the 7 parts, skip 6+ since they are not relevant to PostHog. We do use Django built-in testing so part 5 is required reading.
- [Two Scoops of Django (e-book)](https://www.feldroy.com/products/two-scoops-of-django-3-x)
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