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Our Notes On Django Handbook true true

Start here

If, like me, you haven't worked with Django before, the best place to start with is Writing your first Django app from the official Django website. This gives you a quick understanding of the major parts of Django without needing to read an entire book to get it.

Useful Django commands

  • django-admin startproject mysite - creates Django project
  • python manage.py runserver - starts Django web server (optionally add a port at the end 8080)
  • python manage.py startapp polls - creates Django app in project
  • python manage.py makemigrations polls - creates migration scripts in migrations folder
  • python manage.py sqlmigrate polls 0001 - shows SQL that will run for this migration but doesn't perform it
  • python manage.py migrate - performs all migrations
  • python manage.py shell - puts you in a Django ORM shell to play with the models on the command-line
  • python manage.py createsuperuser - creates super user for django admin app which comes by default with all Django projects, url /admin
  • python manage.py test polls - run tests for polls app

Useful resources

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