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Overview Handbook true

The Marketing/Acquisition Team

Philosophy: Be kind, concise and direct.

Product positioning

An open source product analytics platform addresses the lack of choice and control amongst disconnected analytics solutions by offering a unified platform with control over hosting, pricing, source, data, privacy and security.

Free PostHog is positioned to solve product analytics problems for small non-enterprise teams.

Enterprise PostHog is positioned to solve product analytics problems for larger teams and enterprises.

PostHog Cloud is positioned to service clients who need less control.

PostHog Self Hosted is positioned to service clients who need more control.

Target audience

Innovative technical teams, more commonly found in startups, who care about:

  • a unified product analytics platform
  • open source
  • control: hosting, pricing, source, data, privacy and security

We will expand to non-technical teams when we have achieved technical awareness saturation.

Goal 1: User acquisition


  • Open source self hosted installs
  • Premium self hosted leads
    • Todo: needs consolidated tracking
  • Free cloud signups
    • Todo: needs consolidated tracking
  • Premium cloud signups
    • Todo: needs consolidated tracking

Goal 2: Community growth


  • GitHub stars
    • Tracked in Orbit
  • GitHub contributors
    • Tracked in Orbit
  • GitHub contributions
    • Todo: needs consolidated tracking
    • Plugin contributions
      • Todo: needs consolidated tracking

See Community for community function.


Achieve complete tracking

Tracking marketing efforts that contribute to acquisition and growth.

Going beyond marketing, tracking through the funnel to improve targeting.

Reduce effort to contribute

Reduce the actions, time or complexity for us and our community to contribute.

Reduce acquisition cost

Reduce cost to acquire users and grow our community.


Functions that contribute more to Acquisition than another metrics are owned by Marketing.

Documentation contributes more to Activation and Retention than Acquisition. Marketing is a stakeholder in coverage and completeness.

Activation and Retention contribute more to Referral than Acquisition.

  • Product marketing:
    • research: market, competitor
    • product positioning
    • buyer personas
    • messaging: website, careers, channel bios, README.md
  • Content marketing:
    • Blog: product releases, stories (team, product, customer)
    • Audio: audio stories, podcast series
    • Video: video stories, vlog series, showcases, tutorials
    • Newsletter: general, investor
    • Handbook: team, culture
  • Community:
    • social: Twitter, LinkedIn
    • discussions: Slack, HN, StartupSchool, Reddit
    • onboarding: YC startups
    • events: online, in-person
    • networking: open source, analytics
    • sponsorship: open source
  • Press:
    • relationships
    • announcements
    • media packs
  • Paid:
    • search
    • social
    • communities
    • newsletters
    • websites
    • podcasts
    • events
    • video
  • Technical:
    • reporting
    • tracking
    • tooling
    • SEO
  • Design:
    • visual identity
    • web properties
    • channels


Prioritizing hiring for functions based on acquisition success and capacity in relation to other functions.

  • Product marketing: currently hiring
  • Content marketing: Mo
  • Community: hiring next
  • Press: 2022
  • Paid: 2022
  • Technical: hiring next

Design provided as a service by the Design team.