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Our Notes On Kea Handbook true true


  • All code lives inside logic which is created with kea({ ... })
  • Files are typically named [name]Logic.js|ts
  • import { useActions } from 'kea' provides access to action all functions
  • All operations start from actions
  • The mental model for actions is that of event capturing, they signal intent
  • Sample action: increment: (amount) => ({ amount })
  • Actions map to reducers and listeners to perform operations
  • Actions can invoke several reducers if the name of the action maps to multiple reducers
  • Actions defined with someActions: true are actions with no arguments


  • Reducers define state and operations on that state.
  • import { useValues } from 'kea' provides access to the state
  • Sample reducers: counter: [0, { increment: (state, { amount }) => state + amount}]
  • Notice how increment is the same name as the action
  • Reducers should never mutate the state directly, they must be pure functions


  • Listeners are how you do side-effects and async calls to load data
  • Listeners may invoke other actions via actions, example: listeners: ({ actions, values }) => ({ ... })
  • Listeners are async functions
  • Notice we have access to actions and values in the listeners functions
  • Set this or that is better done by reacting to actions


  • Available via the kea-loaders-plugin
  • Encapsulates the pattern of action > listener > loading > success | failure
  • Example: users: [[], { loadUsers: async () => await api.get('users') }]


  • Selectors handle mapping data across reducers
  • Similar to computed values in Vue


  • import { useValues } from 'kea'
  • You can access values frorm React with useValues or from listeners via listeners function

Input objects vs functions

  • Any of kea's built-in primitives: actions, reducers, listeners, etc. may be declared with an object or function
  • Functions are invoked lazily
  • Functions are passed 1 argument which can be destructured for actions and values
  • Use objects first then functions as you need them


  • Using kea logic as a function allows you to pass in props which are available as destructured props for primitive key functions

Keyed logic

  • If you give your logic a key, you can have multiple independent copies of it. The key is derived from props
  • Example: key: (props) => props.id


  • Serves as a debounce function or out of order network calls


  • Handles lifecycle events


  • Allows you to specify default values instead of doing them in the reducers
  • Defaults may be a function as well to calculate the default values

Connecting kea logic together

Useful resources

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