Started the active event allocation at 100 events. If more are needed, we
add 100 allocations each time. The array is never reduced in size if
events are deleted, events are moved to the front of the array and the
remaining elements are set to NULL.
Created a new message class that will copy incoming messages to a
buffer area. The buffer area is pre allocated during simulation
initialization. On a separate thread the buffer area is written
to std::cout.
sometimes the TMM allocate routines fail. I added error checking
to stop a core dump. More investigation is needed to determine
why the allocation is failing.
Found more places where symbolic links cause havoc. Also added back a #define
that was removed in parameter_types.h and added back the messaging routines to
the list swig processes.
Added std::array as an STL type Trick recognizes. We can now create io code
that can save and restore std::arrays like std::vectors and other similar
types. Like other STL types, an std::array cannot be logged or viewed in
For the record, I'd like to point out that many of the DataRecordGroup
functions shouldn't be called after init, but we don't prevent anyone
from doing so. Bad Trick!
Refs #350
This changes back the default behavior to not use offsetof in io_src code.
Added a flag to ICG, -c or --compat15, to globally generate offsetof statements.
Added an ENV variable that can be used to generate offsetof statements by file or directory.
Added in a warning if classes parsed at ICG time are different in size than at runtime.
Added set_unit mechanism to MonteVar baseclass. Added MonteVar's derived
classes setters where appropriate to facilitate changing inputs after
the instance of MonteVar has already been constructed. Fleshed out
MonteVarFile destructor to remove memory leaks.
2 problems found. Syncing scheduled threads was not happening at all because the job
was not being rescheduled. Did not want to deal with changing job call times so I
called the new scheuduled_thread_sync routine from advance_sim_time. That's where
it started, it'll be fine.
Also found that I was resetting job complete flags too aggressively. The check to
test if the thread is ready to run was missing. Added that check back in.
Created a new executive job that waits for threads to finish and readies them
for their next frame of execution. Created a new job class system_thread_sync
after the top of frame jobs and before the input processor is run to sync the
threads. Along the way cleaned up instrumentation jobs on the threads to fix#290.
The return code from parsing the monte carlo input was always set to zero and not checked.
Retured the return code from parsing the input. Added an exit if the input was not parsed
Removed the redefinition. Included climits and changed HOST_NAME_MAX to _POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX
which should be defined on the systems we support.
refs #265
Fixed the configure script to allow the user to specify using a python3
interpreter. Had to change the the way to load the swig generated python modules.
Also had to change code dealing with python strings, oct, long, and
boolean operations.
refs #258
Used the mods field in the attributes to indicate of "--" was specified in the header file. We
still save the units as "1" to keep it compatible with udunits. When outputting the variable
in data recording or variable server we check to see if the mods field for "--" is set. We
output "--" if the mods field is set. Also allowed "--" to persist in data products.
refs #254
Changed Trick::Executive::get_current_version to return a const reference
to the string that holds the version. This avoids a copy of the string object
and avoids that object going out of scope. As a string, the debug_command
had the same problem so I fixed that one as well.
refs #252
Copied the units_conv.c from 15 that includes the new units to master.
Swept through the code removing includes to Unit.hh and UCF.h where they
are no longer needed. Remade makefile dependencies.
refs #231
Changed the include for udunits to #include <udunits2.h> to work
on all platforms. Added the include directory /usr/include/udunits2
for Linux.
refs #231