Apparently U-Boot will discard whole node if requested pin function is
unknown to the driver. This resulted in inability to interact with
U-Boot on the said board, as U-Boot always assumed the recovery key
pressed and issued recovery procedure. Log snippet:
button_gpio gpio-keys: pinctrl_select_state_full: pinctrl_config_one: err=-38
reset button found
button pushed, resetting environment
Recovery procedure also booted recovery image, which didn't affect much
the 23.05.x release, since the root fs argument was valid, so changes
persisted. But as 24.10.x hit with fitblk, the board will boot only
recovery image (initramfs) because of default bootargs will reset on each
boot and U-Boot provided bootargs took precedence.
Fixes: 42eeb22450f2 ("uboot-mediatek: fix factory/reset button")
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
ZTE MF286 is an indoor LTE category 12 CPE router with simultaneous
dual-band 802.11ac plus 802.11n Wi-Fi radios and quad-port gigabit
Ethernet switch, FXS and external USB 2.0 port.
Software-wise it's compatible with previous MF286A, save for different
5GHz Wi-Fi board definition file, requiring a separate image.
Hardware highlights:
- CPU: QCA9563 SoC at 775MHz,
- RAM: 128MB DDR2,
- NOR Flash: MX25L1606E 2MB SPI Flash, for U-boot only,
- NAND Flash: W25N01GV 128MB SPI NAND-Flash, for all other data,
- Wi-Fi 5GHz: QCA9886 2x2 MIMO 802.11ac Wave2 radio,
- WI-Fi 2.4GHz: QCA9563 3x3 MIMO 802.11n radio,
- Switch: QCA8337v2 4-port gigabit Ethernet, with single SGMII CPU port,
- WWAN: MDM9250-based category 12 internal LTE modem
in extended mini-PCIE form factor, with 5 internal antennas and
2 external antenna connections, single mini-SIM slot.
- FXS: one external ATA port (handled entirely by modem part) with two
physical connections in parallel,
- USB: Single external USB 2.0 port,
- Switches: power switch, WPS, Wi-Fi and reset buttons,
- LEDs: Wi-Fi, Test (internal). Rest of LEDs (Phone, WWAN, Battery,
Signal state) handled entirely by modem. 4 link status LEDs handled by
the switch on the backside.
- Label MAC device: eth0
Internal modem of MF286C is supported via uqmi.
Console connection: connector X2 is the console port, with the following
pinout, starting from pin 1, which is the topmost pin when the board is
- VCC (3.3V). Do not use unless you need to source power for the
converer from it.
- TX
- RX
Default port configuration in U-boot as well as in stock firmware is
Due to different flash layout from stock firmware, sysupgrade from
within stock firmware is impossible, despite it's based on QSDK which
itself is based on OpenWrt.
STEP 0: Stock firmware update:
As installing OpenWrt cuts you off from official firmware updates for
the modem part, it is recommended to update the stock firmware to latest
ath79: support ZTE MF286C
STEP 1: Booting initramfs image:
Method 1: using serial console (RECOMMENDED):
- Have TFTP server running, exposing the OpenWrt initramfs image, and
set your computer's IP address as This is the default
expected by U-boot. You may wish to change that, and alter later
commands accordingly.
- Connect the serial console if you haven't done so already,
- Interrupt boot sequence by pressing any key in U-boot when prompted
- Use the following commands to boot OpenWrt initramfs through TFTP:
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
tftpboot 0x81000000 openwrt-ath79-nand-zte_mf286c-initramfs-kernel.bin
bootm 0x81000000
(Replace server IP and router IP as needed). There is no emergency
TFTP boot sequence triggered by buttons, contrary to MF283+.
- When OpenWrt initramfs finishes booting, proceed to actual
STEP 2: Backing up original software:
As the stock firmware may be customized by the carrier and is not
officially available in the Internet, IT IS IMPERATIVE to back up the
stock firmware, if you ever plan to returning to stock firmware.
It is highly recommended to perform backup using both methods, to avoid
hassle of reassembling firmware images in future, if a restore is
Method 1: after booting OpenWrt initramfs image via TFTP:
- Connect your USB-UART adapter
- Dump stock firmware located on stock kernel and ubi partitions:
ssh root@ cat /dev/mtd9 > mtd3_ubiconcat0.bin
ssh root@ cat /dev/mtd4 > mtd4_kernel.bin
ssh root@ cat /dev/mtd9 > mtd5_ubiconcat1.bin
And keep them in a safe place, should a restore be needed in future.
Method 2: using stock firmware:
- Connect an external USB drive formatted with FAT or ext4 to the USB
- The drive will be auto-mounted to /var/usb_disk
- Check the flash layout of the device:
cat /proc/mtd
It should show the following:
mtd0: 000a0000 00010000 "u-boot"
mtd1: 00020000 00010000 "u-boot-env"
mtd2: 00140000 00010000 "reserved1"
mtd3: 000a0000 00020000 "fota-flag"
mtd4: 00080000 00020000 "art"
mtd5: 00080000 00020000 "mac"
mtd6: 000c0000 00020000 "reserved2"
mtd7: 00400000 00020000 "cfg-param"
mtd8: 00400000 00020000 "log"
mtd9: 000a0000 00020000 "oops"
mtd10: 00500000 00020000 "reserved3"
mtd11: 00800000 00020000 "web"
mtd12: 00300000 00020000 "kernel"
mtd13: 01a00000 00020000 "rootfs"
mtd14: 01900000 00020000 "data"
mtd15: 03200000 00020000 "fota"
mtd16: 01d00000 00020000 "firmware"
Differences might indicate that this is NOT a MF286C device but
one of other variants.
- Copy over all MTD partitions, for example by executing the following:
for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15; do cat /dev/mtd$i > \
/var/usb_disk/mtd$i; done
"Firmware" partition can be skipped, it is a concatenation
of "kernel" and "rootfs".
- If the count of MTD partitions is different, this might indicate that
this is not a MF286C device, but one of its other variants.
- (optionally) rename the files according to MTD partition names from
- Unmount the filesystem:
umount /var/usb_disk; sync
and then remove the drive.
- Store the files in safe place if you ever plan to return to stock
firmware. This is especially important, because stock firmware for
this device is not available officially, and is usually customized by
the mobile providers.
STEP 3: Actual installation:
- Set your computer IP to
- scp the sysupgrade image to the device:
scp -O openwrt-ath79-nand-zte_mf286a-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin \
- ssh into the device and execute sysupgrade:
sysupgrade -n /tmp/openwrt-ath79-nand-zte_mf286a-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
- Wait for router to reboot to full OpenWrt.
STEP 4: WAN connection establishment
Since the router is equipped with LTE modem as its main WAN interface, it
might be useful to connect to the Internet right away after
installation. To do so, please put the following entries in
/etc/config/network, replacing the specific configuration entries with
one needed for your ISP:
config interface 'wan'
option proto 'qmi'
option device '/dev/cdc-wdm0'
option auth '<auth>' # As required, usually 'none'
option pincode '<pin>' # If required by SIM
option apn '<apn>' # As required by ISP
option pdptype '<pdp>' # Typically 'ipv4', or 'ipv4v6' or 'ipv6'
For example, the following works for most polish ISPs
config interface 'wan'
option proto 'qmi'
option device '/dev/cdc-wdm0'
option auth 'none'
option apn 'internet'
option pdptype 'ipv4'
The required minimum is:
config interface 'wan'
option proto 'qmi'
option device '/dev/cdc-wdm0'
In this case, the modem will use last configured APN from stock
firmware - this should work out of the box, unless your SIM requires
PIN which can't be switched off.
If you have build with LuCI, installing luci-proto-qmi helps with this
Restoring the stock firmware:
- Boot to initramfs as in step 3:
- Completely detach ubi0 partition using ubidetach /dev/ubi0_0
- Copy over the stock kernel image using scp to /tmp
- Erase kernel and restore stock kernel:
(scp mtd4_kernel.bin root@
mtd write kernel /tmp/mtd4_kernel.bin
rm /tmp/mtd4_kernel.bin
- Copy over the stock partition backups one-by-one using scp to /tmp, and
restore them individually. Otherwise you might run out of space in
(scp -O mtd3_ubiconcat0.bin root@
mtd write ubiconcat0 /tmp/mtd3_ubiconcat0.bin
rm /tmp/mtd3_ubiconcat0.bin
(scp -O mtd5_ubiconcat1.bin root@
mtd write ubiconcat1 /tmp/mtd5_ubiconcat1.bin
rm /tmp/mtd5_ubiconcat1.bin
- If the write was correct, force a device reboot with
reboot -f
Quirks and known issues
- It was observed, that CH340-based USB-UART converters output garbage
during U-boot phase of system boot. At least CP2102 is known to work
- Kernel partition size is increased to 4MB compared to stock 3MB, to
accomodate future kernel updates - at this moment OpenWrt 5.10 kernel
image is at 2.5MB which is dangerously close to the limit. This has no
effect on booting the system - but keep that in mind when reassembling
an image to restore stock firmware.
- uqmi seems to be unable to change APN manually, so please use the one
you used before in stock firmware first. If you need to change it,
please use protocok '3g' to establish connection once, or use the
following command to change APN (and optionally IP type) manually:
echo -ne 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","<apn>' > /dev/ttyUSB0
- The only usable LED as a "system LED" is the blue debug LED hidden
inside the case. All other LEDs are controlled by modem, on which the
router part has some influence only on Wi-Fi LED.
- GPIO5 used for modem reset is a suicide switch, causing a hardware
reset of whole board, not only the modem. It is attached to
gpio-restart driver, to restart the modem on reboot as well, to ensure
QMI connectivity after reboot, which tends to fail otherwise.
- Modem, as in MF283+, exposes root shell over ADB - while not needed
for OpenWrt operation at all - have fun lurking around.
The same modem module is used as in older MF286.
Signed-off-by: Lech Perczak <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
This has several advantages:
* reduction in the size of the kernel and the complete image. Individual
devices only need two of the four binaries. In combination with the second
commit it reduces kernel size by 64.2 kB and image size by 22.8 kB,
* the option to extend this package with firmware for future SoCs,
* combining the kernel and binary blobs with another licence may not be
fully compatible with the licence used by Linux. The current PHY firmware
is built into the kernel. This comit converts it to a package.
Tested on AVM 5490 and BT Home Hub 5A.
Signed-off-by: Aleksander Jan Bajkowski <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
The Zyxel LTE7490-M904 is an 802.3at PoE powered LTE outdoor (IP68) CPE
with integrated directional antennas.
- SoC: MediaTek MT7621AT
- RAM: 256 MB
- Flash: 128 MB MB NAND (MX30LF1G18AC)
- WiFi: MediaTek MT7603E 802.11b/g/n
- Switch: 1 LAN port (1 Gbps)
- LTE/3G/2G: Quectel EG18-EA LTE-A Cat. 18 connected by USB3 to SoC
- SIM: 1 micro-SIM slots under transparent cover
- Buttons: Reset, WLAN under same cover
- LEDs: Multicolour green/red/amber under same cover (visible)
- Power: 802.3at PoE via LAN port
The device is built as an outdoor ethernet to LTE bridge or router.
The wifi interface is intended for installation and/or temporary
management purposes only.
UART Serial:
57600N1, located on populated 5 pin header J5:
[o] GND
[ ] key - no pin
[o] RX
[o] TX
[o] 3.3V Vcc
Remove the SIM/button/LED cover and 12 screws holding the back plate
and antenna cover together. Be careful with the cables.
Installation from OEM web GUI:
- Log in as "admin" on OEM web GUI
- Upload OpenWrt initramfs-recovery.bin image on the
Maintenance -> Firmware page
- Wait for OpenWrt to boot and ssh to root@
- Sysupgrade to the OpenWrt sysupgrade image and reboot
For more details about flashing see:
2449a63208 (ramips: mt7621: Add support for ZyXEL NR7101, 2021-04-19)
Main porting work done by Ernesto Castellotti <>:
bf1c12f68b (ramips: add support for ZyXEL LTE7490-M904, 2023-12-20)
Signed-off-by: Eric Schäfer <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Add support for Genexis Pulse EX400 / Inteno Pulse EX400. A branded
variant for the Finnish ISP DNA has already been added in fea2264d9fdd
(ramips: mt7621: Add DNA Valokuitu Plus EX400, 2023-07-31). This commit
adds support for the generic variants with Inteno and Genexis branding.
Inteno changed its name to Genexis and both brandings exist.
In terms of electronics, there is no difference between the DNA-branded
version and other brandings. LED markings on the case are different,
though. While the DNA-version has a "software-update" LED, the other
versions have a WPS LED. To reduce user confusion, create a separate
Add the different device-tree with the different LED and rename things
to work the same way for both variants.
- Device: Genexis Pulse EX400 / Inteno Pulse EX400
- SoC: MT7621A
- Flash: 256 MB NAND
- RAM: 256 MB
- Ethernet: Built-in, 2 x 1 GbE
- Wifi: MT7603 2.4 GHz 2x2 MIMO, MT7615 5 GHz 4x4 MU-MIMO
- USB: 1x 2.0
- LEDs (GPIO): green/red status, green WPS
- LEDs (SX9512, unsupported): Broadband, Wi-Fi 2.4G, Wi-Fi 5G
- Buttons (GPIO): Reset
- Buttons (SX9512, unsupported): Wi-Fi 2.4G, Wi-Fi 5G, WPS
MAC addresses:
- LAN: U-Boot 'ethaddr' (label)
- WAN: label + 1
- 2.4 GHz: label + 6
- 5 GHz: label + 7
There is a black block connector next to the red ethernet connector. It
is accessible also through holes in the casing.
Pinout (TTL 3.3V)
|Tx |Rx |
The vendor firmware is a fork of OpenWrt (Reboot) with a kernel version
4.4.93. The flash is arranged as below and there is a dual boot
mechanism alternating between rootfs_0 and rootfs_1.
| | env1 | env2 | rootfs_0 | rootfs_1 |
| +------+------+-----------+-----------+
| | UBI volumes |
|U-Boot | UBI |
|mtd0 | mtd1 |
| NAND |
In OpenWrt rootfs_0 will be used as a boot partition that will contain the
kernel and the dtb. The squashfs rootfs and overlay are standard OpenWrt
| | env1 | env2 | rootfs_0 | rootfs | rootfs_data|
| +------+------+-----------+--------+------------+
| | UBI volumes |
|U-Boot | UBI |
|mtd0 | mtd1 |
| NAND |
With proper serial access, booting can be halted to U-boot by pressing
any key. TFTP and flash writes are available, but only the first one has
been tested.
NOTE: Recovery mode can be accessed by holding down the reset button while
powering on the device. The led 'Update' will show a solid green light
once ready. A web server will be running at and it will
allow flashing a firmware package. You can cycle between rootfs_0 and
rootfs_1 by pressing the reset button once.
Root password:
With the vendor web UI create a backup of your settings and download the
archive to your computer. Within the archive in the file
/etc/shadow replace the password hash for root with that of a password you
know. Restore the configuration with the vendor web UI and you will have
changed the root password.
SSH access:
You might need to enable the SSH service for LAN interface as by default
it's enabled for WAN only.
Installing OpenWrt:
With the vendor web UI, or from the U-Boot recovery UI, install the
OpenWrt factory image. Alternatively, ssh to the device and use
sysupgrade -n from cli.
Finalize by installing the OpenWrt sysupgrade image to get a fully
functioning system.
Reverting to the vendor firmware:
Boot with OpenWrt initramfs image
- Remove volumes rootfs_0, rootfs and rootfs_data and create vendor
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -n 2
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -n 3
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -n 4
ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -N rootfs_0 -S 990
ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -N rootfs_1 -S 990
Power off and enter to the U-boot recovery to install the vendor
Signed-off-by: Andreas Gnau <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
This is an industrial 4G router equipped with OpenWrt 14.07 OEM
customized version
WARNING: The original firmware device tree is common to multiple
boards, and the device tree name is H9350. This submitted device
tree is a modified version, which deletes the non-this-device parts
and adds GPIO watchdog.
- SoC: MediaTek MT7620A
- Flash: 16 MB
- RAM: 128 MB
- Power: DC 5V-36V 1.5A
- Ethernet: 1x WAN, 4x LAN (10/100 Mbps)
- Wireless radio: 802.11n 2.4g-only
- LED:
System/Power (RUN): GPIO/26 active-low
Ethernet: 1x WAN, 4x LAN
Modem 1: GPIO/66 active-low
RF 1 (Modem 1 Signal): GPIO/67 active-low
Modem 2: GPIO 71 active-low
RF 2 (Modem 2 Signal): GPIO/24 active-low
WLAN: GPIO/72 active-low
WPS: GPIO/12 active-low
- Button:
WPS / RESET: GPIO/34 active-low
- UART: 1x UART on PCB - 115200 8N1
- GPIO Watchdog: GPIO/62 mode=toggle timeout=1s
- PCIe: 2x miniPCIe for modem
- SIM Slots: 2x SIM Slots
- No factory partition, eeprom is located
at /lib/firmware/mt7620a.eeprom
Flash instruction:
Using UART:
1. Configure PC with a static IP address and setup an TFTP server.
2. Put rootfs into the tftp directory.
3. Connect the UART line as described on the PCB.
4. Power up the device and press Ctrl+C to break auto boot.
5. Use `system 6` command and follow the instruction to set device
and tftp server IP address and input the rootfs file name.
U-boot will then load the rootfs and write it into
the flash.
6. Use `system 1` command and follow the instruction to set device
and tftp server IP address and input the firmware file name.
U-boot will then load the firmware once.
7. Login to LuCI and use LuCI upgrade firmware.
Original Firmware Dump / More details:
Signed-off-by: Coia Prant <>
Tested-by: Coia Prant <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
This board is also as known as SuperElectron ZN-M5 and ZN-M8. However,
for ZN-M5 and ZN-M8, there's another version uses ZX279128 as CPU
chip, which is unsupported.
You can check it in "高级设置" > "系统日志" > "内核日志" page from webUI.
Hardware specification:
SoC: MediaTek MT7981B 2x A53
Flash: 128 MB SPI-NAND
RAM: 256MB
Ethernet: 4x 10/100/1000 Mbps
Switch: MediaTek MT7531AE
WiFi: MediaTek MT7976C
Button: Reset, WPS
Power: DC 12V 1A
Stock layout flash instructions:
Login into webUI and upload sysupgrade firmware in "系统管理" > "升级固件" page.
Remember to unselect "保留配置" ("Keep configurations") first before doing that.
OpenWrt U-Boot layout flash instructions:
1. Flash stock layout firmware first.
2. Connect to the device via SSH, and backup everything,
especially 'Factory' partition.
3. Unlock MTD partitions:
apk update && apk add kmod-mtd-rw
insmod mtd-rw i_want_a_brick=1
4. Write new BL2 and FIP:
mtd write openwrt-mediatek-filogic-cmcc_a10-ubootmod-preloader.bin BL2
mtd write openwrt-mediatek-filogic-cmcc_a10-ubootmod-bl31-uboot.fip FIP
5. Set static IP on your PC:
6. Serve OpenWrt initramfs image using TFTP server.
7. Cut off the power and re-engage, wait for TFTP recovery to complete.
8. After OpenWrt has booted, perform sysupgrade.
Signed-off-by: Tianling Shen <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Add support for Linksys MR5500 (Hydra 6 Pro).
* SoC: Qualcomm IPQ5018 (64-bit dual-core ARM Cortex-A53 @ 1.0Ghz)
* Memory: Kingston D2516ECMDXGJD (512 MiB)
* Serial Port: 3v3 TTL 115200n8
* Wi-Fi: IPQ5018 (2x2 2.4 Ghz 802.11b/g/n/ax)
QCN9024 (4x4:4 5 Ghz 802.11an/ac/ax)
* Ethernet: IPQ5018 integrated virtual switch connected to an external
QCA8337 switch (4 Ports 10/100/1000 GBASE-T)
* Flash: Gigadevice GD5F2GQ5REYIH (256 MiB)
* LEDs: 1x multi-color PWM LED
1x blue led for USB (GPIO 19 Active High)
* Buttons: 1x WPS (GPIO 27 Active Low)
1x Reset (GPIO 28 Acive Low)
5x ethernet port LEDs (amber for activity & green for link up)
* Peripherals: 1x USB2 (powered by GPIO 17 Active Low)
support for USB3 will be added in a separate PR
* FCC ID: 2AYRA-03734
Flash instructions:
1. On OEM firmware, login to the device (typically at and click 'CA'
in the bottom right corner -> Connectivity -> Manual Upgrade. Alternatively, browse to
http://<router IP>/fwupdate.html.
Upgrade firmware using openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_mr5500-squashfs-factory.bin image.
Optionally install on second partition, after first boot check actual partition:
fw_printenv -n boot_part
and install firmware on second partition using command in case of 2:
mtd -r -e kernel -n write openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_mr5500-squashfs-factory.bin kernel
and in case of 1:
mtd -r -e alt_kernel -n write openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_mr5500-squashfs-factory.bin alt_kernel
2. Installation using serial connection from OEM firmware (default login: root, password: admin):
fw_printenv -n boot_part
In case of 2:
flash_erase /dev/mtd12 0 0
nandwrite -p /dev/mtd12 openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_mr5500-squashfs-factory.bin
or in case of 1:
flash_erase /dev/mtd14 0 0
nandwrite -p /dev/mtd14 openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_mr5500-squashfs-factory.bin
After first boot install firmware on second partition:
mtd -r -e kernel -n write openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_mr5500-squashfs-factory.bin kernel
mtd -r -e alt_kernel -n write openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_mr5500-squashfs-factory.bin alt_kernel
3. Back to the OEM firmware.
Download firmware from OEM website:
From serial or SSH:
fw_printenv boot_part
in case of 1:
mtd -r -e alt_kernel -n write FW_MR5500_1.1.2.209598_prod.img alt_kernel
else in case of 2:
mtd -r -e kernel -n write FW_MR5500_1.1.2.209598_prod.img kernel
4. Boot from USB
This allows you loading an OpenWrt image into RAM and is meant for recovery scenarios only.
Enable loading image from USB in u-boot. From serial or SSH:
fw_setenv bootusb 'usb start && usbboot &loadaddr && bootm $loadaddr'
fw_setenv bootcmd 'run bootusb; if test $auto_recovery = no; then bootipq; elif test $boot_part = 1; then run bootpart1; else run bootpart2; fi'
Copy OpenWrt initramfs image to USB:
dd bs=1M if=openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_mr5500-initramfs-uImage.itb of=/dev/sda
Signed-off-by: George Moussalem <>
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
- SoC: Allwinner A31 @ 1GHz
- DRAM: 1/2Gb DDR3
- SD-card slot
- NAND: 8/16Gb MLC
- Ethernet: 1x 10/100/1000Mbps (RTL8211E)
- Wireless: Ampak AP6210 (BCM43362)
- 2x USB2.0
- 1x mPCIe slot for 4G cards
- 1x SIM slot
- HDMI/VGA via simplefb
- RTC with battery
- Power via DC12V / 3A
Use the standard sunxi installation to an SD-card. NAND is
not supported.
This is to re-add proper support for an older device.
Signed-off-by: Zoltan HERPAI <>
Upgrade the u-boot to a more recent version, and drop and refresh
patches while at it. Additionally, use the correct architecture
when running mkimage.
- SiFive Unleashed
- SiFive Unmatched
Signed-off-by: Zoltan HERPAI <>
The SPNMX56 is an ISP-branded and distributed device similar to the MX5500
with the same Wifi chips (IPQ5018 for 2.4G and QCN9074 for 5G) but has an
additional QCA8081 PHY providing a 2.5gbps ethernet WAN port.
* SoC: Qualcomm IPQ5018 (64-bit dual-core ARM Cortex-A53 @ 1.0Ghz)
* Memory: Winbond W634GU6NB-11 (512 MiB DDR3-933)
* Serial Port: 3v3 TTL 115200n8
* Wi-Fi: IPQ5018 (2x2 2.4 Ghz 802.11b/g/n/ax)
QCN9024 (4x4:4 5 Ghz 802.11an/ac/ax)
* Ethernet: IPQ5018 integrated virtual switch connected to an external
QCA8337 switch (3 Ports 10/100/1000 GBASE-T) and a
QCA8081 phy (up to 2.5 Gbps)
* Flash: Gigadevice GD5F2GM7RExxG (256 MiB)
* LEDs: 1x multi-color PWM LED
* Buttons: 1x WPS (GPIO 27 Active Low)
1x Reset (GPIO 28 Acive Low)
Flash instructions:
1. On OEM firmware, login to the device (typically at
and click 'CA' in the bottom right corner -> Connectivity ->
Manual Upgrade. Alternatively, browse to http://<router IP>/fwupdate.html
Upload openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_spnmx56-squashfs-factory.bin
Optionally flash 2nd partition, after first boot check actual partition:
fw_printenv -n boot_part
and install firmware on second partition using command in case of 2:
mtd -r -e kernel -n write openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_spnmx56-squashfs-factory.bin kernel
and in case of 1:
mtd -r -e alt_kernel -n write openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_spnmx56-squashfs-factory.bin alt_kernel
2. Installation using serial connection from OEM firmware
hit Enter once booted and enter credentials (login: root, password: admin)
fw_printenv -n boot_part
In case of 2:
flash_erase /dev/mtd12 0 0
nandwrite -p /dev/mtd12 openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_spnmx56-squashfs-factory.bin
or in case of 1:
flash_erase /dev/mtd14 0 0
nandwrite -p /dev/mtd14 openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_spnmx56-squashfs-factory.bin
After first boot install firmware on second partition:
mtd -r -e kernel -n write openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_spnmx56-squashfs-factory.bin kernel
mtd -r -e alt_kernel -n write openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_spnmx56-squashfs-factory.bin alt_kernel
3. Back to the OEM firmware.
Download firmware from OEM website:
Firmware for this device cannot be searched for on the Linksys website.
Instead, we'd have to use serial to intercept the URL of the firmware
while it's trying to update. Firmware is ISP specific:
Toob (UK):
The intention is to collect URLs for different ISPs on a wiki page.
From serial or SSH:
fw_printenv boot_part
in case of 1:
mtd -r -e alt_kernel -n write FW_MX56TB_1.0.1.216218_prod.img alt_kernel
else in case of 2:
mtd -r -e kernel -n write FW_MX56TB_1.0.1.216218_prod.img kernel
Signed-off-by: George Moussalem <>
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
Aliyun AP8220 is an AP manufactured by Edgecore.
(Very similar to Edgecore EAP102)
Hardware specifications:
SoC: Qualcomm IPQ8071A
RAM: 1GB of DDR4 600MHz
Flash1: MX25U3235F 4MB
Flash2: MX30UF1G18AC 128MB
Ethernet: 2x 2.5G RJ45 port
USB: 2x USB-A 2.0 port
WiFi1: QCN5024 2.4GHz
WiFi2: QCN5054 5GHz
Power: DC 12V / PoE
Flash instructions:
1. Connect the router via serial port
2. Keep pressing @ until uboot is interrupted
3. Download the initramfs image, rename it to
initramfs.bin, host it with tftp server
4. Run these commands:
tftpboot initramfs.bin
5. After openwrt boots up, use scp or luci
to upload sysupgrade.bin to upgrade.
Signed-off-by: Chukun Pan <>
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
Upgrade the OpenSBI firmware used by RISC-V CPUs to 1.6.
- d1 (LicheeRV Dock)
- sifiveu (SiFive Unleashed)
Updates since last release:
Support for parsing riscv,isa-extensions DT property
Setup serial console very early in cold boot path
Support for multiple heaps and aligned memory allocation
Support for shadow stacks (Zicfiss) ISA extension
Support for landing pads (Zicfilp) ISA extension
Support for per-domain data
Support for double-trap (Smdbltrp/Ssdbltrp) ISA extensions
DT-based configurable heap size
Common fdt_driver and helpers for driver initialization
Support for SBI PMU raw event v2 (Experimental)
Simple FDT based mailbox driver framework
RPMI shared memory transport driver (Experimental)
RPMI system reset driver (Experimental)
Simple FDT based system suspend driver framework
RPMI system suspend driver (Experimental)
Simple FDT based HSM driver framework
RPMI HSM driver (Experimental)
Simple FDT based CPPC driver framework
RPMI CPPC driver (Experimental)
SBI Message Proxy (MPXY) extension (Experimental)
Simple FDT based MPXY driver framework
Common RPMI client driver for MPXY (Experimental)
Support for vector misaligned load/store
Save/restore menvcfg only when it exists
Adjust Sscofpmf mhpmevent mask for upper 8 bits
Fix potential NULL pointer dereferences in SBI DBTR
Fix incorrect size passed to sbi_zalloc() in SBI FWFT
Check result of pmp_get() in is_pmp_entry_mapped()
SBI debug triggers (DBTR) extension (Experimental)
Support to specify coldboot harts in DT
Smcsrind and Smcdeleg extensions support
SBIUnit testing framework
Initial domain context management support
Platform specific load/store emulation callbacks
New trap context
Improved sbi_trap_error() to dump state in a nested trap
SBI supervisor software events (SSE) extension (Experimental)
Simplified wait_for_coldboot() implementation
Early wakeup of non-coldboot HART in the coldboot path
Sophgo CV18XX/SG200X series support
APLIC delegation DT property fix
Svade and Svadu extensions support
SBI firmware features (FWFT) extension (Experimental)
Signed-off-by: Zoltan HERPAI <>
It seems the that this was forgotten during initial adding of the
device in 0688cf5aebe1dc9a2e7f3820861783c2a7a75d44
Thanks to
for putting me on the right track for this problem
Error that is being fixed - running fw_printenv results in:
"Warning: Bad CRC, using default environment"
and not showing boardmodel
Workaround, manually changing /etc/fw_env.config to
"/dev/mtd1 0x0 0x400 0x10000"
Signed-off-by: Klaas Demter <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Backport FORESEE NAND chip support from upstream Linux. The newly
introduced FORESEE F35SQA001G was found on the Xiaomi AX3000T.
Signed-off-by: Erik Servili <>
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
The Xiaomi AX3000T has two hardware revisions. One uses MT7531
switch, and the other uses AN8855 switch. Set "mediatek,switch"
property to "auto" to be compatible with different switches.
Tested-by: Mikhail Zhilkin <>
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
Synchronize the latest MTK u-boot patches[1]. Some patches have
been amended since last synchronization.
* Minor NMBM layer fixes and improvements.
* A new bootmenu shortkey implementation.
* New SPI flash support for en25qx128.
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
Remove upstreamed patches:
010-menu-fix-the-logic-checking-whether-ESC-key-is-press.patch [1]
011-menu-add-support-to-check-if-menu-needs-to-be-reprin.patch [2]
012-bootmenu-add-reprint-check.patch [3]
Remove outdated patches:
Some patches have been manually rebased to match the upstream
changes. This patch also fixes the dtc warning for reserved-memory
dts node. If #address-cells and #size-cells are not same as the
root node definitions, the dtc will complain about it.
All defconfigs are refreshed by `make "$board"_defconfig` and
`make savedefconfig`.
[1] ddac69885e
[2] ccdd7948e2
[3] 599652cff1
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
Do the same code simplification as was done for ipq807x to avoid code
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
Add support for Linksys MX2000 (Atlas 6) and MX5500 (Atlas 6 Pro).
These devices are completely identical except for the secondary wifi
chip used for 5Ghz: QCN6102 is used on MX2000 while QCN9024 is used
on MX5500
* SoC: Qualcomm IPQ5018 (64-bit dual-core ARM Cortex-A53 @ 1.0Ghz)
* Memory: Winbond W634GU6NB-11 (512 MiB DDR3-933)
* Serial Port: 3v3 TTL 115200n8
* Wi-Fi: IPQ5018 (2x2 2.4 Ghz 802.11b/g/n/ax)
* Wi-Fi: MX2000: QCN6102 (2x2:2 5 Ghz 802.11an/ac/ax)
MX5500: QCN9024 (4x4:4 5 Ghz 802.11an/ac/ax)
* Ethernet: IPQ5018 integrated virtual switch connected to an external
QCA8337 switch (4 Ports 10/100/1000 GBASE-T)
* Flash: Macronix MX35UF2GE4AD (256 MiB)
* LEDs: 1x multi-color PWM LED
* Buttons: 1x WPS (GPIO 27 Active Low)
1x Reset (GPIO 28 Acive Low)
Flash instructions (in case of MX2000, else replace with MX5500 images):
1. On OEM firmware, login to the device (typically at and click 'CA'
in the bottom right corner -> Connectivity -> Manual Upgrade. Alternatively, browse to
http://<router IP>/fwupdate.html.
Upgrade firmware using openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_mx2000-squashfs-factory.bin image.
Optionally install on second partition, after first boot check actual partition:
fw_printenv -n boot_part
and install firmware on second partition using command in case of 2:
mtd -r -e kernel -n write openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_mx2000-squashfs-factory.bin kernel
and in case of 1:
mtd -r -e alt_kernel -n write openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_mx2000-squashfs-factory.bin alt_kernel
2. Installation using serial connection from OEM firmware (default login: root, password: admin):
fw_printenv -n boot_part
In case of 2:
flash_erase /dev/mtd12 0 0
nandwrite -p /dev/mtd12 openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_mx2000-squashfs-factory.bin
or in case of 1:
flash_erase /dev/mtd14 0 0
nandwrite -p /dev/mtd14 openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_mx2000-squashfs-factory.bin
After first boot install firmware on second partition:
mtd -r -e kernel -n write openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_mx2000-squashfs-factory.bin kernel
mtd -r -e alt_kernel -n write openwrt-qualcommax-ipq50xx-linksys_mx2000-squashfs-factory.bin alt_kernel
3. Back to the OEM firmware.
Download firmware from OEM website:
From serial or SSH:
fw_printenv boot_part
in case of 1:
mtd -r -e alt_kernel -n write FW_MX2000_1.1.7.210469_prod.img alt_kernel
else in case of 2:
mtd -r -e kernel -n write FW_MX2000_1.1.7.210469_prod.img kernel
Signed-off-by: George Moussalem <>
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
Update URL variable to reflect switch to Github for development
The old URL returns HTTP 404
Signed-off-by: Felix Baumann <>
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
The syntax error prevented the correct creation of all ipq60xx U-Boot environment files: /etc/config/ubootenv and /etc/fw_env.config
Signed-off-by: Ivan Deng <>
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
Envtools can automatically detect the number of blocks.
Signed-off-by: Paweł Owoc <>
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
Update to latest version. There are no patches that need to be
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
TP-Link EAP610-Outdoor is a 802.11ax AP claiming AX1800 support. It is
wall or pole mountable, and rated for outdoor use. It can only be
powered via PoE.
* CPU: Qualcomm IPQ6018 Quad core Cortex-A53
* RAM: 512 MB
* Storage: ESMT PSR1GA30DT 128MB NAND
* Ethernet:
* Gigabit RJ45 port with PoE input
* 2.4GHz/5GHz
* LEDs:
* Multi-color System LED (Green/Amber)
* Buttons:
* 1x Reset
* UART: 4-pin unpopulated header
* 1.8 V level, Pinout 1 - TX, 2 - RX, 3 - GND, 4 - 1.8V
Web UI method
Set up the device using the vendor's web UI. After that go to
Management->SSH and enable the "SSH Login" checkbox. Select "Save".
The connect to the machine via SSH:
ssh -o hostkeyalgorithms=ssh-rsa <ip_of_device>
Disable signature verification:
cliclientd stopcs
Rename the "-web-ui-factory" image to something less than 63
characters, maintaining the ".bin" suffix.
* Go to System -> Firmware Update.
* Under "New Firmware File", click "Browse" and select the image
* Select "Update" and confirm by clicking "OK".
If the update fails, the web UI should show an error message.
Otherwise, the device should reboot into OpenWRT.
TFTP method
To flash via tftp, first place the initramfs image on the TFTP server.
setenv serverip <ip of tftp server>
setenv ipaddr <ip in same subnet as tftp server>
tftpboot tplink_eap610-outdoor-initramfs-uImage.itb
This should boot OpenWRT. Once booted, flash the sysupgrade.bin image
using either luci or the commandline.
The tplink2022 image format
The vendor images of this device are packaged in a format that does
not match any previous tplink formats. In order for flashing to work
from the vendor's web UI, firmware updates need to be packaged in
this format. The `` is provided for this
This script can also analyze vendor images, and extract the required
"support" string. This string is checked by the vendor firmware, and
images with a missing or incorrect string are rejected.
Signed-off-by: Alexandru Gagniuc <>
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
It is not required to specify the number of blocks as envtools are able
to autodetect it.
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
The u-boot LED command "led_loop_done" is missing from the OpenWrt
One NAND flash u-boot. Copy it from the OpenWrt One NOR flash u-boot
default environment to fix this issue.
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
It seems that the original patch has been manually modified. The
newly added line number is incorrect.
Fixes: c0581520b1c5 ("uboot-mediatek: add Routerich AX3000 support")
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
- MT7986 CPU using 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi (both AX)
- MT7531 switch
- 512MB RAM
- 128MB NAND flash (MX35LF1GE4AB-Z4I) with two UBI partitions with identical size
- 1 multi color LED (red, green, blue, white) connected via GCA230718 (Same as D-Link M30 A1)
- 3 buttons (WPS, reset, LED on/off)
- 1x 2.5 Gbit WAN port with Maxlinear GPY211C
- 4x 1 Gbit LAN ports
- There are five screws at the bottom: 2 under the rubber feet, 3 under the label.
- After removing the screws, the white plastic part can be shifted out of the blue part.
- Be careful because the antennas are mounted on the side and the top of the white part.
Serial Interface
- The serial interface can be connected to the 4 pin holes next to/under the antenna cables.
- Note that there is another set of 4 pin holes on the side of the board, it's not used.
- Pins (from front to rear):
- 3.3V (do not connect)
- TX
- RX
- Settings: 115200, 8N1
MAC addresses:
- MAC address is stored in partition "Odm" at offset 0x81 (for example XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:52)
- MAC address on the device label is ODM + 1 (for example XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:53)
- WAN MAC is the one from the ODM partition (for example XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:52)
- LAN MAC is the one from the ODM partition + 1 (for example XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:53)
- WLAN MAC (2.4 GHz) is the one from the ODM partition + 2 (for example (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:54)
- WLAN MAC (5 GHz) is the one from the ODM partition + 5 (for example (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:57)
Flashing via OEM web interface:
- Currently not supported because image crypto is not known
Flashing via recovery web interface:
- This is only working if the first partition is active because recovery images are always flashed to the active partition and OpenWrt can only be executed from the first partition
- Use a Chromium based browser, otherwise firmware upgrade might not work
- Recovery web interface is accessible via after keeping the reset button pressed during start of the device until the LED blinks red
- Upload the recovery image, this will take some time. LED will continue flashing red during the update process
- The after flashing, the recovery web interface redirects to This can be ignored. OpenWrt is accessible via after flashing
- If the first partition isn't the active partition, OpenWrt will hang during the boot process. In this case:
- Download the recovery image from (UBI switch image)
- Enable recovery web interface again and load the UBI switch image. This image works on the second partition of the M60
- OpenWrt should boot now as expected. After booting, flash the normal OpenWrt sysupgrade image (for example in the OpenWrt web interface)
- Flashing a sysupgrade image from the UBI switch image will make the first partition the active partition and from now on, default OpenWrt images can be used
Flashing via Initramfs:
- Before switching to OpenWrt, ensure that both partitions contain OEM firmware.
- This can be achieved by re-flashing the same OEM firmware version again via the OEM web interface.
- Flashing via OEM web interface will automatically flash the currently not active partition.
- Open router, connect serial interface
- Start a TFTP server at and provide the initramfs image there
- When starting the router, select "7. Load Image" in U-Boot
- Settings for load address, load method can be kept as they are
- Specify host and router IP address if you use different ones than the default (Router, TFTP server
- Enter the file name of the initramfs image
- Confirm "Run loaded data now?" question after loading the image with "Y"
- OpenWrt initramfs will start now
- Before flashing OpenWrt, create a backup of the "ubi" partition. It is required when reverting back to OEM
- Flash sysupgrade image to flash, during flashing the U-Boot variable sw_tryactive will be set to 0
- During next boot, U-Boot tries to boot from the ubi partition. If it fails, it will switch to the ubi1 partition
Reverting back to OEM:
- Boot the initramfs image as described in "Flashing via Initramfs" above
- Copy the backed up ubi partition to /tmp (e.g. by using SCP)
- Write the backup to the UBI partition: mtd write /tmp/OpenWrt.mtd4.ubi.bin /dev/mtd4
- Reboot the device, OEM firmware will start now
Signed-off-by: Roland Reinl <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Referencing commit a1837135e04b
SoC: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9558
RAM: 128M DDR2 (Nanya NT5TU64M16HG-AC)
FLASH: 128M SPI-NAND (Spansion S34ML01G100TFI00)
WLAN: QCA9558 3T3R 802.11 bgn
ETH: Qualcomm Atheros QCA8337
UART: 115200 8n1
BUTTON: Reset - WPS - "Router" switch
LED: 2x system-LED, 2x wlan-LED, 1x internet-LED,
2x routing-LED
LEDs besides the ethernet ports are controlled
by the ethernet switch
MAC Address:
use address(sample 1) source
label cc:e1:d5:xx:xx:ed art@macaddr_wan
lan cc:e1:d5:xx:xx:ec art@macaddr_lan
wan cc:e1:d5:xx:xx:ed $label
WiFi4_2G cc:e1:d5:xx:xx:ec art@cal_ath9k
Installation from Serial Console
1. Connect to the serial console. Power up the device and interrupt
autoboot when prompted
2. Connect a TFTP server reachable at
to the ethernet port. Serve the OpenWrt initramfs image as
3. Boot the initramfs image using U-Boot
ath> tftpboot 0x84000000 openwrt.bin
ath> bootm 0x84000000
4. Copy the OpenWrt sysupgrade image to the device using scp and
install it like a normal upgrade (with no need to keeping config
since no config from "previous OpenWRT installation" could be kept
at all)
# sysupgrade -n /path/to/openwrt/sysupgrade.bin
Installation from Web Interface
To flash just do a firmware upgrade from the stock firmware (Buffalo
branded dd-wrt) with squashfs-factory.bin
Signed-off-by: Edward Chow <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Fixes the following error by backporting upstream update:
scripts/dtc/pylibfdt/libfdt_wrap.c: In function ‘_wrap_fdt_next_node’:
scripts/dtc/pylibfdt/libfdt_wrap.c:5581:17: error: too few arguments to function ‘SWIG_Python_AppendOutput’
5581 | resultobj = SWIG_Python_AppendOutput(resultobj, val);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Signed-off-by: Tianling Shen <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
The boards where renamed, but BUILD_DEVICES was not adapted. This
variable points to the board name. Without this change the u-boot
binaries are not selected in the configuration.
Copy the u-boot binaries under the BUILD_DEVICES name as it is expected
by the image scripts.
Fixes: 33e23e8922ce ("build: d1: add SUPPORTED_DEVICES")
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
No need to pass the option no-warn-rwx-segments. Since v2.12, TF-A
automatically selects it if needed.
A patch is added to revert commit 03a581e2 ("feat(stm32mp1-fdts): remove
RTC clock configuration").
This commit removed RTC clock configuration, as it assumed that it was done
correctly by OPTEE.
But it is not the case. Without this patch the RTC is in a bad state,
consequently the wifi module cannot be initialized.
stm32_rtc 5c004000.rtc: rtc_ck is slow
stm32_rtc 5c004000.rtc: Can't enter in init mode. Prescaler config failed.
stm32_rtc: probe of 5c004000.rtc failed with error -110
sdio mmc1:0001:1: Direct firmware load for brcm/,stm32mp135f-dk.bin failed with error -2
brcmfmac: brcmf_sdio_htclk: HT Avail timeout (1000000): clkctl 0x50
Tested on STM32MP135F-DK.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Richard <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Since v2.12, TF-A automatically selects the no-warn-rwx-segments option if
So move this hack to the package Makefiles.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Richard <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Now the tool mkeficapsule is built by default if EFI_LOADER config is set
(which is the case by default for armv7).
This tool needs gnutls, which only exists in the packages feed.
As we don't need mkeficapsule, just disable it.
Tested on STM32MP135F-DK.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Richard <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>