CPU: Qualcomm IPQ4018
RAM: 256M
Flash: 16MB SPI-NOR (W25Q128)
WiFi: 2T2R (2GHz 802.11n ; 5 GHz 802.11ac)
ETH: 4x LAN ; 1x WAN (Gigabit)
CELL: Quectel RG501Q 3G/4G/5G
UART: Available on the goldfinger connector (Pinout silkscreened)
115200 8N1 3V3 - Only connect RX / TX / GND
1. Enable SSH in the Teltonika UI
(System --> Administration --> Access Control)
2. Check from which partition set the device is currently running from.
$ cat /proc/boot_info/rootfs/primaryboot
In case this output reads 0, install a Software update from Teltonika
first. After upgrade completion, check this file now reads 1 before
2. Transfer the OpenWrt factory image to the device using scp. Use the
same password (user root!) as used for the Web-UI.
$ scp -O openwrt-factory.bin root@
3. Connect to the device using ssh as the root user.
4. Install OpenWrt by writing the factory image to flash.
$ ubiformat /dev/mtd16 -y -f /tmp/openwrt-factory.bin
5. Instruct the bootloaer to boot from the first partition set.
$ echo 0 > /proc/boot_info/rootfs/primaryboot
$ cat /proc/boot_info/getbinary_bootconfig > /tmp/bootconfig.bin
$ cat /proc/boot_info/getbinary_bootconfig1 > /tmp/bootconfig1.bin
$ mtd write /tmp/bootconfig.bin /dev/mtd2
$ mtd write /tmp/bootconfig1.bin /dev/mtd3
6. Reboot the device.
$ reboot
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <mail@david-bauer.net>
(cherry picked from commit 844bb4bfad84cc6267f9b138d1f63b07ed3b77d0)