Xianjun Jiao 4559bdd119 Also put the demo photo at the beginning of
2023-09-12 14:42:22 +02:00

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Author: Xianjun jiao
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 UGent
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
One super power of the openwifi platform is "**Full Duplex**" which means that openwifi baseband can receive its own TX signal. Just like a radar! This brings a unique capability of "**joint radar and communication**" to openwifi. For instance, put two directional antennas to openwifi TX and RX, and the **CSI** (Channel State Information) of the self-TX signal will refect the change of the target object.
## Quick start
- Power on the SDR board.
- Connect a computer to the SDR board via Ethernet cable. The computer should have static IP Open a terminal on the computer, and then in the terminal:
ssh root@
(password: openwifi)
- On computer, build the latest driver and FPGA package after clone/update openwifi and openwifi-hw-img repository:
export XILINX_DIR=your_Xilinx_install_directory
(Example: export XILINX_DIR=/opt/Xilinx. The Xilinx directory should include sth like: Downloads, Vitis, etc.)
export OPENWIFI_HW_IMG_DIR=your_openwifi-hw-img_directory
(The directory where you get the open-sdr/openwifi-hw-img repo via git clone)
export BOARD_NAME=your_board_name
(Check the BOARD_NAME definitions in README)
cd openwifi/user_space
scp drv_and_fpga.tar.gz root@
scp ./side_ch_ctl_src/side_ch_ctl.c root@
scp ./inject_80211/* root@
- On SDR board (/root/openwifi directory):
cd /root/openwifi/
./ drv_and_fpga.tar.gz
./ sdr0 1
insmod ./drv_and_fpga/side_ch.ko
gcc -o side_ch_ctl side_ch_ctl.c
./side_ch_ctl wh1h4001
./side_ch_ctl wh7h4433225a
(Above two commands ensure receiving CSI only from XX:XX:44:33:22:5a, which will be set by our own packet injector later)
./sdrctl dev sdr0 set reg xpu 1 1
(Above unmute the baseband self-receiving to receive openwifi own TX signal/packet)
./side_ch_ctl g0
- Open another ssh session on SDR board:
cd /root/openwifi/inject_80211
./inject_80211 -m g -r 4 -t d -e 0 -b 5a -n 99999999 -s 20 -d 1000 sdr0
(Above command injects the 802.11a/g packet, for 802.11n packet please use:
./inject_80211 -m n -r 4 -t d -e 8 -b 5a -n 99999999 -s 20 -d 1000 sdr0)
- Now you should see the increasing numbers in the previous ssh terminal of the SDR board.
- On your computer (NOT ssh session!), run:
cd openwifi/user_space/side_ch_ctl_src
python3 8 waterfall
The python script needs "matplotlib.pyplot" and "numpy" packages installed. Now you should see figures showing run-time **CSI**, **CSI waterfall**, **Equalizer out** and **frequency offset**. The following photo shows the CSI change in the waterfall plot when I left my seat in front of two directional antennas (Tx/Rx antenna).
While running, all CSI data is also stored into a file **side_info.txt**. A matlab script **test_side_info_file_display.m** is offered to help you do CSI analysis offline. In this case, run **test_side_info_file_display** in Matlab.
Please learn the python and Matlab script for CSI data structure per packet according to your requirement.
Do read the [normal CSI app note]( to understand the basic implementation architecture.