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modules-$(CONFIG_COREBOOT) += coreboot
ifeq "$(CONFIG_COREBOOT)" "y"
CONFIG_COREBOOT_ROM ?= coreboot.rom
coreboot_version := 4.8.1
coreboot_hash := f0ddf4db0628c1fe1e8348c40084d9cbeb5771400c963fd419cda3995b69ad23
coreboot-blobs_hash := 18aa509ae3af005a05d7b1e0b0246dc640249c14fc828f5144b6fd20bb10e295
Add new board: Purism Librem Server L1UM (#858) * modules/coreboot: add option to use coreboot 4.11 Port patches from coreboot 4.8.1 to 4.11: * 0000-measure-boot -> 0001 * 0010-cross-compiler-support All other patches for coreboot 4.8.1 have either already been integrated, or are for platforms which do not need to be migrated to coreboot 4.11 (they will move to 4.12 or newer). Signed-off-by: Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier@puri.sm> * patches/coreboot-4.11: Add Broadwell-DE platform patch Add a patch for FSP Broadwell-DE to make use of Heads' measured boot. Signed-off-by: Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier@puri.sm> * patches/coreboot-4.11: Add patch to read serial # from CBFS Will be used by multiple Librem boards. Signed-off-by: Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier@puri.sm> * patches/coreboot-4.11: add board support for Librem Server L1UM Signed-off-by: Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier@puri.sm> * Librem Server L1UM: add new board Add board config, coreboot config, kernel config files. Add conditional purism-blobs dependency to coreboot-4.11 module. Signed-off-by: Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier@puri.sm> * flash.sh: add special handling for librem_l1um board Add support for persisting PCIe config via PCHSTRP9 in flash descriptor. This is needed to support multiple variants of the L1UM server which use the same firmware but differ in PCIe lane configuration via the PCH straps configuration in the flash descriptor. Signed-off-by: Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier@puri.sm> * patches/coreboot-4.11: Add 'Use PRIxPTR to print uintptr_t' patch Cherry-picked from upstream coreboot (post-4.11), fixes compilation issue. Signed-off-by: Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier@puri.sm> * CircleCI: add target to build board librem_l1um Signed-off-by: Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier@puri.sm>
2020-10-18 13:48:25 -05:00
else ifeq "$(CONFIG_COREBOOT_VERSION)" "4.11"
coreboot_version := 4.11
coreboot_hash := 97fd859b4c39a25534fe33c30eb86e54a233952e08a024c55858d11598a8ad87
coreboot-blobs_hash := aa7855c5bd385b3360dadc043ea6bc93f564e6e4840d9b3ee5b9e696bbd055db
coreboot_depends := $(if $(CONFIG_PURISM_BLOBS), purism-blobs)
else ifeq "$(CONFIG_COREBOOT_VERSION)" "4.13"
coreboot_version := 4.13
coreboot_hash := 4779da645a25ddebc78f1bd2bd0b740fb1e6479572648d4650042a2b9502856a
coreboot-blobs_hash := 060656b46a7859d038ddeec3f7e086e85f146a50b280c4babec23c1188264dc8
coreboot_depends := $(if $(CONFIG_PURISM_BLOBS), purism-blobs)
else ifeq "$(CONFIG_COREBOOT_VERSION)" "4.15"
coreboot_version := 4.15
coreboot_hash := 20e6aaa6dd0eaec7753441c799711d1b4630e3ca709536386f2242ac2c8a1ec5
coreboot-blobs_hash := c0e2d8006da226208ba274a44895d102cb2879cf139cc67bba5f62e67b871f6d
coreboot_depends := $(if $(CONFIG_PURISM_BLOBS), purism-blobs)
EXTRA_FLAGS := -fdebug-prefix-map=$(pwd)=heads -gno-record-gcc-switches -Wno-error=packed-not-aligned -Wno-error=address-of-packed-member
$(error "$(BOARD): does not specify coreboot version under CONFIG_COREBOOT_VERSION")
#coreboot_version := git
#coreboot_repo := https://github.com/osresearch/coreboot
coreboot_base_dir := coreboot-$(coreboot_version)
coreboot_dir := $(coreboot_base_dir)/$(BOARD)
coreboot_tar := coreboot-$(coreboot_version).tar.xz
coreboot_url := https://www.coreboot.org/releases/$(coreboot_tar)
# coreboot builds are specialized on a per-target basis.
# The builds are done in a per-target subdirectory
CONFIG_COREBOOT_CONFIG ?= config/coreboot-$(BOARD).config
# Ensure that touching the config file will force a rebuild
$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/.configured: $(CONFIG_COREBOOT_CONFIG)
EXTRA_FLAGS ?= -fdebug-prefix-map=$(pwd)=heads -gno-record-gcc-switches -Wno-error=packed-not-aligned
coreboot_configure := \
2018-08-13 10:26:08 -04:00
mkdir -p "$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)" \
&& $(call install_config,$(pwd)/$(CONFIG_COREBOOT_CONFIG),$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/.config) \
&& echo 'CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="Heads-$(HEADS_GIT_VERSION)"' >> $(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/.config \
&& echo 'CONFIG_MAINBOARD_SMBIOS_PRODUCT_NAME="$(BOARD)"' >> $(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/.config \
2018-08-13 10:26:08 -04:00
&& $(MAKE) olddefconfig \
-C "$(build)/$(coreboot_base_dir)" \
obj="$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)" \
DOTCONFIG="$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/.config" \
CFLAGS_x86_32="$(EXTRA_FLAGS)" \
CFLAGS_x86_64="$(EXTRA_FLAGS)" \
# coreboot is built with the 32-bit compiler; ideally we could use the same
# x86_64-linux-musl -m32 to build it, but this causes some link errors that need
# to be tracked down.
# CROSS="$(CROSS)" \
coreboot_target := \
2018-08-13 10:26:08 -04:00
-C "$(build)/$(coreboot_base_dir)" \
obj="$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)" \
CROSS="$(dir $(CROSS))i386-linux-musl-" \
DOTCONFIG="$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/.config" \
CFLAGS_x86_32="$(EXTRA_FLAGS)" \
CFLAGS_x86_64="$(EXTRA_FLAGS)" \
2017-03-21 14:29:07 -04:00
coreboot_output := $(CONFIG_COREBOOT_ROM)
coreboot_output += $(CONFIG_COREBOOT_BOOTBLOCK)
coreboot_depend += linux initrd $(musl_dep)
$(COREBOOT_TOOLCHAIN): $(build)/$(coreboot_base_dir)/.canary
$(MAKE) -C "$(build)/$(coreboot_base_dir)" CPUS=$(CPUS) crossgcc-i386
$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/.configured: $(COREBOOT_TOOLCHAIN)
# Force a rebuild if the inputs have changed
$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/.build: \
$(build)/$(BOARD)/bzImage \
$(build)/$(BOARD)/initrd.cpio.xz \
# This produces a ROM image that is written with the flashrom program
$(build)/$(BOARD)/$(CB_OUTPUT_FILE): $(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/.build
# Use coreboot.rom, because custom output files might not be processed by cbfstool
"$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/cbfstool" "$(dir $<)coreboot.rom" print
$(call do-copy,$(dir $<)$(CONFIG_COREBOOT_ROM),$@)
@touch $@ # update the time stamp
$(build)/$(BOARD)/$(CB_BOOTBLOCK_FILE): $(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/.build
$(call do-copy,$(dir $<)$(CONFIG_COREBOOT_BOOTBLOCK),$@)
@touch $@ # update the time stamp
2018-02-13 13:20:04 -05:00
# Helpful target for reconfiguring the coreboot target
$(MAKE) \
-C "$(build)/$(coreboot_base_dir)" \
2018-08-13 10:26:08 -04:00
DOTCONFIG="$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/.config" \
2018-02-13 13:20:04 -05:00
2018-08-13 10:26:08 -04:00
# The config file in the repo is stored as a "defconfig" format
# which only includes the options that have changed from the defaults.
$(MAKE) \
-C "$(build)/$(coreboot_base_dir)" \
DOTCONFIG="$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/.config" \
# if we are not building from a git checkout,
# we must also download the coreboot-blobs tree
ifneq "$(coreboot_version)" "git"
coreboot_depends += coreboot-blobs
modules-y += coreboot-blobs
coreboot-blobs_version := $(coreboot_version)
coreboot-blobs_tar := coreboot-blobs-$(coreboot-blobs_version).tar.xz
coreboot-blobs_url := https://www.coreboot.org/releases/$(coreboot-blobs_tar)
coreboot-blobs_tar_opt := --strip 3
coreboot-blobs_dir := coreboot-$(coreboot-blobs_version)/3rdparty/blobs
coreboot-blobs_tar_opt := --strip 2
coreboot-blobs_dir := coreboot-$(coreboot-blobs_version)/3rdparty
## there is nothing to build for the blobs, this should be
## made easier to make happen
coreboot-blobs_output := .built
coreboot-blobs_configure := echo -e 'all:\n\ttouch .built' > Makefile