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# system_test.py - implements a group of tests that run appraisals on a client and server.
# TODO: test_02-test_12 will need to be implemented when the additional HIRS
# projects are imported to the new GitHub repo. The test code is commented out for now.
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
2020-01-06 11:54:28 -05:00
import os
import sys
2020-01-06 11:54:28 -05:00
import unittest
import urllib3
from system_test_core import DEFAULT_IMA_POLICY, DEFAULT_TPM_POLICY, \
HIRSPortal, AttestationCAPortal, collectors, \
send_command, send_command_sha1sum, run_hirs_report, run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_1_2, \
run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_2_0, parse_xml_with_stripped_namespaces, \
get_all_nodes_recursively, touch_random_file_and_remove, get_random_pcr_hex_value, \
get_current_timestamp, is_ubuntu_client, is_tpm_2_0, is_tpm_1_2, \
make_simple_ima_baseline, make_baseline_from_xml, \
make_simple_ima_blacklist_baseline, \
make_simple_ima_blacklist_baseline_with_hash, \
make_simple_ima_blacklist_baseline_with_file_and_hash, \
suffix = os.environ.get('RANDOM_SYS_TEST_ID')
if suffix != None:
print("Configuring with suffix: %s" % suffix)
suffix = "-" + suffix
suffix = ""
COLLECTOR_LIST = os.environ.get('ENABLED_COLLECTORS').split(',')
CLIENT = os.environ.get('CLIENT_HOSTNAME')
CLIENT_OS = os.environ.get('CLIENT_OS')
TPM_VERSION = os.environ.get('TPM_VERSION')
HIRS_SERVER_URL = "https://TBD/HIRS_Portal/"
os.environ.get('HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_IP') +":" + \
os.environ.get('HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_PORT') + \
TEST_LOG_FILE = os.environ.get('TEST_LOG')
LOG_LEVEL = os.environ.get('LOG_LEVEL')
CA_CERT_LOCATION = "/HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ca.crt"
EK_CA_CERT_LOCATION = "/HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ek_cert.der"
PBaseCertA_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/PBaseCertA.der"
PBaseCertB_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/PBaseCertB.der"
SIDeltaCertA1_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/SIDeltaCertA1.der"
SIDeltaCertA2_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/SIDeltaCertA2.der"
SIDeltaCertA2_resolved_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/SIDeltaCertA2_resolved.der"
SIDeltaCertA3_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/SIDeltaCertA3.der"
VARDeltaCertA1_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/VARDeltaCertA1.der"
VARDeltaCertA2_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/VARDeltaCertA2.der"
VARDeltaCertA2_resolved_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/VARDeltaCertA2_resolved.der"
SIDeltaCertB1_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/SIDeltaCertB1.der"
VARDeltaCertB1_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/VARDeltaCertB1.der"
USB_STORAGE_FILE_HASH = "e164c378ceb45a62642730be5eb3169a6bfc2d6d"
USB_STORAGE_FILE_HASH_2 = "e164c378ceb45a62642730be5eb3169a6bfc1234"
FORMAT = "%(asctime)-15s %(message)s"
provisioner_out = None
logging.basicConfig(filename=TEST_LOG_FILE,level=eval(LOG_LEVEL), format=FORMAT)
logging.info("***************** Beginning of system_test.py *****************")
logging.info("The ACA Portal is: " + HIRS_ATTESTATION_CA_PORTAL_URL)
class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(self):
"""Set the class up"""
def setUp(self):
"""Set the systems tests state up for testing"""
def tearDown(self):
"""Tears down the state for testing"""
def test_01_attestation_ca_portal_online(self):
"""Test that the Attestation CA Portal is online and accessible by making a GET request.
If not online, an exception will be raised since the response code is non-200"""
logging.info("***************** Beginning of attestation ca portal online test *****************")
@collectors(['IMA', 'TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
def test_02_empty_baselines(self):
"""Test that appraisal succeeds with empty IMA and TPM baselines"""
logging.info("***************** Beginning of empty baseline test *****************")
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=DEFAULT_IMA_POLICY, tpm_policy=DEFAULT_TPM_POLICY)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result)
# self.assertEqual(0, Portal.get_alert_count_from_latest_report())
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
def test_03_small_ima_appraisal(self):
"""Test that appraisal works with a small hard-coded IMA baseline
- upload a small hard-coded required set (two records)
- make a policy that points to that baseline as its required set
- set the default device group to point to that policy
- run a report from the client machine using vagrant ssh
logging.info("***************** Beginning of small IMA appraisal test *****************")
# baseline = make_simple_ima_baseline()
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(required_set=baseline, policy_name_prefix='small_ima')
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result)
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
def test_04_large_ima_appraisal(self):
"""Test that appraisal works with a full-size IMA baseline
- generate an XML report or use a cached one
- convert the IMA part of the report into a csv baseline
- upload the csv file as an IMA baseline
- make a policy that points to that baseline as its required set
- set the default device group to point to that policy
- run a report from the client machine using vagrant ssh
logging.info("***************** Beginning of large IMA appraisal test *****************")
# empty_ima_policy = Portal.add_ima_policy(required_set=None, policy_name_prefix="empty")
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=empty_ima_policy,
# tpm_policy=DEFAULT_TPM_POLICY)
# run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# xml_report = Portal.get_latest_report()
# baseline = make_baseline_from_xml(xml_report, "IMA")
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(required_set=baseline, unknown_fail="true", policy_name_prefix="large_ima")
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# after_alerts = Portal.get_alerts_from_latest_report()
# new_alert_count = after_alerts['recordsTotal']
# logging.info("{0} new alerts generated by latest report".format(new_alert_count))
# if new_alert_count > 0:
# logging.warning("new alert count: " + str(new_alert_count))
# #logging.debug("new alerts:\n{0}".format(pprint.pformat(after_alerts['data'][0:new_alert_count])))
# self.assertTrue(True)
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
def test_05_small_ima_appraisal_required_set_missing(self):
"""Test that appraisal results in an appropriate alert generation when a required set file is missing
- upload a small hard-coded required set (two records)
- add a fictitious file to the baseline
- make a policy that points to that baseline as its required set
- set the default device group to point to that policy
- run a report from the client machine using vagrant ssh
- make sure it failed and that one appropriate alert was thrown
logging.info("***************** Beginning of small IMA appraisal test with required set missing *****************")
# baseline = make_simple_ima_baseline()
# baseline["name"] = "ima_baseline_missing_required_record_{0}".format(get_current_timestamp())
# random_hash = str(hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest())
# missing_file = "/required_directory/required_file"
# baseline["records"].append({"path": missing_file, "hash": random_hash})
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(required_set=baseline, policy_name_prefix="small_ima_req")
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertFalse(result)
# after_alerts = Portal.get_alerts_from_latest_report()
# new_alert_count = after_alerts['recordsTotal']
# self.assertEqual(new_alert_count, 1)
# # find the alert with the most recent createTime
# latest_alert = max(after_alerts['data'], key=lambda alert: alert['createTime'])
# self.assertTrue("MISSING_RECORD" in latest_alert['type'])
# self.assertTrue(random_hash in latest_alert['expected'])
# self.assertTrue(missing_file in latest_alert['expected'])
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
def test_06_tpm_white_list_appraisal(self):
"""Test that appraisal works with a TPM white list baseline
- run hirs report to generate an XML report for baseline creation
- download the latest report in XML format
- convert the TPM part of the report into a json baseline
- make a policy that points to that json TPM white list baseline
- set the default device group to point to that policy
- run a report from the client machine
logging.info("***************** Beginning of TPM white list appraisal test *****************")
# empty_ima_policy = Portal.add_ima_policy(required_set=None)
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=empty_ima_policy,
# tpm_policy=DEFAULT_TPM_POLICY)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result)
# xml_report = Portal.get_latest_report()
# baseline = make_baseline_from_xml(xml_report, "TPM")
# policy_name = Portal.add_tpm_wl_policy(baseline, policy_name_prefix="good")
# Portal.set_default_policies(tpm_policy=policy_name)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result)
# self.assertEqual(0, Portal.get_alert_count_from_latest_report())
# # create a new baseline with random PCR values
# baseline_bad_tpm_pcr = make_baseline_from_xml(xml_report, "TPM")
# for pcr_index in range(0, NUMBER_OF_PCRS):
# baseline_bad_tpm_pcr["records"][pcr_index]["hash"] = get_random_pcr_hex_value()
# policy_name = Portal.add_tpm_wl_policy(baseline_bad_tpm_pcr, policy_name_prefix='bad_vals')
# Portal.set_default_policies(tpm_policy=policy_name)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertFalse(result)
# self.assertEqual(NUMBER_OF_PCRS, Portal.get_alert_count_from_latest_report())
# after_alerts = Portal.get_alerts()
# # for the set of new alerts, verify the alert fields for each PCR value
# # the order of the alerts it not necessarily PCR 0, 1, 2... , so we must index
# # in to the hash table correctly
# for alert_index in range(0, NUMBER_OF_PCRS):
# pcr_alert = after_alerts["data"][alert_index]
# alert_details = pcr_alert["details"]
# pcr_int = int(re.findall(r'\d+', alert_details)[0])
# logging.info("Checking TPM alert for PCR %s", pcr_int)
# self.assertTrue("WHITE_LIST_PCR_MISMATCH" in pcr_alert['type'])
# self.assertTrue("TPM_APPRAISER" in pcr_alert['source'])
# baseline_hash = baseline_bad_tpm_pcr["records"][pcr_int]["hash"]
# reported_hash = baseline["records"][pcr_int]["hash"]
# self.assertTrue(baseline_hash in pcr_alert['expected'])
# self.assertTrue(reported_hash in pcr_alert['received'])
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_07_ima_blacklist_appraisal(self):
"""Test that appraisal works with a small IMA blacklist baseline
- upload a policy with a small hard-coded blacklist baseline
- set the default device group to point to that policy
- run a report from the client machine and ensure the appraisal passes
- touch a file on the client that is contained in the blacklist
- run another report from the client machine and ensure the appraisal fails
logging.info("***************** Beginning of blacklist IMA appraisal test *****************")
# baseline = make_simple_ima_blacklist_baseline()
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(blacklist=baseline, policy_name_prefix='small_ima_blacklist')
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result)
# send_command('touch /boot/usb-storage-foo.ko')
# #send_command('sudo cat /tmp/usb-storage-foo.ko')
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertFalse(result)
# after_alerts = Portal.get_alerts_from_latest_report()
# new_alert_count = after_alerts['recordsTotal']
# self.assertEqual(new_alert_count, 1)
# # find the alert with the most recent createTime
# latest_alert = after_alerts['data'][0]
# self.assertTrue("IMA_BLACKLIST_PATH_MATCH" in latest_alert['type'])
# self.assertTrue("usb-storage-foo.ko" in latest_alert['expected'])
# #
# # create ima blacklist baseline that contains a hash and generate alert upon detection
# #
# # create file and add content to file
# send_command('touch /tmp/usb-storage_2.ko')
# send_command('echo blacklist >> /tmp/usb-storage_2.ko')
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(blacklist=None,
# policy_name_prefix='empty')
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# # send report to verify successful appraisal
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result)
# # create blacklist baseline with hash and update policy
# baseline = make_simple_ima_blacklist_baseline_with_hash();
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(blacklist=baseline,
# policy_name_prefix='small_ima_blacklist_with_hash')
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# # trigger measurement of file and run hirs report
# send_command('sudo cat /tmp/usb-storage_2.ko')
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertFalse(result)
# after_alerts = Portal.get_alerts_from_latest_report()
# new_alert_count = after_alerts['recordsTotal']
# self.assertEqual(new_alert_count, 1)
# # find the alert with the most recent createTime
# latest_alert = after_alerts['data'][0]
# self.assertTrue("IMA_BLACKLIST_HASH_MATCH" in latest_alert['type'])
# self.assertTrue(USB_STORAGE_FILE_HASH in latest_alert['expected'])
# #
# # create ima blacklist baseline that contains a file and hash and generate alert upon detection
# #
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(blacklist=None,
# policy_name_prefix='empty')
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# # send report to verify successful appraisal
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result)
# # create blacklist baseline with file and hash and update policy
# baseline = make_simple_ima_blacklist_baseline_with_file_and_hash();
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(blacklist=baseline,
# policy_name_prefix='small_ima_blacklist_with_file_and_hash')
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertFalse(result)
# after_alerts = Portal.get_alerts_from_latest_report()
# new_alert_count = after_alerts['recordsTotal']
# self.assertEqual(new_alert_count, 1)
# # find the alert with the most recent createTime
# latest_alert = after_alerts['data'][0]
# self.assertTrue("IMA_BLACKLIST_PATH_AND_HASH_MATCH" in latest_alert['type'])
# self.assertTrue("usb-storage_2.ko" in latest_alert['expected'])
# self.assertTrue(USB_STORAGE_FILE_HASH in latest_alert['expected'])
# #
# # change ima blacklist baseline file and hash and verify alert is not generated
# #
# # create blacklist baseline with file and hash and update policy
# baseline = make_simple_ima_blacklist_baseline_with_updated_file_and_hash();
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(blacklist=baseline,
# policy_name_prefix='small_ima_blacklist_with_updated_file_and_hash')
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result)
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_08_delta_reports_required_set(self):
"""Test that appraisal works with delta reports and required sets.
- Run hirs report with an empty required set and delta reports
- Check first report for success and to make sure the test files
are not there
- Add the two test files (foo-file and foo-bar-file) to the required
set with a hashes that indicates the files are empty
- create foo-file and read it as root so it is measured by IMA
- Run second hirs report
- Check for failed appraisal (foo-bar-file hasn't been created yet)
- Check that the report includes foo-file, but not foo-bar-file
- Create foo-bar-file and read it as root
- Run third hirs report
- Check for failed appraisal (foo-file was in the previous report,
so it won't be included in this one.
- Check that foo-bar-file is in this report, but not foo-file
logging.info("***************** Beginning of Delta Reports required set appraisal test *****************")
# unique_name = uuid.uuid4().hex
# baseline_name = 'delta-reports-required-baseline-' + unique_name
# foo_file_name = 'foo-file-' + unique_name
# foo_bar_file_name = 'foo-bar-file-' + unique_name
# test_hash = 'a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3'
# baseline = {"name": baseline_name,
# "description": "a simple hard-coded ima baseline "
# "for delta reports systems testing",
# "records": []}
# ima_policy = Portal.add_ima_policy(required_set=baseline, delta_reports_enabled="true", policy_name_prefix="delta_with_required_set")
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=ima_policy)
# run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# report = Portal.get_latest_report()
# found_foo_file = foo_file_name in report
# found_foo_bar_file = foo_bar_file_name in report
# self.assertFalse(found_foo_file)
# self.assertFalse(found_foo_bar_file)
# Portal.add_to_ima_baseline(baseline_name, foo_file_name, test_hash)
# Portal.add_to_ima_baseline(baseline_name, foo_bar_file_name, test_hash)
# #create foo_file_name. Don't create foo_bar_file_name yet.
# #send_vagrant_command('echo {0} > {1}'.format("test", foo_file_name), CLIENT)
# #send_vagrant_command('sudo cat {0}'.format(foo_file_name), CLIENT)
# send_command('echo {0} > {1}'.format("test", foo_file_name))
# send_command('sudo cat {0}'.format(foo_file_name))
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertFalse(result, msg="report should fail - " + foo_bar_file_name + " not present")
# report = Portal.get_latest_report()
# found_foo_file = foo_file_name in report
# found_foo_bar_file = foo_bar_file_name in report
# self.assertTrue(found_foo_file)
# self.assertFalse(found_foo_bar_file)
# send_vagrant_command('echo {0} > {1}'.format("test", foo_bar_file_name), CLIENT)
# send_vagrant_command('sudo cat {0}'.format(foo_bar_file_name), CLIENT)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertFalse(result, msg="delta reporting should fail becuase foo_file was in an earlier report")
# report = Portal.get_latest_report()
# found_foo_file = foo_file_name in report
# found_foo_bar_file = foo_bar_file_name in report
# self.assertFalse(found_foo_file)
# self.assertTrue(found_foo_bar_file)
# send_vagrant_command('rm {0}'.format(foo_file_name), CLIENT)
# send_vagrant_command('rm {0}'.format(foo_bar_file_name), CLIENT)
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_09_delta_reports_whitelist(self):
"""Test that appraisal works with delta reports. Each report should be
appraised individually. Checks that a failed appraisal can be followed
by a successful appraisal if there are no errors in the second delta
- Run hirs report with an empty required set and delta reports
- Check first report for success and to make sure the test files
are not there
- Add a test file (foo-file) to the whitelist with a hash that
indicates the file is empty
- Create foo-file with contents and read it as root so it is
measured by IMA
- Run second hirs report
- Check for failed appraisal (foo-file should be a whitelist
mismatch because the file isn't empty)
- Check that the report includes foo-file
- Run third hirs report
- Check for successful appraisal (the mismatch was in the previous
report so it won't be included in this one.
- Check that foo-file is not in this report
logging.info("***************** Beginning of Delta Reports whitelist appraisal test *****************")
# unique_name = uuid.uuid4().hex
# baseline_name = 'delta-reports-whitelist-baseline-' + unique_name
# foo_file_name = 'foo-file-' + unique_name
# foo_bar_file_name = 'foo-bar-file-' + unique_name
# test_hash = 'a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3'
# baseline = {"name": baseline_name,
# "description": "a simple hard-coded ima baseline "
# "for delta reports systems testing",
# "records": []}
# ima_policy = Portal.add_ima_policy(whitelist=baseline, delta_reports_enabled="true", policy_name_prefix="delta_with_whitelist")
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=ima_policy)
# run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# report = Portal.get_latest_report()
# found_foo_file = foo_file_name in report
# self.assertFalse(found_foo_file)
# Portal.add_to_ima_baseline(baseline_name, foo_file_name, test_hash)
# #create foo_file_name. Don't create foo_bar_file_name yet.
# send_vagrant_command('echo \'foo-file\' > {0}'.format(foo_file_name), CLIENT)
# send_vagrant_command('sudo cat {0}'.format(foo_file_name), CLIENT)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertFalse(result, msg="report should fail - whitelist mismatch for " + foo_bar_file_name)
# report = Portal.get_latest_report()
# found_foo_file = foo_file_name in report
# self.assertTrue(found_foo_file)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result, msg="delta reporting should pass because the mismatched record should be found in a previous report")
# report = Portal.get_latest_report()
# found_foo_file = foo_file_name in report
# self.assertFalse(found_foo_file)
# send_vagrant_command('rm {0}'.format(foo_file_name), CLIENT)
@collectors(['IMA', 'TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_10_on_demand(self):
"""Test that on-demand (server-initiated) appraisal works.
- push a simple ima baseline
- set the policy
- touch a random file, take the hash, then remove it
- kick off an on-demand report on the server for the default device group
- sleep to let the appraisal finish
- pull the generated report
- check that it passed appraisal
- check that it has the random filename and hash
- check that it contains a TPM Report
logging.info("***************** Beginning of on-demand test *****************")
# baseline = make_simple_ima_baseline()
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(required_set=baseline, delta_reports_enabled="false", policy_name_prefix='on_demand')
# logging.info('on demand policy name: %s', policy_name)
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name, tpm_policy=DEFAULT_TPM_POLICY)
# first_report_summary = Portal.get_latest_report_summary()
# (filename, sha_hash) = touch_random_file_and_remove(CLIENT)
# partial_filename = filename.split('/')[-1]
# logging.info("touched file {} with hash {}".format(filename, sha_hash))
# Portal.start_on_demand()
# logging.info("started on-demand appraisal")
# latest_report_summary = None
# attempts = 0
# while latest_report_summary == None or latest_report_summary['report']['id'] == first_report_summary['report']['id']:
# attempts += 1
# time.sleep(20)
# latest_report_summary = Portal.get_latest_report_summary()
# if attempts == 6:
# self.fail("No new report summary was found after 120 seconds; failing.")
# self.assertEqual(latest_report_summary["hirsAppraisalResult"]["appraisalStatus"], 'PASS')
# self.assertTrue(Portal.report_contains_ima_record(
# partial_filename, sha_hash, latest_report_summary['report']['id']))
# sub_reports = latest_report_summary['report']['reports']
# self.assertTrue(any(sr for sr in sub_reports if 'TPMReport' in sr['reportType']),
# "report summary should contain a TPMReport as a sub-report")
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skip("SELinux issues are preventing repo sync from working")
def test_11_failing_ima_appraisal_broad_repo_baseline(self):
"""Test that an appraisal not containing expected packages in a broad repo IMA baseline fails.
- Create a Yum repository with a local file URL and sync it
- Create a broad baseline using the Yum repository
- Add the baseline to the required set for the default IMA policy
- Run a HIRS report and ensure it fails
- Ensure that at least one of the expected alerts has been generated
logging.info("***************** Beginning of broad repo failing appraisal test *****************")
# repo_name = "Test Yum Repository"
# baseline_name = "Test Broad Baseline"
# policy_name = "Test Broad Repo IMA Policy"
# repo_url = 'file:///flamethrower/Systems_Tests/resources/repositories/small_yum_repo'
# Portal.configure_yum_repository(repo_name, repo_url)
# Portal.create_broad_ima_baseline(baseline_name, repo_name)
# Portal.create_policy(policy_name, "IMA")
# Portal.add_baseline_to_required_sets(policy_name, baseline_name)
# Portal.set_tpm_ima_policy(ima_policy=policy_name, tpm_policy=DEFAULT_TPM_POLICY)
# self.assertFalse(run_hirs_report(CLIENT))
# alerts = Portal.get_alerts_from_latest_report()
# self.assertTrue(alerts_contain(alerts['data'], {
# 'source': 'IMA_APPRAISER',
# 'type': 'MISSING_RECORD',
# 'expected': '(/usr/lib64/glusterfs/3.7.6/xlator/features/quota.so, SHA-1 - 0xc9b5e8df6b50f2f58ea55fd41a962393d9eeec94)',
# }))
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skip("SELinux issues are preventing repo sync from working")
@unittest.skipIf(is_ubuntu_client(CLIENT_OS), "Skipping this test due to client OS " + CLIENT_OS)
def test_12_successful_ima_appraisal_broad_repo_baseline(self):
"""Test that an appraisal containing expected packages in a broad repo IMA baseline passes.
This test only works on CentOS 6 and 7.
- Create a Yum repository with a local file URL and sync it
- Create a broad baseline using the Yum repository
- Add the baseline to the required set for the default IMA policy
- Install RPMs in repository to client machine and read them with root to ensure their placement in the IMA log
- Run a HIRS report and ensure it passes
- Ensure that there are no new alerts
logging.info("***************** Beginning of broad repo successful appraisal test *****************")
# repo_name = "Test Yum Repository"
# baseline_name = "Test Broad Baseline"
# policy_name = "Test Broad Repo IMA Policy"
# repo_url = 'file:///flamethrower/Systems_Tests/resources/repositories/two_package_yum_repo'
# Portal.configure_yum_repository(repo_name, repo_url)
# Portal.create_broad_ima_baseline(baseline_name, repo_name)
# Portal.create_policy(policy_name, "IMA")
# Portal.add_baseline_to_required_sets(policy_name, baseline_name)
# Portal.set_partial_paths_for_ima_policy(policy_name, True)
# Portal.set_tpm_ima_policy(ima_policy=policy_name, tpm_policy=DEFAULT_TPM_POLICY)
# if CLIENT_OS in ["centos6", "centos7"]:
# send_vagrant_command("sudo rpm -i --force /flamethrower/Systems_Tests/resources/repositories/two_package_yum_repo/SimpleTest1-1-1.noarch.rpm", CLIENT)
# send_vagrant_command("sudo rpm -i --force /flamethrower/Systems_Tests/resources/repositories/two_package_yum_repo/SimpleTest2-1-1.noarch.rpm", CLIENT)
# else:
# logging.error("unsupported client os: %s", CLIENT_OS)
# send_vagrant_command("sudo find /opt/simpletest -type f -exec head {} \;", CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(run_hirs_report(CLIENT))
# self.assertEqual(Portal.get_alert_count_from_latest_report(), 0)
2020-01-06 11:54:28 -05:00
@collectors(['TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_1_2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_13_tpm_1_2_initial_provision(self):
"""Test that running the TPM 1.2 hirs provisioner works"""
logging.info("***************** Beginning of initial TPM 1.2 provisioner run *****************")
# Run the provisioner to ensure that it provisions successfully
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_1_2(CLIENT)
print("Initial TPM 1.2 provisioner run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
@collectors(['TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_14_tpm_2_0_initial_provision(self):
"""Test that running the TPM 2.0 hirs provisioner works"""
logging.info("***************** Beginning of initial TPM 2.0 provisioner run *****************")
# Run the provisioner to ensure that it provisions successfully
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_2_0(CLIENT)
print("Initial TPM 2.0 provisioner run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
@collectors(['TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_15_device_info_report_stored_after_provisioning(self):
"""Test that running the hirs provisioner results in storing a device info report for
the device in the DB"""
logging.info("***************** Beginning of device info report test *****************")
logging.info("Getting devices from ACA portal...")
aca_portal_devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(aca_portal_devices['recordsTotal'], 1)
@collectors(['TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_16_supply_chain_validation_summary_stored_after_second_provisioning(self):
"""Test that running the hirs provisioner, a second time, results in storing a supply chain validation
record in the database"""
logging.info("***************** Beginning of supply chain validation summary test *****************")
logging.info("Uploading CA cert: " + CA_CERT_LOCATION)
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_2_0(CLIENT)
print("Second provisioner run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
supply_chain_validation_summaries = AcaPortal.get_supply_chain_validation_summaries()
# verify this is one SCVS record indicating PASS
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['recordsTotal'], 2)
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][0]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][1]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
# verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@collectors(['TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_17_ek_info_report(self):
"""Test that running the hirs provisioner results in storing EK certs info report for
the device in the DB"""
logging.info("***************** Beginning of Endorsement Certs info report test *****************")
logging.info("Getting EK Certs from ACA portal...")
cert_list = AcaPortal.get_ek_certs()
self.assertEqual(cert_list['recordsTotal'], 1)
self.assertEqual(cert_list['data'][0]['credentialType'], "TCPA Trusted Platform Module Endorsement")
@collectors(['TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_18_pk_info_report(self):
"""Test that running the hirs provisioner results in storing PK certs info report for
the device in the DB"""
logging.info("***************** Beginning Platform Certs info report test *****************")
logging.info("Getting PK Certs from ACA portal...")
cert_list = AcaPortal.get_pk_certs()
self.assertEqual(cert_list['recordsTotal'], 1)
self.assertEqual(cert_list['data'][0]['credentialType'], "TCG Trusted Platform Endorsement")
@collectors(['TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_trust_chain_info_report(self):
"""Test that running the hirs provisioner results in storing trust chains info report for
the device in the DB"""
logging.info("***************** Beginning of Trust Chain info report test *****************")
logging.info("Getting Trust Chains from ACA portal...")
trust_chain_list = AcaPortal.get_trust_chains()
self.assertEqual(trust_chain_list['recordsTotal'], 1)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_20_A1_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A1 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert (via Platform Cert on TPM Emulator)"""
logging.info("***************** test_20_A1 - Beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert (via Platform Cert on TPM Emulator)")
logging.info("Check if ACA is online...")
logging.info("Uploading CA Cert: " + CA_CERT_LOCATION)
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_2_0(CLIENT)
print("test_20_A1_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is PASS
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_20_A2_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A2 - Attempt to upload Base cert with holder already having a Base Platform Cert associated with it"""
logging.info("***************** test_20_A2 - Beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Attempt to upload PBaseCertB, with PBaseCertA already loaded in the ACA.")
print("test_20_A2_base_delta. PBaseCertA has already been loaded. Attempting to upload second Platform Cert: %s" % (PBaseCertB_LOCATION))
# Confirm there is one Platform Base Cert already loaded
cert_list = AcaPortal.get_pk_certs()
self.assertEqual(cert_list['recordsTotal'], 1)
print("Number of Platform Certs: %d" % (cert_list['recordsTotal']))
self.assertEqual(cert_list['data'][0]['credentialType'], "TCG Trusted Platform Endorsement")
self.assertEqual(cert_list['data'][0]['platformType'], "Base")
# Try uploading a second Platform Base Cert
print("Attempting to upload a second Platform Base Cert...")
# Confirm Platform Base Cert has not been loaded
cert_list = AcaPortal.get_pk_certs()
self.assertEqual(cert_list['recordsTotal'], 1)
print("Number of Platform Certs: %d" % (cert_list['recordsTotal']))
self.assertEqual(cert_list['data'][0]['credentialType'], "TCG Trusted Platform Endorsement")
self.assertEqual(cert_list['data'][0]['platformType'], "Base")
if (cert_list['recordsTotal'] == 1):
print ("SUCCESS.\n")
print ("FAILED.\n")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_20_A3_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A3 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 1 Delta Cert"""
logging.info("***************** test_20_A3 - Beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 1 Delta Cert")
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is PASS
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
# Upload the SIDeltaCertA1 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_2_0(CLIENT)
print("test_20_A3_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
supply_chain_validation_summaries = AcaPortal.get_supply_chain_validation_summaries()
# Verify this is one SCVS record indicating PASS
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['recordsTotal'], 2)
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][0]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][1]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
# Verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_20_A4_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A4 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 2 Delta Certs"""
logging.info("***************** test_20_A4 - Beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 2 Delta Certs")
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is PASS
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
# Upload the VARDeltaCertA1 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_2_0(CLIENT)
print("test_20_A4_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
supply_chain_validation_summaries = AcaPortal.get_supply_chain_validation_summaries()
# Verify this is one SCVS record indicating PASS
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['recordsTotal'], 3)
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][0]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][1]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][2]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
# Verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_20_A5_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A5 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert and 1 Bad Delta Cert"""
logging.info("***************** test_20_A5 - Beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert and 1 Bad Delta Cert")
# TODO: Determine if we need this test
# # Verify device supply chain appraisal result is PASS
# devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
# self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
# # Upload the VARDelta cert and provision
# AcaPortal.upload_pk_cert(SIDeltaCertA2_LOCATION)
# AcaPortal.enable_supply_chain_validations()
# provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_2_0(CLIENT)
# print("test_19_A4_base_delta SHOULD FAIL provisioning!!")
# print("test_19_A4_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# # Provisioning should fail since the Delta contains a bad component.
# self.assertIn("Provisioning failed", format(provisioner_out))
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_20_A6_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A6 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert"""
logging.info("***************** test_20_A6 - Beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert")
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is PASS
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
# Upload the SIDeltaCertA2 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_2_0(CLIENT)
print("test_20_A6_base_delta SHOULD FAIL provisioning using: %s" % (SIDeltaCertA2_LOCATION))
print("test_20_A6_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Provisioning should fail since the Delta contains a bad component.
self.assertIn("Provisioning failed", format(provisioner_out))
# Upload the SIDeltaCertA2_resolved and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_2_0(CLIENT)
print("test_20_A6_base_delta SHOULD PASS provisioning using: %s" % (SIDeltaCertA2_resolved_LOCATION))
print("test_20_A6_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
2021-03-08 08:25:39 -05:00
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'])
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_20_A7_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A7 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and
1 Bad Delta Cert with non present component"""
logging.info("***************** test_20_A7 - Beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert with non present component")
# Upload the VARDeltaCertA2 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_2_0(CLIENT)
print("test_20_A7_base_delta SHOULD FAIL provisioning using: %s" % (VARDeltaCertA2_LOCATION))
print("test_20_A7_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Provisioning should fail since the Delta contains a component thats not in the Base
self.assertIn("Provisioning failed", format(provisioner_out))
# Upload the VARDeltaCertA2_resolved and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_2_0(CLIENT)
print("test_20_A7_base_delta SHOULD PASS provisioning using: %s" % (VARDeltaCertA2_resolved_LOCATION))
print("test_20_A7_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
2021-03-08 08:25:39 -05:00
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'])
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_20_A8_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A8 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs with 1 Delta cert
replacing component from previous, using the Delta as a base certificate"""
logging.info("***************** test_20_A8 - Beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs with 1 Delta cert replacing component from previous, using the Delta as a base certificate")
# Upload the SIDeltaCertA3 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_2_0(CLIENT)
print("test_20_A8_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
2021-03-08 08:25:39 -05:00
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'])
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_20_B1_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates B1 - Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base """
logging.info("***************** test_20_B1 - Beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base")
logging.info("Check if ACA is online...")
logging.info("Uploading CA cert: " + CA_CERT_LOCATION)
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_2_0(CLIENT)
print("test_20_B1_base_delta SHOULD FAIL provisioning using: %s" % (PBaseCertB_LOCATION))
print("test_20_B1_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Provisioning should fail since the PC contains FAULTY components.
self.assertIn("Provisioning failed", format(provisioner_out))
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_20_B2_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates B2 - Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base and 1 Good delta with 1 bad component unresolved"""
logging.info("***************** test_20_B2 - Beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base and 1 Good delta with 1 bad component unresolved")
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is FAIL
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "FAIL")
# Upload the SIDeltaCertB1 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_2_0(CLIENT)
print("test_20_B2_base_delta SHOULD FAIL provisioning using: %s" % (SIDeltaCertB1_LOCATION))
print("test_20_B2_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Provisioning should fail since the delta contains FAULTY component.
self.assertIn("Provisioning failed", format(provisioner_out))
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm_2_0(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_20_B3_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates B3 - Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base and 2 Good delta with all component resolved"""
logging.info("***************** test_20_B3 - Beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base and 2 Good delta with all component resolved")
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is FAIL
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "FAIL")
# Upload the VARDeltaCertB1 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm_2_0(CLIENT)
print("test_20_B3_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal of PASS
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
if __name__ == '__main__':
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SystemTest)
ret = not unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite).wasSuccessful()