mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 02:39:56 +00:00
Create initial system test for Base/Delta Platform Certificates (#170)
* Add creation of bad base platform certificate. * Adding Base Certificate system test. * Adding Base Certificate system test. * Adding Base Certificate system test. * Adding Base Certificate system test. * Updated script to add faulty components to bad base certificate. * Updated addFaultyComponents script. * Add Base/Delta system tests to .travis.yml * Disable unit tests to decrease CI time. * Cleaned up code. * Cleaned up code. * Delete system_test_Driver.py
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# Run YAML Lint to verify this file prior to check-in.
version: "3.1"
image: hirs/hirs-ci:aca
container_name: hirs-aca
- ../../:/HIRS
entrypoint: /bin/bash -c
command: [HIRS/.ci/setup/setup-aca.sh]
hostname: ${HIRS_ACA_HOSTNAME}
ipv4_address: ${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_IP}
image: hirs/hirs-ci:tpm2provisioner
container_name: hirs-aca-provisioner-tpm2
- aca
- ../../:/HIRS
entrypoint: /bin/bash -c
command: [HIRS/.ci/setup/setup-tpm2provisioner-base-delta.sh;
- "/dev/mem:/dev/mem"
- sys_rawio
driver: bridge
driver: default
- subnet: ${HIRS_SUBNET}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Add faulty components to the PACCOR generated JSON componentsFile.
# This will be used to create a bad platform certificate.
# Will not need this once PACCOR supports generation of faulty components.
import json
print("Adding Faulty components...")
nicComponent = '00090002'
pc_dir = '/var/hirs/pc_generation/'
with open(pc_dir + "componentsFile", "r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
components = data['COMPONENTS']
for component in components:
if component['COMPONENTCLASS']['COMPONENTCLASSVALUE'] == nicComponent:
print("Creating FAULTY component for: " + component['MODEL'])
component['MODEL'] += "-FAULTY"
print("New JSON value: " + component['MODEL'])
with open(pc_dir + "badComponentsFile", 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data, outfile)
except Exception:
print("=== ERROR generating badComponentsFile ===")
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
# Script to setup the TPM2 Provisioner Docker Image for Integration Tests
set -e
# Wait for ACA to boot
echo "Waiting for ACA to spin up..."
until [ "`curl --silent --connect-timeout 1 -I -k https://${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_IP}:${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_PORT}/HIRS_AttestationCAPortal | grep '302 Found'`" != "" ]; do
echo "ACA is up!"
# Function to install TPM2 Provisioner packages.
function InstallProvisioner {
echo "===========Installing TPM2 Provisioner Packages...==========="
pushd /HIRS
if [ ! -d package/rpm/RPMS ]; then
yum install -y package/rpm/RPMS/x86_64/HIRS_Provisioner_TPM_2_0*.el7.x86_64.rpm
# Function to initialize the TPM2 Emulator with a bad base certificate
function InitTpm2Emulator {
echo "===========Initializing TPM2 Emulator with bad base certificate...==========="
mkdir -p /var/run/dbus
if [ -e /var/run/dbus/pid ]; then
rm /var/run/dbus/pid
if [ -e /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket ]; then
rm /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
# Start the DBus
dbus-daemon --fork --system
echo "DBus started"
# Give DBus time to start up
sleep 5
/ibmtpm/src/./tpm_server &
echo "TPM Emulator started"
tpm2-abrmd -t socket &
echo "TPM2-Abrmd started"
# Give ABRMD time to start and register on the DBus
sleep 5
# EK and PC Certificate
echo "Creating Bad Base Platform Cert..."
mkdir -p $PC_DIR
/opt/paccor/scripts/allcomponents.sh > $PC_DIR/componentsFile
echo "PACCOR generated components file:"
cat $PC_DIR/componentsFile
#Add bad components and create badComponentsFile used below
python /HIRS/.ci/setup/addFaultyComponents.py
/opt/paccor/scripts/referenceoptions.sh > $PC_DIR/optionsFile
/opt/paccor/scripts/otherextensions.sh > $PC_DIR/extensionsFile
/opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/badComponentsFile -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $ek_cert_der -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180101 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k /HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ca.key -P /HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ca.crt -f $PC_DIR/$platform_cert
echo "Generated bad components file:"
cat $PC_DIR/badComponentsFile
if tpm2_nvlist | grep -q 0x1c00002; then
echo "Released NVRAM for EK."
tpm2_nvrelease -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001
# Define nvram space to enable loading of EK cert (-x NV Index, -a handle to
# authorize [0x40000001 = ownerAuth handle], -s size [defaults to 2048], -t
# specifies attribute value in publicInfo struct
# [0x2000A = ownerread|ownerwrite|policywrite])
size=$(cat $ek_cert_der | wc -c)
echo "Define NVRAM location for EK cert of size $size."
tpm2_nvdefine -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001 -t 0x2000A -s $size
# Load key into TPM nvram
echo "Loading EK cert $ek_cert_der into NVRAM."
tpm2_nvwrite -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001 $ek_cert_der
if tpm2_nvlist | grep -q 0x1c90000; then
echo "Released NVRAM for PC."
tpm2_nvrelease -x 0x1c90000 -a 0x40000001
# Store the platform certificate in the TPM's NVRAM
size=$(cat $PC_DIR/$platform_cert | wc -c)
echo "Define NVRAM location for PC cert of size $size."
tpm2_nvdefine -x 0x1c90000 -a 0x40000001 -t 0x2000A -s $size
echo "Loading PC cert $PC_DIR/$platform_cert into NVRAM."
tpm2_nvwrite -x 0x1c90000 -a 0x40000001 $PC_DIR/$platform_cert
echo "===========TPM2 Emulator Initialization Complete!==========="
# Set Logging to INFO Level
sed -i "s/WARN/INFO/" /etc/hirs/TPM2_Provisioner/log4cplus_config.ini
# Function to update the hirs-site.config file
function UpdateHirsSiteConfigFile {
echo ""
echo "===========Updating ${HIRS_SITE_CONFIG}, using values from /HIRS/.ci/docker/.env file...==========="
cat /HIRS/.ci/docker/.env
#* HIRS site configuration properties file
# Site-specific configuration
echo "===========New HIRS Config File==========="
cat /etc/hirs/hirs-site.config
# Install packages
# Install TPM2 Emulator
# Update the hirs-site.config file
echo ""
echo "TPM2 Emulator NV RAM list"
echo ""
echo "===========HIRS ACA TPM2 Provisioner Setup Complete!==========="
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ function InitTpm2Emulator {
tpm2_nvdefine -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001 -t 0x2000A -s $size
# Load key into TPM nvram
echo "Loading EK cert into NVRAM."
echo "Loading EK cert $ek_cert_der into NVRAM."
tpm2_nvwrite -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001 $ek_cert_der
if tpm2_nvlist | grep -q 0x1c90000; then
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ function InitTpm2Emulator {
echo "Define NVRAM location for PC cert of size $size."
tpm2_nvdefine -x 0x1c90000 -a 0x40000001 -t 0x2000A -s $size
echo "Loading PC cert into NVRAM."
echo "Loading PC cert $PC_DIR/$platform_cert into NVRAM."
tpm2_nvwrite -x 0x1c90000 -a 0x40000001 $PC_DIR/$platform_cert
echo "===========TPM2 Emulator Initialization Complete!==========="
@ -139,5 +139,9 @@ InitTpm2Emulator
# Update the hirs-site.config file
echo ""
echo "TPM2 Emulator NV RAM list"
echo ""
echo "===========HIRS ACA TPM2 Provisioner Setup Complete!==========="
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Script to run the System Tests for HIRS TPM 2.0 Provisioner
set -e
echo ""
echo "System Tests Starting..."
echo ""
# Start System Testing Docker Environment
cd .ci/docker
docker-compose -f docker-compose-tpm2-base-delta.yml up -d
tpm2_container_id="$(docker ps -aqf "name=hirs-aca-provisioner-tpm2")"
echo "TPM2 Container ID: $tpm2_container_id"
tpm2_container_status="$(docker inspect $tpm2_container_id --format='{{.State.Status}}')"
echo "TPM2 Container Status: $tpm2_container_status"
while [[ $tpm2_container_status == "running" ]]
sleep 20
# Add status message, so Travis will not time out.
# It may timeout if it hasn't received output for more than 10 minutes.
echo "Still running tests, please wait..."
tpm2_container_status="$(docker inspect $tpm2_container_id --format='{{.State.Status}}')"
# Store container exit code
tpm2_container_exit_code="$(docker inspect $tpm2_container_id --format='{{.State.ExitCode}}')"
echo "TPM2 Container Exit Code: $tpm2_container_exit_code"
# Display container log
echo ""
echo "===========hirs-aca-provisioner-tpm2 System Tests Log:==========="
docker logs $tpm2_container_id
echo ""
echo "End of TPM 2.0 System Tests, cleaning up..."
echo ""
# Clean up services and network
docker-compose down
# Clean up dangling containers
echo "Cleaning up dangling containers..."
echo ""
docker ps -a
echo ""
docker container prune --force
echo ""
# Return container exit code
if [[ $tpm2_container_exit_code == 0 ]]
echo "SUCCESS: TPM 2.0 System tests passed"
exit 0
echo "ERROR: System tests failed"
exit 1
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# system_test.py - implements a group of tests that run appraisals on a client and server
# TODO: test_01-test_11 will need to be implemented when the additional HIRS
# TODO: test_01-test_11 will need to be implemented when the additional HIRS
# projects are imported to the new GitHub repo. The test code is commented out for now.
import binascii
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ from system_test_core import HIRSPortal, AttestationCAPortal, collectors, \
get_all_nodes_recursively, touch_random_file_and_remove, get_random_pcr_hex_value, \
is_ubuntu_client, is_tpm2,\
suffix = os.environ.get('RANDOM_SYS_TEST_ID')
@ -49,8 +49,10 @@ HIRS_ATTESTATION_CA_PORTAL_URL = "https://" + \
TEST_LOG_FILE = os.environ.get('TEST_LOG')
LOG_LEVEL = os.environ.get('LOG_LEVEL')
CA_CERT_LOCATION = "/HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ca.crt"
EK_CA_CERT_LOCATION = "/HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ek_cert.der"
BAD_BASE_PC_CERT_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/badPlatformCertificate.der"
USB_STORAGE_FILE_HASH = "e164c378ceb45a62642730be5eb3169a6bfc2d6d"
USB_STORAGE_FILE_HASH_2 = "e164c378ceb45a62642730be5eb3169a6bfc1234"
FORMAT = "%(asctime)-15s %(message)s"
@ -73,7 +75,6 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
"""Set the systems tests state up for testing"""
# Portal.set_group_appraisal_wait_setting()
def tearDown(self):
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result)
# self.assertEqual(0, Portal.get_alert_count_from_latest_report())
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
def test_02_small_ima_appraisal(self):
"""Test that appraisal works with a small hard-coded IMA baseline
@ -103,8 +104,8 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(required_set=baseline, policy_name_prefix='small_ima')
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result)
# self.assertTrue(result)
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
def test_03_large_ima_appraisal(self):
"""Test that appraisal works with a full-size IMA baseline
@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# logging.warning("new alert count: " + str(new_alert_count))
# #logging.debug("new alerts:\n{0}".format(pprint.pformat(after_alerts['data'][0:new_alert_count])))
# self.assertTrue(True)
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
def test_04_small_ima_appraisal_required_set_missing(self):
"""Test that appraisal results in an appropriate alert generation when a required set file is missing
@ -155,19 +156,19 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# baseline["records"].append({"path": missing_file, "hash": random_hash})
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(required_set=baseline, policy_name_prefix="small_ima_req")
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertFalse(result)
# after_alerts = Portal.get_alerts_from_latest_report()
# new_alert_count = after_alerts['recordsTotal']
# self.assertEqual(new_alert_count, 1)
# # find the alert with the most recent createTime
# latest_alert = max(after_alerts['data'], key=lambda alert: alert['createTime'])
# self.assertTrue("MISSING_RECORD" in latest_alert['type'])
# self.assertTrue(random_hash in latest_alert['expected'])
# self.assertTrue(missing_file in latest_alert['expected'])
@collectors(['TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
def test_05_tpm_white_list_appraisal(self):
"""Test that appraisal works with a TPM white list baseline
@ -193,20 +194,20 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result)
# self.assertEqual(0, Portal.get_alert_count_from_latest_report())
# # create a new baseline with random PCR values
# baseline_bad_tpm_pcr = make_baseline_from_xml(xml_report, "TPM")
# for pcr_index in range(0, NUMBER_OF_PCRS):
# baseline_bad_tpm_pcr["records"][pcr_index]["hash"] = get_random_pcr_hex_value()
# policy_name = Portal.add_tpm_wl_policy(baseline_bad_tpm_pcr, policy_name_prefix='bad_vals')
# Portal.set_default_policies(tpm_policy=policy_name)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertFalse(result)
# self.assertEqual(NUMBER_OF_PCRS, Portal.get_alert_count_from_latest_report())
# after_alerts = Portal.get_alerts()
# # for the set of new alerts, verify the alert fields for each PCR value
# # the order of the alerts it not necessarily PCR 0, 1, 2... , so we must index
# # in to the hash table correctly
@ -214,17 +215,17 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# pcr_alert = after_alerts["data"][alert_index]
# alert_details = pcr_alert["details"]
# pcr_int = int(re.findall(r'\d+', alert_details)[0])
# logging.info("Checking TPM alert for PCR %s", pcr_int)
# self.assertTrue("WHITE_LIST_PCR_MISMATCH" in pcr_alert['type'])
# self.assertTrue("TPM_APPRAISER" in pcr_alert['source'])
# baseline_hash = baseline_bad_tpm_pcr["records"][pcr_int]["hash"]
# reported_hash = baseline["records"][pcr_int]["hash"]
# self.assertTrue(baseline_hash in pcr_alert['expected'])
# self.assertTrue(reported_hash in pcr_alert['received'])
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_06_ima_blacklist_appraisal(self):
@ -241,102 +242,102 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# baseline = make_simple_ima_blacklist_baseline()
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(blacklist=baseline, policy_name_prefix='small_ima_blacklist')
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result)
# send_command('touch /boot/usb-storage-foo.ko')
# #send_command('sudo cat /tmp/usb-storage-foo.ko')
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertFalse(result)
# after_alerts = Portal.get_alerts_from_latest_report()
# new_alert_count = after_alerts['recordsTotal']
# self.assertEqual(new_alert_count, 1)
# # find the alert with the most recent createTime
# latest_alert = after_alerts['data'][0]
# self.assertTrue("IMA_BLACKLIST_PATH_MATCH" in latest_alert['type'])
# self.assertTrue("usb-storage-foo.ko" in latest_alert['expected'])
# #
# # create ima blacklist baseline that contains a hash and generate alert upon detection
# #
# # create file and add content to file
# send_command('touch /tmp/usb-storage_2.ko')
# send_command('echo blacklist >> /tmp/usb-storage_2.ko')
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(blacklist=None,
# policy_name_prefix='empty')
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# # send report to verify successful appraisal
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result)
# # create blacklist baseline with hash and update policy
# baseline = make_simple_ima_blacklist_baseline_with_hash();
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(blacklist=baseline,
# policy_name_prefix='small_ima_blacklist_with_hash')
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# # trigger measurement of file and run hirs report
# send_command('sudo cat /tmp/usb-storage_2.ko')
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertFalse(result)
# after_alerts = Portal.get_alerts_from_latest_report()
# new_alert_count = after_alerts['recordsTotal']
# self.assertEqual(new_alert_count, 1)
# # find the alert with the most recent createTime
# latest_alert = after_alerts['data'][0]
# self.assertTrue("IMA_BLACKLIST_HASH_MATCH" in latest_alert['type'])
# self.assertTrue(USB_STORAGE_FILE_HASH in latest_alert['expected'])
# #
# # create ima blacklist baseline that contains a file and hash and generate alert upon detection
# #
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(blacklist=None,
# policy_name_prefix='empty')
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# # send report to verify successful appraisal
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result)
# # create blacklist baseline with file and hash and update policy
# baseline = make_simple_ima_blacklist_baseline_with_file_and_hash();
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(blacklist=baseline,
# policy_name_prefix='small_ima_blacklist_with_file_and_hash')
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertFalse(result)
# after_alerts = Portal.get_alerts_from_latest_report()
# new_alert_count = after_alerts['recordsTotal']
# self.assertEqual(new_alert_count, 1)
# # find the alert with the most recent createTime
# latest_alert = after_alerts['data'][0]
# self.assertTrue("IMA_BLACKLIST_PATH_AND_HASH_MATCH" in latest_alert['type'])
# self.assertTrue("usb-storage_2.ko" in latest_alert['expected'])
# self.assertTrue(USB_STORAGE_FILE_HASH in latest_alert['expected'])
# #
# # change ima blacklist baseline file and hash and verify alert is not generated
# #
# # create blacklist baseline with file and hash and update policy
# baseline = make_simple_ima_blacklist_baseline_with_updated_file_and_hash();
# policy_name = Portal.add_ima_policy(blacklist=baseline,
# policy_name_prefix='small_ima_blacklist_with_updated_file_and_hash')
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result)
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_07_delta_reports_required_set(self):
@ -366,12 +367,12 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# foo_file_name = 'foo-file-' + unique_name
# foo_bar_file_name = 'foo-bar-file-' + unique_name
# test_hash = 'a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3'
# baseline = {"name": baseline_name,
# "description": "a simple hard-coded ima baseline "
# "for delta reports systems testing",
# "records": []}
# ima_policy = Portal.add_ima_policy(required_set=baseline, delta_reports_enabled="true", policy_name_prefix="delta_with_required_set")
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=ima_policy)
# run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
@ -380,16 +381,16 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# found_foo_bar_file = foo_bar_file_name in report
# self.assertFalse(found_foo_file)
# self.assertFalse(found_foo_bar_file)
# Portal.add_to_ima_baseline(baseline_name, foo_file_name, test_hash)
# Portal.add_to_ima_baseline(baseline_name, foo_bar_file_name, test_hash)
# #create foo_file_name. Don't create foo_bar_file_name yet.
# #send_vagrant_command('echo {0} > {1}'.format("test", foo_file_name), CLIENT)
# #send_vagrant_command('sudo cat {0}'.format(foo_file_name), CLIENT)
# send_command('echo {0} > {1}'.format("test", foo_file_name))
# send_command('sudo cat {0}'.format(foo_file_name))
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertFalse(result, msg="report should fail - " + foo_bar_file_name + " not present")
# report = Portal.get_latest_report()
@ -397,7 +398,7 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# found_foo_bar_file = foo_bar_file_name in report
# self.assertTrue(found_foo_file)
# self.assertFalse(found_foo_bar_file)
# send_vagrant_command('echo {0} > {1}'.format("test", foo_bar_file_name), CLIENT)
# send_vagrant_command('sudo cat {0}'.format(foo_bar_file_name), CLIENT)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
@ -407,10 +408,10 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# found_foo_bar_file = foo_bar_file_name in report
# self.assertFalse(found_foo_file)
# self.assertTrue(found_foo_bar_file)
# send_vagrant_command('rm {0}'.format(foo_file_name), CLIENT)
# send_vagrant_command('rm {0}'.format(foo_bar_file_name), CLIENT)
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_08_delta_reports_whitelist(self):
@ -444,39 +445,39 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# foo_file_name = 'foo-file-' + unique_name
# foo_bar_file_name = 'foo-bar-file-' + unique_name
# test_hash = 'a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3'
# baseline = {"name": baseline_name,
# "description": "a simple hard-coded ima baseline "
# "for delta reports systems testing",
# "records": []}
# ima_policy = Portal.add_ima_policy(whitelist=baseline, delta_reports_enabled="true", policy_name_prefix="delta_with_whitelist")
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=ima_policy)
# run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# report = Portal.get_latest_report()
# found_foo_file = foo_file_name in report
# self.assertFalse(found_foo_file)
# Portal.add_to_ima_baseline(baseline_name, foo_file_name, test_hash)
# #create foo_file_name. Don't create foo_bar_file_name yet.
# send_vagrant_command('echo \'foo-file\' > {0}'.format(foo_file_name), CLIENT)
# send_vagrant_command('sudo cat {0}'.format(foo_file_name), CLIENT)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertFalse(result, msg="report should fail - whitelist mismatch for " + foo_bar_file_name)
# report = Portal.get_latest_report()
# found_foo_file = foo_file_name in report
# self.assertTrue(found_foo_file)
# result = run_hirs_report(CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(result, msg="delta reporting should pass because the mismatched record should be found in a previous report")
# report = Portal.get_latest_report()
# found_foo_file = foo_file_name in report
# self.assertFalse(found_foo_file)
# send_vagrant_command('rm {0}'.format(foo_file_name), CLIENT)
@collectors(['IMA', 'TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_09_on_demand(self):
@ -499,15 +500,15 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# logging.info('on demand policy name: %s', policy_name)
# Portal.set_default_policies(ima_policy=policy_name, tpm_policy=DEFAULT_TPM_POLICY)
# first_report_summary = Portal.get_latest_report_summary()
# (filename, sha_hash) = touch_random_file_and_remove(CLIENT)
# partial_filename = filename.split('/')[-1]
# logging.info("touched file {} with hash {}".format(filename, sha_hash))
# Portal.start_on_demand()
# logging.info("started on-demand appraisal")
# latest_report_summary = None
# attempts = 0
# while latest_report_summary == None or latest_report_summary['report']['id'] == first_report_summary['report']['id']:
# attempts += 1
@ -515,15 +516,15 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# latest_report_summary = Portal.get_latest_report_summary()
# if attempts == 6:
# self.fail("No new report summary was found after 120 seconds; failing.")
# self.assertEqual(latest_report_summary["hirsAppraisalResult"]["appraisalStatus"], 'PASS')
# self.assertTrue(Portal.report_contains_ima_record(
# partial_filename, sha_hash, latest_report_summary['report']['id']))
# sub_reports = latest_report_summary['report']['reports']
# self.assertTrue(any(sr for sr in sub_reports if 'TPMReport' in sr['reportType']),
# "report summary should contain a TPMReport as a sub-report")
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skip("SELinux issues are preventing repo sync from working")
def test_10_failing_ima_appraisal_broad_repo_baseline(self):
@ -541,13 +542,13 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# baseline_name = "Test Broad Baseline"
# policy_name = "Test Broad Repo IMA Policy"
# repo_url = 'file:///flamethrower/Systems_Tests/resources/repositories/small_yum_repo'
# Portal.configure_yum_repository(repo_name, repo_url)
# Portal.create_broad_ima_baseline(baseline_name, repo_name)
# Portal.create_policy(policy_name, "IMA")
# Portal.add_baseline_to_required_sets(policy_name, baseline_name)
# Portal.set_tpm_ima_policy(ima_policy=policy_name, tpm_policy=DEFAULT_TPM_POLICY)
# self.assertFalse(run_hirs_report(CLIENT))
# alerts = Portal.get_alerts_from_latest_report()
# self.assertTrue(alerts_contain(alerts['data'], {
@ -555,7 +556,7 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# 'type': 'MISSING_RECORD',
# 'expected': '(/usr/lib64/glusterfs/3.7.6/xlator/features/quota.so, SHA-1 - 0xc9b5e8df6b50f2f58ea55fd41a962393d9eeec94)',
# }))
@collectors(['IMA'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skip("SELinux issues are preventing repo sync from working")
@unittest.skipIf(is_ubuntu_client(CLIENT_OS), "Skipping this test due to client OS " + CLIENT_OS)
@ -576,31 +577,34 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# baseline_name = "Test Broad Baseline"
# policy_name = "Test Broad Repo IMA Policy"
# repo_url = 'file:///flamethrower/Systems_Tests/resources/repositories/two_package_yum_repo'
# Portal.configure_yum_repository(repo_name, repo_url)
# Portal.create_broad_ima_baseline(baseline_name, repo_name)
# Portal.create_policy(policy_name, "IMA")
# Portal.add_baseline_to_required_sets(policy_name, baseline_name)
# Portal.set_partial_paths_for_ima_policy(policy_name, True)
# Portal.set_tpm_ima_policy(ima_policy=policy_name, tpm_policy=DEFAULT_TPM_POLICY)
# if CLIENT_OS in ["centos6", "centos7"]:
# send_vagrant_command("sudo rpm -i --force /flamethrower/Systems_Tests/resources/repositories/two_package_yum_repo/SimpleTest1-1-1.noarch.rpm", CLIENT)
# send_vagrant_command("sudo rpm -i --force /flamethrower/Systems_Tests/resources/repositories/two_package_yum_repo/SimpleTest2-1-1.noarch.rpm", CLIENT)
# else:
# logging.error("unsupported client os: %s", CLIENT_OS)
# send_vagrant_command("sudo find /opt/simpletest -type f -exec head {} \;", CLIENT)
# self.assertTrue(run_hirs_report(CLIENT))
# self.assertEqual(Portal.get_alert_count_from_latest_report(), 0)
@collectors(['TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_12_attestation_ca_portal_online(self):
"""Test that the Attestation CA Portal is online and accessible by making a GET request.
If not online, an exception will be raised since the response code is non-200"""
logging.info("*****************beginning of attestation ca portal online test *****************")
@collectors(['TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_13_tpm2_initial_provision(self):
"""Test that running the tpm2 hirs provisioner works"""
@ -608,16 +612,19 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Run the provisioner to ensure that it provisions successfully
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("Initial provisioner run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
@collectors(['TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_14_device_info_report_stored_after_provisioning(self):
"""Test that running the hirs provisioner results in storing a device info report for
the device in the DB"""
logging.info("*****************beginning of provisioner + device info report test *****************")
logging.info("getting devices from ACA portal")
aca_portal_devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(aca_portal_devices['recordsTotal'], 1)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
self.assertEqual(aca_portal_devices['recordsTotal'], 1)
@collectors(['TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_15_supply_chain_validation_summary_stored_after_second_provisioning(self):
"""Test that running the hirs provisioner, a second time, results in storing a supply chain validation
record in the database"""
@ -634,7 +641,7 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner(CLIENT)
print("Second provisioner run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
supply_chain_validation_summaries = AcaPortal.get_supply_chain_validation_summaries()
# verify this is one SCVS record indicating PASS
@ -644,7 +651,8 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
# verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@collectors(['TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_16_ek_info_report(self):
"""Test that running the hirs provisioner results in storing EK certs info report for
@ -652,20 +660,22 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
logging.info("*****************beginning of provisioner + Endorsement certs info report test *****************")
logging.info("getting ek certs from ACA portal")
cert_list = AcaPortal.get_ek_certs()
self.assertEqual(cert_list['recordsTotal'], 1)
self.assertEqual(cert_list['recordsTotal'], 1)
self.assertEqual(cert_list['data'][0]['credentialType'], "TCPA Trusted Platform Module Endorsement")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
@collectors(['TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_17_pk_info_report(self):
"""Test that running the hirs provisioner results in storing PK certs info report for
the device in the DB"""
logging.info("*****************beginning of provisioner + Platform certs info report test *****************")
logging.info("getting pk certs from ACA portal")
cert_list = AcaPortal.get_pk_certs()
self.assertEqual(cert_list['recordsTotal'], 1)
self.assertEqual(cert_list['recordsTotal'], 1)
self.assertEqual(cert_list['data'][0]['credentialType'], "TCG Trusted Platform Endorsement")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
@collectors(['TPM'], COLLECTOR_LIST)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_18_trust_chain_info_report(self):
"""Test that running the hirs provisioner results in storing trust chains info report for
the device in the DB"""
@ -673,7 +683,99 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
logging.info("getting trust chains from ACA portal")
trust_chain_list = AcaPortal.get_trust_chains()
self.assertEqual(trust_chain_list['recordsTotal'], 1)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A1_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates A1 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base (via Platform Cert on TPM)"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A1 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base (via Platform Cert on TPM)")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A2_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates A2 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 1 Delta Cert"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A2 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 1 Delta Cert")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A3_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates A3 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 2 Delta Certs"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A3 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 2 Delta Certs")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A4_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates A4 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert and 1 Bad Delta Cert"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A4 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert and 1 Bad Delta Cert")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A5_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates A5 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A5 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A6_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates A6 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and
1 Bad Delta Cert with non present component"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A6 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert with non present component")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A7_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates A7 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs with 1 Delta cert
replacing component from previous, using the Delta as a base certificate"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A7 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs with 1 Delta cert replacing component from previous, using the Delta as a base certificate")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A8_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates A8 - Attempt to upload Base cert with holder already having a Base Platform Cert associated with it"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A8 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs with 1 Delta cert replacing component from previous, using the Delta as a base certificate")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_B1_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates B1 - Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base """
logging.info("*****************test_19_B1 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base")
logging.info("Check if ACA is online...")
if is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION):
logging.info("Using TPM 2.0")
logging.info("Uploading CA cert: " + CA_CERT_LOCATION)
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("Bad Base Certificate provisioner run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Provisioning should fail since the PC contains FAULTY components.
self.assertIn("Provisioning failed", format(provisioner_out))
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_B2_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates B2 - Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base and 1 Good delta with 1 bad component unresolved"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_B2 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base and 1 Good delta with 1 bad component unresolved")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_B3_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates B3 - Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base and 2 Good delta with all component resolved"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_B3 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base and 2 Good delta with all component resolved")
def make_simple_ima_baseline():
timestamp = get_current_timestamp()
@ -731,7 +833,7 @@ def make_baseline_from_xml(xml_report, appraiser_type):
logging.info("created {0} baseline from xml with {1} records".format(
appraiser_type, str(len(baseline["records"]))))
return baseline
def make_simple_ima_blacklist_baseline():
return {
"name": "simple_ima_blacklist_baseline_{0}".format(get_current_timestamp()),
@ -762,7 +864,7 @@ def make_simple_ima_blacklist_baseline_with_updated_file_and_hash():
"records": [{"path": "test-file",
if __name__ == '__main__':
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SystemTest)
ret = not unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite).wasSuccessful()
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ class AttestationCAPortal:
def get_devices(self):
"""Get devices from ACA portal."""
return self.request("get", "portal/devices/list").json()
def get_ek_certs(self):
"""Get EK certs from ACA portal."""
return self.request("get", "portal/certificate-request/endorsement-key-credentials/list").json()
@ -325,14 +325,14 @@ class AttestationCAPortal:
def get_pk_certs(self):
"""Get PK certs from ACA portal."""
return self.request("get", "portal/certificate-request/platform-credentials/list").json()
def get_trust_chains(self):
"""Get trust chains from ACA portal."""
return self.request("get", "portal/certificate-request/trust-chain/list").json()
def upload_ca_cert(self, ca_cert_file):
file = {'file': open(ca_cert_file, 'rb')}
self.request("post", "portal/certificate-request/trust-chain/upload", files=file, operation="upload CA cert")
self.request("post", "portal/certificate-request/trust-chain/upload", files=file, operation="upload CA cert")
def web_request(server_url, method, path, params={}, data={}, files={}, expected_status_codes=[200], operation=None, verify=False):
url = server_url + path
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
export CLIENT_OS=centos7
export CLIENT_HOSTNAME=hirs-client-$CLIENT_OS-tpm2
export SERVER_HOSTNAME=hirs-appraiser-$SERVER_OS
export TPM_VERSION=2.0
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export CLIENT_HOSTNAME=hirs-client-$CLIENT_OS-tpm2
export SERVER_HOSTNAME=hirs-appraiser-$SERVER_OS
export TPM_VERSION=2.0
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ cache:
install: true
- docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/HIRS hirs/hirs-ci:centos7 /bin/bash -c "cd /HIRS; ./gradlew :$SUBPROJECT:build"
- docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/HIRS hirs/hirs-ci:centos7 /bin/bash -c "cd /HIRS; ./gradlew :$SUBPROJECT:build -x test"
@ -40,11 +40,6 @@ jobs:
script: docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/HIRS hirs/hirs-ci:ubuntu18 /bin/bash -c "cd /HIRS; ./package/package.ubuntu.sh"
env: null
name: "Package Ubuntu"
# TODO: Explore reason behind Building/Packaging Failing on Amazon Linux
# - stage: Packaging and System Tests
# script: docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/HIRS hirs/hirs-ci:amazonlinux2 /bin/bash -c "cd /HIRS; ./package/package.centos.sh"
# env: null
# name: "Package Amazon Linux"
- stage: Packaging and System Tests
script: .ci/system-tests/./run-system-tests.sh
env: null
@ -53,3 +48,7 @@ jobs:
script: .ci/system-tests/./run-system-tests-tpm2.sh
env: null
name: "System Tests TPM2"
- stage: Packaging and System Tests
script: .ci/system-tests/./run-system-tests-tpm2-base-delta.sh
env: null
name: "System Tests TPM2 Base/Delta"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user