mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 18:56:29 +00:00
Updated system tests from changes in latest Master build. (#187)
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Add faulty components to the PACCOR generated JSON componentsFile.
# This will be used to create a bad platform certificate.
import json
import pprint
badComponent = '00030003'
pcDir = '/var/hirs/pc_generation/'
paccorComponentsFile = 'componentsFile'
pBaseJsonFileOut = 'PBaseCertB.componentlist.json'
# Open the paccor components file
with open(pcDir + paccorComponentsFile, "r") as f:
# Load the info from the componentsFile
data = json.load(f)
print("The %s info:" % (paccorComponentsFile))
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# Find the component to use as "FAULTY"
for component in data['COMPONENTS']:
if component['COMPONENTCLASS']['COMPONENTCLASSVALUE'] == badComponent:
print("Creating FAULTY component for: " + component['MODEL'])
component['MODEL'] += "-FAULTY"
print("New JSON value: " + component['MODEL'])
# Write the new JSON file to be used in creating the PBaseCertB certificate.
with open(pcDir + pBaseJsonFileOut, 'w') as outfile:
print("Writing %s%s ..." % (pcDir, pBaseJsonFileOut))
json.dump(data, outfile)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
except Exception as ex:
print("=== ERROR generating PBaseCertB JSON files: %s" % (ex.message))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
# Create JSON files needed to create the following certificates:
# PBaseCertA - Good Base
# SIDeltaCertA1 - Good Delta
# SIDeltaCertA2 - Bad Delta
# SIDeltaCertA2Resolved - Good Delta
# SIDeltaCertA3 - Good Delta
# VARDeltaCertA1 - Good Delta
# VARDeltaCertA2 - Bad Delta
# VARDeltaCertA2Resolved - Good Delta
import sys
import json
import copy
import pprint
minNumOfComponents = 3
maxComponentsToFind = 2
numComponentsFound = 0
delComponent1AtIndex = 0
delComponent2AtINdex = 0
badComponent = '00030003'
pcDir = '/var/hirs/pc_generation/'
paccorComponentsFile = 'componentsFile'
pBaseJsonFileOut = 'PBaseCertA.componentlist.json'
siDeltaA1JsonFileOut = 'SIDeltaCertA1.componentlist.json'
siDeltaA2JsonFileOut = 'SIDeltaCertA2.componentlist.json'
siDeltaA2ResolvedJsonFileOut = 'SIDeltaCertA2.resolved.componentlist.json'
siDeltaA3JsonFileOut = 'SIDeltaCertA3.componentlist.json'
varDeltaA1JsonFileOut = 'VARDeltaCertA1.componentlist.json'
varDeltaA2JsonFileOut = 'VARDeltaCertA2.componentlist.json'
varDeltaA2ResolvedJsonFileOut = 'VARDeltaCertA2.resolved.componentlist.json'
# Open the paccor components file
with open(pcDir + paccorComponentsFile, "r") as f:
# Load the info from the componentsFile
data = json.load(f)
print("The %s info:" % (paccorComponentsFile))
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# Initialize the base/delta structures
pBaseComponentDict = copy.deepcopy(data)
siDeltaA1ComponentDict = copy.deepcopy(data)
siDeltaA2ComponentDict = copy.deepcopy(data)
siDeltaA2ResolvedComponentDict = copy.deepcopy(data)
siDeltaA3ComponentDict = copy.deepcopy(data)
varDeltaA1ComponentDict = copy.deepcopy(data)
numOfComponents = len(data['COMPONENTS'])
print("Total number of components: %d." % numOfComponents)
# Need at least three components to run system tests
if numOfComponents < minNumOfComponents:
raise Exception("Need at least %d components to run system tests!" % minNumOfComponents)
print("Splitting into 1 base and multiple delta JSON files to generate the certs...")
# Setup good base...
# Delete the last two components for PBaseCertA certificate
#del pBaseComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][len(pBaseComponentDict['COMPONENTS'])-2:]
# Setup good base. Find the first two components that have a Serial included.
for i in range(len(pBaseComponentDict['COMPONENTS'])):
print("Current component[%d]:" % i)
if 'SERIAL' in pBaseComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][i]:
print("SERIAL found: %s" % pBaseComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][i]['SERIAL'])
numComponentsFound += 1
print("SERIAL not found.")
tmpComponent = copy.deepcopy(pBaseComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][i])
# Check if we found 2 components
if numComponentsFound == 1:
delComponent1AtIndex = i
# Use component for the SIDeltaA1
del siDeltaA1ComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][:]
siDeltaA1ComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][0]['STATUS'] = "ADDED"
elif numComponentsFound == 2:
delComponent2AtIndex = i
# Use component for the VARDeltaA1
del varDeltaA1ComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][:]
varDeltaA1ComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][0]['STATUS'] = "ADDED"
# Delete the two components from pBaseComponentDict
del pBaseComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][delComponent2AtIndex]
del pBaseComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][delComponent1AtIndex]
# Setup bad and good delta...
# Create SIDeltaA2 with one component, MODEL as "-FAULTY", STATUS as "MODIFIED"
# Create SIDeltaA2_resolved with one component, MODEL as "-FAULTY", STATUS as "REMOVED"
del siDeltaA2ComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][:]
del siDeltaA2ResolvedComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][:]
for component in data['COMPONENTS']:
if component['COMPONENTCLASS']['COMPONENTCLASSVALUE'] == badComponent:
siDeltaA2Component = copy.copy(component)
siDeltaA2Component['STATUS'] = "MODIFIED"
siDeltaA2Component['MODEL'] += "-FAULTY"
siDeltaA2ResolvedComponent = copy.copy(siDeltaA2Component)
siDeltaA2ResolvedComponent['STATUS'] = "REMOVED"
# Setup good delta...
# Create SIDeltaA3 with component "REMOVED" from SIDeltaA1
del siDeltaA3ComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][:]
siDeltaA3ComponentDict['COMPONENTS']= copy.deepcopy(siDeltaA1ComponentDict['COMPONENTS'])
siDeltaA3ComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][0]['STATUS'] = "REMOVED"
# Setup bad delta...
# Create VARDeltaA2 with a component that is not in the Base
varDeltaA2ComponentDict = copy.deepcopy(varDeltaA1ComponentDict)
varDeltaA2ComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][0]['MODEL'] = "This component is not in Base"
varDeltaA2ComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][0]['SERIAL'] = "1234567"
varDeltaA2ComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][0]['STATUS'] = "ADDED"
# Setup good delta...
# Create VARDeltaA2_resolved
varDeltaA2ResolvedComponentDict = copy.deepcopy(varDeltaA2ComponentDict)
varDeltaA2ResolvedComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][0]['STATUS'] = "REMOVED"
# Write the new JSON file to be used in creating the PBaseCertA certificate.
with open(pcDir + pBaseJsonFileOut, 'w') as outfile:
print("Writing %s%s ..." % (pcDir, pBaseJsonFileOut))
json.dump(pBaseComponentDict, outfile)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# Write the new JSON file to be used in creating the SIDeltaA1 certificate.
with open(pcDir + siDeltaA1JsonFileOut, 'w') as outfile:
print("Writing %s%s ..." % (pcDir, siDeltaA1JsonFileOut))
json.dump(siDeltaA1ComponentDict, outfile)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# Write the new JSON file to be used in creating the SIDeltaA2 certificate.
with open(pcDir + siDeltaA2JsonFileOut, 'w') as outfile:
print("Writing %s%s ..." % (pcDir, siDeltaA2JsonFileOut))
json.dump(siDeltaA2ComponentDict, outfile)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# Write the new JSON file to be used in creating the SIDeltaA2Resolved certificate.
with open(pcDir + siDeltaA2ResolvedJsonFileOut, 'w') as outfile:
print("Writing %s%s ..." % (pcDir, siDeltaA2ResolvedJsonFileOut))
json.dump(siDeltaA2ResolvedComponentDict, outfile)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# Write the new JSON file to be used in creating the SIDeltaA3 certificate.
with open(pcDir + siDeltaA3JsonFileOut, 'w') as outfile:
print("Writing %s%s ..." % (pcDir, siDeltaA3JsonFileOut))
json.dump(siDeltaA3ComponentDict, outfile)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# Write the new JSON file to be used in creating the VARDeltaA1 certificate.
with open(pcDir + varDeltaA1JsonFileOut, 'w') as outfile:
print("Writing %s%s ..." % (pcDir, varDeltaA1JsonFileOut))
json.dump(varDeltaA1ComponentDict, outfile)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# Write the new JSON file to be used in creating the VARDeltaA2 certificate.
with open(pcDir + varDeltaA2JsonFileOut, 'w') as outfile:
print("Writing %s%s ..." % (pcDir, varDeltaA2JsonFileOut))
json.dump(varDeltaA2ComponentDict, outfile)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# Write the new JSON file to be used in creating the VARDeltaA2Resolved certificate.
with open(pcDir + varDeltaA2ResolvedJsonFileOut, 'w') as outfile:
print("Writing %s%s ..." % (pcDir, varDeltaA2ResolvedJsonFileOut))
json.dump(varDeltaA2ResolvedComponentDict, outfile)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
except Exception as ex:
print("=== ERROR generating PBaseCertA JSON files: %s" % (ex.message))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# Create JSON files needed to create the following certificates:
# SIDeltaCertB1 - Bad Delta
# VARDeltaCertB1 - Good Delta
import sys
import json
import copy
import pprint
pcDir = '/var/hirs/pc_generation/'
pBaseJsonFileIn = 'PBaseCertB.componentlist.json'
siDeltaB1JsonFileOut = 'SIDeltaCertB1.componentlist.json'
varDeltaB1JsonFileOut = 'VARDeltaCertB1.componentlist.json'
# Open the PBaseCertB components file
with open(pcDir + pBaseJsonFileIn, "r") as f:
# Load the info from the componentsFile
data = json.load(f)
print("The %s info:" % (pBaseJsonFileIn))
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# Initialize the structures
siDeltaB1ComponentDict = copy.deepcopy(data)
varDeltaB1ComponentDict = copy.deepcopy(data)
# Remove all the components
del siDeltaB1ComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][:]
del varDeltaB1ComponentDict['COMPONENTS'][:]
# Find "FAULTY" component from original data; and create the delta JSON files
for component in data['COMPONENTS']:
if component['MODEL'].__contains__("-FAULTY"):
print("Found Faulty Component:")
# Make copy of component for SIDeltaCertB1
siDeltaB1Component = copy.copy(component)
# Change status to be "MODIFIED"
print("Updated status to be MODIFIED...")
siDeltaB1Component['STATUS'] = "MODIFIED"
# Add to component SIDeltaCertB1 list
print("Adding component to %s list..." % (siDeltaB1JsonFileOut))
# Make copy of component for VARDeltaCertB1
varDeltaB1Component_1 = copy.copy(component)
# Change status to be "REMOVED"
print("Updated status to be REMOVED...")
varDeltaB1Component_1['STATUS'] = "REMOVED"
# Add to component VARDeltaCertB1 list
print("Adding component to %s list..." % (varDeltaB1JsonFileOut))
# Make copy of component for VARDeltaCertB1
varDeltaB1Component_2 = copy.copy(component)
# Change status to be "ADDED"
print("Updated status to be ADDED...")
varDeltaB1Component_2['STATUS'] = "ADDED"
# Remove "-FAULTY" substring in the model
varDeltaB1Component_2['MODEL'] = varDeltaB1Component_2['MODEL'].replace('-FAULTY', '')
print("Removed -FAULTY from component...")
# Add to component VARDeltaCertB1 list
print("Adding component to %s list..." % (varDeltaB1JsonFileOut))
# Write the new JSON file to be used in creating the SIDeltaCertB1 certificate
with open(pcDir + siDeltaB1JsonFileOut, 'w') as outfile:
print("Writing %s%s ..." % (pcDir, siDeltaB1JsonFileOut))
json.dump(siDeltaB1ComponentDict, outfile)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# Write the new JSON file to be used in creating the VARDeltaCertB1 certificate
with open(pcDir + varDeltaB1JsonFileOut, 'w') as outfile:
print("Writing %s%s ..." % (pcDir, varDeltaB1JsonFileOut))
json.dump(varDeltaB1ComponentDict, outfile)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
except Exception as ex:
print("=== ERROR generating PBaseCertB JSON files: %s" % (ex.message))
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Script to setup the TPM2 Provisioner Docker Image for Integration Tests
# Script to setup the TPM 2.0 Provisioner Docker Image for System Tests Base/Delta(Bad)
set -e
# Wait for ACA to boot
@ -45,49 +45,66 @@ function InitTpm2Emulator {
/ibmtpm/src/./tpm_server &
echo "TPM Emulator started"
# Give tpm_server time to start and register on the DBus
sleep 5
tpm2-abrmd -t socket &
echo "TPM2-Abrmd started"
# Give ABRMD time to start and register on the DBus
sleep 5
# EK and PC Certificate
# Certificates
echo "Creating Bad Base Platform Cert $platform_cert..."
mkdir -p $PC_DIR
# PACCOR directory
mkdir -p $PC_DIR
echo "Running PACCOR to generate local components..."
/opt/paccor/scripts/allcomponents.sh > $PC_DIR/componentsFile
echo "PACCOR generated components file:"
cat $PC_DIR/componentsFile
# Add bad base components and create PBaseCertB.json used below
python /HIRS/.ci/setup/addFaultyComponents.py
# Add faulty component JSON files needed to generate the certificates
python /HIRS/.ci/setup/addFaultyComponentsForPBaseCertB.py
echo "Generated bad components file:"
cat $PC_DIR/PBaseCertB.json
# Generate certificates in the order they'll be used in the system tests.
# And stager the begin dates properly (the -b option for the /opt/paccor/bin/signer)
# Generate the bad base certificate
echo "Generating certificates..."
echo "Generating $platform_cert..."
/opt/paccor/scripts/referenceoptions.sh > $PC_DIR/optionsFile
/opt/paccor/scripts/otherextensions.sh > $PC_DIR/extensionsFile
/opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/PBaseCertB.json -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $ek_cert_der -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -c $PC_DIR/PBaseCertB.json -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180101 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k /HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ca.key -P /HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ca.crt -f $PC_DIR/$platform_cert
/opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/PBaseCertB.componentlist.json -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $ek_cert -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -c $PC_DIR/PBaseCertB.componentlist.json -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180101 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k $ca_key -P $ca_cert -f $PC_DIR/$platform_cert
echo "Done"
# Create good delta component and create SIDeltaCertB1.componentlist.json
python /HIRS/.ci/setup/createDeltaCertComponents.py
python /HIRS/.ci/setup/createDeltaComponentsForPBaseCertB.py
echo "Generated good delta components file:"
cat $PC_DIR/SIDeltaCertB1.componentlist.json
# Generate the good delta certificate
# Generate the SIDeltaCertB1certificate
echo "Generating $si_delta_cert_B1..."
rm -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/SIDeltaCertB1.componentlist.json -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $PC_DIR/$platform_cert -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -c $PC_DIR/SIDeltaCertB1.componentlist.json -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180101 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k /HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ca.key -P /HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ca.crt -e $PC_DIR/$platform_cert -f $PC_DIR/$delta_cert
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -c $PC_DIR/SIDeltaCertB1.componentlist.json -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180201 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k $ca_key -P $ca_cert -e $PC_DIR/$platform_cert -f $PC_DIR/$si_delta_cert_B1
echo "Done"
# Clear nvram for EK
# Generate the VARDeltaCertB1 certificate
echo "Generating $var_delta_cert_B1..."
rm -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/VARDeltaCertB1.componentlist.json -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $PC_DIR/$platform_cert -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -c $PC_DIR/VARDeltaCertB1.componentlist.json -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180301 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k $ca_key -P $ca_cert -e $PC_DIR/$platform_cert -f $PC_DIR/$var_delta_cert_B1
echo "Done"
# Release EK nvram
if tpm2_nvlist | grep -q 0x1c00002; then
echo "Released NVRAM for EK."
tpm2_nvrelease -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001
@ -97,15 +114,15 @@ function InitTpm2Emulator {
# authorize [0x40000001 = ownerAuth handle], -s size [defaults to 2048], -t
# specifies attribute value in publicInfo struct
# [0x2000A = ownerread|ownerwrite|policywrite])
size=$(cat $ek_cert_der | wc -c)
size=$(cat $ek_cert | wc -c)
echo "Define NVRAM location for EK cert of size $size."
tpm2_nvdefine -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001 -t 0x2000A -s $size
# Load key into TPM nvram
echo "Loading EK cert $ek_cert_der into NVRAM."
tpm2_nvwrite -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001 $ek_cert_der
echo "Loading EK cert $ek_cert into NVRAM."
tpm2_nvwrite -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001 $ek_cert
# Clear nvram for PC
# Release PC nvram
if tpm2_nvlist | grep -q 0x1c90000; then
echo "Released NVRAM for PC."
tpm2_nvrelease -x 0x1c90000 -a 0x40000001
@ -170,4 +187,3 @@ tpm2_nvlist
echo ""
echo "===========HIRS ACA TPM2 Provisioner Setup Complete!==========="
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Script to setup the TPM2 Provisioner Docker Image for Integration Tests
# Script to setup the TPM 2.0 Provisioner Docker Image for System Tests Base/Delta(Good)
set -e
# Wait for ACA to boot
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ function InstallProvisioner {
# Function to initialize the TPM2 Emulator with a bad base certificate
# Function to initialize the TPM2 Emulator with a good base certificate
function InitTpm2Emulator {
echo "===========Initializing TPM2 Emulator with good base certificate...==========="
@ -45,35 +45,105 @@ function InitTpm2Emulator {
/ibmtpm/src/./tpm_server &
echo "TPM Emulator started"
# Give tpm_server time to start and register on the DBus
sleep 5
tpm2-abrmd -t socket &
echo "TPM2-Abrmd started"
# Give ABRMD time to start and register on the DBus
sleep 5
# EK and PC Certificate
# Certificates
echo "Creating Good Base Platform Cert $platform_cert..."
mkdir -p $PC_DIR
# PACCOR directory
mkdir -p $PC_DIR
echo "Running PACCOR to generate local components..."
/opt/paccor/scripts/allcomponents.sh > $PC_DIR/componentsFile
echo "PACCOR generated components file:"
cat $PC_DIR/componentsFile
# Generate the platform base certificate
# Split into JSON files needed to generate the certificates
python /HIRS/.ci/setup/createDeltaComponentsForPBaseCertA.py
# Generate certificates in the order they'll be used in the system tests.
# And stager the begin dates properly (the -b option for the /opt/paccor/bin/signer)
echo "Generating certificates..."
echo "Generating $pBase_certA..."
/opt/paccor/scripts/referenceoptions.sh > $PC_DIR/optionsFile
/opt/paccor/scripts/otherextensions.sh > $PC_DIR/extensionsFile
/opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/componentsFile -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $ek_cert_der -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -c $PC_DIR/componentsFile -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180101 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k /HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ca.key -P /HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ca.crt -f $PC_DIR/$platform_cert
/opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/PBaseCertA.componentlist.json -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $ek_cert -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -c $PC_DIR/PBaseCertA.componentlist.json -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180101 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k $ca_key -P $ca_cert -f $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA
echo "Done"
# Generate the delta certificate
#python /HIRS/.ci/setup/createDeltaCertComponents.py
# /opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/SIDeltaCertB1.componentlist.json -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $PC_DIR/$platform_cert -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
# /opt/paccor/bin/signer -c $PC_DIR/SIDeltaCertB1.componentlist.json -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180101 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k /HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ca.key -P /HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ca.crt -e $PC_DIR/$platform_cert -f $PC_DIR/$delta_cert
# Generate the PBaseCertB certificate. Just need to copy from PBaseCertA.
echo "Generating $pBase_certB..."
cp $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA $PC_DIR/$pBase_certB
echo "Done"
# Generate the SIDeltaCertA1 certificate
echo "Generating $si_delta_cert_A1, using $pBase_certA..."
rm -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/SIDeltaCertA1.componentlist.json -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -c $PC_DIR/SIDeltaCertA1.componentlist.json -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180201 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k $ca_key -P $ca_cert -e $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA -f $PC_DIR/$si_delta_cert_A1
echo "Done"
# Generate the VARDeltaCertA1 certificate
echo "Generating $var_delta_cert_A1, using $pBase_certA..."
rm -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/VARDeltaCertA1.componentlist.json -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -c $PC_DIR/VARDeltaCertA1.componentlist.json -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180301 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k $ca_key -P $ca_cert -e $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA -f $PC_DIR/$var_delta_cert_A1
echo "Done"
# Generate the SIDeltaCertA2 certificate
echo "Generating $si_delta_cert_A2, using $pBase_certA..."
rm -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/SIDeltaCertA2.componentlist.json -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -c $PC_DIR/SIDeltaCertA2.componentlist.json -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180401 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k $ca_key -P $ca_cert -e $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA -f $PC_DIR/$si_delta_cert_A2
echo "Done"
# Generate the SIDeltaCertA2_resolved certificate
echo "Generating $si_delta_cert_A2_resolved, using $pBase_certA..."
rm -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/SIDeltaCertA2.resolved.componentlist.json -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -c $PC_DIR/SIDeltaCertA2.resolved.componentlist.json -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180501 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k $ca_key -P $ca_cert -e $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA -f $PC_DIR/$si_delta_cert_A2_resolved
echo "Done"
# Generate the VARDeltaCertA2 certificate
echo "Generating $var_delta_cert_A2, using $pBase_certA..."
rm -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/VARDeltaCertA2.componentlist.json -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -c $PC_DIR/VARDeltaCertA2.componentlist.json -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180601 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k $ca_key -P $ca_cert -e $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA -f $PC_DIR/$var_delta_cert_A2
echo "Done"
# Generate the VARDeltaCertA2_resolved certificate
echo "Generating $var_delta_cert_A2_resolved, using $pBase_certA..."
rm -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/VARDeltaCertA2.resolved.componentlist.json -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -c $PC_DIR/VARDeltaCertA2.resolved.componentlist.json -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180701 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k $ca_key -P $ca_cert -e $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA -f $PC_DIR/$var_delta_cert_A2_resolved
echo "Done"
# Generate the SIDeltaCertA3 certificate
echo "Generating $si_delta_cert_A3, using $si_delta_cert_A1 as Base..."
rm -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/SIDeltaCertA3.componentlist.json -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $PC_DIR/$si_delta_cert_A1 -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -c $PC_DIR/SIDeltaCertA3.componentlist.json -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180801 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k $ca_key -P $ca_cert -e $PC_DIR/$si_delta_cert_A1 -f $PC_DIR/$si_delta_cert_A3
echo "Done"
# Release EK nvram
if tpm2_nvlist | grep -q 0x1c00002; then
echo "Released NVRAM for EK."
tpm2_nvrelease -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001
@ -83,26 +153,27 @@ function InitTpm2Emulator {
# authorize [0x40000001 = ownerAuth handle], -s size [defaults to 2048], -t
# specifies attribute value in publicInfo struct
# [0x2000A = ownerread|ownerwrite|policywrite])
size=$(cat $ek_cert_der | wc -c)
size=$(cat $ek_cert | wc -c)
echo "Define NVRAM location for EK cert of size $size."
tpm2_nvdefine -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001 -t 0x2000A -s $size
# Load key into TPM nvram
echo "Loading EK cert $ek_cert_der into NVRAM."
tpm2_nvwrite -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001 $ek_cert_der
echo "Loading EK cert $ek_cert into NVRAM."
tpm2_nvwrite -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001 $ek_cert
# Release PC nvram
if tpm2_nvlist | grep -q 0x1c90000; then
echo "Released NVRAM for PC."
tpm2_nvrelease -x 0x1c90000 -a 0x40000001
# Store the platform certificate in the TPM's NVRAM
size=$(cat $PC_DIR/$platform_cert | wc -c)
size=$(cat $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA | wc -c)
echo "Define NVRAM location for PC cert of size $size."
tpm2_nvdefine -x 0x1c90000 -a 0x40000001 -t 0x2000A -s $size
echo "Loading PC cert $PC_DIR/$platform_cert into NVRAM."
tpm2_nvwrite -x 0x1c90000 -a 0x40000001 $PC_DIR/$platform_cert
echo "Loading PC cert $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA into NVRAM."
tpm2_nvwrite -x 0x1c90000 -a 0x40000001 $PC_DIR/$pBase_certA
echo "===========TPM2 Emulator Initialization Complete!==========="
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Script to setup the TPM2 Provisioner Docker Image for Integration Tests
# Script to setup the TPM 2.0 Provisioner Docker Image for System Tests
set -e
# Wait for ACA to boot
@ -45,24 +45,33 @@ function InitTpm2Emulator {
/ibmtpm/src/./tpm_server &
echo "TPM Emulator started"
# Give tpm_server time to start and register on the DBus
sleep 5
tpm2-abrmd -t socket &
echo "TPM2-Abrmd started"
# Give ABRMD time to start and register on the DBus
sleep 5
# EK and PC Certificate
# Certificates
echo "Creating Platform Cert for Container."
# PACCOR directory
mkdir -p $PC_DIR
echo "Running PACCOR to generate local components..."
/opt/paccor/scripts/allcomponents.sh > $PC_DIR/componentsFile
/opt/paccor/scripts/referenceoptions.sh > $PC_DIR/optionsFile
/opt/paccor/scripts/otherextensions.sh > $PC_DIR/extensionsFile
/opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/componentsFile -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $ek_cert_der -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180101 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k /HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ca.key -P /HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ca.crt -f $PC_DIR/$platform_cert
echo "Generating $platform_cert..."
/opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/componentsFile -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $ek_cert -f $PC_DIR/observerFile
/opt/paccor/bin/signer -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180101 -a 20280201 -N $RANDOM -k $ca_key -P $ca_cert -f $PC_DIR/$platform_cert
if tpm2_nvlist | grep -q 0x1c00002; then
echo "Released NVRAM for EK."
@ -73,13 +82,13 @@ function InitTpm2Emulator {
# authorize [0x40000001 = ownerAuth handle], -s size [defaults to 2048], -t
# specifies attribute value in publicInfo struct
# [0x2000A = ownerread|ownerwrite|policywrite])
size=$(cat $ek_cert_der | wc -c)
size=$(cat $ek_cert | wc -c)
echo "Define NVRAM location for EK cert of size $size."
tpm2_nvdefine -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001 -t 0x2000A -s $size
# Load key into TPM nvram
echo "Loading EK cert $ek_cert_der into NVRAM."
tpm2_nvwrite -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001 $ek_cert_der
echo "Loading EK cert $ek_cert into NVRAM."
tpm2_nvwrite -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001 $ek_cert
if tpm2_nvlist | grep -q 0x1c90000; then
echo "Released NVRAM for PC."
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
# Script to run the System Tests Base/Delta for HIRS TPM 2.0 Provisioner
# Script to run the System Tests Base/Delta(Bad) for HIRS TPM 2.0 Provisioner
set -e
echo ""
echo "System Tests Base/Delta TPM 2.0 Starting..."
echo "System Tests Base/Delta(Bad) TPM 2.0 Starting..."
echo ""
# Start System Testing Docker Environment
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ echo "===========hirs-aca-provisioner-tpm2 System Tests Log:==========="
docker logs $tpm2_container_id
echo ""
echo "End of Base/Delta TPM 2.0 System Tests, cleaning up..."
echo "End of System Tests Base/Delta(Bad) TPM 2.0 , cleaning up..."
echo ""
# Clean up services and network
docker-compose down
@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ echo ""
# Return container exit code
if [[ $tpm2_container_exit_code == 0 ]]
echo "SUCCESS: Base/Delta TPM 2.0 System Tests passed"
echo "SUCCESS: System Tests Base/Delta(Bad) TPM 2.0 passed"
exit 0
echo "ERROR: Base/Delta TPM 2.0 System Tests failed"
echo "ERROR: System Tests Base/Delta(Bad) TPM 2.0 failed"
exit 1
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
# Script to run the System Tests Base/Delta for HIRS TPM 2.0 Provisioner
# Script to run the System Tests Base/Delta(Good) for HIRS TPM 2.0 Provisioner
set -e
echo ""
echo "System Tests Base/Delta TPM 2.0 Starting..."
echo "System Tests Base/Delta(Good) TPM 2.0 Starting..."
echo ""
# Start System Testing Docker Environment
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ echo "===========hirs-aca-provisioner-tpm2 System Tests Log:==========="
docker logs $tpm2_container_id
echo ""
echo "End of Base/Delta TPM 2.0 System Tests, cleaning up..."
echo "End of System Tests Base/Delta(Good) TPM 2.0, cleaning up..."
echo ""
# Clean up services and network
docker-compose down
@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ echo ""
# Return container exit code
if [[ $tpm2_container_exit_code == 0 ]]
echo "SUCCESS: Base/Delta TPM 2.0 System Tests passed"
echo "SUCCESS: System Tests Base/Delta(Good) TPM 2.0 passed"
exit 0
echo "ERROR: Base/Delta TPM 2.0 System Tests failed"
echo "ERROR: System Tests Base/Delta(Good) TPM 2.0 failed"
exit 1
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
set -e
echo ""
echo "System Tests Starting..."
echo "System Tests TPM 2.0 Starting..."
echo ""
# Start System Testing Docker Environment
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ echo "===========hirs-aca-provisioner-tpm2 System Tests Log:==========="
docker logs $tpm2_container_id
echo ""
echo "End of TPM 2.0 System Tests, cleaning up..."
echo "End of System Tests TPM 2.0, cleaning up..."
echo ""
# Clean up services and network
docker-compose down
@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ echo ""
# Return container exit code
if [[ $tpm2_container_exit_code == 0 ]]
echo "SUCCESS: TPM 2.0 System tests passed"
echo "SUCCESS: System Tests TPM 2.0 passed"
exit 0
echo "ERROR: System tests failed"
echo "ERROR: System Tests TPM 2.0 failed"
exit 1
@ -52,7 +52,17 @@ LOG_LEVEL = os.environ.get('LOG_LEVEL')
CA_CERT_LOCATION = "/HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ca.crt"
EK_CA_CERT_LOCATION = "/HIRS/.ci/setup/certs/ek_cert.der"
PBaseCertA_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/PBaseCertA.der"
PBaseCertB_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/PBaseCertB.der"
SIDeltaCertA1_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/SIDeltaCertA1.der"
SIDeltaCertA2_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/SIDeltaCertA2.der"
SIDeltaCertA2_resolved_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/SIDeltaCertA2_resolved.der"
SIDeltaCertA3_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/SIDeltaCertA3.der"
VARDeltaCertA1_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/VARDeltaCertA1.der"
VARDeltaCertA2_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/VARDeltaCertA2.der"
VARDeltaCertA2_resolved_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/VARDeltaCertA2_resolved.der"
SIDeltaCertB1_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/SIDeltaCertB1.der"
VARDeltaCertB1_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/VARDeltaCertB1.der"
USB_STORAGE_FILE_HASH = "e164c378ceb45a62642730be5eb3169a6bfc2d6d"
USB_STORAGE_FILE_HASH_2 = "e164c378ceb45a62642730be5eb3169a6bfc1234"
@ -688,77 +698,239 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A1_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates A1 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base (via Platform Cert on TPM)"""
"""Test Delta Certificates A1 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert (via Platform Cert on TPM Emulator)"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A1 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base (via Platform Cert on TPM)")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert (via Platform Cert on TPM Emulator)")
logging.info("Check if ACA is online...")
logging.info("Uploading CA cert: " + CA_CERT_LOCATION)
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_A1_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is PASS
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A2_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates A2 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 1 Delta Cert"""
"""Test Delta Certificates A2 - Attempt to upload Base cert with holder already having a Base Platform Cert associated with it"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A2 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 1 Delta Cert")
logging.info("Attempt to upload PBaseCertB, with PBaseCertA already loaded in the ACA.")
print("test_19_A2_base_delta. PBaseCertA has already been loaded. Attempting to upload second Platform Cert: %s" % (PBaseCertB_LOCATION))
# Confirm there is one Platform Base Cert already loaded
cert_list = AcaPortal.get_pk_certs()
self.assertEqual(cert_list['recordsTotal'], 1)
print("Number of Platform certs: %d" % (cert_list['recordsTotal']))
self.assertEqual(cert_list['data'][0]['credentialType'], "TCG Trusted Platform Endorsement")
self.assertEqual(cert_list['data'][0]['platformType'], "Base")
# Try uploading a second Platform Base Cert
print("Attempting to upload a second Platform Base Cert...")
# Confirm Platform Base Cert has not been loaded
cert_list = AcaPortal.get_pk_certs()
self.assertEqual(cert_list['recordsTotal'], 1)
print("Number of Platform certs: %d" % (cert_list['recordsTotal']))
self.assertEqual(cert_list['data'][0]['credentialType'], "TCG Trusted Platform Endorsement")
self.assertEqual(cert_list['data'][0]['platformType'], "Base")
if (cert_list['recordsTotal'] == 1):
print ("SUCCESS.")
print ("FAILED.")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A3_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates A3 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 2 Delta Certs"""
"""Test Delta Certificates A3 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 1 Delta Cert"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A3 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 2 Delta Certs")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 1 Delta Cert")
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is PASS
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
# Upload the SIDeltaCertA1 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_A3_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
supply_chain_validation_summaries = AcaPortal.get_supply_chain_validation_summaries()
# Verify this is one SCVS record indicating PASS
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['recordsTotal'], 2)
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][0]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][1]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
# Verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A4_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates A4 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert and 1 Bad Delta Cert"""
"""Test Delta Certificates A4 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 2 Delta Certs"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A4 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert and 1 Bad Delta Cert")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 2 Delta Certs")
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is PASS
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
# Upload the VARDeltaCertA1 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_A4_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
supply_chain_validation_summaries = AcaPortal.get_supply_chain_validation_summaries()
# Verify this is one SCVS record indicating PASS
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['recordsTotal'], 3)
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][0]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][1]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][2]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
# Verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A5_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates A5 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert"""
"""Test Delta Certificates A5 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert and 1 Bad Delta Cert"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A5 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert and 1 Bad Delta Cert")
# TODO: Determine if we need this test
# # Verify device supply chain appraisal result is PASS
# devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
# self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
# # Upload the VARDelta cert and provision
# AcaPortal.upload_pk_cert(SIDeltaCertA2_LOCATION)
# AcaPortal.enable_supply_chain_validations()
# provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
# print("test_19_A4_base_delta SHOULD FAIL provisioning!!")
# print("test_19_A4_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# # Provisioning should fail since the Delta contains a bad component.
# self.assertIn("Provisioning failed", format(provisioner_out))
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A6_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates A6 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and
1 Bad Delta Cert with non present component"""
"""Test Delta Certificates A6 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A6 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert with non present component")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert")
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is PASS
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
# Upload the SIDeltaCertA2 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_A6_base_delta SHOULD FAIL provisioning using: %s" % (SIDeltaCertA2_LOCATION))
print("test_19_A6_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Provisioning should fail since the Delta contains a bad component.
self.assertIn("Provisioning failed", format(provisioner_out))
# Upload the SIDeltaCertA2_resolved and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_A6_base_delta SHOULD PASS provisioning using: %s" % (SIDeltaCertA2_resolved_LOCATION))
print("test_19_A6_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A7_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates A7 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs with 1 Delta cert
replacing component from previous, using the Delta as a base certificate"""
"""Test Delta Certificates A7 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and
1 Bad Delta Cert with non present component"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A7 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs with 1 Delta cert replacing component from previous, using the Delta as a base certificate")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert with non present component")
# Upload the VARDeltaCertA2 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_A7_base_delta SHOULD FAIL provisioning using: %s" % (VARDeltaCertA2_LOCATION))
print("test_19_A7_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Provisioning should fail since the Delta contains a component thats not in the Base
self.assertIn("Provisioning failed", format(provisioner_out))
# Upload the VARDeltaCertA2_resolved and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_A7_base_delta SHOULD PASS provisioning using: %s" % (VARDeltaCertA2_resolved_LOCATION))
print("test_19_A7_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A8_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates A8 - Attempt to upload Base cert with holder already having a Base Platform Cert associated with it"""
"""Test Delta Certificates A8 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs with 1 Delta cert
replacing component from previous, using the Delta as a base certificate"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A8 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs with 1 Delta cert replacing component from previous, using the Delta as a base certificate")
# Upload the SIDeltaCertA3 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_A8_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
supply_chain_validation_summaries = AcaPortal.get_supply_chain_validation_summaries()
# Verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_B1_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates B1 - Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base """
logging.info("*****************test_19_B1 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base")
logging.info("Check if ACA is online...")
if is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION):
logging.info("Using TPM 2.0")
logging.info("Uploading CA cert: " + CA_CERT_LOCATION)
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("Bad Base Certificate provisioner run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
logging.info("Uploading CA cert: " + CA_CERT_LOCATION)
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_B1_base_delta SHOULD FAIL provisioning using: %s" % (PBaseCertB_LOCATION))
print("test_19_B1_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Provisioning should fail since the PC contains FAULTY components.
self.assertIn("Provisioning failed", format(provisioner_out))
@ -766,24 +938,24 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_B2_base_delta(self):
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates B2 - Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base and 1 Good delta with 1 bad component resolved"""
"""Test Base/Delta Certificates B2 - Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base and 1 Good delta with 1 bad component unresolved"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_B2 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base and 1 Good delta with 1 bad component resolved")
logging.info("Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base and 1 Good delta with 1 bad component unresolved")
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is FAIL
#devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
#self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "FAIL")
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "FAIL")
# Upload the delta platform cert and provision
#provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
# Upload the SIDeltaCertB1 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
#print("Bad Base/Good Delta Certificate run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
print("test_19_B2_base_delta SHOULD FAIL provisioning using: %s" % (SIDeltaCertB1_LOCATION))
print("test_19_B2_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal of PASS
#devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
#self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
# Provisioning should fail since the delta contains FAULTY component.
self.assertIn("Provisioning failed", format(provisioner_out))
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
@ -792,6 +964,21 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
logging.info("*****************test_19_B3 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base and 2 Good delta with all component resolved")
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is FAIL
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "FAIL")
# Upload the VARDeltaCertB1 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_B3_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal of PASS
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
def make_simple_ima_baseline():
timestamp = get_current_timestamp()
@ -37,14 +37,15 @@ else:
# Change to point to your HIRS directory
# Change accordingly
FORMAT = "%(asctime)-15s %(message)s"
provisioner_out = None
@ -54,9 +55,6 @@ HIRS_ACA_PROVISIONER_TPM2_IP=""
# Change accordingly
@ -75,8 +73,17 @@ HIRS_ATTESTATION_CA_PORTAL_URL = "https://" + \
CA_CERT_LOCATION = HOME_DIR + ".ci/setup/certs/ca.crt"
EK_CA_CERT_LOCATION = HOME_DIR + ".ci/setup/certs/ek_cert.der"
SIDeltaCertB1_LOCATION = "/var/hirs/pc_generation/SIDeltaCertB1.der"
PBaseCertA_LOCATION = HOME_DIR + "PBaseCertA.der"
PBaseCertB_LOCATION = HOME_DIR + "PBaseCertB.der"
SIDeltaCertA1_LOCATION = HOME_DIR + "SIDeltaCertA1.der"
SIDeltaCertA2_resolved_LOCATION = HOME_DIR + "SIDeltaCertA2_resolved.der"
SIDeltaCertA2_LOCATION = HOME_DIR + "SIDeltaCertA2.der"
SIDeltaCertA3_LOCATION = HOME_DIR + "SIDeltaCertA3.der"
VARDeltaCertA1_LOCATION = HOME_DIR + "VARDeltaCertA1.der"
VARDeltaCertA2_LOCATION = HOME_DIR + "VARDeltaCertA2.der"
VARDeltaCertA2_resolved_LOCATION = HOME_DIR + "VARDeltaCertA2_resolved.der"
SIDeltaCertB1_LOCATION = HOME_DIR + "SIDeltaCertB1.der"
VARDeltaCertB1_LOCATION = HOME_DIR + "VARDeltaCertB1.der"
TEST_LOG_FILE= HOME_DIR + ".ci/system-tests/test_logs/system_test_" + CLIENT_OS + ".log"
@ -104,7 +111,7 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
"""Set the systems tests state up for testing"""
def tearDown(self):
"""Tears down the state for testing"""
@ -355,71 +362,203 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
trust_chain_list = AcaPortal.get_trust_chains()
self.assertEqual(trust_chain_list['recordsTotal'], 1)
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A0_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A0 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base (via ACA upload)"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A0 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base (via ACA upload)")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A1_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A1 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base (via Platform Cert on TPM)"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A1 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base (via Platform Cert on TPM)")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert (via Platform Cert on TPM Emulator)")
logging.info("Check if ACA is online...")
logging.info("Uploading CA cert: " + CA_CERT_LOCATION)
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_A1_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is PASS
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A2_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A2 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 1 Delta Cert"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A2 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 1 Delta Cert")
"""Test Delta Certificates A2 - Attempt to upload Base cert with holder already having a Base Platform Cert associated with it"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A8 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Attempt to upload PBaseCertA, with PBaseCertA already loaded in the ACA.")
print("test_19_A2_base_delta Platform Cert has already been loaded. Attempting to upload second Platform Cert: %s" % (PBaseCertA_LOCATION))
# Confirm there is a Platform Cert already loaded
cert_list = AcaPortal.get_pk_certs()
self.assertEqual(cert_list['recordsTotal'], 1)
self.assertEqual(cert_list['data'][0]['credentialType'], "TCG Trusted Platform Endorsement")
self.assertEqual(cert_list['data'][0]['platformType'], "Base")
# Try uploading a second Platform Base Cert
# Confirm Platform Base Cert has not been loaded
cert_list = AcaPortal.get_pk_certs()
self.assertEqual(cert_list['recordsTotal'], 1)
self.assertEqual(cert_list['data'][0]['credentialType'], "TCG Trusted Platform Endorsement")
self.assertEqual(cert_list['data'][0]['platformType'], "Base")
if (cert_list['recordsTotal'] == 1):
print ("SUCCESS.")
print ("FAILED.")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A3_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A3 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 2 Delta Certs"""
"""Test Delta Certificates A3 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 1 Delta Cert"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A3 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 2 Delta Certs")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 1 Delta Cert")
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is PASS
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
# Upload the SIDelta cert and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_A3_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
supply_chain_validation_summaries = AcaPortal.get_supply_chain_validation_summaries()
# verify this is one SCVS record indicating PASS
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['recordsTotal'], 2)
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][0]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][1]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
# verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A4_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A4 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert and 1 Bad Delta Cert"""
"""Test Delta Certificates A4 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 2 Delta Certs"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A4 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert and 1 Bad Delta Cert")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert Base and 2 Delta Certs")
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is PASS
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
# Upload the VARDelta cert and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_A4_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
supply_chain_validation_summaries = AcaPortal.get_supply_chain_validation_summaries()
# verify this is one SCVS record indicating PASS
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['recordsTotal'], 3)
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][0]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][1]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
self.assertEqual(supply_chain_validation_summaries['data'][2]['overallValidationResult'], "PASS")
# verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A5_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A5 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert"""
"""Test Delta Certificates A5 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert and 1 Bad Delta Cert"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A5 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform Cert and 1 Bad Delta Cert")
# TODO: Determine if we need this test
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A6_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A6 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and
1 Bad Delta Cert with non present component"""
"""Test Delta Certificates A6 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A6 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert with non present component")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert")
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is PASS
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
# Upload the SIDeltaCertA2 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_A6_base_delta SHOULD FAIL provisioning using: %s" % (SIDeltaCertA2_LOCATION))
print("test_19_A6_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Provisioning should fail since the Delta contains a bad component.
self.assertIn("Provisioning failed", format(provisioner_out))
# Upload the SIDeltaCertA2_resolved cert and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_A6_base_delta SHOULD PASS provisioning using: %s" % (SIDeltaCertA2_resolved_LOCATION))
print("test_19_A6_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A7_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A7 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs with 1 Delta cert
replacing component from previous, using the Delta as a base certificate"""
"""Test Delta Certificates A7 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and
1 Bad Delta Cert with non present component"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A7 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs with 1 Delta cert replacing component from previous, using the Delta as a base certificate")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs and 1 Bad Delta Cert with non present component")
# Upload the VARDeltaCertA2 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_A7_base_delta SHOULD FAIL provisioning using: %s" % (VARDeltaCertA2_LOCATION))
print("test_19_A7_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Provisioning should fail since the Delta contains a component thats not in the Base
self.assertIn("Provisioning failed", format(provisioner_out))
# Upload the VARDeltaCertA2_resolved and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_A7_base_delta SHOULD PASS provisioning using: %s" % (VARDeltaCertA2_resolved_LOCATION))
print("test_19_A7_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_A8_base_delta(self):
"""Test Delta Certificates A8 - Attempt to upload Base cert with holder already having a Base Platform Cert associated with it"""
"""Test Delta Certificates A8 - Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs with 1 Delta cert
replacing component from previous, using the Delta as a base certificate"""
logging.info("*****************test_19_A8 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Good Base Platform, 2 Good Delta Certs with 1 Delta cert replacing component from previous, using the Delta as a base certificate")
# Upload the SIDeltaCertA3 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_A8_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
supply_chain_validation_summaries = AcaPortal.get_supply_chain_validation_summaries()
# Verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal result
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
def test_19_B1_base_delta(self):
@ -428,6 +567,7 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
logging.info("Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base")
logging.info("Check if ACA is online...")
if is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION):
logging.info("Using TPM 2.0")
logging.info("Uploading CA cert: " + CA_CERT_LOCATION)
@ -437,7 +577,7 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
print("test_19_B1_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Provisioning should fail since the PC contains FAULTY components.
# Provisioning should fail since the PC contains FAULTY component.
self.assertIn("Provisioning failed", format(provisioner_out))
@ -452,16 +592,16 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "FAIL")
# Upload the delta platform cert and provision
# Upload the SIDeltaCertB1 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("Bad Base/Good Delta Certificate run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
print("test_19_B2_base_delta SHOULD FAIL provisioning using: %s" % (SIDeltaCertB1_LOCATION))
print("test_19_B2_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal of PASS
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
# Provisioning should fail since the delta contains FAULTY component.
self.assertIn("Provisioning failed", format(provisioner_out))
@unittest.skipIf(not is_tpm2(TPM_VERSION), "Skipping this test due to TPM Version " + TPM_VERSION)
@ -470,6 +610,21 @@ class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase):
logging.info("*****************test_19_B3 - beginning of delta certificate test *****************")
logging.info("Provisioning with Bad Platform Cert Base and 2 Good delta with all component resolved")
# Verify device supply chain appraisal result is FAIL
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "FAIL")
# Upload the VARDeltaCertB1 and provision
provisioner_out = run_hirs_provisioner_tpm2(CLIENT)
print("test_19_B3_base_delta run output: {0}".format(provisioner_out))
# Verify device has been updated with supply chain appraisal of PASS
devices = AcaPortal.get_devices()
self.assertEqual(devices['data'][0]['device']['supplyChainStatus'], "PASS")
if __name__ == '__main__':
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SystemTest)
ret = not unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite).wasSuccessful()
Reference in New Issue
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