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synced 2025-03-14 08:16:37 +00:00
* Beginning to convert Python backend to Typescript * Change all fetch() calls to fetch_from_backend switcher * wip converting query.py to query.ts * wip started utils.js conversion. Tested that OpenAI API call works * more progress on converting utils.py to Typescript * jest tests for query, utils, template.ts. Confirmed PromptPipeline works. * wip converting queryLLM in flask_app to TS * Tested queryLLM and StorageCache compressed saving/loading * wip execute() in backend.ts * Added execute() and tested w concrete func. Need to test eval() * Added craco for optional webpack config. Config'd for TypeScript with Node.js packages browserify'd * Execute JS code on iframe sandbox * Tested and working JS Evaluator execution. * wip swapping backends * Tested TypeScript backendgit status! :) woot * Added fetchEnvironAPIKeys to Flask server to fetch os.environ keys when running locally * Route Anthropic calls through Flask when running locally * Added info button to Eval nodes. Rebuilt react * Edits to info modal on Eval node * Remove/error out on Python eval nodes when not running locally. * Check browser compat and display error if not supported * Changed all example flows to use JS. Bug fix in query.ts * Refactored to LLMProvider to streamline model additions * Added HuggingFace models API * Added back Dalai call support, routing through Flask * Remove flask app calls and socketio server that are no longer used * Added Comment Nodes. Rebuilt react. * Fix PaLM temp=0 build, update package vers and rebuild react
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{"flow": {"nodes": [{"width": 312, "height": 311, "id": "prompt-chess", "type": "prompt", "data": {"prompt": "{prompt}", "n": 1, "llms": [{"key": "aa3c0f03-22bd-416e-af4d-4bf5c4278c99", "settings": {"system_msg": "TASK: Read the chess position provided in FEN-notation, then identify the best move to the board position below, in the format A. Your answer should only contain the letter of the correct move. Do not provide any further explanation.", "temperature": 1, "functions": [], "function_call": "", "top_p": 1, "stop": [], "presence_penalty": 0, "frequency_penalty": 0}, "name": "GPT3.5", "emoji": "\ud83d\ude42", "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "base_model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "temp": 1, "formData": {"shortname": "GPT3.5", "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "system_msg": "TASK: Read the chess position provided in FEN-notation, then identify the best move to the board position below, in the format A. Your answer should only contain the letter of the correct move. Do not provide any further explanation.", "temperature": 1, "functions": "", "function_call": "", "top_p": 1, "stop": "", "presence_penalty": 0, "frequency_penalty": 0}}]}, "position": {"x": 448, "y": 224}, "selected": false, "positionAbsolute": {"x": 448, "y": 224}, "dragging": false}, {"width": 333, "height": 182, "id": "eval-chess", "type": "evaluator", "data": {"code": "function evaluate(response) {\n\tlet txt = response.text;\n\tlet ideal = response.meta['Ideal'];\n\treturn ideal.includes(txt) || txt.includes(ideal);\n}", "language": "javascript"}, "position": {"x": 820, "y": 150}, "positionAbsolute": {"x": 820, "y": 150}}, {"width": 228, "height": 196, "id": "vis-chess", "type": "vis", "data": {"input": "eval-chess"}, "position": {"x": 1200, "y": 250}, "positionAbsolute": {"x": 1200, "y": 250}}, {"width": 302, "height": 260, "id": "inspect-chess", "type": "inspect", "data": {"input": "prompt-chess"}, "position": {"x": 820, "y": 400}, "positionAbsolute": {"x": 820, "y": 400}}, {"width": 423, "height": 417, "id": "table-chess", "type": "table", "data": {"rows": [{"prompt": "White to move FEN: 2r3k1/p1q2ppp/1p3n2/1Q2p3/2P5/6P1/P4PKP/3R4 Possible Moves: A: f4, B: Rd2, C: Kg1, D: Qb2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "D"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r1bq1rk1/pp5p/3pp1p1/2p1b2p/2P1P2P/3PQ3/PP3P2/RNB2RK1 Possible Moves: A: h8, B: Qxh4, C: Kg7, D: Bxb2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: r12k5/4b3/1p4p1/p3P2p/PP3P1P/2P2KP1/8/8 Possible Moves: A: Ke4, B: g4, C: c3, D: bxa Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "D"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 4r1k1/5pp1/2Nq3p/3PnQ2/8/6PP/5P2/3R2K1 Possible Moves: A: Qf4, B: Kh1, C: Nxe5, D: Rd3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r3r1k1/p2QBp2/1p4pp/2p1b3/2q1P3/P1P5/1P3PPP/3RR1K1 Possible Moves: A: Qxe8, B: Kh1, C: Qb3, D: Rd3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 4rqk1/ppp2pp1/5nnp/2b1r3/4N3/P1P2Q1P/1PB2PP1/R1B1R1K1 Possible Moves: A: Nh4, B: R5e6, C: Bxh6, D: Rd1 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: r3k2r/1b2ppb1/pq1p3p/1pn4P/4P1n1/P1NBBN2/1PP1Q1P1/3R1RK1 Possible Moves: A: Nd5, B: Bxc5, C: g3, D: Bd4 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "D"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 2r2bkr/p5p1/1q2pBpp/2p1P3/2Pp1R2/5Q2/PP3PPP/R5K1 Possible Moves: A: Kh7, B: gxf6, C: g3, D: Qe3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 2r2bkr/p7/1q2pRpp/2p1P3/2Pp4/5Q2/PP3PPP/R5K1 Possible Moves: A: Qxb2, B: Bg7, C: Rh7, D: a6 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 2r4r/p4Qbk/1q2p1Rp/2p1P3/2Pp4/8/PP3PPP/R5K1 Possible Moves: A: Rhg8, B: a6, C: h5, D: d3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r5k1/4ppb1/p2p3p/1p5P/1P6/P1R2N2/2P2KP1/8 Possible Moves: A: Rd8, B: Bh8, C: h5, D: Bxc3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "D"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: r3r1k1/4ppb1/pn1p3p/1p1P3P/1P6/P2B1N2/2P3P1/3RR1K1 Possible Moves: A: Kf1, B: Be4, C: a4, D: Ra1 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: r1bqkbnr/pp3ppp/2n1p3/3pP3/3p4/2P2N2/PP3PPP/RNBQKB1R Possible Moves: A: cxd4, B: h3, C: a3, D: Qd2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 2r1k2r/1p2bppp/pq2p3/1B1pPn2/1n1P2P1/P4N2/5P1P/RQB1K2R Possible Moves: A: Qxb5, B: Nc6, C: Kf8, D: Qd2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 2QR4/p4ppk/1p3n2/4p2p/q7/6P1/5PKP/8 Possible Moves: A: Qf5, B: Qc3, C: h4, D: f3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: rnbqkb1r/pp2pppp/5n2/3P4/Q7/8/PP1P1PPP/RNB1KBNR Possible Moves: A: Bc3, B: Nfd7, C: Nbd7, D: b5 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 3rr1k1/pq3ppp/1p4nb/2pp1B1N/b2P2QP/P3P1B1/1P3PP1/3R1RK1 Possible Moves: A: Rb1, B: b3, C: Nxg7, D: Qxg6 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 3rr1k1/p1R1nppp/qp5b/1b1p3N/3Q3P/P3P1B1/1P3PP1/1BR3K1 Possible Moves: A: Qc8, B: Qa4, C: Bd7, D: Ng6 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "white to move FEN: rnbq1rk1/ppp1ppbp/6p1/8/3PP3/2P2N2/P4PPP/R1BQKB1R Possible Moves: A: Be2, B: a3, C: h3, D: Ke2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r1bq1rk1/pp1nbppp/3p2n1/2pP4/8/1PN3P1/PB2NPBP/R2Q1RK1 Possible Moves: A: Re8, B: a6, C: h6, D: f6 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 5r2/ppp1p2k/4B1p1/4B2p/8/2P5/P5PP/5RK1 Possible Moves: A: Rxf1, B: Rd8, C: Rg8, D: Rh8 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 6rr/pk6/1pp3b1/2n1p1Bn/1PP3pP/2N5/P4PB1/2KR3R Possible Moves: A: Nd3+, B: Rf8, C: Rf7, D: Rf8 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r1bqkb1r/pppp1ppp/5nn1/3P4/2P1Pp2/2N2N2/PP4PP/R1BQKB1R Possible Moves: A: Bc5, B: Bb4, C: fxe3, D: h6 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r1bqkb1r/ppppnppp/5n2/3P4/2P2p2/2N2N2/PP2P1PP/R1BQKB1R b KQkq - 1 6 Possible Moves: A: d6, B: b5, C: a6, D: Ng6 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "D"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: r1bqkb1r/pppp1ppp/5nn1/3P4/2P2p2/2N2N2/PP2P1PP/R1BQKB1R Possible Moves: A: Qb3, B: e3, C: a6, D: Bb4 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: r1b2rk1/pppp1ppp/6n1/3P4/2P2q2/2P2B1P/P2Q2P1/R4K1R Possible Moves: A: Ke1, B: Qxf4, C: Kg1, D: g3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: r1bqkbnr/pp1p1ppp/6n1/2pPp3/4PP2/2N5/PPP3PP/R1BQKBNR Possible Moves: A: d6, B: f5, C: h4, D: fxe5 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR Possible Moves: A: e4, B: h4, C: g4, D: Nh3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r7/1b1k2q1/p1p5/1pb5/4Q3/8/PPP2P2/1K1R4 Possible Moves: A: Qd4, B: Bd4, C: Kc8, D: Kc7 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "D"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 2rqr3/1b3pbk/pp2p1np/3pP1P1/3P4/4QNP1/PP3PN1/R1R2BK1 Possible Moves: A: hxg5, B: Rc4, C: Rh8, D: h5 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r3kr2/ppp1q1b1/3npn2/7p/2P1N1pB/1PN3P1/P1Q3BP/3R1RK1 Possible Moves: A: Bh6, B: a6, C: Rd8, D: O-O-O Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "D"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 2kr1r2/ppp1q1b1/4pn2/2P4p/4N1pB/1P4P1/P1Q3BP/3R1RK1 Possible Moves: A: Rxd1, B: Rd7, C: Rd5, D: Rd2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 2kr4/ppq5/2p1pB2/2P4p/6p1/1P4P1/P1Q3BP/5RK1 Possible Moves: A: Bxd8, B: Qe4, C: Qc4 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: r7/pb2R3/1p3pkp/2p3p1/2Pp4/PP1N1P2/2P3PP/6K1 Possible Moves: A: Kf2, B: h3, C: Rxb7 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 8/pR6/1p3pkp/2p3p1/2Pp4/PP1N1P2/2P1rKPP/8 Possible Moves: A: Kg1, B: Kg3, C: Kxe2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r7/pR6/1p3pkp/2p3p1/2Pp4/PP1N1P2/2P3PP/6K1 Possible Moves: A: a6, B: h5, C: a5 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r3r3/pb3pkp/1p3np1/2p3B1/2Pp4/PP1N4/2P2PPP/R3R1K1 Possible Moves: A: Ne4, B: a6, C: a5 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: rnbqkb1r/pp2pp1p/2p2np1/3p4/2P5/1P3NP1/P2PPP1P/RNBQKB1R Possible Moves: A: Bb2, B: e3, C: h3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: rnbqk2r/p1p1npbp/1p1pp1p1/8/3P4/4PNP1/PPP2PBP/RNBQ1RK1 Possible Moves: A: c4, B: Re1, C: e4 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 2rq1r2/1b1nnpbk/pp2p1pp/3pP3/3P4/4BNPP/PPNQ1PB1/R3R1K1 Possible Moves: A: Bf4, B: Rad1, C: Qd1 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 2rq1r2/1b1n1pbk/pp2p1pp/3pP3/3P4/4nNPP/PP1Q1PB1/R1R1N1K1 Possible Moves: A: Rxc8, B: Nd3, C: h4 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 2r1r1k1/1b3p2/pp2p1qb/3pP3/3P1P2/4Q1P1/PP6/R1R2BK1 Possible Moves: A: Re1, B: b3, C: Bd3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 2r4r/1b2kpq1/p3p3/1p1pPP1R/3P4/3Bb1P1/PP3K2/7R Possible Moves: A: Kf3, B: Kf1, C: Ke2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 7r/1b3p2/p3pk2/1p1p3R/3P4/3BK1P1/PP6/8 Possible Moves: A: Re5, B: Rh7, C: Rxh8 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 8/3bkp2/pR2p3/3p4/Pp1P4/3BK1P1/1P6/8 Possible Moves: A: b3, B: Rxb4, C: Rb7 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: r3r1k1/pp3ppp/8/2Q5/4p1Pq/1P1RP2P/P4PB1/4n1K1 Possible Moves: A: Rd5, B: Rd4, C: Rd7 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: rnbqkb1r/ppp2ppp/4pn2/3p4/3PP3/5N2/PPP2PPP/RNBQKB1R Possible Moves: A: Be3, B: e5, C: Nc3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: rnbqkb1r/pp1n1ppp/4p3/3pP3/3p4/2PB1N2/PP3PPP/RNBQK2R Possible Moves: A: Bf4, B: cxd4, C: Bg5 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r1bqk2r/pp1n1ppp/2n1p3/3pP3/3P4/1PbB1N2/P2B1PPP/R2QK2R Possible Moves: A: Ba5, B: Bxa1, C: Bb4 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r1bq1rk1/1p3ppp/p3p3/3pP3/P1n5/3B3Q/5PPP/2R2RK1 Possible Moves: A: Re8, B: h6, C: f5 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r2q1rk1/1p1b1p1p/p3p1p1/4P3/P6R/7Q/5PPP/5RK1 Possible Moves: A: Qg5, B: Qc7, C: Qb8 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r3r1k1/3Q2pp/1p2p3/4Pp2/1pP1b3/1P6/P4PPP/3R1BK1 Possible Moves: A: Kh8, B: f4, C: Rxa2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r3r1k1/6pp/1p2p3/1Q2Pb2/1pP2p2/1P3P2/P5PP/3R1BK1 Possible Moves: A: Reb8, B: Rxa2, C: Re7 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 6k1/6pp/4p3/2P1Pb2/1Q3p2/1P3P1P/r5P1/5BK1 Possible Moves: A: Ra1, B: Rxa2, C: h6 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 8/6pp/2PQp1k1/4Pb2/5p2/1P3P1P/r5P1/5BK1 Possible Moves: A: Kh6, B: Ra8, C: Kh5 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: rnbqkb1r/pp3ppp/4pn2/3p2B1/2PN4/2N5/PP2PPPP/R2QKB1R Possible Moves: A: e5, B: Bc5, C: h6 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r1bqk2r/pp2bpp1/2N1pn1p/3p4/2P4B/2N1P3/PP3PPP/R2QKB1R Possible Moves: A: e5, B: Qd7, C: bxc6 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r3r1k1/3Q2pp/1p2p3/4P3/1pP1bp2/1P3P2/P5PP/3R1BK1 Possible Moves: A: Kc8, B: h6, C: Bf5 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 6k1/6pp/4p3/4Pb2/1QP2p2/1P3P1P/P2r2P1/5BK1 Possible Moves: A: Rd1, B: h6, C: Rxa2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 6k1/6pp/4p3/4Pb2/1QP2p2/1P3P1P/P2r2P1/5BK1 Possible Moves: A: Rd3, B: Rd7, C: Rd1 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: rnbqkb1r/ppp2ppp/4pn2/3p4/3P4/3BPN2/PPP2PPP/RNBQK2R Possible Moves: A: a6, B: b6, C: c5 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: rnbq1rk1/p1p1bppp/1p2pn2/3p4/3P4/1P1BPN2/PBP2PPP/RN1Q1RK1 Possible Moves: A: a6, B: Nbd7, C: c5 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r2q1rk1/pbpnbppp/1p2pn2/3pN3/3P4/1P1BP3/PBPN1PPP/R2Q1RK1 Possible Moves: A: Rc8, B: a5, C: a6 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r2q1rk1/pb2bppp/1p2pn2/3pP3/3P4/1P1B4/PBPN2PP/R2Q1RK1 Possible Moves: A: a6, B: Ne4, C: a5 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r2q1rk1/pb2bppp/1p2p3/4P3/3Pp3/1P6/PBP1B1PP/R2Q1RK1 Possible Moves: A: a6, B: Bg5, C: a5 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 5rk1/p5pp/1pb1p3/4P3/2P3PP/PP6/1B6/6K1 Possible Moves: A: Rf7, B: Rf4, C: Bb7 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: rnbqkbnr/2p1pppp/p7/1p6/8/2N1PN2/PP1P1PPP/R1BQKB1R Possible Moves: A: d4, B: b4, C: Ne4 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: rnbqk2r/ppp2pp1/3bpn1p/8/2pP4/2N2N2/PP1BPPPP/R2QKB1R Possible Moves: A: d4, B: e4, C: Rc1 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: r4rk1/1p4p1/p1nqp2p/3p1pn1/3P4/1BB1Pb1P/PPR2PP1/2RQ3K Possible Moves: A: gxf3, B: Qf1, C: Qg1 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 6nk/1p4q1/p3p2p/3p1p1Q/3P1Pr1/1BB1P3/PP5R/7K Possible Moves: A: Qg7, B: Qg6, C: Rg2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: r1b2rk1/1pp1qpp1/p1nbpn1p/1N6/2BP4/4PN1P/PP1B1PP1/R2QK2R Possible Moves: A: Qg7, B: Nc3, C: Nxd6 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 6nk/1p2q3/p3p2p/3p1p1Q/3P1Pr1/1BB1P3/PPR5/7K Possible Moves: A: Ba5, B: Nc3, C: Be1 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: r4r1k/2R5/7p/pp4b1/3P4/1PP4P/P7/4R2K Possible Moves: A: Ba5, B: Re2, C: Re4 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 8/2k5/2P4p/p2Pb3/r7/4K2P/2R5/8 Possible Moves: A: h4, B: Re2, C: Rg2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 8/2k5/2P4K/1r5P/8/8/pbR5/8 Possible Moves: A: h4, B: Rb6, C: a1=Q Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 4r1k1/2qb2p1/p4n1p/1pb5/2pQ3B/2N4P/PPP2PP1/4R1K1 Possible Moves: A: h4, B: Qe4, C: Rxe8 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 4r3/1rq1pk1p/pp1pRnp1/2pP4/2P2Pp1/2P2B1P/P3Q3/4R1K1 Possible Moves: A: Be4, B: hxg4, C: Rxe8 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 6k1/4R1P1/3p4/3P1K2/2P5/1p6/8/8 Possible Moves: A: Ke6, B: axb3, C: Rxe8 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r2q1rk1/ppp3bp/3nP1p1/8/5B2/6P1/P5BP/1R1Q1R1K Possible Moves: A: Kh8, B: Rb8, C: Rxe8 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: rnbqk2r/ppp1ppbp/3p1np1/8/2PP4/2N3P1/PP2PPBP/R1BQK1NR Possible Moves: A: Nbd7, B: O-O, C: a6 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r1bq1rk1/ppp1n1bp/3p1np1/3Ppp2/2P1PP2/2N1B1P1/PP1N2BP/R2Q1RK1 Possible Moves: A: Nbd7, B: Ng4, C: fxe4 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r1bq1rk1/ppp1n1bp/3p2p1/3Pp3/2P1NP2/4B1P1/PP4BP/R2Q1RK1 Possible Moves: A: Nbd7, B: Nf5, C: fxe4 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 3q1rk1/1b4p1/p3B2p/1pp5/3p1PP1/P2P4/1PP4P/4RQK1 Possible Moves: A: Nbd7, B: Kh8, C: Rf7 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 5r1k/1b4p1/p3B2p/1pp2P2/3p2Pq/P2P3P/1PP5/4RQK1 Possible Moves: A: a5, B: Qg3, C: Rf7 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 3Brrk1/1b4p1/p3pq1p/1pp3N1/3p1PP1/P2P4/BPP4P/4RQK1 Possible Moves: A: a5, B: Qxd8, C: Rf7 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r1bqkb1r/pp3ppp/2n1p3/2pnP3/2Bp1P2/P2P1N2/1PP3PP/RNBQ1RK1 Possible Moves: A: h6, B: a6, C: a5 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: r1bqk2r/1p2bppp/p1n1p3/2p1P3/2Bp1P2/P2P1N2/1PPN2PP/R1B2QK1 Possible Moves: A: Qe1, B: a6, C: Qe2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 4rrk1/1b4pp/p1n1pq2/1pp5/3p1PP1/P2P1N2/BPPB3P/4RQK1 Possible Moves: A: Ng5, B: f5, C: Qe2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 5r1k/1b4p1/p3B2p/1pp2P2/3p2Pq/P2P4/1PP4P/4RQK1 Possible Moves: A: Qf2, B: Rd1, C: Qe2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: rn1qk3/6b1/1ppPb3/p1P3PR/3pNQ2/6P1/PP4P1/2KR4 Possible Moves: A: Rh7, B: Rd1, C: Rh6 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 8/8/n1p5/p1pk4/3p2Q1/6P1/PP4P1/2KR4 Possible Moves: A: Qd7, B: Rd1, C: Qh3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: rn1qk2r/3b2b1/1ppPp3/p1P3Pp/3PN3/6P1/PP1Q2P1/2KR1B1R Possible Moves: A: Qf4, B: Rd1, C: Bc4 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: r7/3k1P2/n1pPb3/p1p5/3p1Q2/6P1/PP4P1/2KR4 Possible Moves: A: f8=Q, B: Rd1, C: Re1 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 1r1q1rk1/1p2bpp1/1Nnpbn2/4p2p/2P1P3/3P1PP1/4N1BP/1RBQ1RK1 Possible Moves: A: f8=Q, B: f4, C: Rb2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 1r1q1rk1/1p2bpp1/1Nnpbn2/8/2P1PN1p/3P2P1/6BP/1RBQ1RK1 Possible Moves: A: Nxe6, B: f4, C: Rb2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 1r1q2k1/1p2b1pn/1N1pp3/4n1P1/2P1P2p/3P3B/7P/1RBQ1rK1 Possible Moves: A: Kxf1, B: Kg2, C: Bxf1 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 2k5/3R2K1/3p1N2/5P2/2P5/6bp/8/8 Possible Moves: A: Kf8, B: Kg2, C: Re7 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 2k5/3R2K1/3p4/5P2/2P5/8/7b/8 Possible Moves: A: Re7, B: Rxc7, C: Re7 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 2rr4/2qnbkp1/pp1p1n1p/8/2P5/1PNB1b1P/P3QPPB/2R2RK1 Possible Moves: A: gxf3, B: Qc2, C: Qe1 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: rn1qk2r/pp2ppbp/2p2np1/4P3/2B2Qb1/2N5/PPP2PPP/R1B1K1NR Possible Moves: A: Nbd7, B: Qa5, C: h5 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: rn2k2r/pp2ppPp/2p5/6Q1/2q3b1/2N5/PPP2PPP/R1B1K1NR Possible Moves: A: Rg8, B: Qd4, C: Qxc3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}], "columns": [{"key": "prompt", "header": "Prompt"}, {"key": "ideal", "header": "Ideal"}]}, 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