{"flow": {"nodes": [{"width": 312, "height": 311, "id": "prompt-chess", "type": "prompt", "data": {"prompt": "{prompt}", "n": 1, "llms": [{"key": "aa3c0f03-22bd-416e-af4d-4bf5c4278c99", "settings": {"system_msg": "TASK: Read the chess position provided in FEN-notation, then identify the best move to the board position below, in the format A. Your answer should only contain the letter of the correct move. Do not provide any further explanation.", "temperature": 1, "functions": [], "function_call": "", "top_p": 1, "stop": [], "presence_penalty": 0, "frequency_penalty": 0}, "name": "GPT3.5", "emoji": "\ud83d\ude42", "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "base_model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "temp": 1, "formData": {"shortname": "GPT3.5", "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "system_msg": "TASK: Read the chess position provided in FEN-notation, then identify the best move to the board position below, in the format A. Your answer should only contain the letter of the correct move. Do not provide any further explanation.", "temperature": 1, "functions": "", "function_call": "", "top_p": 1, "stop": "", "presence_penalty": 0, "frequency_penalty": 0}}]}, "position": {"x": 448, "y": 224}, "selected": false, "positionAbsolute": {"x": 448, "y": 224}, "dragging": false}, {"width": 333, "height": 182, "id": "eval-chess", "type": "evaluator", "data": {"code": "function evaluate(response) {\n\tlet txt = response.text;\n\tlet ideal = response.meta['Ideal'];\n\treturn ideal.includes(txt) || txt.includes(ideal);\n}", "language": "javascript"}, "position": {"x": 820, "y": 150}, "positionAbsolute": {"x": 820, "y": 150}}, {"width": 228, "height": 196, "id": "vis-chess", "type": "vis", "data": {"input": "eval-chess"}, "position": {"x": 1200, "y": 250}, "positionAbsolute": {"x": 1200, "y": 250}}, {"width": 302, "height": 260, "id": "inspect-chess", "type": "inspect", "data": {"input": "prompt-chess"}, "position": {"x": 820, "y": 400}, "positionAbsolute": {"x": 820, "y": 400}}, {"width": 423, "height": 417, "id": "table-chess", "type": "table", "data": {"rows": [{"prompt": "White to move FEN: 2r3k1/p1q2ppp/1p3n2/1Q2p3/2P5/6P1/P4PKP/3R4 Possible Moves: A: f4, B: Rd2, C: Kg1, D: Qb2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "D"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r1bq1rk1/pp5p/3pp1p1/2p1b2p/2P1P2P/3PQ3/PP3P2/RNB2RK1 Possible Moves: A: h8, B: Qxh4, C: Kg7, D: Bxb2 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: r12k5/4b3/1p4p1/p3P2p/PP3P1P/2P2KP1/8/8 Possible Moves: A: Ke4, B: g4, C: c3, D: bxa Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "D"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: 4r1k1/5pp1/2Nq3p/3PnQ2/8/6PP/5P2/3R2K1 Possible Moves: A: Qf4, B: Kh1, C: Nxe5, D: Rd3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r3r1k1/p2QBp2/1p4pp/2p1b3/2q1P3/P1P5/1P3PPP/3RR1K1 Possible Moves: A: Qxe8, B: Kh1, C: Qb3, D: Rd3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 4rqk1/ppp2pp1/5nnp/2b1r3/4N3/P1P2Q1P/1PB2PP1/R1B1R1K1 Possible Moves: A: Nh4, B: R5e6, C: Bxh6, D: Rd1 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "White to move FEN: r3k2r/1b2ppb1/pq1p3p/1pn4P/4P1n1/P1NBBN2/1PP1Q1P1/3R1RK1 Possible Moves: A: Nd5, B: Bxc5, C: g3, D: Bd4 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "D"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 2r2bkr/p5p1/1q2pBpp/2p1P3/2Pp1R2/5Q2/PP3PPP/R5K1 Possible Moves: A: Kh7, B: gxf6, C: g3, D: Qe3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "B"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 2r2bkr/p7/1q2pRpp/2p1P3/2Pp4/5Q2/PP3PPP/R5K1 Possible Moves: A: Qxb2, B: Bg7, C: Rh7, D: a6 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "C"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: 2r4r/p4Qbk/1q2p1Rp/2p1P3/2Pp4/8/PP3PPP/R5K1 Possible Moves: A: Rhg8, B: a6, C: h5, D: d3 Answer only with the letter of the beset move.", "ideal": "A"}, {"prompt": "Black to move FEN: r5k1/4ppb1/p2p3p/1p5P/1P6/P1R2N2/2P2KP1/8 Possible Moves: A: Rd8, B: Bh8, C: h5, D: Bxc3 Answer only with the letter of the