* Removed Python backend files that are no longer used (everything in `promptengine`)
* Added `providers` subdomain, with `CustomProviderProtocol`, `provider` decorator, and global singleton `ProviderRegistry`
* Added a tab for custom providers, and a dropzone, in ChainForge global settings UI
* List custom providers in the Global Settings screen once added.
* Added ability to remove custom providers by clicking X.
* Make custom funcs sync but call them async'ly.
* Add Cohere custom provider example in examples/
*Cache the custom provider scripts and load them upon page load
* Rebuild react and update package version
* Bug fix when custom provider is deleted and settings screen is opened on the deleted custom provider
* Add red dot in Inspect Responses footer to indicate something changed
* Abstract out inspect footer button to component
* Add tooltips to AddNode menu items.
* Simple eval wip
* Add menu sections to Add Node. Minor tweaks to simple eval.
* Save state of simple eval when editing fields
* Add 'only show scores' toggle to response inspector
* Change 2 example flows to use simple evals. Fix bg of toolbar buttons.
* Update version and rebuild react
* Add LLM scorer node (#107)
* Modularize the LLM list container, extracting it from prompt node
* Working LLM scorer node
* Bug and minor fixes
* Change modals to use perc left.
* Add inspect response footer to LLMEvalNode.
* Make Play buttons light green
* Fix React errors w keys in JSX arrays
* Add Chat Turn node and support for chat history (#108)
* Adds chat_history across backend's cache and querying mechanisms.
* Adds Chat Turn nodes, which allow for continuing a conversation.
* Adds automatic conversions of ChatHistory (in OpenAI format) to Anthropic and Google PaLM's chat formats. Converts chat history to appropriate format and passes it as context in the API call.
* Bug fix and error popup when missing past convo in Chat Turn
* Bug squashing to progress in chat turn node
* bug squashing
* Color false scores bright red in eval inspector
* fix tooltip when cont chat present
* Rebuild react
* bug fix llm eval node
* Add HF chat model support.
* Show multiple response objs in table inspector view
* Fix LLM item deletion bug
* Rebuild react and update package version
* Fix obscure bug when LLM outputs have no 'llm' property (due to prior CF version)
* Fix isLooselyEqual bug
* Update examples so that their cached 'fields' include llm nicknames
* rebuild react
* Add Chelse to readme
* Make vars in inspect table view multiline
* Choose var to use for columns in table view of resp inspector
* Only default to prompt var as column if num vars > 1
* Rebuild react and update package version
* Invalidate eval node upon upstream changes.
* Chain update pings across nodes. Autoresize textfields when typing.
* Wide output handles when entire node is output
* update package version
* Add tooltip to prompt preview button
* Focus scrollwheel on textfields textareas
* Replace escaped { and } with their bare versions
* Escape braces in tabular data by default. Ignore empty rows.
* Add ability to disable fields on textfields
* Make sure deleting a field deletes its fields_visibility
* Add withinPortal to Tooltips on side-buttons in text fields
* Add Anthropic model Claude-2.
* Resizeable textfield in prompt nodes
* Popup when user clicks X to delete node
* Collapseable supergroups in response inspector
* Nicer hierarchical color scheme for response group headers in response inspectors
* Share button implementation and testing
* Bug fix for Azure OpenAI (missing `bind` call)
* Change `call_anthropic` to go through server proxy when not running locally
* Cleanup of unused imports
* Fixed bug in Azure OpenAI call
* Update README.md with Share, Play link, etc
* Update package version to