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synced 2025-03-14 08:16:37 +00:00
Table view and persistent response inspector (#103)
* WIP Tabular data view in Inspect modal * Keep response inspector mounted * Rebuild react app and update package version
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
"files": {
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@ -1 +1 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -5,8 +5,9 @@
* be deployed in multiple locations.
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { Collapse, Flex, MultiSelect, NativeSelect } from '@mantine/core';
import { Collapse, Radio, MultiSelect, Group, Table } from '@mantine/core';
import { useDisclosure } from '@mantine/hooks';
import { IconTable, IconSitemap } from '@tabler/icons-react';
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx';
import useStore from './store';
import { filterDict } from './backend/utils';
@ -126,6 +127,9 @@ const LLMResponseInspector = ({ jsonResponses, wideFormat }) => {
const [responses, setResponses] = useState([]);
const [receivedResponsesOnce, setReceivedResponsesOnce] = useState(false);
// The type of view to use to display responses. Can be either hierarchy or table.
const [viewFormat, setViewFormat] = useState("hierarchy");
// The MultiSelect so people can dynamically set what vars they care about
const [multiSelectVars, setMultiSelectVars] = useState([]);
const [multiSelectValue, setMultiSelectValue] = useState([]);
@ -140,14 +144,18 @@ const LLMResponseInspector = ({ jsonResponses, wideFormat }) => {
// Find all vars in responses
let found_vars = new Set();
let found_llms = new Set();
jsonResponses.forEach(res_obj => {
Object.keys(res_obj.vars).forEach(v => {
found_vars = Array.from(found_vars);
found_llms = Array.from(found_llms);
// Set the variables accessible in the MultiSelect for 'group by'
let msvars = Array.from(found_vars).map(name => (
let msvars = found_vars.map(name => (
// We add a $ prefix to mark this as a prompt parameter, and so
// in the future we can add special types of variables without name collisions
{value: `${name}`, label: name}
@ -180,135 +188,185 @@ const LLMResponseInspector = ({ jsonResponses, wideFormat }) => {
// Now we need to perform groupings by each var in the selected vars list,
// nesting the groupings (preferrably with custom divs) and sorting within
// each group by value of that group's var (so all same values are clumped together).
// :: For instance, for varnames = ['LLM', '$var1', '$var2'] we should get back
// :: nested divs first grouped by LLM (first level), then by var1, then var2 (deepest level).
let leaf_id = 0;
let first_opened = false;
const groupByVars = (resps, varnames, eatenvars, header) => {
if (resps.length === 0) return [];
if (varnames.length === 0) {
// Base case. Display n response(s) to each single prompt, back-to-back:
let fixed_width = 100;
if (wideFormat && eatenvars.length > 0) {
const num_llms = Array.from(new Set(resps.map(res_obj => res_obj.llm))).length;
fixed_width = Math.max(20, Math.trunc(100 / num_llms)) - 1; // 20% width is lowest we will go (5 LLM response boxes max)
const resp_boxes = resps.map((res_obj, res_idx) => {
const generateResponseBoxes = (resps, eatenvars, fixed_width) => {
return resps.map((res_obj, res_idx) => {
const eval_res_items = res_obj.eval_res ? res_obj.eval_res.items : null;
const eval_res_items = res_obj.eval_res ? res_obj.eval_res.items : null;
// Bucket responses that have the same text, and sort by the
// number of same responses so that the top div is the most prevalent response.
// We first need to keep track of the original evaluation result per response str:
let resp_str_to_eval_res = {};
if (eval_res_items)
res_obj.responses.forEach((r, idx) => {
resp_str_to_eval_res[r] = eval_res_items[idx]
const same_resp_text_counts = countResponsesBy(res_obj.responses, (r) => r)[0];
const same_resp_keys = Object.keys(same_resp_text_counts).sort((key1, key2) => (same_resp_text_counts[key2] - same_resp_text_counts[key1]));
// Bucket responses that have the same text, and sort by the
// number of same responses so that the top div is the most prevalent response.
// We first need to keep track of the original evaluation result per response str:
let resp_str_to_eval_res = {};
if (eval_res_items)
res_obj.responses.forEach((r, idx) => {
resp_str_to_eval_res[r] = eval_res_items[idx]
const same_resp_text_counts = countResponsesBy(res_obj.responses, (r) => r)[0];
const same_resp_keys = Object.keys(same_resp_text_counts).sort((key1, key2) => (same_resp_text_counts[key2] - same_resp_text_counts[key1]));
// Spans for actual individual response texts
const ps = same_resp_keys.map((r, idx) => (
<div key={idx}>
{same_resp_text_counts[r] > 1 ?
(<span className="num-same-responses">{same_resp_text_counts[r]} times</span>)
: <></>}
{eval_res_items ? (
<p className="small-response-metrics">{getEvalResultStr(resp_str_to_eval_res[r])}</p>
) : <></>}
<pre className="small-response">{r}</pre>
// Spans for actual individual response texts
const ps = same_resp_keys.map((r, idx) => (
<div key={idx}>
{same_resp_text_counts[r] > 1 ?
(<span className="num-same-responses">{same_resp_text_counts[r]} times</span>)
: <></>}
{eval_res_items ? (
<p className="small-response-metrics">{getEvalResultStr(resp_str_to_eval_res[r])}</p>
) : <></>}
<pre className="small-response">{r}</pre>
// At the deepest level, there may still be some vars left over. We want to display these
// as tags, too, so we need to display only the ones that weren't 'eaten' during the recursive call:
// (e.g., the vars that weren't part of the initial 'varnames' list that form the groupings)
const unused_vars = filterDict(res_obj.vars, v => !eatenvars.includes(v));
const var_tags = Object.keys(unused_vars).map((varname) => {
const v = truncStr(unused_vars[varname].trim(), wideFormat ? 72 : 18);
return (<div key={varname} className="response-var-inline" >
<span className="response-var-name">{varname} = </span><span className="response-var-value">{v}</span>
return (
<div key={"r"+res_idx} className="response-box" style={{ backgroundColor: color_for_llm(res_obj.llm), width: `${fixed_width}%` }}>
<div className="response-var-inline-container">
{eatenvars.includes('LLM') ?
: (<div className="response-item-llm-name-wrapper">
const className = eatenvars.length > 0 ? "response-group" : "";
const boxesClassName = eatenvars.length > 0 ? "response-boxes-wrapper" : "";
const flexbox = (wideFormat && fixed_width < 100) ? 'flex' : 'block';
const defaultOpened = !first_opened || eatenvars.length === 0 || eatenvars[eatenvars.length-1] === 'LLM';
first_opened = true;
leaf_id += 1;
return (
<div key={'l'+leaf_id} className={className} style={{ backgroundColor: rgroup_color(eatenvars.length) }}>
<ResponseGroup header={header}
defaultState={defaultOpened} />
// At the deepest level, there may still be some vars left over. We want to display these
// as tags, too, so we need to display only the ones that weren't 'eaten' during the recursive call:
// (e.g., the vars that weren't part of the initial 'varnames' list that form the groupings)
const unused_vars = filterDict(res_obj.vars, v => !eatenvars.includes(v));
const var_tags = Object.keys(unused_vars).map((varname) => {
const v = truncStr(unused_vars[varname].trim(), wideFormat ? 72 : 18);
return (<div key={varname} className="response-var-inline" >
<span className="response-var-name">{varname} = </span><span className="response-var-value">{v}</span>
return (
<div key={"r"+res_idx} className="response-box" style={{ backgroundColor: color_for_llm(res_obj.llm), width: `${fixed_width}%` }}>
<div className="response-var-inline-container">
// Bucket responses by the first var in the list, where
// we also bucket any 'leftover' responses that didn't have the requested variable (a kind of 'soft fail')
const group_name = varnames[0];
const [grouped_resps, leftover_resps] = (group_name === 'LLM')
? groupResponsesBy(resps, (r => r.llm))
: groupResponsesBy(resps, (r => ((group_name in r.vars) ? r.vars[group_name] : null)));
const get_header = (group_name === 'LLM')
? ((key, val) => (<div key={val} style={{backgroundColor: color_for_llm(val)}} className='response-llm-header'>{val}</div>))
: ((key, val) => getHeaderBadge(key, val, eatenvars.length));
// Now produce nested divs corresponding to the groups
const remaining_vars = varnames.slice(1);
const updated_eatenvars = eatenvars.concat([group_name]);
const defaultOpened = !first_opened || eatenvars.length === 0 || eatenvars[eatenvars.length-1] === 'LLM';
const grouped_resps_divs = Object.keys(grouped_resps).map(g => groupByVars(grouped_resps[g], remaining_vars, updated_eatenvars, get_header(group_name, g)));
const leftover_resps_divs = leftover_resps.length > 0 ? groupByVars(leftover_resps, remaining_vars, updated_eatenvars, get_header(group_name, undefined)) : [];
leaf_id += 1;
return (<div key={'h'+ group_name + '_' + leaf_id}>
{header ?
(<div key={group_name} className="response-group" style={{ backgroundColor: rgroup_color(eatenvars.length) }}>
<ResponseGroup header={header}
defaultState={defaultOpened} />
: <div key={group_name}>{grouped_resps_divs}</div>}
{leftover_resps_divs.length === 0 ? (<></>) : (
<div key={'__unspecified_group'} className="response-group">
{eatenvars.includes('LLM') ?
: (<div className="response-item-llm-name-wrapper">
// Produce DIV elements grouped by selected vars
const divs = groupByVars(responses, selected_vars, [], null);
}, [multiSelectValue, jsonResponses, wideFormat]);
// Generate a view of the responses based on the view format set by the user
if (viewFormat === "table") {
// Generate a table, with default columns for: input vars, LLMs queried
// First get column names as input vars + LLMs:
const colnames = found_vars.concat(found_llms);
// Then group responses by prompts. Each prompt will become a separate row of the table (will be treated as unique)
const responses_by_prompt = groupResponsesBy(responses, (r => r.prompt))[0];
const rows = Object.entries(responses_by_prompt).map(([prompt, resp_objs], idx) => {
// We assume here that prompt input vars will be the same across all responses in this bundle,
// so we just take the value of the first one per each varname:
const vars_cols = found_vars.map(v => v in resp_objs[0].vars ? resp_objs[0].vars[v] : '(unspecified)');
const resp_objs_by_llm = groupResponsesBy(resp_objs, r => r.llm)[0];
const llm_cols = found_llms.map(llm => {
if (llm in resp_objs_by_llm) {
const rs = resp_objs_by_llm[llm];
if (rs.length > 1)
console.warn(`Found more than one response object for LLM ${llm} for the same prompt. Only displaying first...`);
// Return response divs as response box here:
return generateResponseBoxes(rs, found_vars, 100)[0];
} else {
console.warn(`Could not find response object for LLM: ${llm}`);
return (<span>(not queried)</span>);
return (
<tr key={idx} style={{borderBottom: '8px solid #eee'}}>
{vars_cols.map(c => (<td style={{backgroundColor: 'rgb(224, 244, 250)', paddingTop: '10px', borderRight: '1px solid #cde', fontWeight: '500'}}>{c}</td>))}
{llm_cols.map((c, i) => (<td style={{paddingTop: '8px', paddingBottom: '20px', borderRight: '1px solid #eee'}}>{c}</td>))}
<tr>{colnames.map(c => (<th>{c}</th>))}</tr>
<tbody style={{verticalAlign: 'top'}}>{rows}</tbody>
else if (viewFormat === "hierarchy") {
// Now we need to perform groupings by each var in the selected vars list,
// nesting the groupings (preferrably with custom divs) and sorting within
// each group by value of that group's var (so all same values are clumped together).
// :: For instance, for varnames = ['LLM', '$var1', '$var2'] we should get back
// :: nested divs first grouped by LLM (first level), then by var1, then var2 (deepest level).
let leaf_id = 0;
let first_opened = false;
const groupByVars = (resps, varnames, eatenvars, header) => {
if (resps.length === 0) return [];
if (varnames.length === 0) {
// Base case. Display n response(s) to each single prompt, back-to-back:
let fixed_width = 100;
if (wideFormat && eatenvars.length > 0) {
const num_llms = Array.from(new Set(resps.map(res_obj => res_obj.llm))).length;
fixed_width = Math.max(20, Math.trunc(100 / num_llms)) - 1; // 20% width is lowest we will go (5 LLM response boxes max)
const resp_boxes = generateResponseBoxes(resps, eatenvars, fixed_width);
const className = eatenvars.length > 0 ? "response-group" : "";
const boxesClassName = eatenvars.length > 0 ? "response-boxes-wrapper" : "";
const flexbox = (wideFormat && fixed_width < 100) ? 'flex' : 'block';
const defaultOpened = !first_opened || eatenvars.length === 0 || eatenvars[eatenvars.length-1] === 'LLM';
first_opened = true;
leaf_id += 1;
return (
<div key={'l'+leaf_id} className={className} style={{ backgroundColor: rgroup_color(eatenvars.length) }}>
<ResponseGroup header={header}
defaultState={defaultOpened} />
// Bucket responses by the first var in the list, where
// we also bucket any 'leftover' responses that didn't have the requested variable (a kind of 'soft fail')
const group_name = varnames[0];
const [grouped_resps, leftover_resps] = (group_name === 'LLM')
? groupResponsesBy(resps, (r => r.llm))
: groupResponsesBy(resps, (r => ((group_name in r.vars) ? r.vars[group_name] : null)));
const get_header = (group_name === 'LLM')
? ((key, val) => (<div key={val} style={{backgroundColor: color_for_llm(val)}} className='response-llm-header'>{val}</div>))
: ((key, val) => getHeaderBadge(key, val, eatenvars.length));
// Now produce nested divs corresponding to the groups
const remaining_vars = varnames.slice(1);
const updated_eatenvars = eatenvars.concat([group_name]);
const defaultOpened = !first_opened || eatenvars.length === 0 || eatenvars[eatenvars.length-1] === 'LLM';
const grouped_resps_divs = Object.keys(grouped_resps).map(g => groupByVars(grouped_resps[g], remaining_vars, updated_eatenvars, get_header(group_name, g)));
const leftover_resps_divs = leftover_resps.length > 0 ? groupByVars(leftover_resps, remaining_vars, updated_eatenvars, get_header(group_name, undefined)) : [];
leaf_id += 1;
return (<div key={'h'+ group_name + '_' + leaf_id}>
{header ?
(<div key={group_name} className="response-group" style={{ backgroundColor: rgroup_color(eatenvars.length) }}>
<ResponseGroup header={header}
defaultState={defaultOpened} />
: <div key={group_name}>{grouped_resps_divs}</div>}
{leftover_resps_divs.length === 0 ? (<></>) : (
<div key={'__unspecified_group'} className="response-group">
// Produce DIV elements grouped by selected vars
const divs = groupByVars(responses, selected_vars, [], null);
}, [multiSelectValue, jsonResponses, wideFormat, viewFormat]);
// When the user clicks an item in the drop-down,
// we want to autoclose the multiselect drop-down:
@ -321,20 +379,37 @@ const LLMResponseInspector = ({ jsonResponses, wideFormat }) => {
return (<div style={{height: '100%'}}>
{/* <Flex> */}
{/* <NativeSelect label='View as' data={['Hierarchy', 'Table']} mr='8px' w='15%' /> */}
<MultiSelect ref={multiSelectRef}
className='nodrag nowheel inspect-multiselect'
label={<span style={{marginTop: '0px', fontWeight: 'normal'}}>Group responses by (order matters):</span>}
placeholder="Pick vars to group responses, in order of importance"
size={wideFormat ? 'sm' : 'xs'}
w='100%' />
{/* </Flex> */}
{wideFormat ?
<Group mt="0px" mb='xs'>
<Radio value="hierarchy" label={<span><IconSitemap size='10pt' style={{marginBottom: '-1px'}}/> Hierarchy</span>} />
<Radio value="table" label={<span><IconTable size='10pt' style={{marginBottom: '-1px'}}/> Table</span>} />
: <></>}
{wideFormat === false || viewFormat === "hierarchy" ?
<MultiSelect ref={multiSelectRef}
className='nodrag nowheel inspect-multiselect'
label={<span style={{marginTop: '0px', fontWeight: 'normal'}}>Group responses by (order matters):</span>}
placeholder="Pick vars to group responses, in order of importance"
size={wideFormat ? 'sm' : 'xs'}
w='100%' />
: <></>}
<div className="nowheel nodrag">
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ const LLMResponseInspectorModal = forwardRef((props, ref) => {
return (
<Modal size='80%' opened={opened} onClose={close} closeOnClickOutside={true} style={{position: 'relative', 'left': '-100px'}} title={
<Modal size='80%' keepMounted opened={opened} onClose={close} closeOnClickOutside={true} style={{position: 'relative', 'left': '-100px'}} title={
<div><span>Response Inspector</span><button className="custom-button" style={{marginTop: 'auto', marginRight: '14px', float: 'right'}} onClick={() => exportToExcel(props.jsonResponses)}>Export data to Excel</button></div>
} styles={{ title: {justifyContent: 'space-between', width: '100%'} }} >
{ props.prompt !== undefined ?
Reference in New Issue
Block a user