migrated fully to new pipeline.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without exception.
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
Charles N Wyble
Senior (**Staff level**) **System Engineer/SRE/Architect** with extensive Linux/Windows/Networking/Cyber security background and experience
## Highlights from my 22 year IT career
- Developed and implemented a process to switch thousands of desktops providing digital signage functionality from Fedora to Debian in a completely automated fashion using a custom initrd.
- Developed and implemented an internal private cloud orchestration and provisioning system for a hardware development engineering team that handled the entire provisioning lifecycle for physical and virtual systems.
- Developed and implemented standardized language and procedures and incident investigation automation for a large technical support organization with high turnover.
- Developed and implemented an automated order status and payment handling interactive voice response application using Angel.ccm with a backend web service returning Voice XML. This allows call center personnel to focus on revenue generating opportunities instead of administrative matters.
- Provided technician support to a team of electrical engineers building the power system for the radar of FrankenSAM in Ukraine. Handled high / low voltage wiring and plumbing and documentation of those systems.
- Provided root cause analysis , mitigation and remediation of security breaches by advanced persistent threat actors at high value targets.
- Project managed a successful brand new data center build from bare dirt to serving content in 86 days. Oversaw 8 billion dollars of capital deployment.
- Led and consulted tier 1 payment compliance industry (PCI) implementations for some of the worlds largest brands (including at a payment processor).
- Rolled out centralized Active Directory authentication, deployed Dell OpenManage, and upgraded network equipment.
- Deployed password vault, Active Directory PKI, and implemented a ground-up network redesign.
- Designed VmWare NSX network.
## Employment History
**CDK Global | Senior System Engineer | July 2024 - October 2024**
- Security Compliance : worked with risk management/audit to remediate insecure configurations
- Created Alma9 Packer image from scratch
**Apple Computer | Senior System Administrator | March 2024 - July 2024**
- Day to day server operations scheduling downtime etc
**SHEIN | Staff Site Reliability Engineer | December 2022 - August 2023**
- Streamlined engineer onboarding by documenting and overhauling the process, consolidating disparate guides into a comprehensive modular set of documents.
- Established a taxonomy for team documentation in the wiki, implementing Confluence best practices for a proper knowledge base.
- Served as the SRE Liaison for cybersecurity functions, ensuring compliance with data locality/partition requirements and pending federal data privacy legislation.
- Focused on fostering a culture of automation and skill development within the SRE team, emphasizing code review, infrastructure as code, versioning, testing, and effective ticket management.
- Contributed to Linux server administration both internally and externally, aiding colleagues with scripting/automation and assisting in the migration from AWS to Azure with zero customer-facing system impact. Additionally, provided day-to-day support for AWS and Azure activities and troubleshooting.
**3M | Senior Site Reliability Engineer | March 2020 - November 2022**
- Supported Vendavo on RedHat Linux, managed releases, and provided day-to-day developer support.
- Created a homegrown YAML configuration management system, utilizing bash scripting and YAML templates with a CSV-based key/value store to efficiently manage and regenerate environment-specific variables for a line-of-business application across multiple development, testing, staging, and production environments.
**TippingPoint | Staff System Architect | March 2012 - June 2019**
- Conducted code and design reviews for internal/external team projects and actively participated in broad enterprise collaboration, focusing on large-scale fleet management.
- Managed user account administration, manual/semi-automated server provisioning, trouble tickets, security vulnerability remediation, and system/network auditing.
- Led various projects, including migrating fleet systems from Centos 6 to Centos 7, implementing LXC/ LXD container versions for increased system utilization, and creating an on-premise deployment system (GUMPS) for automated provisioning.
- Deployed network monitoring systems (Zenoss, observium/librenms), utilized librenms as a Conflguration Management Database (CMDB), and implemented a fleet orchestration system (Rundeck).
- Executed extensive vulnerability remediation, OS/application/kernel patching, NIC customization/ optimization, and data migrations while developing and maintaining custom scripts for tasks such as LDAP management and SSL scenarios. Automated processes like re-imaging and ensured continuous distribution of a 40GB dataset of packet captures across a global fleet.
**HostGator.com | Automation and Escalation Engineer | March 2011 - May 2012**
- Provided senior-level Linux and web application support globally.
- Developed standardized reply language and scripts, reducing errors in Level I Linux administrator department.
**RippleTV | System Engineer | October 2008 - January 2010**
- Provided system engineering expertise for customer-facing advertising platform (AdSpot) and internal fleet management tool (CPanel).
- Utilized Nginx, Mongrel, Thin, Rails, Merb, Rack, MySQL, memcached, and F5 LTM.
**Walt Disney Internet Group | Site Reliability Engineer | August 2006 - September 2007**
- Engaged in dynamic work environment focusing on popular web/ecommerce sites, including disneyworld.com and disneyland.com.
- Provided design, architecture, and day-to-day administration for Disney park property sites generating $2 billion annually.
- Provided system engineering and PCI compliance expertise for Disneyland.com, Disneyworld.com, DisneyCruiseLines.com, and 23 related properties.
- Utilized Jboss instances on RHEL3/4 for business logic and employed Windows 2003 with Tomcat/IIS for frontend application serving.
- Automated routine system administration tasks through the creation of batch and VBScript programs for Windows administration.
- Led an Active Directory project for WDIG, designing and implementing a nationwide, highly available system across 3 data centers.
- Managed the migration from Windows NT to Windows 2003 Active Directory domain controllers, including experience with Windows 2008, Centrify, and Samba/Winbind/LDAP/Kerberos.
**Electronic Clearing House | Senior System Administrator | April 2005 - July 2006**
- Linux systems engineer in a 24x7 transaction processing/ecommerce/flnancial services environment, collaborating with network administration and infrastructure design teams.
- Ensured continuous uptime for high-impact environments, including a 1TB MySQL database, 300TB Oracle database, 1.5TB Oracle Data Warehouse, and a 4,000-store LAMP-based ecommerce system (MerchantAmerica.com).
- Successfully deployed an enterprise-wide Linux backup system, featuring encrypted backups stored on a central server with ISCSI attached network storage, utilizing GNUPG and tar over SSH. Regular backups and restores were tested weekly.
- Led the deployment of Oracle database infrastructure, implementing two Oracle RAC clusters with Dell 6850 servers, Qual Dual Core Xeon processors, and 32GB of RAM each. The clusters ran on RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.0 64bit edition, serving Data Warehouse, Transaction Processing Software, and Credit Card Clearing applications.
**GSI Commerce | System Administrator | March 2002 - February 2005**
- Contributed to disaster recovery from an Informix Database failure.
- Streamlined FTP server conflguration and deployed open-source remote control software.
- Upgraded network infrastructure from hubs to managed switches.
**ReachableCEO Enterprises | Freelancer | January 2001 - December 2024**
- Deployed,configured,supported Cloudron and Coolify PAAS and a full IT/SRE/Devops and engineering software stack for a stealth aerospace startup.
- Provided technician support to a team of electrical engineers building the power system for the radar of FrakenSAM in Ukraine. Handled high / low voltage wiring and plumbing and documentation of those systems.
- Provided root cause analysis and remediation for a security breach at a defense contractor.
- Developed a rapidly field deployable mesh networking system for a variety of use cases.
- Developed a secure global video conferencing system using only 3mbps for a major defense contractor.
- Advised on backend infrastructure for broadcasting news and information via radio and internet into hostile powers.
## Skills
|Skill|Experience|Skill Details|
|**Linux**|22 years|RHEL,Debian,Ubuntu,kickstart,PXE, LDAP,SSSD,RPM/Deb package creation, quotas,extended permissions, clustering,NFS,Samba|
|**Unix**|5 years|HPUX/Solaris|
|**Windows**|22 years|Server (2008 2016),Windows client automated deployment (7,8,10,11),Active Directory,Group Policy,WSUS,Certificate Services,AD DNS,AD DHCP,complex multiple forest and domain setups |
|**Free/Libre/Open Source software**|22 years|Apache,Postfix,Qmail,Dovecot,Courier IMAP,Nginx,Matamo,Discourse,Wordpress, Mautic,Dolibarr,Revive Ad Server,Firefly,Cloudron,Coolify,Gitea, HomeAssistant, Jenkins,Rundeck,N8N, LetsEncrypt,ACME,cfssl|
|**Databases**|22 years| MySQL,PostgreSQL, Dbeaver,PHPMyAdmin,PostGIS|
|**Cyber Security**|22 years|PCI Compliance (tier 1 implementations),OpenVAS<,Lynis,security hardening,audits,breach response and mitigation, patch and vulnerability management. AppArmor, SeLinux, Centrify, Tripwire, Integrit, OSSEC |
|**Virtualization**|22 years|VmWare,Parallels,HyperV,KVM,Xen|
|**Networking**|22 years|Linux Virtual Server(LVS),HAProxy,Ubiquiti Unifi,Opnsense,Pfsense,DNS,DHCP,IPAM,PXE,IPS,IDS,GRE,IPSEC.Wireguard,OpenVPN,Nebula,Tailscale,RADIUS. Mostly layer2 data center/campus/access some WAN,firewall,layer3 |
|**Monitoring**|22 years|Uptime Kuma,Librenms,Zabbix,Zenoss,Nagios,Elasticsearch,Logstash,Kibana(ELK)|
|**Storage**|22 years|Netapp,EMC,EqualLogic,3par,MSA,TrueNAS/ZFS,iscsi,S3,Azure Storage|
|**Cloud**|5 years|AWS,Azure,Kubernetes,Helm,Docker|
|**Containerization**|15 years|LXC,Docker,OpenVZ|
|**Configuration management/InfrastructureAsCode(IAC)**|22 years|FetchApply,Terraform/OpenTOfU,Ansible,AWX,Hashicorp Packer/Vault|
|**Ticket / incident / project management**| 22 years| Jira,ServiceNow,Redmine,RT|
|**Git**|15 years|Branching,merging,multiple teams,external vendors,submodules |
|**SRE**|5 years| Grafana,Prometheus,Signoz,Wazuh|
|**LLM**|2 years|OpenWebUI,QA/validation,RAG,data cleaning/prep|
|**Programming**|5 years|J2ME,PHP,Ruby,TCL/TK,Java,C,C++|
|**Automation**|22 years|Bash,YAML,TOML,PowerShell,Perl|
|**Embedded development**|5 years|Raspberry pi,arduino,seeduino,Lego Mindstorms|
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
Charles N Wyble
Senior (**Staff level**) **System Engineer/SRE/Architect** with extensive Linux/Windows/Networking/Cyber security background and experience
[ [Github Profile](https://github.com/reachableceo) ] . [ [Linkedin Profile](https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-wyble-412007337) ] . [ reachableceo@reachableceo.com ] . [ 818 280 7059 ] . [ Austin TX / Raleigh NC / Remote ]
## Highlights from my 22 year IT career
- Developed and implemented a process to switch thousands of desktops providing digital signage functionality from Fedora to Debian in a completely automated fashion using a custom initrd.
- Developed and implemented an internal private cloud orchestration and provisioning system for a hardware development engineering team that handled the entire provisioning lifecycle for physical and virtual systems.
- Developed and implemented standardized language and procedures and incident investigation automation for a large technical support organization with high turnover.
- Developed and implemented an automated order status and payment handling interactive voice response application using Angel.ccm with a backend web service returning Voice XML. This allows call center personnel to focus on revenue generating opportunities instead of administrative matters.
- Provided technician support to a team of electrical engineers building the power system for the radar of FrankenSAM in Ukraine. Handled high / low voltage wiring and plumbing and documentation of those systems.
- Provided root cause analysis , mitigation and remediation of security breaches by advanced persistent threat actors at high value targets.
- Project managed a successful brand new data center build from bare dirt to serving content in 86 days. Oversaw 8 billion dollars of capital deployment.
- Led and consulted tier 1 payment compliance industry (PCI) implementations for some of the worlds largest brands (including at a payment processor).
- Rolled out centralized Active Directory authentication, deployed Dell OpenManage, and upgraded network equipment.
- Deployed password vault, Active Directory PKI, and implemented a ground-up network redesign.
- Designed VmWare NSX network.
## Employment History
**CDK Global | Senior System Engineer | July 2024 - October 2024**
- Security Compliance : worked with risk management/audit to remediate insecure configurations
- Created Alma9 Packer image from scratch
**Apple Computer | Senior System Administrator | March 2024 - July 2024**
- Day to day server operations scheduling downtime etc
**SHEIN | Staff Site Reliability Engineer | December 2022 - August 2023**
- Streamlined engineer onboarding by documenting and overhauling the process, consolidating disparate guides into a comprehensive modular set of documents.
- Established a taxonomy for team documentation in the wiki, implementing Confluence best practices for a proper knowledge base.
- Served as the SRE Liaison for cybersecurity functions, ensuring compliance with data locality/partition requirements and pending federal data privacy legislation.
- Focused on fostering a culture of automation and skill development within the SRE team, emphasizing code review, infrastructure as code, versioning, testing, and effective ticket management.
- Contributed to Linux server administration both internally and externally, aiding colleagues with scripting/automation and assisting in the migration from AWS to Azure with zero customer-facing system impact. Additionally, provided day-to-day support for AWS and Azure activities and troubleshooting.
**3M | Senior Site Reliability Engineer | March 2020 - November 2022**
- Supported Vendavo on RedHat Linux, managed releases, and provided day-to-day developer support.
- Created a homegrown YAML configuration management system, utilizing bash scripting and YAML templates with a CSV-based key/value store to efficiently manage and regenerate environment-specific variables for a line-of-business application across multiple development, testing, staging, and production environments.
**TippingPoint | Staff System Architect | March 2012 - June 2019**
- Conducted code and design reviews for internal/external team projects and actively participated in broad enterprise collaboration, focusing on large-scale fleet management.
- Managed user account administration, manual/semi-automated server provisioning, trouble tickets, security vulnerability remediation, and system/network auditing.
- Led various projects, including migrating fleet systems from Centos 6 to Centos 7, implementing LXC/ LXD container versions for increased system utilization, and creating an on-premise deployment system (GUMPS) for automated provisioning.
- Deployed network monitoring systems (Zenoss, observium/librenms), utilized librenms as a Conflguration Management Database (CMDB), and implemented a fleet orchestration system (Rundeck).
- Executed extensive vulnerability remediation, OS/application/kernel patching, NIC customization/ optimization, and data migrations while developing and maintaining custom scripts for tasks such as LDAP management and SSL scenarios. Automated processes like re-imaging and ensured continuous distribution of a 40GB dataset of packet captures across a global fleet.
**HostGator.com | Automation and Escalation Engineer | March 2011 - May 2012**
- Provided senior-level Linux and web application support globally.
- Developed standardized reply language and scripts, reducing errors in Level I Linux administrator department.
**RippleTV | System Engineer | October 2008 - January 2010**
- Provided system engineering expertise for customer-facing advertising platform (AdSpot) and internal fleet management tool (CPanel).
- Utilized Nginx, Mongrel, Thin, Rails, Merb, Rack, MySQL, memcached, and F5 LTM.
**Walt Disney Internet Group | Site Reliability Engineer | August 2006 - September 2007**
- Engaged in dynamic work environment focusing on popular web/ecommerce sites, including disneyworld.com and disneyland.com.
- Provided design, architecture, and day-to-day administration for Disney park property sites generating $2 billion annually.
- Provided system engineering and PCI compliance expertise for Disneyland.com, Disneyworld.com, DisneyCruiseLines.com, and 23 related properties.
- Utilized Jboss instances on RHEL3/4 for business logic and employed Windows 2003 with Tomcat/IIS for frontend application serving.
- Automated routine system administration tasks through the creation of batch and VBScript programs for Windows administration.
- Led an Active Directory project for WDIG, designing and implementing a nationwide, highly available system across 3 data centers.
- Managed the migration from Windows NT to Windows 2003 Active Directory domain controllers, including experience with Windows 2008, Centrify, and Samba/Winbind/LDAP/Kerberos.
**Electronic Clearing House | Senior System Administrator | April 2005 - July 2006**
- Linux systems engineer in a 24x7 transaction processing/ecommerce/flnancial services environment, collaborating with network administration and infrastructure design teams.
- Ensured continuous uptime for high-impact environments, including a 1TB MySQL database, 300TB Oracle database, 1.5TB Oracle Data Warehouse, and a 4,000-store LAMP-based ecommerce system (MerchantAmerica.com).
- Successfully deployed an enterprise-wide Linux backup system, featuring encrypted backups stored on a central server with ISCSI attached network storage, utilizing GNUPG and tar over SSH. Regular backups and restores were tested weekly.
- Led the deployment of Oracle database infrastructure, implementing two Oracle RAC clusters with Dell 6850 servers, Qual Dual Core Xeon processors, and 32GB of RAM each. The clusters ran on RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.0 64bit edition, serving Data Warehouse, Transaction Processing Software, and Credit Card Clearing applications.
**GSI Commerce | System Administrator | March 2002 - February 2005**
- Contributed to disaster recovery from an Informix Database failure.
- Streamlined FTP server conflguration and deployed open-source remote control software.
- Upgraded network infrastructure from hubs to managed switches.
**ReachableCEO Enterprises | Freelancer | January 2001 - December 2024**
- Deployed,configured,supported Cloudron and Coolify PAAS and a full IT/SRE/Devops and engineering software stack for a stealth aerospace startup.
- Provided technician support to a team of electrical engineers building the power system for the radar of FrakenSAM in Ukraine. Handled high / low voltage wiring and plumbing and documentation of those systems.
- Provided root cause analysis and remediation for a security breach at a defense contractor.
- Developed a rapidly field deployable mesh networking system for a variety of use cases.
- Developed a secure global video conferencing system using only 3mbps for a major defense contractor.
- Advised on backend infrastructure for broadcasting news and information via radio and internet into hostile powers.
## Skills
|Skill|Experience|Skill Details|
|**Linux**|22 years|RHEL,Debian,Ubuntu,kickstart,PXE, LDAP,SSSD,RPM/Deb package creation, quotas,extended permissions, clustering,NFS,Samba|
|**Unix**|5 years|HPUX/Solaris|
|**Windows**|22 years|Server (2008 2016),Windows client automated deployment (7,8,10,11),Active Directory,Group Policy,WSUS,Certificate Services,AD DNS,AD DHCP,complex multiple forest and domain setups |
|**Free/Libre/Open Source software**|22 years|Apache,Postfix,Qmail,Dovecot,Courier IMAP,Nginx,Matamo,Discourse,Wordpress, Mautic,Dolibarr,Revive Ad Server,Firefly,Cloudron,Coolify,Gitea, HomeAssistant, Jenkins,Rundeck,N8N, LetsEncrypt,ACME,cfssl|
|**Databases**|22 years| MySQL,PostgreSQL, Dbeaver,PHPMyAdmin,PostGIS|
|**Cyber Security**|22 years|PCI Compliance (tier 1 implementations),OpenVAS<,Lynis,security hardening,audits,breach response and mitigation, patch and vulnerability management. AppArmor, SeLinux, Centrify, Tripwire, Integrit, OSSEC |
|**Virtualization**|22 years|VmWare,Parallels,HyperV,KVM,Xen|
|**Networking**|22 years|Linux Virtual Server(LVS),HAProxy,Ubiquiti Unifi,Opnsense,Pfsense,DNS,DHCP,IPAM,PXE,IPS,IDS,GRE,IPSEC.Wireguard,OpenVPN,Nebula,Tailscale,RADIUS. Mostly layer2 data center/campus/access some WAN,firewall,layer3 |
|**Monitoring**|22 years|Uptime Kuma,Librenms,Zabbix,Zenoss,Nagios,Elasticsearch,Logstash,Kibana(ELK)|
|**Storage**|22 years|Netapp,EMC,EqualLogic,3par,MSA,TrueNAS/ZFS,iscsi,S3,Azure Storage|
|**Cloud**|5 years|AWS,Azure,Kubernetes,Helm,Docker|
|**Containerization**|15 years|LXC,Docker,OpenVZ|
|**Configuration management/InfrastructureAsCode(IAC)**|22 years|FetchApply,Terraform/OpenTOfU,Ansible,AWX,Hashicorp Packer/Vault|
|**Ticket / incident / project management**| 22 years| Jira,ServiceNow,Redmine,RT|
|**Git**|15 years|Branching,merging,multiple teams,external vendors,submodules |
|**SRE**|5 years| Grafana,Prometheus,Signoz,Wazuh|
|**LLM**|2 years|OpenWebUI,QA/validation,RAG,data cleaning/prep|
|**Programming**|5 years|J2ME,PHP,Ruby,TCL/TK,Java,C,C++|
|**Automation**|22 years|Bash,YAML,TOML,PowerShell,Perl|
|**Embedded development**|5 years|Raspberry pi,arduino,seeduino,Lego Mindstorms|
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
# ReachableCEOResume
- [ReachableCEOResume](#reachableceoresume)
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Directory Overview](#directory-overview)
- [Build pipeline](#build-pipeline)
- [Outputs](#outputs)
- [Skills](#skills)
- [Projects](#projects)
- [Production Use](#production-use)
## Introduction
Resume formatting/publication/management is difficult, tedious, annoying etc. The @ReachableCEO has hacked the process and made it easy!
## Directory Overview
- ancillary-support-files: contains the markdown/build script for the @ReachableCEO candidate information sheet. This is my standard reply to recruiters to eliminate an average of 6 emails/phone calls per inbound lead. It has my rate sheet and all the standard "matrix" tables they need to fill out for submission to an end client (or, in reality, to the US based recruiting team who interfaces with the client).
- boilerplate: contact info (one version for the recruiter facing resume, one version for client facing).
- build: build scripts for the job board/recruiter facing resume and one for client facing. I use a two stage build process, allowing for modification to the combined markdown file before turning into PDF/Word format.
- EmployerItems: details for each position listed in WorkHistory/WorkHistory.csv.
- MarkdownOutput: the combined markdown file that gets fed to pandoc.
- SkillsAndProjects: This contains what the name says. Holds a skills.csv file that gets turned into a skills table and a projects file that gets placed at beginning of resume as a career highlights section.
- WorkHistory: contains the WorkHistory.csv file used by the build script to generate Employment History section.
## Build pipeline
In the build directory:
- build-client-submit-* : Builds a version suited for recruiters to send to end clients.
- build-jobBoard-* : Builds a version that will be correctly parsed/auto populate profiles on Teal/Dice/Monster/Indeed/Glassdoor/ZipRecruiter. It appears LinkedIn doesn't parse an uploaded resume into a profile.
- CharlesNWyble-* : YAML metadata files for pandoc use when creating PDF/Word output.
- resume-docx-reference.docx: Template "style" file for Word output.
### Outputs
- Word format output is a best effort . The style file was sourced from : https://sdsawtelle.github.io/blog/output/simple-markdown-resume-with-pandoc-and-wkhtmltopdf.html
- PDF output is considered production. Please see: https://github.com/Wandmalfarbe/pandoc-latex-template and https://github.com/ReachableCEO/rcdoc-pipeline if you want to re-create/modify the build pipeline.
## Skills
Edit the skills.csv file in SkillsAndProjects. The build scripts will turn that into a nicely formatted table in the generated PDF/Word output. Use two spaces to control line breaks. Wrapping/breaks was the trickiest part to get right.
## Projects
Edit the Projects.md file in SkillsAndProjects. The build script will turn that into a career highlights section in the generated PDF/Word output.
## Production Use
These assets are in production use at the [ReachableCEO Career Site](https://resume.reachableceo.com) and uploaded to all major job portals. This was a labor of love by the @ReachableCEO in the hopes others can massively optimize the job hunt process.
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
title: "Charles N Wyble Candidate Details"
titlepage: true
titlepage-logo: "D:/tsys/@ReachableCEO/ReachableCEO.png"
toc: true
toc-own-page: true
date: \today
header-left: "\\hspace{1cm}"
header-center: "\\leftmark"
header-right: "Page \\thepage"
footer-left: "Charles N Wyble"
footer-center: "Tenacity. Velocity. Focus."
footer-right: "[Source code for this file](https://github.com/ReachableCEO/ReachableCEOResume/blob/main/ancillary-support-files/CharlesNWybleCandidateInfo.md)"
urlcolor: blue
page-background: "D:/tsys/@ReachableCEO/ExternalVendorCode/pandoc-latex-template/examples/page-background/backgrounds/background1.pdf"
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
# Charles N Wyble
## Introduction
I apologize for the form letter response.
I receive a high volume of recruiter emails every day and I've found this letter to be the most efficient way to
handle the high volume of emails and reduce back and forth emails/texts/calls.
If you have any questions/comments/concerns not covered by this document, please let me know via e-mail and I'm happy to address them!
If you ask me something answered in this document, I will not respond and will not move forward with the opportunity, so please read it in detail!
## Re: share my ID over email
I WILL NOT share my (full or redacted) photo ID over email or any other electronic written
communication. If that is "required" then I have no interest in moving forward with this opportunity.
I am happy to get on a teams/zoom/google meet etc call and show my ID.
## Re: professional references
I am happy to provide professional references once an interview with the end client/customer/hiring manager/team has been scheduled. I will NOT provide references up front. If that is "required" then I have no interest in moving forward with this opportunity.
## Re: relocation
if the role is not based in **Austin TX** or **Raleigh NC** I will need to re-locate
| Question | Answer |
| Am I open to relocation? | Yes |
| Am I willing to re-locate at own expense? | No |
| Am I open to up to 100% travel | Yes |
Please be aware that:
- I will **only re-locate at the employer expense**.
- I will need **two weeks of time** to re-locate.
- The net amount of the re-location benefit **MUST be at least $5,000 USD** to fully compensate me for the time/effort to re-locate.
- The full re-location benefit **must be provided prior to the confirmed start date**.
- I **will NOT** accept a reimbursement based re-location package.
- I am happy to come onsite (at client expense (paid up front)) for training/orientation etc.
## Rate Schedule (compensation expectations)
For **fully remote** roles only:
I am open to (at the absolute minimum): **\$50.00 per hour(w2)/\$75.00 per hour (1099/corp to corp)/ $100,000.00 annually (w2)**.
I have a strong preference for roles that are : **\$65.00 per hour(w2)/\$85.00 per hour (1099/corp to corp)/ $130,000.00 annually (w2)**.
For **on-site roles**:
I am open to (at the absolute minimum): **\$75.00 per hour(w2)/\$95.00 per hour (1099/corp to corp)/ $150,000.00 annually (w2)**.
In regards to compensation structure, I am open to:
- w2
- corp to corp (I have my own LLC)
- 1099
If you have a rate for any of the compensation options above, send them all. I will pick which one works best for my situation and the opportunity.
If it's a different rate with/without benefits, send both.
If the above is in alignment with this opportunity, please feel free to send me an RTR with the best rate you can offer.
## Details needed for submission
### My resume
[Download Charles resume(pdf)](https://resume.reachableceo.com/job-board/CharlesNWyble-Resume.pdf)
I am happy to discuss and make edits to the resume content specific to the opportunity if you feel
they are needed.
### Candidate details
Here are my complete candidate details for submission to the role.
| Question | Answer |
| Full name | Charles Wyble |
| E-mail address | <reachableceo@reachableceo.com> |
| Phone number | 818-280-7059 |
| Preferred form of contact | E-mail will get the fastest response |
| Work authorization | US Citizen |
| Are you employed presently? | No |
| Current location | Austin, Texas |
| Current timezone | CST |
| Timezones I can work in | PST/CST/EST |
| Availability to interview | Immediate |
| Availability to start | Immediate for remote/local, two weeks for relocation |
| Open to in-office/hybrid/remote | Yes |
| Any trips planned in next six months? | No |
| Highest Education | High School (no college/university) |
| Graduated Year | 2002 |
| Name of school | Osborne Christian School |
| Location of school | Los Angeles CA |
| Linkedin Profile | [Linkedin Profile](https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-wyble-412007337/) |
| Github Profile | [Github Profile](https://www.github.com/ReachableCEO/) |
| Last project | Contract, ended October 2024 |
| DOB | 09/14 |
| Total IT/career experience | 22 years |
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
echo "Generating PDF..."
pandoc \
CharlesNWybleCandidateInfo.md \
--template eisvogel \
--metadata-file="$PandocMetadataFile" \
--from markdown \
--to=pdf \
--output $PDFOutputFile
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Charles N Wyble
Senior (**Staff level**) **System Engineer/SRE/Architect** with extensive Linux/Windows/Networking/Cyber security background and experience
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
Charles N Wyble
Senior (**Staff level**) **System Engineer/SRE/Architect** with extensive Linux/Windows/Networking/Cyber security background and experience
. [ reachableceo@reachableceo.com ] . [ 818 280 7059 ] . [ Austin TX / Raleigh NC / Remote ]
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
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footer-left: "Charles N Wyble"
footer-center: "Tenacity. Velocity. Focus."
footer-right: "[Source code for this resume](https://git.knownelement.com/reachableceo/ReachableCEOResume) "
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@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
rm $MarkdownOutputFile
# Combine markdown files into single intermediate markdown file
#Pull in my contact info
cat "../boilerplate/Contact-Info-Client-Submit.md" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
echo " " >> $MarkdownOutputFile
echo "## Highlights from my 22 year IT career" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
cat ../SkillsAndProjects/Projects.md >> "$MarkdownOutputFile"
echo "\pagebreak" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
echo " " >> $MarkdownOutputFile
echo "## Employment History" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
echo " " >> $MarkdownOutputFile
#And here we do some magic...
#Pull in my :
# employer
# title
# start/end dates of employment
# long form position summary data from each position
for position in \
$(cat ../WorkHistory/WorkHistory.csv); do
COMPANY="$(echo $position|awk -F ',' '{print $1}')"
TITLE="$(echo $position|awk -F ',' '{print $2}')"
DATEOFEMPLOY="$(echo $position|awk -F ',' '{print $3}')"
echo "**$COMPANY | $TITLE | $DATEOFEMPLOY**" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
echo " " >> "$MarkdownOutputFile"
cat ../EmployerItems/$COMPANY.md >> "$MarkdownOutputFile"
echo " " >> "$MarkdownOutputFile"
unset IFS
#Pull in my skills and generate a beautiful table.
echo "\pagebreak" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
echo " " >> "$MarkdownOutputFile"
echo "## Skills" >> "$MarkdownOutputFile"
echo " " >> "$MarkdownOutputFile"
#Table heading
echo "|Skill|Experience|Skill Details|" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
echo "|---|---|---|" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
#Table rows
for skill in \
$(cat ../SkillsAndProjects/Skills.csv); do
SKILL_NAME="$(echo $skill|awk -F '|' '{print $1}')"
SKILL_YEARS="$(echo $skill|awk -F '|' '{print $2}')"
SKILL_DETAIL="$(echo $skill|awk -F '|' '{print $3}')"
echo "|**$SKILL_NAME**|$SKILL_YEARS|$SKILL_DETAIL|" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
unset IFS
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
echo "Generating PDF output for client submission version..."
MarkdownInputFile="../MarkdownOutput/client-submit/CharlesNWybleResume.md "
pandoc \
"$MarkdownInputFile" \
--template eisvogel \
--metadata-file="$PandocMetadataFile" \
--from markdown \
--to=pdf \
--output $PDFOutputFile
echo "Generating MSWord output for client submission version..."
pandoc \
"$MarkdownInputFile" \
--metadata-file="$PandocMetadataFile" \
--from markdown \
--to=docx \
--reference-doc=resume-docx-reference.docx \
--output $MSWordOutputFile
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
echo "Cleaning up from previous runs..."
rm $MarkdownOutputFile
echo "Combining markdown files into single input file for pandoc..."
#Pull in my contact info
cat "../boilerplate/Contact-Info.md" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
echo " " >> $MarkdownOutputFile
echo "## Highlights from my 22 year IT career" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
cat ../SkillsAndProjects/Projects.md >> "$MarkdownOutputFile"
echo "\pagebreak" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
echo " " >> $MarkdownOutputFile
echo "## Employment History" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
echo " " >> $MarkdownOutputFile
#And here we do some magic...
#Pull in my :
# employer
# title
# start/end dates of employment
# long form position summary data from each position
for position in \
$(cat ../WorkHistory/WorkHistory.csv); do
COMPANY="$(echo $position|awk -F ',' '{print $1}')"
TITLE="$(echo $position|awk -F ',' '{print $2}')"
DATEOFEMPLOY="$(echo $position|awk -F ',' '{print $3}')"
echo "**$COMPANY | $TITLE | $DATEOFEMPLOY**" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
echo " " >> "$MarkdownOutputFile"
cat ../EmployerItems/$COMPANY.md >> "$MarkdownOutputFile"
echo " " >> "$MarkdownOutputFile"
unset IFS
#Pull in my skills and generate a beautiful table.
echo "\pagebreak" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
echo " " >> "$MarkdownOutputFile"
echo "## Skills" >> "$MarkdownOutputFile"
echo " " >> "$MarkdownOutputFile"
#Table heading
echo "|Skill|Experience|Skill Details|" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
echo "|---|---|---|" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
#Table rows
for skill in \
$(cat ../SkillsAndProjects/Skills.csv); do
SKILL_NAME="$(echo $skill|awk -F '|' '{print $1}')"
SKILL_YEARS="$(echo $skill|awk -F '|' '{print $2}')"
SKILL_DETAIL="$(echo $skill|awk -F '|' '{print $3}')"
echo "|**$SKILL_NAME**|$SKILL_YEARS|$SKILL_DETAIL|" >> $MarkdownOutputFile
unset IFS
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
echo "Generating PDF output for job board version..."
MarkdownInputFile="../MarkdownOutput/job-board/CharlesNWybleResume.md "
pandoc \
"$MarkdownInputFile" \
--template eisvogel \
--metadata-file="$PandocMetadataFile" \
--from markdown \
--to=pdf \
--output $PDFOutputFile
echo "Generating MSWord output for client submission version..."
pandoc \
"$MarkdownInputFile" \
--metadata-file="$PandocMetadataFile" \
--from markdown \
--to=docx \
--reference-doc=resume-docx-reference.docx \
--output $MSWordOutputFile
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue
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