

Resume formatting/publication/management is difficult, tedious, annoying etc. The @ReachableCEO has hacked the process and made it easy!


I recommend doing these steps in order for efficency.

  • Edit build/ and alter the top section to refelct your information.
  • Edit Templates/WorkHistory/WorkHistory.csv
  • Create Templates/JobHistoryDetails/.md to match the value in the first field of WorkHistory.csv
  • Edit SkillsAndProjects/
  • Edit SkillsAndProjects/Skills.csv
  • Edit Templates/
  • cd to the build directory and bash

Directory Overview

  • build: build script and associated support files.
  • build-output: markdown file for pandoc gets placed here. If you want to make formatting changes before conversion to PDF/Word, you can do so.
  • build-temp: working directory for the build process. In case you need to debug an intermediate step.
  • Templates
    • CandidateInfoSHeet: contains the markdown/yaml template files for a candidate information sheet. This allows you to produce a standardized reply to recruiters to eliminate an average of 6 emails/phone calls per inbound lead. It has a rate sheet and all the standard "matrix" tables they need to fill out for submission to an end client (or, in reality, to the US based recruiting team who interfaces with the client).
    • ContactInfo: contact info (one version for the recruiter facing resume, one version for client facing).
    • JobHistoryDetails: details for each position listed in WorkHistory/WorkHistory.csv.
    • SkillsAndProjects: This contains what the name says. Holds a skills.csv file that gets turned into a skills table and a projects file that gets placed at beginning of resume as a career highlights section.
    • WorkHistory: contains the WorkHistory.csv file used by the build script to generate Employment History section.

Build pipeline

In the build directory:

  • - Builds three assets:
    • PDF/Word for submitting to job portals
    • PDF/Word for submitting to end clients (strips cover sheet/contact info)
    • PDF of the candidate information sheet.
  • BuildTemplate-* : Templatized YAML metadata files that get rendered during the build process to be used by Pandoc.
  • resume-docx-reference.docx: Template "style" file for Word output.



Edit the skills.csv file in SkillsAndProjects. The build scripts will turn that into a nicely formatted table in the generated PDF/Word output. Use two spaces to control line breaks. Wrapping/breaks was the trickiest part to get right.


Edit the file in SkillsAndProjects. The build script will turn that into a career highlights section in the generated PDF/Word output.

Production Use

These assets are in production use at the ReachableCEO Career Site and uploaded to all major job portals. This was a labor of love by the @ReachableCEO in the hopes others can massively optimize the job hunt process.

A set of scripts and template files for managing a markdown/json resume.
Readme 9.9 MiB