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TSYS infrastructure Todo

This documents the last few items for Charles to deliver as CIO. Charles is doing Core IT/business enablement and handling moving all the data off his laptop and into the systems.

Albert will run everything day to day as COO. Patti will handle everything finance related.

CTO Techops (due by 05/29) (with core setup done by 05/17)

  • CIO:Documentation: Migrate final bits from IT wiki to TSYS handbook
  • CIO:Documentation: Move VsCode onboarding section to main engineering onboarding section in handbook

R&D CTO enablement

  • Setup dashboard container from conhost
  • Setup elasticsearch
  • Minio configuration
  • Vault configuration
  • CIO:CTOWorkStation:google earth
  • CIO:CTOWorkstation:flora
  • CIO:CTOWorkstation:gephi
  • CIO:CTOWorkstationSetup:metasploit and armitage (maybe other gui as well? msfgui?)

Electronic Design Automation stack


CNC/3d printing

Misc notes


would be some things to check out.

### Documentation of existing POC

- POC Hardware
- Software Engineering tooling stack
- Hardware Engineering tooling stack
- Mechanical/Industrial design tooling stack
- Software Engineering supply chain (software components) stack
- Hardware Engineering supply chain (hardware/software components ) stack

### Mobile todos


