2018-01-24 20:52:43 -06:00

279 lines
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-stage 180 2008-01-19 08:26:19Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Alan Sundell <alan@sundell.net>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of copying files from the local cache
# directory to the local stage, building a unified single tree onstage
# from the multiple trees that are the role + subroles in the cache
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
my @rsync = ('rsync',
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
sub check_stage ();
sub sync_role ($$@);
sub apply_default_perms_to_role ($$);
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir /: $!";
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] <role> [<role>...]");
$usage .= <<EOF;
--subdir DIR
Sync this subdir only. Possible values for DIR are 'files' and
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
command_line_options => [
usage => $usage,
required_options => [ qw(cache stage) ],
# Arguments are required
die "No roles given!\n\n$usage" unless @ARGV;
# We only allow certain values for this option
if ($opt{subdir}) {
unless ($opt{subdir} eq 'files' or $opt{subdir} eq 'scripts') {
die "--subdir option must be 'files' or 'scripts'\n\n$usage";
} else {
$opt{subdir} = '';
# Prepare for backups
if ($opt{backup} and $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
# Make sure backup directory exists
unless (-d $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "Creating backup directory '$opt{'backup-dir'}'\n";
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
eval { mkpath($opt{'backup-dir'}); };
die "Could not mkpath backup dir '$opt{'backup-dir'}': $@\n" if $@;
push(@rsync, "--backup", "--backup-dir=$opt{'backup-dir'}");
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
push @rsync, '--dry-run';
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'verbose'} > 1) {
push @rsync, '--verbose';
# }}}
# copy over the new files
for my $full_role (@ARGV) {
# Split the full role (e.g. google.foogle.woogle) into components
my @role_parts = split(/\./, $full_role);
die "Internal error: Expect at least one role part" if not @role_parts;
# Reassemble parts one at a time onto @role and sync as we go,
# so we do "google", then "google.foogle", then "google.foogle.woogle"
my @role = ();
# Make sure we've got the right perms before we copy stuff down
# For the base role, do both files and scripts.
push @role, shift @role_parts;
for my $subdir(qw(files scripts)) {
if (not $opt{subdir} or $opt{subdir} eq $subdir) {
($opt{verbose} > 1)
and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling sync_role for $full_role, @role\n";
# @role here will have one element, so sync_role will use --delete
sync_role($full_role, $subdir, @role)
# For all subroles, just do the files.
# (If we wanted script subroles to work like files, we'd get rid of this
# distinction and simplify the code.)
if (not $opt{subdir} or $opt{subdir} eq 'files') {
while (@role_parts) {
push @role, shift @role_parts;
($opt{verbose} > 1)
and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling sync_role for $full_role, @role\n";
sync_role($full_role, 'files', @role);
for my $subdir (qw(files scripts)) {
apply_default_perms_to_role($full_role, $subdir)
if (not $opt{subdir} or $opt{subdir} eq $subdir);
exit 0;
# Make sure the stage directory exists and is mode 0700, to protect files
# underneath in transit
sub check_stage () {
my $stage = $opt{stage} . "/roles";
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
if (not -d $stage) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Creating '$stage'\n";
eval { mkpath($stage); };
die "Could not mkpath cache dir '$stage': $@\n" if $@;
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Checking perms on '$stage'\n";
if ($> != 0) {
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Not superuser; unable to chown files\n";
} else {
chown(0, 0, $stage)
or die "Could not chown 0:0 '$stage': $!\n";
chmod(0700, $stage)
or die "Could not chmod 0700 '$stage': $!\n";
# Copy the files for a role from CACHE to STAGE
sub sync_role ($$@) {
my ($full_role, $subdir, @role) = @_;
my @this_rsync = @rsync;
# If we were only given one role part, we're in the base role
my $in_base_role = (scalar @role == 1);
# For the base role, delete any files that don't exist in the cache.
# Not for the subrole (otherwise we'll delete all files not in
# the subrole, which may be most of them!)
if ($in_base_role) {
push @this_rsync, "--delete";
# (a) => a/files
# (a,b,c) => a/files.b.c
my $src_path = $role[0].'/'.join(".", $subdir, @role[1 .. $#role]);
# This one's a little simpler:
my $dst_path = $full_role.'/'.$subdir;
# final / is important for rsync
my $source = $opt{cache} . "/roles/" . $src_path . "/";
my $destination = $opt{stage} . "/roles/" . $dst_path . "/";
if (not -d $destination and -d $source) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Creating '$destination'\n";
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
eval { mkpath($destination); };
die "Could not mkpath stage dir '$destination': $@\n" if $@;
# We no longer require the source to exist
if (not -d $source) {
# but we need to remove the destination if the source
# doesn't exist and we're in the base role
if ($in_base_role) {
# rmtree() doesn't throw exceptions or give a return value useful
# for detecting failure, so we just check after the fact.
die "Could not rmtree '$destination' when '$source' missing\n"
if -e $destination;
# if we continue, rsync will fail because source is missing,
# so we don't.
# All this to run an rsync command
my @command = (@this_rsync, $source, $destination);
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Syncing $src_path with '@command'\n";
# This just takes the base role, and chowns/chmods everything under it to
# give it some sensible permissions. Basically, the only thing we preserve
# about the original permissions is the executable bit, since that's the
# only thing source code controls systems like CVS, RCS, Perforce seem to
# preserve.
sub apply_default_perms_to_role ($$) {
my ($role, $subdir) = @_;
my $destination = $opt{stage} . "/roles/" . $role;
if ($subdir) {
$destination .= '/' . $subdir;
# If the destination doesn't exist, it's probably because the source didn't
return if not -d $destination;
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Setting default perms on $destination\n";
if ($> != 0) {
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Not superuser; won't be able to chown files\n";
# Use File::Find to recurse the directory
# The "wanted" subroutine is called for every directory entry
wanted => sub {
return if $opt{'dry-run'};
($opt{verbose} > 2) and print STDERR "$File::Find::name\n";
if (-l) {
# symlinks shouldn't be in here,
# since we dereference when copying
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Skipping symlink at $File::Find::name: $!\n";
} elsif (-f _) { # results of last stat saved in the "_"
if (-x _) {
chmod 0555, $_
or die "Could not chmod 0555 $File::Find::name: $!";
} else {
chmod 0444, $_
or die "Could not chmod 0444 $File::Find::name: $!";
} elsif (-d _) {
chmod 0755, $_
or die "Could not chmod 0755 $File::Find::name: $!";
} else {
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Unknown file type at $File::Find::name: $!\n";
return if $> != 0; # skip chowning if not superuser
chown 0, 0, $_
or die "Could not chown 0:0 $File::Find::name: $!";
# end of wanted function
# way down here, we have the directory to traverse with File::Find