2018-12-18 09:10:42 -06:00

150 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-installfiles 180 2008-01-19 08:26:19Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Alan Sundell <alan@sundell.net>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of copying files from the local stage to the root
# of the local filesystem
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
my @rsync = ('rsync',
'--no-implied-dirs', # SO GOOD!
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
sub install_files ($);
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir /: $!";
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] <role> [<role>...]");
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
usage => $usage,
required_options => [ qw(root stage) ],
# }}}
# Arguments are required
die "No roles given!\n\n$usage" unless @ARGV;
unless (-d $opt{root}) {
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
eval {
# We have a tight umask, and a root of mode 0700 would be undesirable
# in most cases.
chmod(0755, $opt{root});
die "Could not mkpath destination directory '$opt{root}': $@\n" if $@;
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Created destination directory '".$opt{root}."'\n";
# Prepare for backups
if ($opt{backup} and $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
# Make sure backup directory exists
unless (-d $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Creating backup directory '$opt{'backup-dir'}'\n";
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
eval { mkpath($opt{'backup-dir'}); };
die "Could not mkpath backup dir '$opt{'backup-dir'}': $@\n" if $@;
push(@rsync, "--backup", "--backup-dir=$opt{'backup-dir'}");
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
push @rsync, '--dry-run';
if ($opt{'verbose'} > 1) {
push @rsync, '--verbose';
# copy over the new files
for my $role (@ARGV) {
exit 0;
# This subroutine takes care of actually installing the files for a role
sub install_files ($) {
my ($role) = @_;
# final / is important for rsync
my $source = $opt{stage} . "/roles/" . $role . "/files/";
my $destination = $opt{root} . "/";
my @command = (@rsync, $source, $destination);
if (not -d $source) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and
print STDERR "$PROG: No files to install -- '$source' does not exist\n";
# Try to give some sensible message here
if ($opt{verbose} > 0) {
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
print STDERR "$PROG: Dry-run syncing '$source' to '$destination'\n";
} else {
print STDERR "$PROG: Syncing '$source' to '$destination'\n";
my ($fh) = Slack::wrap_rsync_fh(@command);
select((select($fh), $|=1)[0]); # Turn on autoflush
my $callback = sub {
my ($file) = @_;
($file =~ s#^$source##)
or die "sub failed: $source|$file";
print $fh "$file\0";
# This will print files to be synced to the $fh
Slack::find_files_to_install($source, $destination, $callback);
# Close fh, waitpid, and check return value
unless (close($fh)) {