
330 lines
9.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack 180 2008-01-19 08:26:19Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Alan Sundell <alan@sundell.net>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of copying files from the (possibly remote)
# master directory to a local cache, using rsync
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
use POSIX; # for strftime
use constant LIBEXEC_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
sub run_backend(@);
sub run_conditional_backend($@);
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
# Arguments to pass to each backends (initialized to a hash of empty arrays)
my %backend_flags = ( map { $_ => [] }
qw(getroles sync stage preview preinstall fixfiles installfiles postinstall)
my @roles;
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir /: $!";
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] [<role>...]");
$usage .= <<EOF;
--preview MODE
Do a diff of scripts and files before running them.
MODE can be one of 'simple' or 'prompt'.
Don't install any files in ROOT, but tell rsync to print what
it would do.
Don't run scripts.
Skip the slack-sync step. (useful if you're pushing stuff into
the CACHE outside of slack)
Role list for slack-getroles
--libexec-dir DIR
Look for backend scripts in this directory.
--diff PROG
Use this diff program for previews
--sleep TIME
Randomly sleep between 1 and TIME seconds before starting
# Options
my %opt = ();
# So we can distinguish stuff on the command line from config file stuff
my %command_line_opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
command_line_options => [
required_options => [ qw(source cache stage root) ],
command_line_hash => \%command_line_opt,
usage => $usage,
# Special options
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
$opt{'no-scripts'} = 1;
$opt{'no-files'} = 1;
if ($opt{'no-scripts'}) {
for my $action (qw(fixfiles preinstall postinstall)) {
push @{$backend_flags{$action}},
if ($opt{'no-files'}) {
push @{$backend_flags{installfiles}},
# propagate verbosity - 1 to all backends
if (defined $command_line_opt{'verbose'} and
$command_line_opt{'verbose'} > 1) {
for my $action (keys %backend_flags) {
push @{$backend_flags{$action}},
('--verbose') x ($command_line_opt{'verbose'} - 1);
# propagate these flags to all the backends
for my $option (qw(config root cache stage source hostname rsh)) {
if ($command_line_opt{$option}) {
for my $action (keys %backend_flags) {
push @{$backend_flags{$action}},
# getroles also can take 'role-list'
if ($command_line_opt{'role-list'}) {
push @{$backend_flags{'getroles'}},
# The libexec dir defaults to this if it wasn't specified
# on the command line or in a config file.
if (not defined $opt{'libexec-dir'}) {
$opt{'libexec-dir'} = LIBEXEC_DIR;
# Pass diff option along to slack-rolediff
if ($opt{'diff'}) {
push @{$backend_flags{preview}},
# Preview takes an optional argument. If no argument is given,
# it gets "" from getopt.
if (defined $opt{'preview'}) {
if (not grep /^$opt{'preview'}$/, qw(simple prompt)) {
die "Unknown preview mode '$opt{'preview'}'!";
# The backup option defaults to on if it wasn't specified
# on the command line or in a config file
if (not defined $opt{backup}) {
$opt{backup} = 1;
# Figure out a place to put backups
if ($opt{backup} and $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
push @{$backend_flags{installfiles}},
strftime('%F-%T', localtime(time))
# }}}
# Random sleep, helpful when called from cron.
if ($opt{sleep}) {
my $secs = int(rand($opt{sleep})) + 1;
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: sleep $secs\n";
# Get a list of roles to install from slack-getroles {{{
if (not @ARGV) {
my @command = ($opt{'libexec-dir'}.'/slack-getroles',
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: getroles\n";
($opt{verbose} > 2) and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling '@command' to get a list of roles for this host.\n";
my ($roles_pid, $roles_fh);
if ($roles_pid = open($roles_fh, "-|")) {
# Parent
} elsif (defined $roles_pid) {
# Child
die "Could not exec '@command': $!\n";
} else {
die "Could not fork to run '@command': $!\n";
@roles = split(/\s+/, join(" ", <$roles_fh>));
unless (close($roles_fh)) {
} else {
@roles = @ARGV;
# }}}
# Check role name syntax {{{
for my $role (@roles) {
# Roles MUST begin with a letter. All else is reserved.
if ($role !~ m/^[a-zA-Z]/) {
die "Role '$role' does not begin with a letter!";
# }}}
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: installing roles: @roles\n";
unless ($opt{'no-sync'}) {
# sync all the roles down at once
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: sync @roles\n";
@{$backend_flags{sync}}, @roles);
ROLE: for my $role (@roles) {
# stage
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: stage files $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{stage}}, '--subdir=files', $role);
if ($opt{preview}) {
if ($opt{preview} eq 'simple') {
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: preview $role\n";
# Here, we run the backend in no-prompt mode.
run_conditional_backend(0, 'slack-rolediff',
@{$backend_flags{preview}}, $role);
# ...and we skip further action in the ROLE after showing the diff.
next ROLE;
} elsif ($opt{preview} eq 'prompt') {
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: preview scripts $role\n";
# Here, we want to prompt and just do the scripts, since
# we need to run preinstall and fixfiles before doing the files.
run_conditional_backend(1, 'slack-rolediff',
@{$backend_flags{preview}}, '--subdir=scripts', $role);
} else {
# Should get caught in option processing, above
die "Unknown preview mode!\n";
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: stage scripts $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{stage}}, '--subdir=scripts', $role);
# preinstall
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: preinstall $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{preinstall}}, 'preinstall', $role);
# fixfiles
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: fixfiles $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{fixfiles}}, 'fixfiles', $role);
# preview files
if ($opt{preview} and $opt{preview} eq 'prompt') {
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: preview files $role\n";
run_conditional_backend(1, 'slack-rolediff',
@{$backend_flags{preview}}, '--subdir=files', $role);
# installfiles
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: install $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{installfiles}}, $role);
# postinstall
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: postinstall $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{postinstall}}, 'postinstall', $role);
exit 0;
sub run_backend (@) {
my ($backend, @args) = @_;
# If we weren't given an explicit path, prepend the libexec dir
unless ($backend =~ m#^/#) {
$backend = $opt{'libexec-dir'} . '/' . $backend;
# Assemble our command line
my (@command) = ($backend, @args);
($opt{verbose} > 2) and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling '@command'\n";
unless (system(@command) == 0) {
sub run_conditional_backend ($@) {
my ($prompt, $backend, @args) = @_;
# If we weren't given an explicit path, prepend the libexec dir
unless ($backend =~ m#^/#) {
$backend = $opt{'libexec-dir'} . '/' . $backend;
# Assemble our command line
my (@command) = ($backend, @args);
($opt{verbose} > 2) and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling '@command'\n";
unless (system(@command) == 0) {
my $exit = Slack::get_system_exit(@command);
if ($exit == 1) {
# exit 1 means a difference found or something normal that requires
# a prompt before continuing.
if ($prompt) {
exit 1 unless Slack::prompt("Continue? [yN] ") eq 'y';
} else {
# any other non-successful exit is a serious error.
die "'@command' exited $exit";