This commit is contained in:
Charles N Wyble - admin 2018-01-24 21:26:01 -06:00
parent ca72570d12
commit 25296801b6
12 changed files with 2405 additions and 2405 deletions

View File

@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
# Makefile for slack/src
# $Id: Makefile 187 2008-03-03 02:00:18Z alan $
include Makefile.common
BACKENDS = slack-getroles slack-installfiles slack-runscript slack-sync slack-stage slack-rolediff
install: install-bin install-conf install-lib install-man
install-bin: all
$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
$(INSTALL) slack $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
$(INSTALL) slack-diff $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(slack_libexecdir)
@set -ex;\
for i in $(BACKENDS); do \
$(INSTALL) $$i $(DESTDIR)$(slack_libexecdir); done
$(INSTALL) -d -m $(PRIVDIRMODE) $(DESTDIR)$(slack_localstatedir)
$(INSTALL) -d -m $(PRIVDIRMODE) $(DESTDIR)$(slack_localcachedir)
install-conf: all
$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)
$(INSTALL) -m 0644 slack.conf $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)
install-lib: all
$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(slack_libdir)
$(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(DESTDIR)$(slack_libdir)
install-man: all
realclean: clean
distclean: clean
# Makefile for slack/src
# $Id: Makefile 187 2008-03-03 02:00:18Z alan $
include Makefile.common
BACKENDS = slack-getroles slack-installfiles slack-runscript slack-sync slack-stage slack-rolediff
install: install-bin install-conf install-lib install-man
install-bin: all
$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
$(INSTALL) slack $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
$(INSTALL) slack-diff $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(slack_libexecdir)
@set -ex;\
for i in $(BACKENDS); do \
$(INSTALL) $$i $(DESTDIR)$(slack_libexecdir); done
$(INSTALL) -d -m $(PRIVDIRMODE) $(DESTDIR)$(slack_localstatedir)
$(INSTALL) -d -m $(PRIVDIRMODE) $(DESTDIR)$(slack_localcachedir)
install-conf: all
$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)
$(INSTALL) -m 0644 slack.conf $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)
install-lib: all
$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(slack_libdir)
$(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(DESTDIR)$(slack_libdir)
install-man: all
realclean: clean
distclean: clean

View File

@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
# Common code included in every Makefile
# $Id: Makefile.common 189 2008-04-21 00:52:56Z sundell $
prefix = /
exec_prefix = /usr
sysconfdir = ${prefix}/etc
mandir = ${exec_prefix}/share/man
bindir = ${exec_prefix}/bin
sbindir = ${exec_prefix}/sbin
libdir = ${exec_prefix}/lib
libexecdir = ${exec_prefix}/lib
localstatedir = ${prefix}/var
slack_libdir = ${libdir}/slack
slack_libexecdir = ${libexecdir}/slack
slack_localstatedir = ${localstatedir}/lib/slack
slack_localcachedir = ${localstatedir}/cache/slack
INSTALL = install
MKDIR = mkdir -p
# Common code included in every Makefile
# $Id: Makefile.common 189 2008-04-21 00:52:56Z sundell $
prefix = /
exec_prefix = /usr
sysconfdir = ${prefix}/etc
mandir = ${exec_prefix}/share/man
bindir = ${exec_prefix}/bin
sbindir = ${exec_prefix}/sbin
libdir = ${exec_prefix}/lib
libexecdir = ${exec_prefix}/lib
localstatedir = ${prefix}/var
slack_libdir = ${libdir}/slack
slack_libexecdir = ${libexecdir}/slack
slack_localstatedir = ${localstatedir}/lib/slack
slack_localcachedir = ${localstatedir}/cache/slack
INSTALL = install
MKDIR = mkdir -p

View File

@ -1,371 +1,371 @@
# $Id: 189 2008-04-21 00:52:56Z sundell $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
package Slack;
require 5.006;
use strict;
use Carp qw(cluck confess croak);
use File::Find;
use base qw(Exporter);
$VERSION = '0.15.2';
@EXPORT = qw();
@EXPORT_OK = qw();
$DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/slack.conf';
my $term;
my @default_options = (
sub default_usage ($) {
my ($synopsis) = @_;
return <<EOF;
Usage: $synopsis
-h, -?, --help
Print this help message and exit.
Print the version number and exit.
-v, --verbose
Be verbose.
Don't be verbose (Overrides previous uses of --verbose)
-C, --config FILE
Use this config file instead of '$DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE'.
-s, --source DIR
Source for slack files
-e, --rsh COMMAND
Remote shell for rsync
-c, --cache DIR
Local cache directory for slack files
-t, --stage DIR
Local staging directory for slack files
-r, --root DIR
Root destination for slack files
-n, --dry-run
Don't write any files to disk -- just report what would have been done.
-b, --backup
Make backups of existing files in ROOT that are overwritten.
--backup-dir DIR
Put backups into this directory.
-H, --hostname HOST
Pretend to be running on HOST, instead of the name given by
# Read options from a config file. Arguments:
# file => config file to read
# opthash => hashref in which to store the options
# verbose => whether to be verbose
sub read_config (%) {
my %arg = @_;
my ($config_fh);
local $_;
confess "Slack::read_config: no config file given"
if not defined $arg{file};
$arg{opthash} = {}
if not defined $arg{opthash};
open($config_fh, '<', $arg{file})
or confess "Could not open config file '$arg{file}': $!";
# Make this into a hash so we can quickly see if we're looking
# for a particular option
my %looking_for;
if (ref $arg{options} eq 'ARRAY') {
%looking_for = map { $_ => 1 } @{$arg{options}};
while(<$config_fh>) {
s/#.*//; # delete comments
s/\s+$//; # delete trailing spaces
next if m/^$/; # skip empty lines
if (m/^[A-Z_]+=\S+/) {
my ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $_, 2);
$key =~ tr/A-Z_/a-z-/;
# Only set options we're looking for
next if (%looking_for and not $looking_for{$key});
# Don't set options that are already set
next if defined $arg{opthash}->{$key};
$arg{verbose} and print STDERR "Slack::read_config: Setting '$key' to '$value'\n";
$arg{opthash}->{$key} = $value;
} else {
cluck "Slack::read_config: Garbage line '$_' in '$arg{file}' line $. ignored";
or confess "Slack::read_config: Could not close config file: $!";
# The verbose option is treated specially in so many places that
# we need to make sure it's defined.
$arg{opthash}->{verbose} ||= 0;
return $arg{opthash};
# Just get the exit code from a command that failed.
# croaks if anything weird happened.
sub get_system_exit (@) {
my @command = @_;
if (WIFEXITED($?)) {
my $exit = WEXITSTATUS($?);
return $exit if $exit;
if (WIFSIGNALED($?)) {
my $sig = WTERMSIG($?);
croak "'@command' caught sig $sig";
if ($!) {
croak "Syserr on system '@command': $!";
croak "Unknown error on '@command'";
sub check_system_exit (@) {
my @command = @_;
my $exit = get_system_exit(@command);
# Exit is non-zero if get_system_exit() didn't croak.
croak "'@command' exited $exit";
# get options from the command line and the config file
# Arguments
# opthash => hashref in which to store options
# usage => usage statement
# required_options => arrayref of options to require -- an exception
# will be thrown if these options are not defined
# command_line_hash => store options specified on the command line here
sub get_options {
my %arg = @_;
use Getopt::Long;
if (not defined $arg{opthash}) {
$arg{opthash} = {};
if (not defined $arg{usage}) {
$arg{usage} = default_usage($0);
my @extra_options = (); # extra arguments to getoptions
if (defined $arg{command_line_options}) {
@extra_options = @{$arg{command_line_options}};
# Make a --quiet function that turns off verbosity
$arg{opthash}->{quiet} = sub { $arg{opthash}->{verbose} = 0; };
unless (GetOptions($arg{opthash},
)) {
print STDERR $arg{usage};
exit 1;
if ($arg{opthash}->{help}) {
print $arg{usage};
exit 0;
if ($arg{opthash}->{version}) {
print "slack version $VERSION\n";
exit 0;
# Get rid of the quiet handler
delete $arg{opthash}->{quiet};
# If we've been given a hashref, save our options there at this
# stage, so the caller can see what was passed on the command line.
# Unfortunately, perl has no .replace function, so we iterate.
if (ref $arg{command_line_hash} eq 'HASH') {
while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$arg{opthash}}) {
$arg{command_line_hash}->{$k} = $v;
# Use the default config file
if (not defined $arg{opthash}->{config}) {
$arg{opthash}->{config} = $DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE;
# We need to decide whether to be verbose about reading the config file
# Currently we just do it if global verbosity > 2
my $verbose_config = 0;
if (defined $arg{opthash}->{verbose}
and $arg{opthash}->{verbose} > 2) {
$verbose_config = 1;
# Read options from the config file, passing along the options we've
# gotten so far
file => $arg{opthash}->{config},
opthash => $arg{opthash},
verbose => $verbose_config,
# The "verbose" option gets compared a lot and needs to be defined
$arg{opthash}->{verbose} ||= 0;
# The "hostname" option is set specially if it's not defined
if (not defined $arg{opthash}->{hostname}) {
use Sys::Hostname;
$arg{opthash}->{hostname} = hostname;
# We can require some options to be set
if (ref $arg{required_options} eq 'ARRAY') {
for my $option (@{$arg{required_options}}) {
if (not defined $arg{opthash}->{$option}) {
croak "Required option '$option' not given on command line or specified in config file!\n";
return $arg{opthash};
sub prompt ($) {
my ($prompt) = @_;
if (not defined $term) {
require Term::ReadLine;
$term = new Term::ReadLine 'slack'
# Calls the callback on absolute pathnames of files in the source directory,
# and also on names of directories that don't exist in the destination
# directory (i.e. where $source/foo exists but $destination/foo does not).
sub find_files_to_install ($$$) {
my ($source, $destination, $callback) = @_;
return find ({
wanted => sub {
if (-l or not -d _) {
# Copy all files, links, etc
my $file = $File::Find::name;
} elsif (-d _) {
# For directories, we only want to copy it if it doesn't
# exist in the destination yet.
my $dir = $File::Find::name;
# We know the root directory will exist (we make it above),
# so skip the base of the source
(my $short_source = $source) =~ s#/$##;
return if $dir eq $short_source;
# Strip the $source from the path,
# so we can build the destination dir from it.
my $subdir = $dir;
($subdir =~ s#^$source##)
or croak "sub failed: $source|$subdir";
if (not -d "$destination/$subdir") {
# Runs rsync with the necessary redirection to its filehandles
sub wrap_rsync (@) {
my @command = @_;
my ($pid);
if ($pid = fork) {
# Parent
} elsif (defined $pid) {
# Child
open(STDIN, "<", "/dev/null")
or die "Could not redirect STDIN from /dev/null\n";
# This redirection is necessary because rsync sends
# verbose output to STDOUT
open(STDOUT, ">&STDERR")
or die "Could not redirect STDOUT to STDERR\n";
die "Could not exec '@command': $!\n";
} else {
die "Could not fork: $!\n";
my $kid = waitpid($pid, 0);
if ($kid != $pid) {
die "waitpid returned $kid\n";
} elsif ($?) {
# Runs rsync with the necessary redirection to its filehandles, but also
# returns an FH to stdin and a PID.
sub wrap_rsync_fh (@) {
my @command = @_;
my ($fh, $pid);
if ($pid = open($fh, "|-")) {
# Parent
} elsif (defined $pid) {
# Child
# This redirection is necessary because rsync sends
# verbose output to STDOUT
open(STDOUT, ">&STDERR")
or die "Could not redirect STDOUT to STDERR\n";
die "Could not exec '@command': $!\n";
} else {
die "Could not fork: $!\n";
return($fh, $pid);
# $Id: 189 2008-04-21 00:52:56Z sundell $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
package Slack;
require 5.006;
use strict;
use Carp qw(cluck confess croak);
use File::Find;
use base qw(Exporter);
$VERSION = '0.15.2';
@EXPORT = qw();
@EXPORT_OK = qw();
$DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/slack.conf';
my $term;
my @default_options = (
sub default_usage ($) {
my ($synopsis) = @_;
return <<EOF;
Usage: $synopsis
-h, -?, --help
Print this help message and exit.
Print the version number and exit.
-v, --verbose
Be verbose.
Don't be verbose (Overrides previous uses of --verbose)
-C, --config FILE
Use this config file instead of '$DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE'.
-s, --source DIR
Source for slack files
-e, --rsh COMMAND
Remote shell for rsync
-c, --cache DIR
Local cache directory for slack files
-t, --stage DIR
Local staging directory for slack files
-r, --root DIR
Root destination for slack files
-n, --dry-run
Don't write any files to disk -- just report what would have been done.
-b, --backup
Make backups of existing files in ROOT that are overwritten.
--backup-dir DIR
Put backups into this directory.
-H, --hostname HOST
Pretend to be running on HOST, instead of the name given by
# Read options from a config file. Arguments:
# file => config file to read
# opthash => hashref in which to store the options
# verbose => whether to be verbose
sub read_config (%) {
my %arg = @_;
my ($config_fh);
local $_;
confess "Slack::read_config: no config file given"
if not defined $arg{file};
$arg{opthash} = {}
if not defined $arg{opthash};
open($config_fh, '<', $arg{file})
or confess "Could not open config file '$arg{file}': $!";
# Make this into a hash so we can quickly see if we're looking
# for a particular option
my %looking_for;
if (ref $arg{options} eq 'ARRAY') {
%looking_for = map { $_ => 1 } @{$arg{options}};
while(<$config_fh>) {
s/#.*//; # delete comments
s/\s+$//; # delete trailing spaces
next if m/^$/; # skip empty lines
if (m/^[A-Z_]+=\S+/) {
my ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $_, 2);
$key =~ tr/A-Z_/a-z-/;
# Only set options we're looking for
next if (%looking_for and not $looking_for{$key});
# Don't set options that are already set
next if defined $arg{opthash}->{$key};
$arg{verbose} and print STDERR "Slack::read_config: Setting '$key' to '$value'\n";
$arg{opthash}->{$key} = $value;
} else {
cluck "Slack::read_config: Garbage line '$_' in '$arg{file}' line $. ignored";
or confess "Slack::read_config: Could not close config file: $!";
# The verbose option is treated specially in so many places that
# we need to make sure it's defined.
$arg{opthash}->{verbose} ||= 0;
return $arg{opthash};
# Just get the exit code from a command that failed.
# croaks if anything weird happened.
sub get_system_exit (@) {
my @command = @_;
if (WIFEXITED($?)) {
my $exit = WEXITSTATUS($?);
return $exit if $exit;
if (WIFSIGNALED($?)) {
my $sig = WTERMSIG($?);
croak "'@command' caught sig $sig";
if ($!) {
croak "Syserr on system '@command': $!";
croak "Unknown error on '@command'";
sub check_system_exit (@) {
my @command = @_;
my $exit = get_system_exit(@command);
# Exit is non-zero if get_system_exit() didn't croak.
croak "'@command' exited $exit";
# get options from the command line and the config file
# Arguments
# opthash => hashref in which to store options
# usage => usage statement
# required_options => arrayref of options to require -- an exception
# will be thrown if these options are not defined
# command_line_hash => store options specified on the command line here
sub get_options {
my %arg = @_;
use Getopt::Long;
if (not defined $arg{opthash}) {
$arg{opthash} = {};
if (not defined $arg{usage}) {
$arg{usage} = default_usage($0);
my @extra_options = (); # extra arguments to getoptions
if (defined $arg{command_line_options}) {
@extra_options = @{$arg{command_line_options}};
# Make a --quiet function that turns off verbosity
$arg{opthash}->{quiet} = sub { $arg{opthash}->{verbose} = 0; };
unless (GetOptions($arg{opthash},
)) {
print STDERR $arg{usage};
exit 1;
if ($arg{opthash}->{help}) {
print $arg{usage};
exit 0;
if ($arg{opthash}->{version}) {
print "slack version $VERSION\n";
exit 0;
# Get rid of the quiet handler
delete $arg{opthash}->{quiet};
# If we've been given a hashref, save our options there at this
# stage, so the caller can see what was passed on the command line.
# Unfortunately, perl has no .replace function, so we iterate.
if (ref $arg{command_line_hash} eq 'HASH') {
while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$arg{opthash}}) {
$arg{command_line_hash}->{$k} = $v;
# Use the default config file
if (not defined $arg{opthash}->{config}) {
$arg{opthash}->{config} = $DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE;
# We need to decide whether to be verbose about reading the config file
# Currently we just do it if global verbosity > 2
my $verbose_config = 0;
if (defined $arg{opthash}->{verbose}
and $arg{opthash}->{verbose} > 2) {
$verbose_config = 1;
# Read options from the config file, passing along the options we've
# gotten so far
file => $arg{opthash}->{config},
opthash => $arg{opthash},
verbose => $verbose_config,
# The "verbose" option gets compared a lot and needs to be defined
$arg{opthash}->{verbose} ||= 0;
# The "hostname" option is set specially if it's not defined
if (not defined $arg{opthash}->{hostname}) {
use Sys::Hostname;
$arg{opthash}->{hostname} = hostname;
# We can require some options to be set
if (ref $arg{required_options} eq 'ARRAY') {
for my $option (@{$arg{required_options}}) {
if (not defined $arg{opthash}->{$option}) {
croak "Required option '$option' not given on command line or specified in config file!\n";
return $arg{opthash};
sub prompt ($) {
my ($prompt) = @_;
if (not defined $term) {
require Term::ReadLine;
$term = new Term::ReadLine 'slack'
# Calls the callback on absolute pathnames of files in the source directory,
# and also on names of directories that don't exist in the destination
# directory (i.e. where $source/foo exists but $destination/foo does not).
sub find_files_to_install ($$$) {
my ($source, $destination, $callback) = @_;
return find ({
wanted => sub {
if (-l or not -d _) {
# Copy all files, links, etc
my $file = $File::Find::name;
} elsif (-d _) {
# For directories, we only want to copy it if it doesn't
# exist in the destination yet.
my $dir = $File::Find::name;
# We know the root directory will exist (we make it above),
# so skip the base of the source
(my $short_source = $source) =~ s#/$##;
return if $dir eq $short_source;
# Strip the $source from the path,
# so we can build the destination dir from it.
my $subdir = $dir;
($subdir =~ s#^$source##)
or croak "sub failed: $source|$subdir";
if (not -d "$destination/$subdir") {
# Runs rsync with the necessary redirection to its filehandles
sub wrap_rsync (@) {
my @command = @_;
my ($pid);
if ($pid = fork) {
# Parent
} elsif (defined $pid) {
# Child
open(STDIN, "<", "/dev/null")
or die "Could not redirect STDIN from /dev/null\n";
# This redirection is necessary because rsync sends
# verbose output to STDOUT
open(STDOUT, ">&STDERR")
or die "Could not redirect STDOUT to STDERR\n";
die "Could not exec '@command': $!\n";
} else {
die "Could not fork: $!\n";
my $kid = waitpid($pid, 0);
if ($kid != $pid) {
die "waitpid returned $kid\n";
} elsif ($?) {
# Runs rsync with the necessary redirection to its filehandles, but also
# returns an FH to stdin and a PID.
sub wrap_rsync_fh (@) {
my @command = @_;
my ($fh, $pid);
if ($pid = open($fh, "|-")) {
# Parent
} elsif (defined $pid) {
# Child
# This redirection is necessary because rsync sends
# verbose output to STDOUT
open(STDOUT, ">&STDERR")
or die "Could not redirect STDOUT to STDERR\n";
die "Could not exec '@command': $!\n";
} else {
die "Could not fork: $!\n";
return($fh, $pid);

slack-dist/dist/slack vendored
View File

@ -1,329 +1,329 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack 180 2008-01-19 08:26:19Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of copying files from the (possibly remote)
# master directory to a local cache, using rsync
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
use POSIX; # for strftime
use constant LIBEXEC_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
sub run_backend(@);
sub run_conditional_backend($@);
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
# Arguments to pass to each backends (initialized to a hash of empty arrays)
my %backend_flags = ( map { $_ => [] }
qw(getroles sync stage preview preinstall fixfiles installfiles postinstall)
my @roles;
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir /: $!";
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] [<role>...]");
$usage .= <<EOF;
--preview MODE
Do a diff of scripts and files before running them.
MODE can be one of 'simple' or 'prompt'.
Don't install any files in ROOT, but tell rsync to print what
it would do.
Don't run scripts.
Skip the slack-sync step. (useful if you're pushing stuff into
the CACHE outside of slack)
Role list for slack-getroles
--libexec-dir DIR
Look for backend scripts in this directory.
--diff PROG
Use this diff program for previews
--sleep TIME
Randomly sleep between 1 and TIME seconds before starting
# Options
my %opt = ();
# So we can distinguish stuff on the command line from config file stuff
my %command_line_opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
command_line_options => [
required_options => [ qw(source cache stage root) ],
command_line_hash => \%command_line_opt,
usage => $usage,
# Special options
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
$opt{'no-scripts'} = 1;
$opt{'no-files'} = 1;
if ($opt{'no-scripts'}) {
for my $action (qw(fixfiles preinstall postinstall)) {
push @{$backend_flags{$action}},
if ($opt{'no-files'}) {
push @{$backend_flags{installfiles}},
# propagate verbosity - 1 to all backends
if (defined $command_line_opt{'verbose'} and
$command_line_opt{'verbose'} > 1) {
for my $action (keys %backend_flags) {
push @{$backend_flags{$action}},
('--verbose') x ($command_line_opt{'verbose'} - 1);
# propagate these flags to all the backends
for my $option (qw(config root cache stage source hostname rsh)) {
if ($command_line_opt{$option}) {
for my $action (keys %backend_flags) {
push @{$backend_flags{$action}},
# getroles also can take 'role-list'
if ($command_line_opt{'role-list'}) {
push @{$backend_flags{'getroles'}},
# The libexec dir defaults to this if it wasn't specified
# on the command line or in a config file.
if (not defined $opt{'libexec-dir'}) {
$opt{'libexec-dir'} = LIBEXEC_DIR;
# Pass diff option along to slack-rolediff
if ($opt{'diff'}) {
push @{$backend_flags{preview}},
# Preview takes an optional argument. If no argument is given,
# it gets "" from getopt.
if (defined $opt{'preview'}) {
if (not grep /^$opt{'preview'}$/, qw(simple prompt)) {
die "Unknown preview mode '$opt{'preview'}'!";
# The backup option defaults to on if it wasn't specified
# on the command line or in a config file
if (not defined $opt{backup}) {
$opt{backup} = 1;
# Figure out a place to put backups
if ($opt{backup} and $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
push @{$backend_flags{installfiles}},
strftime('%F-%T', localtime(time))
# }}}
# Random sleep, helpful when called from cron.
if ($opt{sleep}) {
my $secs = int(rand($opt{sleep})) + 1;
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: sleep $secs\n";
# Get a list of roles to install from slack-getroles {{{
if (not @ARGV) {
my @command = ($opt{'libexec-dir'}.'/slack-getroles',
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: getroles\n";
($opt{verbose} > 2) and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling '@command' to get a list of roles for this host.\n";
my ($roles_pid, $roles_fh);
if ($roles_pid = open($roles_fh, "-|")) {
# Parent
} elsif (defined $roles_pid) {
# Child
die "Could not exec '@command': $!\n";
} else {
die "Could not fork to run '@command': $!\n";
@roles = split(/\s+/, join(" ", <$roles_fh>));
unless (close($roles_fh)) {
} else {
@roles = @ARGV;
# }}}
# Check role name syntax {{{
for my $role (@roles) {
# Roles MUST begin with a letter. All else is reserved.
if ($role !~ m/^[a-zA-Z]/) {
die "Role '$role' does not begin with a letter!";
# }}}
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: installing roles: @roles\n";
unless ($opt{'no-sync'}) {
# sync all the roles down at once
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: sync @roles\n";
@{$backend_flags{sync}}, @roles);
ROLE: for my $role (@roles) {
# stage
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: stage files $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{stage}}, '--subdir=files', $role);
if ($opt{preview}) {
if ($opt{preview} eq 'simple') {
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: preview $role\n";
# Here, we run the backend in no-prompt mode.
run_conditional_backend(0, 'slack-rolediff',
@{$backend_flags{preview}}, $role);
# ...and we skip further action in the ROLE after showing the diff.
next ROLE;
} elsif ($opt{preview} eq 'prompt') {
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: preview scripts $role\n";
# Here, we want to prompt and just do the scripts, since
# we need to run preinstall and fixfiles before doing the files.
run_conditional_backend(1, 'slack-rolediff',
@{$backend_flags{preview}}, '--subdir=scripts', $role);
} else {
# Should get caught in option processing, above
die "Unknown preview mode!\n";
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: stage scripts $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{stage}}, '--subdir=scripts', $role);
# preinstall
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: preinstall $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{preinstall}}, 'preinstall', $role);
# fixfiles
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: fixfiles $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{fixfiles}}, 'fixfiles', $role);
# preview files
if ($opt{preview} and $opt{preview} eq 'prompt') {
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: preview files $role\n";
run_conditional_backend(1, 'slack-rolediff',
@{$backend_flags{preview}}, '--subdir=files', $role);
# installfiles
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: install $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{installfiles}}, $role);
# postinstall
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: postinstall $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{postinstall}}, 'postinstall', $role);
exit 0;
sub run_backend (@) {
my ($backend, @args) = @_;
# If we weren't given an explicit path, prepend the libexec dir
unless ($backend =~ m#^/#) {
$backend = $opt{'libexec-dir'} . '/' . $backend;
# Assemble our command line
my (@command) = ($backend, @args);
($opt{verbose} > 2) and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling '@command'\n";
unless (system(@command) == 0) {
sub run_conditional_backend ($@) {
my ($prompt, $backend, @args) = @_;
# If we weren't given an explicit path, prepend the libexec dir
unless ($backend =~ m#^/#) {
$backend = $opt{'libexec-dir'} . '/' . $backend;
# Assemble our command line
my (@command) = ($backend, @args);
($opt{verbose} > 2) and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling '@command'\n";
unless (system(@command) == 0) {
my $exit = Slack::get_system_exit(@command);
if ($exit == 1) {
# exit 1 means a difference found or something normal that requires
# a prompt before continuing.
if ($prompt) {
exit 1 unless Slack::prompt("Continue? [yN] ") eq 'y';
} else {
# any other non-successful exit is a serious error.
die "'@command' exited $exit";
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack 180 2008-01-19 08:26:19Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of copying files from the (possibly remote)
# master directory to a local cache, using rsync
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
use POSIX; # for strftime
use constant LIBEXEC_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
sub run_backend(@);
sub run_conditional_backend($@);
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
# Arguments to pass to each backends (initialized to a hash of empty arrays)
my %backend_flags = ( map { $_ => [] }
qw(getroles sync stage preview preinstall fixfiles installfiles postinstall)
my @roles;
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir /: $!";
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] [<role>...]");
$usage .= <<EOF;
--preview MODE
Do a diff of scripts and files before running them.
MODE can be one of 'simple' or 'prompt'.
Don't install any files in ROOT, but tell rsync to print what
it would do.
Don't run scripts.
Skip the slack-sync step. (useful if you're pushing stuff into
the CACHE outside of slack)
Role list for slack-getroles
--libexec-dir DIR
Look for backend scripts in this directory.
--diff PROG
Use this diff program for previews
--sleep TIME
Randomly sleep between 1 and TIME seconds before starting
# Options
my %opt = ();
# So we can distinguish stuff on the command line from config file stuff
my %command_line_opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
command_line_options => [
required_options => [ qw(source cache stage root) ],
command_line_hash => \%command_line_opt,
usage => $usage,
# Special options
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
$opt{'no-scripts'} = 1;
$opt{'no-files'} = 1;
if ($opt{'no-scripts'}) {
for my $action (qw(fixfiles preinstall postinstall)) {
push @{$backend_flags{$action}},
if ($opt{'no-files'}) {
push @{$backend_flags{installfiles}},
# propagate verbosity - 1 to all backends
if (defined $command_line_opt{'verbose'} and
$command_line_opt{'verbose'} > 1) {
for my $action (keys %backend_flags) {
push @{$backend_flags{$action}},
('--verbose') x ($command_line_opt{'verbose'} - 1);
# propagate these flags to all the backends
for my $option (qw(config root cache stage source hostname rsh)) {
if ($command_line_opt{$option}) {
for my $action (keys %backend_flags) {
push @{$backend_flags{$action}},
# getroles also can take 'role-list'
if ($command_line_opt{'role-list'}) {
push @{$backend_flags{'getroles'}},
# The libexec dir defaults to this if it wasn't specified
# on the command line or in a config file.
if (not defined $opt{'libexec-dir'}) {
$opt{'libexec-dir'} = LIBEXEC_DIR;
# Pass diff option along to slack-rolediff
if ($opt{'diff'}) {
push @{$backend_flags{preview}},
# Preview takes an optional argument. If no argument is given,
# it gets "" from getopt.
if (defined $opt{'preview'}) {
if (not grep /^$opt{'preview'}$/, qw(simple prompt)) {
die "Unknown preview mode '$opt{'preview'}'!";
# The backup option defaults to on if it wasn't specified
# on the command line or in a config file
if (not defined $opt{backup}) {
$opt{backup} = 1;
# Figure out a place to put backups
if ($opt{backup} and $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
push @{$backend_flags{installfiles}},
strftime('%F-%T', localtime(time))
# }}}
# Random sleep, helpful when called from cron.
if ($opt{sleep}) {
my $secs = int(rand($opt{sleep})) + 1;
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: sleep $secs\n";
# Get a list of roles to install from slack-getroles {{{
if (not @ARGV) {
my @command = ($opt{'libexec-dir'}.'/slack-getroles',
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: getroles\n";
($opt{verbose} > 2) and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling '@command' to get a list of roles for this host.\n";
my ($roles_pid, $roles_fh);
if ($roles_pid = open($roles_fh, "-|")) {
# Parent
} elsif (defined $roles_pid) {
# Child
die "Could not exec '@command': $!\n";
} else {
die "Could not fork to run '@command': $!\n";
@roles = split(/\s+/, join(" ", <$roles_fh>));
unless (close($roles_fh)) {
} else {
@roles = @ARGV;
# }}}
# Check role name syntax {{{
for my $role (@roles) {
# Roles MUST begin with a letter. All else is reserved.
if ($role !~ m/^[a-zA-Z]/) {
die "Role '$role' does not begin with a letter!";
# }}}
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: installing roles: @roles\n";
unless ($opt{'no-sync'}) {
# sync all the roles down at once
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: sync @roles\n";
@{$backend_flags{sync}}, @roles);
ROLE: for my $role (@roles) {
# stage
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: stage files $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{stage}}, '--subdir=files', $role);
if ($opt{preview}) {
if ($opt{preview} eq 'simple') {
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: preview $role\n";
# Here, we run the backend in no-prompt mode.
run_conditional_backend(0, 'slack-rolediff',
@{$backend_flags{preview}}, $role);
# ...and we skip further action in the ROLE after showing the diff.
next ROLE;
} elsif ($opt{preview} eq 'prompt') {
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: preview scripts $role\n";
# Here, we want to prompt and just do the scripts, since
# we need to run preinstall and fixfiles before doing the files.
run_conditional_backend(1, 'slack-rolediff',
@{$backend_flags{preview}}, '--subdir=scripts', $role);
} else {
# Should get caught in option processing, above
die "Unknown preview mode!\n";
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: stage scripts $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{stage}}, '--subdir=scripts', $role);
# preinstall
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: preinstall $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{preinstall}}, 'preinstall', $role);
# fixfiles
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: fixfiles $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{fixfiles}}, 'fixfiles', $role);
# preview files
if ($opt{preview} and $opt{preview} eq 'prompt') {
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: preview files $role\n";
run_conditional_backend(1, 'slack-rolediff',
@{$backend_flags{preview}}, '--subdir=files', $role);
# installfiles
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: install $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{installfiles}}, $role);
# postinstall
$opt{verbose} and print STDERR "$PROG: postinstall $role\n";
@{$backend_flags{postinstall}}, 'postinstall', $role);
exit 0;
sub run_backend (@) {
my ($backend, @args) = @_;
# If we weren't given an explicit path, prepend the libexec dir
unless ($backend =~ m#^/#) {
$backend = $opt{'libexec-dir'} . '/' . $backend;
# Assemble our command line
my (@command) = ($backend, @args);
($opt{verbose} > 2) and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling '@command'\n";
unless (system(@command) == 0) {
sub run_conditional_backend ($@) {
my ($prompt, $backend, @args) = @_;
# If we weren't given an explicit path, prepend the libexec dir
unless ($backend =~ m#^/#) {
$backend = $opt{'libexec-dir'} . '/' . $backend;
# Assemble our command line
my (@command) = ($backend, @args);
($opt{verbose} > 2) and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling '@command'\n";
unless (system(@command) == 0) {
my $exit = Slack::get_system_exit(@command);
if ($exit == 1) {
# exit 1 means a difference found or something normal that requires
# a prompt before continuing.
if ($prompt) {
exit 1 unless Slack::prompt("Continue? [yN] ") eq 'y';
} else {
# any other non-successful exit is a serious error.
die "'@command' exited $exit";

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,161 +1,161 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-getroles 180 2008-01-19 08:26:19Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of copying files from the (possibly remote)
# master directory to a local cache, using rsync
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
my @rsync = ('rsync',
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
sub sync_list ();
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir /: $!";
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options]");
$usage .= <<EOF;
Role list location (can be relative to SOURCE)
Role list is remote and should be copied down with rsync
(implied by certain forms of role list or SOURCE)
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
command_line_options => [
required_options => [ qw(role-list hostname) ],
usage => $usage,
# Prepare for backups
if ($opt{backup} and $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
# Make sure backup directory exists
unless (-d $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "Creating backup directory '$opt{'backup-dir'}'\n";
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
eval { mkpath($opt{'backup-dir'}); };
die "Could not mkpath backup dir '$opt{'backup-dir'}': $@\n" if $@;
push(@rsync, "--backup", "--backup-dir=$opt{'backup-dir'}");
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
push @rsync, '--dry-run';
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'verbose'} > 1) {
push @rsync, '--verbose';
# }}}
# See if role-list is actually relative to source, and pre-pend source
# if need be.
unless ($opt{'role-list'} =~ m#^/# or
$opt{'role-list'} =~ m#^\./# or
$opt{'role-list'} =~ m#^[\w@\.-]+:#) {
if (not defined $opt{source}) {
die "Relative path to role-list given, but source not defined!\n\n$usage\n";
$opt{'role-list'} = $opt{source} . '/' . $opt{'role-list'};
# auto-detect remote role list
if ($opt{'role-list'} =~ m#^[\w@\.-]+:#) {
$opt{'remote-role-list'} = 1;
# Copy a remote list locally
if ($opt{'remote-role-list'}) {
# We need a cache directory if the role list is not local
if (not defined $opt{cache}) {
die "Remote path to role-list given, but cache not defined!\n\n$usage\n";
# Look at source type, and add options if necessary
if ($opt{'rsh'} or $opt{'role-list'} =~ m/^[\w@\.-]+::/) {
# This is tunnelled rsync, and so needs an extra option
if ($opt{'rsh'}) {
push @rsync, '-e', $opt{'rsh'};
} else {
push @rsync, '-e', 'ssh';
# Read in the roles list
my @roles = ();
my $host_found = 0;
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Reading '$opt{'role-list'}'\n";
open(ROLES, "<", $opt{'role-list'})
or die "Could not open '$opt{'role-list'}' for reading: $!\n";
while(<ROLES>) {
s/#.*//; # Strip comments
if (s/^$opt{hostname}:\s*//) {
push @roles, split();
or die "Could not close '$opt{'role-list'}': $!\n";
if (not $host_found) {
die "Host '$opt{hostname}' not found in '$opt{'role-list'}'!\n";
print join("\n", @roles), "\n";
exit 0;
sub sync_list () {
my $source = $opt{'role-list'};
my $destination = $opt{cache} . "/_role_list";
unless (-d $opt{cache}) {
eval { mkpath($opt{cache}); };
die "Could not mkpath '$opt{cache}': $@\n" if $@;
# All this to run an rsync command
my @command = (@rsync, $source, $destination);
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling '@command'\n";
$opt{'role-list'} = $destination;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-getroles 180 2008-01-19 08:26:19Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of copying files from the (possibly remote)
# master directory to a local cache, using rsync
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
my @rsync = ('rsync',
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
sub sync_list ();
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir /: $!";
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options]");
$usage .= <<EOF;
Role list location (can be relative to SOURCE)
Role list is remote and should be copied down with rsync
(implied by certain forms of role list or SOURCE)
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
command_line_options => [
required_options => [ qw(role-list hostname) ],
usage => $usage,
# Prepare for backups
if ($opt{backup} and $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
# Make sure backup directory exists
unless (-d $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "Creating backup directory '$opt{'backup-dir'}'\n";
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
eval { mkpath($opt{'backup-dir'}); };
die "Could not mkpath backup dir '$opt{'backup-dir'}': $@\n" if $@;
push(@rsync, "--backup", "--backup-dir=$opt{'backup-dir'}");
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
push @rsync, '--dry-run';
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'verbose'} > 1) {
push @rsync, '--verbose';
# }}}
# See if role-list is actually relative to source, and pre-pend source
# if need be.
unless ($opt{'role-list'} =~ m#^/# or
$opt{'role-list'} =~ m#^\./# or
$opt{'role-list'} =~ m#^[\w@\.-]+:#) {
if (not defined $opt{source}) {
die "Relative path to role-list given, but source not defined!\n\n$usage\n";
$opt{'role-list'} = $opt{source} . '/' . $opt{'role-list'};
# auto-detect remote role list
if ($opt{'role-list'} =~ m#^[\w@\.-]+:#) {
$opt{'remote-role-list'} = 1;
# Copy a remote list locally
if ($opt{'remote-role-list'}) {
# We need a cache directory if the role list is not local
if (not defined $opt{cache}) {
die "Remote path to role-list given, but cache not defined!\n\n$usage\n";
# Look at source type, and add options if necessary
if ($opt{'rsh'} or $opt{'role-list'} =~ m/^[\w@\.-]+::/) {
# This is tunnelled rsync, and so needs an extra option
if ($opt{'rsh'}) {
push @rsync, '-e', $opt{'rsh'};
} else {
push @rsync, '-e', 'ssh';
# Read in the roles list
my @roles = ();
my $host_found = 0;
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Reading '$opt{'role-list'}'\n";
open(ROLES, "<", $opt{'role-list'})
or die "Could not open '$opt{'role-list'}' for reading: $!\n";
while(<ROLES>) {
s/#.*//; # Strip comments
if (s/^$opt{hostname}:\s*//) {
push @roles, split();
or die "Could not close '$opt{'role-list'}': $!\n";
if (not $host_found) {
die "Host '$opt{hostname}' not found in '$opt{'role-list'}'!\n";
print join("\n", @roles), "\n";
exit 0;
sub sync_list () {
my $source = $opt{'role-list'};
my $destination = $opt{cache} . "/_role_list";
unless (-d $opt{cache}) {
eval { mkpath($opt{cache}); };
die "Could not mkpath '$opt{cache}': $@\n" if $@;
# All this to run an rsync command
my @command = (@rsync, $source, $destination);
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling '@command'\n";
$opt{'role-list'} = $destination;

View File

@ -1,149 +1,149 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-installfiles 180 2008-01-19 08:26:19Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of copying files from the local stage to the root
# of the local filesystem
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
my @rsync = ('rsync',
'--no-implied-dirs', # SO GOOD!
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
sub install_files ($);
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir /: $!";
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] <role> [<role>...]");
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
usage => $usage,
required_options => [ qw(root stage) ],
# }}}
# Arguments are required
die "No roles given!\n\n$usage" unless @ARGV;
unless (-d $opt{root}) {
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
eval {
# We have a tight umask, and a root of mode 0700 would be undesirable
# in most cases.
chmod(0755, $opt{root});
die "Could not mkpath destination directory '$opt{root}': $@\n" if $@;
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Created destination directory '".$opt{root}."'\n";
# Prepare for backups
if ($opt{backup} and $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
# Make sure backup directory exists
unless (-d $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Creating backup directory '$opt{'backup-dir'}'\n";
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
eval { mkpath($opt{'backup-dir'}); };
die "Could not mkpath backup dir '$opt{'backup-dir'}': $@\n" if $@;
push(@rsync, "--backup", "--backup-dir=$opt{'backup-dir'}");
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
push @rsync, '--dry-run';
if ($opt{'verbose'} > 1) {
push @rsync, '--verbose';
# copy over the new files
for my $role (@ARGV) {
exit 0;
# This subroutine takes care of actually installing the files for a role
sub install_files ($) {
my ($role) = @_;
# final / is important for rsync
my $source = $opt{stage} . "/roles/" . $role . "/files/";
my $destination = $opt{root} . "/";
my @command = (@rsync, $source, $destination);
if (not -d $source) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and
print STDERR "$PROG: No files to install -- '$source' does not exist\n";
# Try to give some sensible message here
if ($opt{verbose} > 0) {
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
print STDERR "$PROG: Dry-run syncing '$source' to '$destination'\n";
} else {
print STDERR "$PROG: Syncing '$source' to '$destination'\n";
my ($fh) = Slack::wrap_rsync_fh(@command);
select((select($fh), $|=1)[0]); # Turn on autoflush
my $callback = sub {
my ($file) = @_;
($file =~ s#^$source##)
or die "sub failed: $source|$file";
print $fh "$file\0";
# This will print files to be synced to the $fh
Slack::find_files_to_install($source, $destination, $callback);
# Close fh, waitpid, and check return value
unless (close($fh)) {
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-installfiles 180 2008-01-19 08:26:19Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of copying files from the local stage to the root
# of the local filesystem
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
my @rsync = ('rsync',
'--no-implied-dirs', # SO GOOD!
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
sub install_files ($);
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir /: $!";
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] <role> [<role>...]");
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
usage => $usage,
required_options => [ qw(root stage) ],
# }}}
# Arguments are required
die "No roles given!\n\n$usage" unless @ARGV;
unless (-d $opt{root}) {
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
eval {
# We have a tight umask, and a root of mode 0700 would be undesirable
# in most cases.
chmod(0755, $opt{root});
die "Could not mkpath destination directory '$opt{root}': $@\n" if $@;
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Created destination directory '".$opt{root}."'\n";
# Prepare for backups
if ($opt{backup} and $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
# Make sure backup directory exists
unless (-d $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Creating backup directory '$opt{'backup-dir'}'\n";
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
eval { mkpath($opt{'backup-dir'}); };
die "Could not mkpath backup dir '$opt{'backup-dir'}': $@\n" if $@;
push(@rsync, "--backup", "--backup-dir=$opt{'backup-dir'}");
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
push @rsync, '--dry-run';
if ($opt{'verbose'} > 1) {
push @rsync, '--verbose';
# copy over the new files
for my $role (@ARGV) {
exit 0;
# This subroutine takes care of actually installing the files for a role
sub install_files ($) {
my ($role) = @_;
# final / is important for rsync
my $source = $opt{stage} . "/roles/" . $role . "/files/";
my $destination = $opt{root} . "/";
my @command = (@rsync, $source, $destination);
if (not -d $source) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and
print STDERR "$PROG: No files to install -- '$source' does not exist\n";
# Try to give some sensible message here
if ($opt{verbose} > 0) {
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
print STDERR "$PROG: Dry-run syncing '$source' to '$destination'\n";
} else {
print STDERR "$PROG: Syncing '$source' to '$destination'\n";
my ($fh) = Slack::wrap_rsync_fh(@command);
select((select($fh), $|=1)[0]); # Turn on autoflush
my $callback = sub {
my ($file) = @_;
($file =~ s#^$source##)
or die "sub failed: $source|$file";
print $fh "$file\0";
# This will print files to be synced to the $fh
Slack::find_files_to_install($source, $destination, $callback);
# Close fh, waitpid, and check return value
unless (close($fh)) {

View File

@ -1,146 +1,146 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-rolediff 125 2006-09-27 07:50:07Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script provides a preview of scripts or files about to be installed.
# Basically, it calls diff -- its smarts are in knowing where things are.
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
my @diff = ('slack-diff',
# directories to compare
my %subdir = (
files => 1,
scripts => 1,
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
sub diff ($$;@);
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir /: $!";
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] <role> [<role>...]");
$usage .= <<EOF;
--subdir DIR
Check this subdir only. Possible values for DIR are 'files' and
--diff PROG
Use this program to do diffs. [@diff]
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
command_line_options => [
usage => $usage,
required_options => [ qw(cache stage root) ],
# Arguments are required
die "No roles given!\n\n$usage" unless @ARGV;
# We only allow certain values for this option
if ($opt{subdir}) {
unless ($opt{subdir} eq 'files' or $opt{subdir} eq 'scripts') {
die "--subdir option must be 'files' or 'scripts'\n\n$usage";
# Only do this subdir
%subdir = ( $opt{subdir} => 1 );
# Let people override our diff. Split on spaces so they can pass args.
if ($opt{diff}) {
@diff = split(/\s+/, $opt{diff});
# }}}
my $exit = 0;
# Do the diffs
for my $full_role (@ARGV) {
# Split the full role (e.g. google.foogle.woogle) into components
my @role = split(/\./, $full_role);
if ($subdir{scripts}) {
# Then we compare the cache vs the stage
my $old = $opt{stage} . "/roles/" . $full_role . "/scripts";
my $new = $opt{cache} . "/roles/" . $role[0] . "/scripts";
# For scripts, we don't care so much about mode and owner (since those are
# inherited in the CACHE from the SOURCE), so --noperms.
$exit |= diff($old, $new, '--noperms');
if ($subdir{files}) {
# Then we compare the stage vs the root
my $old = $opt{root};
my $new = $opt{stage} . "/roles/" . $full_role . "/files";
# For files, we don't care about files that exist in $old but not $new
$exit |= diff($old, $new, '--unidirectional-new-file');
exit $exit;
sub diff ($$;@) {
my ($old, $new, @options) = @_;
my @command = (@diff, @options);
# return if there's nothing to do
return 0 if (not -d $old and not -d $new);
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Previewing with '@command'\n";
my $return = 0;
my $callback = sub {
my ($new_file) = @_;
my $old_file = $new_file;
($old_file =~ s#^$new#$old#)
or die "sub failed: $new|$new_file";
if (system(@command, $old_file, $new_file) != 0) {
$return |= Slack::get_system_exit(@command);
# We have to use this function, rather than recursive mode for slack-diff,
# because otherwise we'll print a bunch of bogus stuff about directories
# that exist in $ROOT and therefore aren't being synced.
Slack::find_files_to_install($new, $old, $callback);
return $return;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-rolediff 125 2006-09-27 07:50:07Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script provides a preview of scripts or files about to be installed.
# Basically, it calls diff -- its smarts are in knowing where things are.
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
my @diff = ('slack-diff',
# directories to compare
my %subdir = (
files => 1,
scripts => 1,
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
sub diff ($$;@);
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir /: $!";
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] <role> [<role>...]");
$usage .= <<EOF;
--subdir DIR
Check this subdir only. Possible values for DIR are 'files' and
--diff PROG
Use this program to do diffs. [@diff]
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
command_line_options => [
usage => $usage,
required_options => [ qw(cache stage root) ],
# Arguments are required
die "No roles given!\n\n$usage" unless @ARGV;
# We only allow certain values for this option
if ($opt{subdir}) {
unless ($opt{subdir} eq 'files' or $opt{subdir} eq 'scripts') {
die "--subdir option must be 'files' or 'scripts'\n\n$usage";
# Only do this subdir
%subdir = ( $opt{subdir} => 1 );
# Let people override our diff. Split on spaces so they can pass args.
if ($opt{diff}) {
@diff = split(/\s+/, $opt{diff});
# }}}
my $exit = 0;
# Do the diffs
for my $full_role (@ARGV) {
# Split the full role (e.g. google.foogle.woogle) into components
my @role = split(/\./, $full_role);
if ($subdir{scripts}) {
# Then we compare the cache vs the stage
my $old = $opt{stage} . "/roles/" . $full_role . "/scripts";
my $new = $opt{cache} . "/roles/" . $role[0] . "/scripts";
# For scripts, we don't care so much about mode and owner (since those are
# inherited in the CACHE from the SOURCE), so --noperms.
$exit |= diff($old, $new, '--noperms');
if ($subdir{files}) {
# Then we compare the stage vs the root
my $old = $opt{root};
my $new = $opt{stage} . "/roles/" . $full_role . "/files";
# For files, we don't care about files that exist in $old but not $new
$exit |= diff($old, $new, '--unidirectional-new-file');
exit $exit;
sub diff ($$;@) {
my ($old, $new, @options) = @_;
my @command = (@diff, @options);
# return if there's nothing to do
return 0 if (not -d $old and not -d $new);
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Previewing with '@command'\n";
my $return = 0;
my $callback = sub {
my ($new_file) = @_;
my $old_file = $new_file;
($old_file =~ s#^$new#$old#)
or die "sub failed: $new|$new_file";
if (system(@command, $old_file, $new_file) != 0) {
$return |= Slack::get_system_exit(@command);
# We have to use this function, rather than recursive mode for slack-diff,
# because otherwise we'll print a bunch of bogus stuff about directories
# that exist in $ROOT and therefore aren't being synced.
Slack::find_files_to_install($new, $old, $callback);
return $return;

View File

@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-runscript 118 2006-09-25 18:35:17Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of running scripts out of the local stage
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
# Export these options to the environment of the script
my @export_options = qw(root stage hostname verbose);
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir '/': $!";
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] <action> <role> [<role>...]");
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
usage => $usage,
required_options => \@export_options,
my $action = shift || die "No script to run!\n\n$usage";
# Arguments are required
die "No roles given!\n\n$usage" unless @ARGV;
# }}}
# Start with a clean environment
%ENV = (
PATH => '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin',
# Export certain variables to the environment. These are guaranteed to
# be set because we require them in get_options above.
for my $option (@export_options) {
my $env_var = $option;
$env_var =~ tr/a-z-/A-Z_/;
$ENV{$env_var} = $opt{$option};
# We want to decrement the verbose value for the child if it's set.
# Run the script for each role given, if it exists and is executable
for my $role (@ARGV) {
my $script_to_run = "$opt{stage}/roles/$role/scripts/$action";
unless (-x $script_to_run) {
if (-e _) {
# A helpful warning
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Skipping '$script_to_run' because it's not executable\n";
} elsif ($opt{verbose} > 0) {
print STDERR "$PROG: Skipping '$script_to_run' because it doesn't exist\n";
my $dir;
if ($action eq 'fixfiles') {
$dir = "$opt{stage}/roles/$role/files";
} else {
$dir = "$opt{stage}/roles/$role/scripts";
my @command = ($script_to_run , $role);
# It's OK to chdir even if we're not going to run the script.
# Might as well see if it works.
or die "Could not chdir '$dir': $!\n";
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
($opt{verbose} > 0)
and print STDERR "$PROG: Not calling '@command' in '$dir' ".
"because --dry-run specified.\n";
} else {
($opt{verbose} > 0)
and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling '@command' in '$dir'.\n";
unless (system("script /root/slackLog -a -f -c @command") == 0) {
or die "Could not chdir '/': $!\n"
exit 0;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-runscript 118 2006-09-25 18:35:17Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of running scripts out of the local stage
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
# Export these options to the environment of the script
my @export_options = qw(root stage hostname verbose);
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir '/': $!";
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] <action> <role> [<role>...]");
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
usage => $usage,
required_options => \@export_options,
my $action = shift || die "No script to run!\n\n$usage";
# Arguments are required
die "No roles given!\n\n$usage" unless @ARGV;
# }}}
# Start with a clean environment
%ENV = (
PATH => '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin',
# Export certain variables to the environment. These are guaranteed to
# be set because we require them in get_options above.
for my $option (@export_options) {
my $env_var = $option;
$env_var =~ tr/a-z-/A-Z_/;
$ENV{$env_var} = $opt{$option};
# We want to decrement the verbose value for the child if it's set.
# Run the script for each role given, if it exists and is executable
for my $role (@ARGV) {
my $script_to_run = "$opt{stage}/roles/$role/scripts/$action";
unless (-x $script_to_run) {
if (-e _) {
# A helpful warning
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Skipping '$script_to_run' because it's not executable\n";
} elsif ($opt{verbose} > 0) {
print STDERR "$PROG: Skipping '$script_to_run' because it doesn't exist\n";
my $dir;
if ($action eq 'fixfiles') {
$dir = "$opt{stage}/roles/$role/files";
} else {
$dir = "$opt{stage}/roles/$role/scripts";
my @command = ($script_to_run , $role);
# It's OK to chdir even if we're not going to run the script.
# Might as well see if it works.
or die "Could not chdir '$dir': $!\n";
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
($opt{verbose} > 0)
and print STDERR "$PROG: Not calling '@command' in '$dir' ".
"because --dry-run specified.\n";
} else {
($opt{verbose} > 0)
and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling '@command' in '$dir'.\n";
unless (system("script /root/slackLog -a -f -c @command") == 0) {
or die "Could not chdir '/': $!\n"
exit 0;

View File

@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-runscript 118 2006-09-25 18:35:17Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of running scripts out of the local stage
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
# Export these options to the environment of the script
my @export_options = qw(root stage hostname verbose);
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir '/': $!";
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] <action> <role> [<role>...]");
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
usage => $usage,
required_options => \@export_options,
my $action = shift || die "No script to run!\n\n$usage";
# Arguments are required
die "No roles given!\n\n$usage" unless @ARGV;
# }}}
# Start with a clean environment
%ENV = (
PATH => '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin',
# Export certain variables to the environment. These are guaranteed to
# be set because we require them in get_options above.
for my $option (@export_options) {
my $env_var = $option;
$env_var =~ tr/a-z-/A-Z_/;
$ENV{$env_var} = $opt{$option};
# We want to decrement the verbose value for the child if it's set.
# Run the script for each role given, if it exists and is executable
for my $role (@ARGV) {
my $script_to_run = "$opt{stage}/roles/$role/scripts/$action";
unless (-x $script_to_run) {
if (-e _) {
# A helpful warning
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Skipping '$script_to_run' because it's not executable\n";
} elsif ($opt{verbose} > 0) {
print STDERR "$PROG: Skipping '$script_to_run' because it doesn't exist\n";
my $dir;
if ($action eq 'fixfiles') {
$dir = "$opt{stage}/roles/$role/files";
} else {
$dir = "$opt{stage}/roles/$role/scripts";
my @command = ($script_to_run, $role);
# It's OK to chdir even if we're not going to run the script.
# Might as well see if it works.
or die "Could not chdir '$dir': $!\n";
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
($opt{verbose} > 0)
and print STDERR "$PROG: Not calling '@command' in '$dir' ".
"because --dry-run specified.\n";
} else {
($opt{verbose} > 0)
and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling '@command' in '$dir'.\n";
unless (system(@command) == 0) {
or die "Could not chdir '/': $!\n"
exit 0;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-runscript 118 2006-09-25 18:35:17Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of running scripts out of the local stage
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
# Export these options to the environment of the script
my @export_options = qw(root stage hostname verbose);
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir '/': $!";
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] <action> <role> [<role>...]");
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
usage => $usage,
required_options => \@export_options,
my $action = shift || die "No script to run!\n\n$usage";
# Arguments are required
die "No roles given!\n\n$usage" unless @ARGV;
# }}}
# Start with a clean environment
%ENV = (
PATH => '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin',
# Export certain variables to the environment. These are guaranteed to
# be set because we require them in get_options above.
for my $option (@export_options) {
my $env_var = $option;
$env_var =~ tr/a-z-/A-Z_/;
$ENV{$env_var} = $opt{$option};
# We want to decrement the verbose value for the child if it's set.
# Run the script for each role given, if it exists and is executable
for my $role (@ARGV) {
my $script_to_run = "$opt{stage}/roles/$role/scripts/$action";
unless (-x $script_to_run) {
if (-e _) {
# A helpful warning
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Skipping '$script_to_run' because it's not executable\n";
} elsif ($opt{verbose} > 0) {
print STDERR "$PROG: Skipping '$script_to_run' because it doesn't exist\n";
my $dir;
if ($action eq 'fixfiles') {
$dir = "$opt{stage}/roles/$role/files";
} else {
$dir = "$opt{stage}/roles/$role/scripts";
my @command = ($script_to_run, $role);
# It's OK to chdir even if we're not going to run the script.
# Might as well see if it works.
or die "Could not chdir '$dir': $!\n";
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
($opt{verbose} > 0)
and print STDERR "$PROG: Not calling '@command' in '$dir' ".
"because --dry-run specified.\n";
} else {
($opt{verbose} > 0)
and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling '@command' in '$dir'.\n";
unless (system(@command) == 0) {
or die "Could not chdir '/': $!\n"
exit 0;

View File

@ -1,278 +1,278 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-stage 180 2008-01-19 08:26:19Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of copying files from the local cache
# directory to the local stage, building a unified single tree onstage
# from the multiple trees that are the role + subroles in the cache
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
my @rsync = ('rsync',
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
sub check_stage ();
sub sync_role ($$@);
sub apply_default_perms_to_role ($$);
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir /: $!";
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] <role> [<role>...]");
$usage .= <<EOF;
--subdir DIR
Sync this subdir only. Possible values for DIR are 'files' and
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
command_line_options => [
usage => $usage,
required_options => [ qw(cache stage) ],
# Arguments are required
die "No roles given!\n\n$usage" unless @ARGV;
# We only allow certain values for this option
if ($opt{subdir}) {
unless ($opt{subdir} eq 'files' or $opt{subdir} eq 'scripts') {
die "--subdir option must be 'files' or 'scripts'\n\n$usage";
} else {
$opt{subdir} = '';
# Prepare for backups
if ($opt{backup} and $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
# Make sure backup directory exists
unless (-d $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "Creating backup directory '$opt{'backup-dir'}'\n";
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
eval { mkpath($opt{'backup-dir'}); };
die "Could not mkpath backup dir '$opt{'backup-dir'}': $@\n" if $@;
push(@rsync, "--backup", "--backup-dir=$opt{'backup-dir'}");
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
push @rsync, '--dry-run';
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'verbose'} > 1) {
push @rsync, '--verbose';
# }}}
# copy over the new files
for my $full_role (@ARGV) {
# Split the full role (e.g. google.foogle.woogle) into components
my @role_parts = split(/\./, $full_role);
die "Internal error: Expect at least one role part" if not @role_parts;
# Reassemble parts one at a time onto @role and sync as we go,
# so we do "google", then "google.foogle", then "google.foogle.woogle"
my @role = ();
# Make sure we've got the right perms before we copy stuff down
# For the base role, do both files and scripts.
push @role, shift @role_parts;
for my $subdir(qw(files scripts)) {
if (not $opt{subdir} or $opt{subdir} eq $subdir) {
($opt{verbose} > 1)
and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling sync_role for $full_role, @role\n";
# @role here will have one element, so sync_role will use --delete
sync_role($full_role, $subdir, @role)
# For all subroles, just do the files.
# (If we wanted script subroles to work like files, we'd get rid of this
# distinction and simplify the code.)
if (not $opt{subdir} or $opt{subdir} eq 'files') {
while (@role_parts) {
push @role, shift @role_parts;
($opt{verbose} > 1)
and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling sync_role for $full_role, @role\n";
sync_role($full_role, 'files', @role);
for my $subdir (qw(files scripts)) {
apply_default_perms_to_role($full_role, $subdir)
if (not $opt{subdir} or $opt{subdir} eq $subdir);
exit 0;
# Make sure the stage directory exists and is mode 0700, to protect files
# underneath in transit
sub check_stage () {
my $stage = $opt{stage} . "/roles";
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
if (not -d $stage) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Creating '$stage'\n";
eval { mkpath($stage); };
die "Could not mkpath cache dir '$stage': $@\n" if $@;
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Checking perms on '$stage'\n";
if ($> != 0) {
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Not superuser; unable to chown files\n";
} else {
chown(0, 0, $stage)
or die "Could not chown 0:0 '$stage': $!\n";
chmod(0700, $stage)
or die "Could not chmod 0700 '$stage': $!\n";
# Copy the files for a role from CACHE to STAGE
sub sync_role ($$@) {
my ($full_role, $subdir, @role) = @_;
my @this_rsync = @rsync;
# If we were only given one role part, we're in the base role
my $in_base_role = (scalar @role == 1);
# For the base role, delete any files that don't exist in the cache.
# Not for the subrole (otherwise we'll delete all files not in
# the subrole, which may be most of them!)
if ($in_base_role) {
push @this_rsync, "--delete";
# (a) => a/files
# (a,b,c) => a/files.b.c
my $src_path = $role[0].'/'.join(".", $subdir, @role[1 .. $#role]);
# This one's a little simpler:
my $dst_path = $full_role.'/'.$subdir;
# final / is important for rsync
my $source = $opt{cache} . "/roles/" . $src_path . "/";
my $destination = $opt{stage} . "/roles/" . $dst_path . "/";
if (not -d $destination and -d $source) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Creating '$destination'\n";
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
eval { mkpath($destination); };
die "Could not mkpath stage dir '$destination': $@\n" if $@;
# We no longer require the source to exist
if (not -d $source) {
# but we need to remove the destination if the source
# doesn't exist and we're in the base role
if ($in_base_role) {
# rmtree() doesn't throw exceptions or give a return value useful
# for detecting failure, so we just check after the fact.
die "Could not rmtree '$destination' when '$source' missing\n"
if -e $destination;
# if we continue, rsync will fail because source is missing,
# so we don't.
# All this to run an rsync command
my @command = (@this_rsync, $source, $destination);
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Syncing $src_path with '@command'\n";
# This just takes the base role, and chowns/chmods everything under it to
# give it some sensible permissions. Basically, the only thing we preserve
# about the original permissions is the executable bit, since that's the
# only thing source code controls systems like CVS, RCS, Perforce seem to
# preserve.
sub apply_default_perms_to_role ($$) {
my ($role, $subdir) = @_;
my $destination = $opt{stage} . "/roles/" . $role;
if ($subdir) {
$destination .= '/' . $subdir;
# If the destination doesn't exist, it's probably because the source didn't
return if not -d $destination;
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Setting default perms on $destination\n";
if ($> != 0) {
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Not superuser; won't be able to chown files\n";
# Use File::Find to recurse the directory
# The "wanted" subroutine is called for every directory entry
wanted => sub {
return if $opt{'dry-run'};
($opt{verbose} > 2) and print STDERR "$File::Find::name\n";
if (-l) {
# symlinks shouldn't be in here,
# since we dereference when copying
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Skipping symlink at $File::Find::name: $!\n";
} elsif (-f _) { # results of last stat saved in the "_"
if (-x _) {
chmod 0555, $_
or die "Could not chmod 0555 $File::Find::name: $!";
} else {
chmod 0444, $_
or die "Could not chmod 0444 $File::Find::name: $!";
} elsif (-d _) {
chmod 0755, $_
or die "Could not chmod 0755 $File::Find::name: $!";
} else {
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Unknown file type at $File::Find::name: $!\n";
return if $> != 0; # skip chowning if not superuser
chown 0, 0, $_
or die "Could not chown 0:0 $File::Find::name: $!";
# end of wanted function
# way down here, we have the directory to traverse with File::Find
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-stage 180 2008-01-19 08:26:19Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of copying files from the local cache
# directory to the local stage, building a unified single tree onstage
# from the multiple trees that are the role + subroles in the cache
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
my @rsync = ('rsync',
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
sub check_stage ();
sub sync_role ($$@);
sub apply_default_perms_to_role ($$);
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir /: $!";
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] <role> [<role>...]");
$usage .= <<EOF;
--subdir DIR
Sync this subdir only. Possible values for DIR are 'files' and
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
command_line_options => [
usage => $usage,
required_options => [ qw(cache stage) ],
# Arguments are required
die "No roles given!\n\n$usage" unless @ARGV;
# We only allow certain values for this option
if ($opt{subdir}) {
unless ($opt{subdir} eq 'files' or $opt{subdir} eq 'scripts') {
die "--subdir option must be 'files' or 'scripts'\n\n$usage";
} else {
$opt{subdir} = '';
# Prepare for backups
if ($opt{backup} and $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
# Make sure backup directory exists
unless (-d $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "Creating backup directory '$opt{'backup-dir'}'\n";
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
eval { mkpath($opt{'backup-dir'}); };
die "Could not mkpath backup dir '$opt{'backup-dir'}': $@\n" if $@;
push(@rsync, "--backup", "--backup-dir=$opt{'backup-dir'}");
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
push @rsync, '--dry-run';
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'verbose'} > 1) {
push @rsync, '--verbose';
# }}}
# copy over the new files
for my $full_role (@ARGV) {
# Split the full role (e.g. google.foogle.woogle) into components
my @role_parts = split(/\./, $full_role);
die "Internal error: Expect at least one role part" if not @role_parts;
# Reassemble parts one at a time onto @role and sync as we go,
# so we do "google", then "google.foogle", then "google.foogle.woogle"
my @role = ();
# Make sure we've got the right perms before we copy stuff down
# For the base role, do both files and scripts.
push @role, shift @role_parts;
for my $subdir(qw(files scripts)) {
if (not $opt{subdir} or $opt{subdir} eq $subdir) {
($opt{verbose} > 1)
and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling sync_role for $full_role, @role\n";
# @role here will have one element, so sync_role will use --delete
sync_role($full_role, $subdir, @role)
# For all subroles, just do the files.
# (If we wanted script subroles to work like files, we'd get rid of this
# distinction and simplify the code.)
if (not $opt{subdir} or $opt{subdir} eq 'files') {
while (@role_parts) {
push @role, shift @role_parts;
($opt{verbose} > 1)
and print STDERR "$PROG: Calling sync_role for $full_role, @role\n";
sync_role($full_role, 'files', @role);
for my $subdir (qw(files scripts)) {
apply_default_perms_to_role($full_role, $subdir)
if (not $opt{subdir} or $opt{subdir} eq $subdir);
exit 0;
# Make sure the stage directory exists and is mode 0700, to protect files
# underneath in transit
sub check_stage () {
my $stage = $opt{stage} . "/roles";
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
if (not -d $stage) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Creating '$stage'\n";
eval { mkpath($stage); };
die "Could not mkpath cache dir '$stage': $@\n" if $@;
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Checking perms on '$stage'\n";
if ($> != 0) {
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Not superuser; unable to chown files\n";
} else {
chown(0, 0, $stage)
or die "Could not chown 0:0 '$stage': $!\n";
chmod(0700, $stage)
or die "Could not chmod 0700 '$stage': $!\n";
# Copy the files for a role from CACHE to STAGE
sub sync_role ($$@) {
my ($full_role, $subdir, @role) = @_;
my @this_rsync = @rsync;
# If we were only given one role part, we're in the base role
my $in_base_role = (scalar @role == 1);
# For the base role, delete any files that don't exist in the cache.
# Not for the subrole (otherwise we'll delete all files not in
# the subrole, which may be most of them!)
if ($in_base_role) {
push @this_rsync, "--delete";
# (a) => a/files
# (a,b,c) => a/files.b.c
my $src_path = $role[0].'/'.join(".", $subdir, @role[1 .. $#role]);
# This one's a little simpler:
my $dst_path = $full_role.'/'.$subdir;
# final / is important for rsync
my $source = $opt{cache} . "/roles/" . $src_path . "/";
my $destination = $opt{stage} . "/roles/" . $dst_path . "/";
if (not -d $destination and -d $source) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Creating '$destination'\n";
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
eval { mkpath($destination); };
die "Could not mkpath stage dir '$destination': $@\n" if $@;
# We no longer require the source to exist
if (not -d $source) {
# but we need to remove the destination if the source
# doesn't exist and we're in the base role
if ($in_base_role) {
# rmtree() doesn't throw exceptions or give a return value useful
# for detecting failure, so we just check after the fact.
die "Could not rmtree '$destination' when '$source' missing\n"
if -e $destination;
# if we continue, rsync will fail because source is missing,
# so we don't.
# All this to run an rsync command
my @command = (@this_rsync, $source, $destination);
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Syncing $src_path with '@command'\n";
# This just takes the base role, and chowns/chmods everything under it to
# give it some sensible permissions. Basically, the only thing we preserve
# about the original permissions is the executable bit, since that's the
# only thing source code controls systems like CVS, RCS, Perforce seem to
# preserve.
sub apply_default_perms_to_role ($$) {
my ($role, $subdir) = @_;
my $destination = $opt{stage} . "/roles/" . $role;
if ($subdir) {
$destination .= '/' . $subdir;
# If the destination doesn't exist, it's probably because the source didn't
return if not -d $destination;
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Setting default perms on $destination\n";
if ($> != 0) {
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Not superuser; won't be able to chown files\n";
# Use File::Find to recurse the directory
# The "wanted" subroutine is called for every directory entry
wanted => sub {
return if $opt{'dry-run'};
($opt{verbose} > 2) and print STDERR "$File::Find::name\n";
if (-l) {
# symlinks shouldn't be in here,
# since we dereference when copying
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Skipping symlink at $File::Find::name: $!\n";
} elsif (-f _) { # results of last stat saved in the "_"
if (-x _) {
chmod 0555, $_
or die "Could not chmod 0555 $File::Find::name: $!";
} else {
chmod 0444, $_
or die "Could not chmod 0444 $File::Find::name: $!";
} elsif (-d _) {
chmod 0755, $_
or die "Could not chmod 0755 $File::Find::name: $!";
} else {
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Unknown file type at $File::Find::name: $!\n";
return if $> != 0; # skip chowning if not superuser
chown 0, 0, $_
or die "Could not chown 0:0 $File::Find::name: $!";
# end of wanted function
# way down here, we have the directory to traverse with File::Find

View File

@ -1,169 +1,169 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-sync 180 2008-01-19 08:26:19Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of copying files from the (possibly remote)
# master directory to a local cache, using rsync
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
my @rsync = ('rsync',
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
sub check_cache ($);
sub rsync_source ($$@);
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir /: $!";
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] <role> [<role>...]");
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
usage => $usage,
required_options => [ qw(source cache) ],
# Arguments are required
die "No roles given!\n\n$usage" unless @ARGV;
# Prepare for backups
if ($opt{backup} and $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
# Make sure backup directory exists
unless (-d $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "Creating backup directory '$opt{'backup-dir'}'\n";
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
eval { mkpath($opt{'backup-dir'}); };
die "Could not mkpath backup dir '$opt{'backup-dir'}': $@\n" if $@;
push(@rsync, "--backup", "--backup-dir=$opt{'backup-dir'}");
# Look at source type, and add options if necessary
if ($opt{'rsh'} or $opt{source} =~ m/^[\w@\.-]+::/) {
# This is tunnelled rsync, and so needs an extra option
if ($opt{'rsh'}) {
push @rsync, '-e', $opt{'rsh'};
} else {
push @rsync, '-e', 'ssh';
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
push @rsync, '--dry-run';
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'verbose'} > 1) {
push @rsync, '--verbose';
# }}}
my @roles = ();
# This hash is just to avoid calling rsync twice if two subroles are
# installed. We only care since it's remote, and therefore slow.
my %roles_to_sync = ();
# copy over the new files
for my $full_role (@ARGV) {
# Get the first element of the role name (the base role)
# e.g., from "google.foogle.woogle", get "google"
my $base_role = (split /\./, $full_role, 2)[0];
$roles_to_sync{$base_role} = 1;
@roles = keys %roles_to_sync;
my $cache = $opt{cache} . "/roles/";
# Make sure we've got the right perms before we copy stuff down
$opt{source} . '/roles/',
exit 0;
# Make sure the cache directory exists and is mode 0700, to protect files
# underneath in transit
sub check_cache ($) {
my ($cache) = @_;
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
if (not -d $cache) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Creating '$cache'\n";
eval { mkpath($cache); };
die "Could not mkpath cache dir '$cache': $@\n" if $@;
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Checking perms on '$cache'\n";
if ($> != 0) {
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Not superuser; unable to chown files\n";
} else {
chown(0, 0, $cache)
or die "Could not chown 0:0 '$cache': $!\n";
chmod(0700, $cache)
or die "Could not chmod 0700 '$cache': $!\n";
# Pull down roles from an rsync source
sub rsync_source($$@) {
my ($source, $destination, @roles) = @_;
my @command = (@rsync, $source, $destination);
($opt{verbose} > 0)
and print STDERR "$PROG: Syncing cache with '@command'\n";
my ($fh) = Slack::wrap_rsync_fh(@command);
# Shove the roles down its throat
print $fh join("\0", @roles), "\0";
# Close fh, waitpid, and check return value
unless (close($fh)) {
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-sync 180 2008-01-19 08:26:19Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Alan Sundell <>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script is in charge of copying files from the (possibly remote)
# master directory to a local cache, using rsync
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
my @rsync = ('rsync',
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
sub check_cache ($);
sub rsync_source ($$@);
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir /: $!";
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] <role> [<role>...]");
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
usage => $usage,
required_options => [ qw(source cache) ],
# Arguments are required
die "No roles given!\n\n$usage" unless @ARGV;
# Prepare for backups
if ($opt{backup} and $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
# Make sure backup directory exists
unless (-d $opt{'backup-dir'}) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "Creating backup directory '$opt{'backup-dir'}'\n";
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
eval { mkpath($opt{'backup-dir'}); };
die "Could not mkpath backup dir '$opt{'backup-dir'}': $@\n" if $@;
push(@rsync, "--backup", "--backup-dir=$opt{'backup-dir'}");
# Look at source type, and add options if necessary
if ($opt{'rsh'} or $opt{source} =~ m/^[\w@\.-]+::/) {
# This is tunnelled rsync, and so needs an extra option
if ($opt{'rsh'}) {
push @rsync, '-e', $opt{'rsh'};
} else {
push @rsync, '-e', 'ssh';
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'dry-run'}) {
push @rsync, '--dry-run';
# Pass options along to rsync
if ($opt{'verbose'} > 1) {
push @rsync, '--verbose';
# }}}
my @roles = ();
# This hash is just to avoid calling rsync twice if two subroles are
# installed. We only care since it's remote, and therefore slow.
my %roles_to_sync = ();
# copy over the new files
for my $full_role (@ARGV) {
# Get the first element of the role name (the base role)
# e.g., from "google.foogle.woogle", get "google"
my $base_role = (split /\./, $full_role, 2)[0];
$roles_to_sync{$base_role} = 1;
@roles = keys %roles_to_sync;
my $cache = $opt{cache} . "/roles/";
# Make sure we've got the right perms before we copy stuff down
$opt{source} . '/roles/',
exit 0;
# Make sure the cache directory exists and is mode 0700, to protect files
# underneath in transit
sub check_cache ($) {
my ($cache) = @_;
if (not $opt{'dry-run'}) {
if (not -d $cache) {
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Creating '$cache'\n";
eval { mkpath($cache); };
die "Could not mkpath cache dir '$cache': $@\n" if $@;
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Checking perms on '$cache'\n";
if ($> != 0) {
warn "WARNING[$PROG]: Not superuser; unable to chown files\n";
} else {
chown(0, 0, $cache)
or die "Could not chown 0:0 '$cache': $!\n";
chmod(0700, $cache)
or die "Could not chmod 0700 '$cache': $!\n";
# Pull down roles from an rsync source
sub rsync_source($$@) {
my ($source, $destination, @roles) = @_;
my @command = (@rsync, $source, $destination);
($opt{verbose} > 0)
and print STDERR "$PROG: Syncing cache with '@command'\n";
my ($fh) = Slack::wrap_rsync_fh(@command);
# Shove the roles down its throat
print $fh join("\0", @roles), "\0";
# Close fh, waitpid, and check return value
unless (close($fh)) {