How to Use This Book

This book isn’t about fringe benefits or how to set up your workstation or where to find source code. TSYS Group works in ways that might seem counterintuitive at first. This hand- book is about the choices you’re going to be making and how to think about them. Mainly, it’s about how not to freak out now that you’re here.

For more nuts-and-bolts information, there’s an official TSYS Group Doc Repo : TODO link to repo

This book is in the repo, so you can edit it.

Once you’ve read it, help us make it better for other new members. Suggest new sections, or change the existing ones. Add to the Glossary. Or if you’re not all that comfortable editing it, annotate it: make comments and suggestions in ReviewBoard (TODO link to reviewboad).

We’ll collectively review the changes and fold them into future revisions.