KITAITI Makoto c84b83c370
Some checks failed
CI / ubuntu-latest (linux/amd64) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest (linux/arm/v7) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest (linux/arm64) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest (linux/ppc64le) (push) Waiting to run
CI / macOS-latest (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc (linux/amd64, Debug) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc (linux/amd64, Release) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc (linux/arm/v7, Debug) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc (linux/arm/v7, Release) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc (linux/arm64, Debug) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc (linux/arm64, Release) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc (linux/ppc64le, Debug) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc (linux/ppc64le, Release) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-clang (linux/amd64, Debug) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-clang (linux/amd64, Release) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-clang (linux/arm64, Debug) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-clang (linux/arm64, Release) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-clang (linux/ppc64le, Debug) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-clang (linux/ppc64le, Release) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc-sanitized (linux/amd64, ADDRESS) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc-sanitized (linux/amd64, THREAD) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc-sanitized (linux/amd64, UNDEFINED) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-22-cmake-sycl (linux/amd64, icx, icpx, ON) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-22-cmake-sycl (linux/arm/v7, icx, icpx, ON) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-22-cmake-sycl (linux/arm64, icx, icpx, ON) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-22-cmake-sycl (linux/ppc64le, icx, icpx, ON) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-22-cmake-sycl-fp16 (linux/amd64, icx, icpx, ON) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-22-cmake-sycl-fp16 (linux/arm/v7, icx, icpx, ON) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-22-cmake-sycl-fp16 (linux/arm64, icx, icpx, ON) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ubuntu-22-cmake-sycl-fp16 (linux/ppc64le, icx, icpx, ON) (push) Waiting to run
CI / windows-msys2 (Release, clang-x86_64, CLANG64) (push) Waiting to run
CI / windows-msys2 (Release, ucrt-x86_64, UCRT64) (push) Waiting to run
CI / windows (Win32, Release, win32-x86, x86, 2.28.5, ON) (push) Waiting to run
CI / windows (x64, Release, win32-x86-64, x64, 2.28.5, ON) (push) Waiting to run
CI / windows-blas (Win32, ON, Release, x86, 2.28.5, ON) (push) Waiting to run
CI / windows-blas (x64, ON, Release, x64, 2.28.5, ON) (push) Waiting to run
CI / emscripten (Release) (push) Waiting to run
CI / ios-xcode-build (Release) (push) Waiting to run
CI / android (push) Waiting to run
CI / quantize (push) Waiting to run
Publish Docker image / Push Docker image to Docker Hub (map[dockerfile:.devops/main.Dockerfile platform:linux/amd64,linux/arm64 tag:main]) (push) Waiting to run
Bindings Tests (Ruby) / ubuntu-latest (push) Has been cancelled
ruby : Fix of C++ header guard name, model URI support, type signature and more (#2683)
* Add test to make accept URI string

* Add test to make accept URI

* Make accept URI string and URI

* Update README

Revert "Fix argument of rb_undefine_finalizer"

* Fix typos

* Add type signature file

* Assign literarl to const variable

* Load Whisper::Model::URI from Init_whisper

* Simplify .gitignore

* Don't load from whisper/model/uri.rb

* Use each_with_object instead of each

* Add Development section to README

* Rename header guard to conform to C++ naming convention
2024-12-30 14:26:35 +02:00

244 lines
5.7 KiB

Ruby bindings for [whisper.cpp][], an interface of automatic speech recognition model.
Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:
$ bundle add whispercpp
If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:
$ gem install whispercpp
require "whisper"
whisper ="base")
params =
params.language = "en"
params.offset = 10_000
params.duration = 60_000
params.max_text_tokens = 300
params.translate = true
params.print_timestamps = false
params.initial_prompt = "Initial prompt here."
whisper.transcribe("path/to/audio.wav", params) do |whole_text|
puts whole_text
### Preparing model ###
Some models are prepared up-front:
base_en = Whisper::Model.pre_converted_models["base.en"]
whisper =
At first time you use a model, it is downloaded automatically. After that, downloaded cached file is used. To clear cache, call `#clear_cache`:
You also can use shorthand for pre-converted models:
whisper ="base.en")
You can see the list of prepared model names by `Whisper::Model.pre_converted_models.keys`:
puts Whisper::Model.pre_converted_models.keys
# tiny
# tiny.en
# tiny-q5_1
# tiny.en-q5_1
# tiny-q8_0
# base
# base.en
# base-q5_1
# base.en-q5_1
# base-q8_0
# :
# :
You can also use local model files you prepared:
whisper ="path/to/your/model.bin")
Or, you can download model files:
whisper ="")
# Or
whisper =""))
See [models][] page for details.
### Preparing audio file ###
Currently, whisper.cpp accepts only 16-bit WAV files.
### Segments ###
Once `Whisper::Context#transcribe` called, you can retrieve segments by `#each_segment`:
def format_time(time_ms)
sec, decimal_part = time_ms.divmod(1000)
min, sec = sec.divmod(60)
hour, min = min.divmod(60)
"%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d" % [hour, min, sec, decimal_part]
whisper.transcribe("path/to/audio.wav", params)
whisper.each_segment.with_index do |segment, index|
line = "[%{nth}: %{st} --> %{ed}] %{text}" % {
nth: index + 1,
st: format_time(segment.start_time),
ed: format_time(segment.end_time),
text: segment.text
line << " (speaker turned)" if segment.speaker_next_turn?
puts line
You can also add hook to params called on new segment:
# Add hook before calling #transcribe
params.on_new_segment do |segment|
line = "[%{st} --> %{ed}] %{text}" % {
st: format_time(segment.start_time),
ed: format_time(segment.end_time),
text: segment.text
line << " (speaker turned)" if segment.speaker_next_turn?
puts line
whisper.transcribe("path/to/audio.wav", params)
### Models ###
You can see model information:
whisper ="base")
model = whisper.model
model.n_vocab # => 51864
model.n_audio_ctx # => 1500
model.n_audio_state # => 512
model.n_audio_head # => 8
model.n_audio_layer # => 6
model.n_text_ctx # => 448
model.n_text_state # => 512
model.n_text_head # => 8
model.n_text_layer # => 6
model.n_mels # => 80
model.ftype # => 1
model.type # => "base"
### Logging ###
You can set log callback:
prefix = "[MyApp] "
log_callback = ->(level, buffer, user_data) {
case level
when Whisper::LOG_LEVEL_NONE
puts "#{user_data}none: #{buffer}"
when Whisper::LOG_LEVEL_INFO
puts "#{user_data}info: #{buffer}"
when Whisper::LOG_LEVEL_WARN
puts "#{user_data}warn: #{buffer}"
when Whisper::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR
puts "#{user_data}error: #{buffer}"
when Whisper::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG
puts "#{user_data}debug: #{buffer}"
when Whisper::LOG_LEVEL_CONT
puts "#{user_data}same to previous: #{buffer}"
Whisper.log_set log_callback, prefix
Using this feature, you are also able to suppress log:
Whisper.log_set ->(level, buffer, user_data) {
# do nothing
}, nil"base")
### Low-level API to transcribe ###
You can also call `Whisper::Context#full` and `#full_parallel` with a Ruby array as samples. Although `#transcribe` with audio file path is recommended because it extracts PCM samples in C++ and is fast, `#full` and `#full_parallel` give you flexibility.
require "whisper"
require "wavefile"
reader ="path/to/audio.wav",, :float, 16000))
samples = reader.enum_for(:each_buffer).map(&:samples).flatten
whisper ="base")
whisper.full(, samples)
whisper.each_segment do |segment|
puts segment.text
The second argument `samples` may be an array, an object with `length` and `each` method, or a MemoryView. If you can prepare audio data as C array and export it as a MemoryView, whispercpp accepts and works with it with zero copy.
% git clone
% cd whisper.cpp/bindings/ruby
% rake test
First call of `rake test` builds an extension and downloads a model for testing. After that, you add tests in `tests` directory and modify `ext/ruby_whisper.cpp`.
If something seems wrong on build, running `rake clean` solves some cases.
The same to [whisper.cpp][].