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@page LEVEL1 Installing Trick
This section discusses the %Trick system hardware and software requirements and preparations
necessary for a %Trick installation. It also goes into a step-by-step explanation of how to install
trick. To obtain a %Trick software release, login as a %Trick user on the %Trick website:
http://trick.jsc.nasa.gov, and download an installer.
@section LEVEL2 Trick System Hardware and Software Requirements
%Trick runs on PCs running Linux and Macs running OSX. In
general any System V/POSIX compatible UNIX workstation with Motif X Windows should accept the
%Trick software with very little source code porting because %Trick C++ source code is written for
ANSI (function prototyping required) UNIX compilers.
@section LEVEL2 Disk Space and Run-Time Memory Requirements
The current %Trick Release with the "Ball" tutorial requires approximately 350 MB.
External simulation packages may require several gigabytes. When users
are developing simulations, their additional disk requirements will vary based on the size of
the simulation.
Simulation run-time memory or Random Access Memory (RAM) requirements depend greatly on the
models within the simulation. As of this writing in 2010, we recommend systems with 4Gb of RAM.
@section LEVEL2 Prerequisite Packages
%Trick makes use of some free third party utilities. All the following products are used by %Trick
and may installed as part of your OS distribution or can be downloaded from the internet.
<tr><td>gcc and g++</td><td>4.0+</td><td>Compiler</td>
<tr><td>java</td><td>1.6</td><td>Java virtual machine used for %Trick GUIs</td>
<tr><td>make</td><td>3.78+</td><td>Handles all makes within %Trick</td>
<tr><td>openmotif</td><td>2.2.0</td><td>X Window stuff</td>
<tr><td>perl</td><td>5.6+</td><td>Used for CP, ICG, MIS and various utilities</td>
<tr><td>python</td><td>2.2.3+</td><td>Used for input processor</td>
<tr><td>swig</td><td>1.3.29+</td><td>Used for input processor interface</td>
<b>Table 2. Third Party Dependencies</b>
@section LEVEL3 Installing Linux Prerequisites
Each Linux distribution has their own method for installing packages.
RedHat/Centos/Scientific distributions use <b>yum</b>. Most of the prerequisite packages are
included in the development libraries and tools. These packages may already be installed
on your machine. If not, they may be installed with the following two commands (as root).
@section LEVEL4 Development Tools
For RedHat/Centos/Scientific 6.x installations
<tt><b>UNIX Prompt></b>yum groupinstall "Development Tools"</tt><br>
For RedHat/Centos/Scientific 5.x installations
<tt><b>UNIX Prompt></b>yum groupinstall "Development Libraries"</tt><br>
<tt><b>UNIX Prompt></b>yum groupinstall "Development Tools"</tt><br>
@section LEVEL4 Clang/LLVM
Clang is require to build the Interface Code Generator (ICG).
RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux pre-built packages are provided on the
<a href="https://trick.jsc.nasa.gov/download/gnu/download_gnu.php"> freeware page.</a>
These binary packages are based on LLVM 3.1.
@section LEVEL4 OpenMotif
Use yum to install openmotif and the openmotif development libraries.
<tt><b>UNIX Prompt></b>yum install openmotif openmotif-devel</tt><br>
Other linux distributions may require additional packages to be installed and may not use
<b>yum</b> to install them.
@section LEVEL4 Java
To compile Trick from source the Java Development Kit is required. At the time of this writing Trick
requires JDK 1.6 or greater.
For machines not needing to build Trick from source, download and install
<a href="http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp">Java Runtine Environment (JRE)</a>.
@section LEVEL3 Installing MacOSX 10.8 and 10.9 Prerequisites
Macs require several additional development tools to build %Trick. All of these are freely available
off the web. Websites and installation procedures may change over time. These instructions are
current as of December 12, 2013.
@section LEVEL4 XCode
Install Xcode from the AppStore. Xcode contains many of the the compiler and related tools
to compile %Trick. %Trick requires the command line tools within Xcode to be installed. After Xcode is installed,
the command line tools may be installed under Preferences...->Downloads.
@section LEVEL4 Clang/LLVM
Clang is require to build the Interface Code Generator (ICG).
The Mac binary package may be found on the <a href="http://llvm.org/releases/download.html">LLVM website.</a>
As of this writing ICG compiles using either clang/llvm version 3.1 or 3.3.
@section LEVEL4 XQuartz
X11 is no longer included with Mac OSX. Download <a href="http://xquartz.macosforge.org">XQuartz</a> that
provides X11 capabilities for MacOSX.
@section LEVEL4 Java
To compile %Trick from source the Java Development Kit is required. At the time of this writing %Trick
requires JDK 1.6 or greater.
For machines not needing to build %Trick from source, download and install
<a href="http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp">Java Runtine Environment (JRE)</a>.
@section LEVEL4 Fink
Fink provides a collection of open source software to MacOSX. Several development tools required
by %Trick may be installed through <a href="http://www.finkproject.org">Fink</a>.
Fink uses rsync as part of it's update process. If you are behind a firewall, rsync may be disabled.
Fink may use CVS as an alternative to rsync. To switch to CVS try this.
<tt><b>UNIX Prompt></b>fink selfupdate-cvs</tt><br>
MacPorts is another project similar to Fink and may provide equivalent packages.
Using MacPorts or compiling OpenMotif from source may require editting %Trick Makefiles to add
the directories to the OpenMotif header files and libraries.
@section LEVEL4 SWIG
SWIG may be installed through fink.
<tt><b>UNIX Prompt></b>fink install swig</tt><br>
@section LEVEL4 OpenMotif
OpenMotif may be installed multiple ways, but Fink is the preferred way for %Trick. %Trick searches for
the Openmotif header files and libraries in the locations where Fink installs files.
Install Openmotif using fink.
<tt><b>UNIX Prompt></b>fink install openmotif4</tt><br>
<tt><b>UNIX Prompt></b>fink install openmotif4-shlib</tt><br>
@section LEVEL4 Gnuplot
Gnuplot is not a requirement to run %Trick. It is an optional alternative plotting package. Installing
gnuplot through fink will include a very large number of depenent packages.
<tt><b>UNIX Prompt></b>fink install gnuplot</tt><br>
@section LEVEL2 Trick Installation
This section describes how to install the *.exe self-inflating executable.
@par Get the %Trick self inflating executable off of the %Trick website.
-# Go to <a href="http://trick.jsc.nasa.gov">http://trick.jsc.nasa.gov</a> and login. Register for
a user account if you are not a %Trick user.
-# Click on the “Download” tab and then the link to “%Trick”.
-# The latest release and documentation is maintained there. The installer should look something
like “trick_<version>.exe”.
-# Download the installer.
@par Run the %Trick self inflating install package
-# <tt><b>UNIX Prompt></b> chmod +x trick_<version>.exe</tt>
-# <tt><b>UNIX Prompt></b> ./trick_<version>.exe</tt>
-# Answer the questions that it asks you.
-# Answer "n" to the question, "Do you want this script to compile after extraction?" if you want
to modify the configuration options of the installation. See the next section for configuration
-# %Trick will be expanded into the ${TRICK_HOME} directory that you specify.
@section LEVEL2 Changing Configuration Options for Trick Installations.
To change the configuration options start in the ${TRICK_HOME} directory.
# The options are listed below
UNIX Prompt> ./configure [OPTIONS]
# Run confiugre with the help argument to see all available options.
UNIX Prompt> ./configure --help
The configuration script allows the user to specify the location of many of the compilation tools
and libraries that Trick uses. Here are the current options in alphabetical order.
@section LEVEL3 Binary File Descriptor Library
--bfd=/path/to/bfd/home [/usr]
The Binary File Descriptor (BFD) library translates addresses to function and file names. It is used
with the sim_services/UnbalanceMem class. This option is a Linux only feature.
The BFD library is found in the binutils-devel rpm on RHEL systems.
@section LEVEL3 Bison
--bison=/path/to/bison [/usr/bin/bison]
Bison is parser generator. Bison is only required for Trick developers.
@section LEVEL3 C compiler
--cc=/path/to/cc [/usr/bin/cc]
The C compiler. This specifies the default C compiler. The TRICK_CC environment variable overrides
this value.
@section LEVEL3 C++ compiler
--cxx=/path/to/cxx [/usr/bin/c++]
The C++ compiler. This specifies the default C++ compiler. The TRICK_CPPC environment variable overrides
this value.
@section LEVEL3 Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing
--dmtcp=/path/to/dmtcp []
The Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing (DMTCP) feature is an optional checkpoining tool used by Trick.
@section LEVEL3 Flex
--flex=/path/to/flex [/usr/bin/flex]
Flex is the fast lexical analyser generator. Flex is only required for Trick developers.
@section LEVEL3 GNU Scientific Library
--gsl=/path/to/gsl []
The GNU scientific library provides random number generators used by the Trick math library. It is an optional
@section LEVEL3 Google Test
--gtest=/path/to/gtest []
The Google Test application is used in Trick unit testing. Gtest is only required for Trick developers.
@section LEVEL3 Linker
--ld=/path/to/ld [/usr/bin/c++]
The linker defaults to the same as the C++ compiler.
@section LEVEL3 Motif
--motif=/path/to/motif [/usr or /sw]
The openmotif home location. Motif is a required package for Trick compiles.
@section LEVEL3 Perl
--perl=/path/to/perl [/usr/bin/perl]
Specify an alternative perl Interpreter.
@section LEVEL3 Python
--python=/path/to/python [/usr/bin/python]
Specify an alternative python Interpreter.
@section LEVEL3 SWIG
--swig=/path/to/swig [/usr/bin/swig]
The location of the SWIG executable. SWIG 1.3.29 or greater is required for Trick to compile.
@section LEVEL3 TPRO Central Timing Equipment
--tprocte=/path/to/tprocte []
The location of the TPRO Central Timing Equipment (CTE) home directory. The TPRO software is an
optional package to use with Trick.
@section LEVEL2 Recompiling Trick After Installing
To re-compile %Trick post-install:
<tt><b>UNIX Prompt></b> cd ${TRICK_HOME}</tt><br>
<tt><b>UNIX Prompt></b> make clean</tt><br>
<tt><b>UNIX Prompt></b> make</tt>
@section LEVEL2 Trick Environment Variables
Now that %Trick has been extracted and built into the desired location, the user must set
his/her environment to run %Trick. %Trick runs with [t]csh and bash
@section LEVEL3 Required Environment Variables
TRICK_HOME is the only required environment variable. TRICK_HOME is set to the root of
the %Trick distribution. Setting TRICK_HOME may be done in any number of startup files read
by your shell of choice.
# bash
export TRICK_HOME=/path/to/trick
# [t]csh
setenv TRICK_HOME "/path/to/trick"
@section LEVEL3 Optional Environment Variables
There are many environment variables that control the compilation and running of %Trick. These
environment varaibles may be set in your login startup file of choice. The most important
environment variablse are listed below. See section @ref Trick_Environment for more information
on other environment varaibles.
@section LEVEL4 Adding ${TRICK_HOME}/bin to PATH
${TRICK_HOME}/bin can be added to the PATH environment variable for convenience. It is not necessary
for compiling or running sims.
# bash
# [t]csh
setenv PATH "${PATH}:/path/to/trick"
TRICK_CFLAGS includes header file search directories, macro define variables, and compiler flags.
TRICK_CFLAGS is used with each C file compilation.
# sets debug symbols on and activate lots of compiler warnings and a model include path
# bash
export TRICK_CFLAGS="-g -Wall -Wextra -I/path/to/my/models"
# [t]csh
setenv TRICK_CFLAGS "-g -Wall -Wextra -I/path/to/my/models"
TRICK_CXXFLAGS includes header file search directories, macro define variables, and compiler flags.
TRICK_CXXFLAGS is used with each C++ file compilation.
# sets debug symbols on and activate lots of compiler warnings
# bash
export TRICK_CXXFLAGS="-g -Wall -Wextra -I/path/to/my/models"
# [t]csh
setenv TRICK_CXXFLAGS "-g -Wall -Wextra -I/path/to/my/models"