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synced 2025-02-06 10:59:27 +00:00
* added SIM_singlerigidbody * Added matrix operations file. * Imported libraries and declared variables. * New objects and more defined values. * Declared more variables and added AzElRot. function. * Sockets and file connections 1 * Adding to variable server. * Variables for the variable server. * Variable parsing added. * Vertex model for crewModule; need to change to sphere later. * Body and vantage positioning functions. * Drawing functions to create the model. * Finished drawing functions for world. * Changed some of the object names and variable names for sync. * Added Makefile. * Added POM file. * Graphics client starter added to input file. * Changed paths in S_define to reflect current file structure. * More accurate cd error message in input file. * Color hardcoded for testing purposes and getting the sim running. * S_overrides changed to include graphics cleaning for each sim execution. * S_define formatted for better readability. * Changed shape to a dodecahedron. * Path changed for input file. * Airport commit * New edges for dodecahedron. * Triangle normals for the dodecahedron changed. * Sim variable parsing fixed for functionality. * Edges of dodecahedron fixed. * Changed paint color for the shape to change based on location. * Deleted unnecessary JViewport library. * Increased length of x, y, and z axis lines. * Increased vantage distance. * Fixed triangles and normals. * Commented on the edges. * Deleted the notes file. * Removed trick.frame_long_on() from splashdown SIM's realtime.py in modified data directory. * Deleted sims directory (including images sub directory). * Removed unnecessary body.hh and body.cpp from subdirectory. * Removed unnecessary files. --------- Co-authored-by: Wallace <bnwalla1@scooby.trick.gov> Co-authored-by: AdityaGirish <aditya.girish@nasa.gov>
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