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Stand-Alone Integration Library



The Stand-Alone Integration Library can be used within a Trick simulation, or independent of it.

Some examples of using these integrators can be found in the examples/ directory.

class Integrator


This class represents an integrator.


Integrator(double dt, void* user_data);

Parameter Type Description
dt double Default time step value
user_data void* A pointer to user defined data that will be passed to a derivsFunc when called by the Integrator.

Member Functions

virtual void step();

Increment time by the default time-step.

virtual void load() = 0;

Load the input state.

virtual void unload() = 0;

Load the output state.

double getTime();

Return the integrator time.

typedef derivsFunc

typedef void (*derivsFunc)( double t, double state[], double derivs[], void* user_data);


Parameter Type Description
t double time
state double* (input) an array of state variable values
derivs double* (output) an array into which derivatives are to be returned
user_data void* a pointer to user_data


void my_derivs( double t, double state[], double deriv[], void* udata) { ... }

class FirstOrderODEIntegrator

Derived from Integrator.


This class represents an integrator for a first order Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE).


FirstOrderODEIntegrator( double dt,
                         int N,
                         double* in_vars[],
                         double* out_vars[],
                         derivsFunc func,
                         void* user_data); 


Parameter Type Description
dt double Default time step value
N int Number of state variables to be integrated
in_vars double* Array of pointers to the state variables from which we load() the integrator state (in_vars and out_vars will generally point to the same array of pointers.)
out_vars double* Array of pointers to the state variables to which we unload() the integrator state (in_vars and out_vars will generally point to the same array of pointers.)
derivs_func derivsFunc A function that returns
user_data void* A pointer to user defined data that will be passed to a derivsFunc when called by the Integrator.

Member Functions

void step( double dt )

Integrate over time step specified by dt.

Parameter Type Description
dt double A variable time-step

virtual void undo_step()

If the integrator has not already been reset then :

  1. Decrement time by the last time-step dt.
  2. Copy the input state back to the origin variables.
  3. Set the integrator's 'reset' mode to true.

Calling load() sets the 'reset' mode to false.

void step()

Integrate over the default time-step.

void load()

Load the integrator's initial state from the variables specified by in_vars.

void unload();

Unload the integrator's result state to the variables specified by out_vars.

class FirstOrderODEVariableStepIntegrator


This class represents an integrator for a first order ODE, that be


Member Functions

virtual void step( double dt );

class EulerIntegrator

Derived from FirstOrderODEIntegrator.


The Euler method is a first order numerical integration method. It is the simplest, explicit RungeKutta method.


EulerIntegrator(double dt, int N, double* in_vars[], double* out_vars[], derivsFunc func, void* user_data)

Constructor Parameters are those FirstOrderODEIntegrator.

class HeunsMethod

Derived from FirstOrderODEIntegrator.


This integrator implements Heun's Method.


HeunsMethod( double dt, int N, double* in_vars[], double* out_vars[], derivsFunc func, void* user_data)

Constructor Parameters are those FirstOrderODEIntegrator.

class RK2Integrator

Derived from FirstOrderODEIntegrator.


The Runga-Kutta-2 method is a second order, explicit, numerical integration method.


RK2Integrator( double dt, int N, double* in_vars[], double* out_vars[], derivsFunc func, void* user_data)

Constructor Parameters are those FirstOrderODEIntegrator.

class RK4Integrator

Derived from FirstOrderODEIntegrator.


The Runga-Kutta-4 method is a fourth order, explicit, numerical integration method.


RK4Integrator( double dt, int N, double* in_vars[], double* out_vars[], derivsFunc func, void* user_data)

Constructor Parameters are those FirstOrderODEIntegrator.

class RK3_8Integrator

Derived from FirstOrderODEIntegrator.


The Runga-Kutta-3/8 method is a fourth order, explicit, numerical integration method.


RK3_8Integrator( double dt, int N, double* in_vars[], double* out_vars[], derivsFunc func, void* user_data)

Constructor Parameters are those FirstOrderODEIntegrator.

class ABM2Integrator

Derived from FirstOrderODEIntegrator.


The ABM2Integrator implements the second-order Adams-Bashforth-Moulton predictor/corrector method. Adams methods maintain a history of derivatives rather than calculating intermediate values like Runga-Kutta methods.


ABM2Integrator ( double dt, int N, double* in_vars[], double* out_vars[], derivsFunc func, void* user_data)

Constructor Parameters are those FirstOrderODEIntegrator.

class ABM4Integrator

Derived from FirstOrderODEIntegrator.


The ABM2Integrator implements the second-order Adams-Bashforth-Moulton predictor/corrector method. Adams methods maintain a history of derivatives rather than calculating intermediate values like Runga-Kutta methods.


ABM4Integrator ( double dt, int N, double* in_vars[], double* out_vars[], derivsFunc func, void* user_data)

Constructor Parameters are those FirstOrderODEIntegrator.


Derived from class-Integrator.


EulerCromer is integration method that conserves energy in oscillatory systems better than Runge-Kutta. So, it's good for mass-spring-damper systems, and orbital systems.


SemiImplicitEuler(double dt, int N, double* xp[], double* vp[], derivsFunc gfunc, derivsFunc ffunc, void* user_data)
Parameter Type Description
dt double Default time step value
N int Number of state variables to be integrated
xp double* Array of pointers to the variables from which we load() and to which we unload() the integrator's position values .
vp double* Array of pointers to the variables from which we load() and to which we unload() the integrator's velocity values .
gfunc derivsFunc A function that returns acceleration
ffunc derivsFunc A function that returns velocity
user_data void* A pointer to user defined data that will be passed to a derivsFunc when called by the Integrator.