2020-06-29 18:00:57 -05:00

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class MotorSpeedController

base class

class DCMotorSpeedController

derived from class MotorSpeedController


A DCMotorSpeedController is a simple proportional controller for an instance of class DCMotor. Given a commanded-speed it produces an input voltage for the associated DCMotor instance.


    DCMotorSpeedController( DCMotor& dc_motor,
                            double gain,
                            const double& actual_speed,
                            const double& supply_voltage);
Access Member Name Type Units Value
private gain double -- Parameter - Feedback gain
private actualSpeed const double& m/s Parameter - Reference to the actual motor speed.
private supplyVoltage const double& volts Reference to the power supply voltage.
private motor -- Parameter - Reference to the DCMotor instance to be controlled.

Member Functions

    void setCommandedSpeed( double commandedSpeed );
Access Member Name Type Units Value
private motorVoltage double volts [Eq#1]
  • [Eq#1] motorVoltage = supplyVoltage * gain * ( commandedSpeed - actualSpeed ) [ limited to +/- supplyVoltage ]
    double getMotorVoltage();

Return the motorVoltage that was calculated by the last call to setCommandedSpeed().

class Motor

base class

class DCMotor

derived from class Motor

Class DCMotor represents a simple model of a DC motor. Given an input voltage it calculates a

  1. current-load, and
  2. a motor-torque.

The model consists of a constant internal resistance that converts an input voltage to current, and a motor torque constant that converts the current to output torque. The output current load is the absolute value of the current.


DCMotor (const double initialInternalResistance,
         const double initialMotorTorqueConstant);
Access Member Name Type Units Value
private internalResistance double ohms Input
private motorTorqueConstant double Nm/amp Input

Member Functions

void update (const double motorVoltage);

This method is to be called periodically to update the motor state.

Access Member Name Type Units Value
private motorCurrent double amp [Eq#1]
private motorTorque double Nm [Eq#2]
private currentLoad double amp [Eq#3]
  • [Eq#1] motorCurrent = motorVoltage / internalResistance

  • [Eq#2] motorTorque = motorCurrent / motorTorqueConstant

  • [Eq#3] currentLoad = || motorCurrent ||

void update (const PWM& PulseWidth);

PulseWidth is converted to voltage [ PulseWidth.getAverageVoltage() ], and then the above method is called.

double getTorque();

Return the torque that was calculated by the last call to update().

double getCurrentLoad()

Return the current-load that was calculated by the last call to update(). An example use of this method might be to update a battery model.

class PWM


This class represents a PWM signal. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a method of controlling electrical power (current x voltage) by repeatedly switching the supply voltage on and off, or between a high and low (typically 0) voltage. The proportion of time that the voltage is "high" is called the duty-cycle. The average output voltage is:

[Eq#1] average_voltage = ((highVoltage * dutyCycle + lowVoltage * (1 - dutyCycle)) / 2)


    PWM( double HighVoltage,
         double LowVoltage,
         double DutyCycle);
Access Member Name Type Units Value
public HighVoltage double volts
public LowVoltage double volts
private dutyCycle double volts

Member Functions

void setDutyCycle( double DutyCycle);

Set the duty cycle to be used by getAverageVoltage().

double getDutyCycle() const;

Get current the duty cycle.

double getAverageVoltage() const;

Calculate and return the average_voltage by Eq#1.