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synced 2025-03-12 15:33:58 +00:00
Changed all header file once include variables to follow the same naming convention and not start with any underscores. Also deleted old incorrect copyright notices. Also removed $Id: tags from all files. Fixes #14. Fixes #22.
286 lines
8.5 KiB
286 lines
8.5 KiB
package mis_dep ;
use Exporter ();
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(mis_dep mis_catalog_dep traverse_tree);
use Cwd ;
use File::Basename ;
use strict ;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use trick_print ;
use gte ;
my @mis_inc_paths ;
my %processed_files ;
my %mis_depends_tree ;
# Get TRICK_CFLAGS and parse out -I include paths
sub mis_dep ($@) {
my $file ;
my %all_depend_trees ;
my ($k , $a) ;
my ($sim_ref , @fileList) = @_;
@mis_inc_paths = $ENV{"TRICK_CFLAGS"} =~ /-I\s*(\S+)/g ;
push @mis_inc_paths , "../include" ;
@mis_inc_paths = grep !/trick_source/, @mis_inc_paths ;
push @mis_inc_paths , "$ENV{TRICK_HOME}/trick_source" ;
my @valid_inc_paths ;
foreach (@mis_inc_paths) {
push @valid_inc_paths , $_ if ( -e $_ ) ;
@mis_inc_paths = @valid_inc_paths ;
@fileList = grep !/\.h$|\.H$|\.hh$|\.h\+\+$/ , @fileList ;
foreach $file ( @fileList ) {
if ( $file ne "" ) {
undef %mis_depends_tree ;
$file = abs_path(dirname($file)) . "/" . basename($file) ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "Getting dependencies for $file\n" , "normal_cyan" , $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
get_depends($file, $sim_ref);
%{$all_depend_trees{$file}} = %mis_depends_tree ;
$all_depend_trees{$file}{last_look} = time ;
return \%all_depend_trees ;
sub traverse_tree {
my ($file, $level, %curr_tree) = @_ ;
my $a ;
print " " x $level , $file , "\n";
foreach $a ( @{$curr_tree{$file}} ) {
if ( $a ne $file ) {
traverse_tree($a, $level+1, %curr_tree) ;
# Show Depends Recursive Algorithm
sub get_depends($$) {
my $file ;
my $sim_ref ;
my @list_objects ;
my @list_libs ;
my $found_dep ;
my @lib_list ;
my $contents ;
my $size ;
my $libdep ;
my $language ;
my ( $full_path ) ;
my ($rcs_file_name, $rcs_ver, $rcs_date, $rcs_owner ) ;
($file, $sim_ref) = @_;
# If you have already seen this dependency, then don't process
# Trim the tree ! And prevent infinite circular recursion !!! Yikes ...
return if ( exists $processed_files{$file} ) ;
# Add this file to processed list, if it is a full path
$processed_files{$file} = 1 ;
open FILE, $file or die "Could not process $file\n";
seek FILE , 0 , 2 ;
$size = tell FILE ;
seek FILE , 0 , 0 ;
read FILE , $contents , $size;
while ( $contents =~ /LIBRARY(\s|_)DEPENDENC(Y|IES):[^(]*(.*?)\)([A-Z \t\n\r]+:|[ \t\n\r]*\*)/gsi ) {
$libdep .= $3 ;
if ( $libdep =~ /#/ ) {
(my $cc = gte("TRICK_CC")) =~ s/\n// ;
my @defines = $ENV{"TRICK_CFLAGS"} =~ /(-D\S+)/g ;
my $temp ;
open FILE, "echo \"$libdep\" | cpp -P @defines |" ;
while ( <FILE> ) {
$temp .= $_ ;
$libdep = $temp ;
@lib_list = split /\)[ \t\n\r\*]*\(/ , $libdep ;
foreach (@lib_list) {
s/\(|\)|\s+//g ;
s/\${(.+?)}/$ENV{$1}/eg ;
@list_objects = grep /\.o$/ , @lib_list ;
@list_libs = grep /\.so$|\.a$/ , @lib_list ;
# Always add self-dependency
push @{$mis_depends_tree{$file}} , $file ;
# Now for each object, construct full path to object's src and find src file
foreach my $o (@list_objects) {
# look for object code with source
$found_dep = find_depends_file($file,$o,$sim_ref) ;
# Did not find dependency
if ( $found_dep == 0 ) {
$o =~ s/\.[\w\+]+$/\.o/ ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "ERROR: Dependency \"$o\" not found for \"$file\"\n", "title_red" , $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
exit( -1 ) ;
# Now for each lib, construct full path to lib's src and add to list
foreach my $l ( @list_libs ) {
my ($rel_path , $lib_name ) ;
($rel_path , $lib_name ) = $l =~ /(?:(.*)\/)?([^\/]+)/ ;
if ($rel_path eq "") {
$found_dep = 1 ;
$lib_name =~ s,lib,,;
$lib_name =~ s,\.so$|\.a$,,;
$processed_files{"-l$lib_name"} = 1 ;
push @{$mis_depends_tree{$file}} , "-l$lib_name" ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, " $lib_name\n" , "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
} else {
$found_dep = 0 ;
foreach my $ipath ( @mis_inc_paths ) {
# Construct possible full paths to lib dir from include paths
$full_path = $ipath . "/" . $rel_path;
if ( -s $full_path ) {
$found_dep = 1;
$lib_name = $full_path ."/object_\${TRICK_HOST_CPU}/". $lib_name ;
# remove ../
while ( $lib_name =~ s,/[^/]+/\.\.,, ) {}
push @{$mis_depends_tree{$file}} , $lib_name ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, " $lib_name\n" , "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
$processed_files{$lib_name} = 1 ;
# Did not find dependency
if ( $found_dep == 0 ) {
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "ERROR: Dependency $l not found for $file\n", "title_red" , $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
exit( -1 ) ;
sub find_depends_file($$$) {
my ($file, $o , $sim_ref) ;
my @list_languages ;
my $lex_yacc ;
my ( $full_path , $full_path1 , $full_path2 ) ;
my ( $curr_path ) ;
my ( $dep_to_search ) ;
($file , $dep_to_search, $sim_ref) = @_;
$o = $dep_to_search ;
$curr_path = dirname($file) ;
# Decide how to search through languages
opendir THISDIR, $curr_path or die "Could not open the directory of $curr_path" ;
$lex_yacc = grep /\.[ly]$/ , readdir THISDIR ;
if ( $lex_yacc ) {
@list_languages = ("y", "l", "c", "cpp" , "cc" , "cxx" , "C" , "c\+\+");
else {
@list_languages = ("c", "cpp" , "cc" , "cxx" , "C" , "c\+\+", "y", "l");
# Otherwise use TRICK_CFLAGS and find it
if ( $dep_to_search !~ /\.o$/ ) {
foreach my $ipath ( $curr_path , @mis_inc_paths ) {
if ( -s "$ipath/$dep_to_search" ) {
my $f = "$ipath/$dep_to_search" ;
$full_path = abs_path(dirname($f)) . "/" . basename($f) ;
push @{$mis_depends_tree{$file}} , $full_path ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, " $full_path\n" , "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
get_depends($full_path , $sim_ref);
return(1) ;
} else {
foreach my $ipath ( $curr_path , @mis_inc_paths ) {
foreach my $lang ( @list_languages ) {
my $found_dep ;
my ($file_name ) ;
my ($dir_name ) ;
my ($rspath , $rpath ) ;
$o =~ s/\.[\w\+]+$/\.$lang/ ;
# Construct possible full paths to src from include paths
$file_name = basename($o) ;
$dir_name = dirname($o) ;
# if full path sepcified (possible, but not recommended)
# don't prepend include path.
if ( $dir_name =~ /^\// ) {
$full_path1 = "$dir_name/src/$file_name" ;
$full_path2 = "$dir_name/$file_name" ;
else {
$full_path1 = "$ipath/$dir_name/src/$file_name" ;
$full_path2 = "$ipath/$dir_name/$file_name" ;
$found_dep = 0;
# Construct full path
if ( -s $full_path1 ) {
$full_path = abs_path(dirname($full_path1)) . "/" . basename($full_path1) ;
$found_dep = 1;
elsif ( -s $full_path2 ) {
$full_path = abs_path(dirname($full_path2)) . "/" . basename($full_path2);
$found_dep = 1;
if ( $found_dep == 1 ) {
push @{$mis_depends_tree{$file}} , $full_path ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, " $full_path\n" , "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
if ( $lang eq "y" ) {
($full_path1 = $full_path ) =~ s/\.y$/\.l/ ;
push @{$mis_depends_tree{$file}} , $full_path1 ;
get_depends($full_path , $sim_ref);
return(0) ;
sub mis_catalog_dep ($$) {
return ;