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synced 2025-03-04 04:31:17 +00:00
Changed all header file once include variables to follow the same naming convention and not start with any underscores. Also deleted old incorrect copyright notices. Also removed $Id: tags from all files. Fixes #14. Fixes #22.
125 lines
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125 lines
4.2 KiB
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "ConstructValues.hh"
class FieldDescription ;
ClassValues holds information describing a class found with ICG. The
information includes the name and location of the class, properties of the
class, and a vector list of the member data contained in the class.
The class also provides print routines for each function in the io_src.
@author Alexander S. Lin
@date July 2012
class ClassValues : public ConstructValues {
ClassValues(bool inherit , bool virtual_inherit) ;
~ClassValues() ;
/** Appends a single field to field_descripts */
void addFieldDescription(FieldDescription * in_fdes) ;
/** Appends a vector of fields to field_descripts.
A vector comes from adding all inherited fields at once */
void addInheritedFieldDescriptions(std::vector<FieldDescription *>) ;
/** Gets the list of fields in this class */
std::vector<FieldDescription *> getFieldDescription() ;
void clearFieldDescription() ;
typedef std::vector< FieldDescription * >::iterator FieldIterator ;
FieldIterator field_begin() { return field_descripts.begin() ; } ;
FieldIterator field_end() { return field_descripts.end() ; } ;
/** Appends an inherited class name to the list this class inherits from */
void addInheritedClass( ClassValues * in_cv ) ;
void saveInheritAncestry( ClassValues * in_cv ) ;
void setContainerClassForFields() ;
void clearAmbiguousVariables() ;
void clearInheritedClass() ;
typedef std::vector< ClassValues * >::iterator InheritedClassesIterator ;
InheritedClassesIterator inherit_classes_begin() { return inherited_classes.begin() ; } ;
InheritedClassesIterator inherit_classes_end() { return inherited_classes.end() ; } ;
unsigned int getNumInheritedClasses() { return inherited_classes.size() ; } ;
void setInherited(bool in_inh) ;
bool isInherited() ;
void setVirtualInherited(bool in_inh) ;
bool isVirtualInherited() ;
void setHasInitAttrFriend(bool in_val) ;
bool getHasInitAttrFriend() ;
void setPOD(bool in_val) ;
bool isPOD() ;
void setAbstract(bool in_val) ;
bool isAbstract() ;
void setHasDefaultConstructor(bool in_val) ;
bool getHasDefaultConstructor() ;
void setHasPublicDestructor(bool in_val) ;
bool getHasPublicDestructor() ;
void setMangledTypeName( std::string in_val ) ;
std::string getMangledTypeName() ;
std::string getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName() ;
void print_namespaces(std::ostream & os, const char * delimiter) ;
friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os , ClassValues & cv ) ;
/** List of fields (data members) contained in the class */
std::vector< FieldDescription * > field_descripts ;
std::map< std::string , FieldDescription * > field_name_to_info_map ;
std::set< std::string > field_names_to_qualify ;
/** List of classes we inherit from */
std::vector< ClassValues * > inherited_classes ;
/** Map of all inherited classes. Counts how many times a class is inherited. */
std::map< std::string , unsigned int > all_inherited_class_names_map ;
/** Is this class being processed as an inherited class */
bool inherited ;
/** Is this class being processed as an virtual inherited class */
bool virtual_inherited ;
/** Does this class a "friend class init_attr<class_name>" statement */
bool has_init_attr_friend ;
/** Is this class plain old data? */
bool is_pod ;
/** Is this class abstract? */
bool is_abstract ;
/** Does this class have a default constructor? */
bool has_default_constructor ;
/** Does this class have a public destructor? */
bool has_public_destructor ;
/** Mangled type name. Templates will have a mangled_type_name. */
std::string mangled_type_name ;
} ;