

This is first of eight Trick-based simulations that one builds in the Trick Tutorial (Section 3). It's purpose is to introduce the fundamentals of building a Trick simulation.

Here we simulate the flight of a cannon ball, given an initial position, and velocity subject to the following assumptions and limitations:

  • The only force acting on the cannon ball is gravity.
  • The acceleration of gravity (g) is constant and equal to -9.81 meters per second squared.
  • The ground is flat, and here, defined as where y=0.

X(t) = Vx * t + X0



Since this problem has a closed-form solution, that's what we use :

X(t) = Vx * t + X0

Y(t) = (1/2)gt^2 + Vy * t + Y0

The time when the cannon ball impacts the ground is:



Variable Type Units
dyn.cannon.pos0 double[2] m
dyn.cannon.init_angle double r
dyn.cannon.init_speed double m/s

The initial velocity is :

Vx = speed * cos(angle), Vy = speed * sin(angle)



Variable Type Units
dyn.cannon.pos double[2] m
dyn.cannon.vel double[2] m/s