Alex Lin 14a75508a3 Cleaning up once include variables and copyright cleanup.
Changed all header file once include variables to follow the same naming
convention and not start with any underscores.  Also deleted old
incorrect copyright notices.  Also removed $Id: tags from all files.

Fixes #14.  Fixes #22.
2015-03-23 16:03:14 -05:00

353 lines
12 KiB

package s_source ;
use Exporter ();
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(s_source);
use strict ;
use gte ;
use trick_version ;
sub s_source($) {
my ($sim_ref) = @_ ;
my (@cpp_headers , @c_headers) ;
# Generate S_source.c
open S_SOURCE, ">S_source.cpp" or die "Couldn't open S_source.cpp!\n";
open S_SOURCE_H, ">S_source.hh" or die "Couldn't open S_source.hh!\n";
# Get Trick version
my ($version, $thread) = get_trick_version() ;
$thread =~ s/\d+\.// ;
# Get date
my $date = localtime ;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime ;
$year += 1900 ;
$mon += 1 ;
my ($login) = getpwuid($<) ;
# Print version - date
printf S_SOURCE "\n/* Created $year/%02d/%02d %02d\:%02d\:%02d $login \$ */\n",
$mon , $mday , $hour , $min , $sec ;
# Includes
print S_SOURCE_H "
(Contains sim ojbects)
#ifndef __S_SOURCE_HH__
#define __S_SOURCE_HH__
#include <new>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include \"sim_services/MemoryManager/include/attributes.h\"
#include \"sim_services/include/populate_attribute_maps.hh\"
#include \"sim_services/SimObject/include/SimObject.hh\"
#include \"sim_services/SimObject/include/JobData.hh\"
#include \"sim_services/Units/include/UnitsMap.hh\"\n\n" ;
# TODO get rid of this statement! This is still here because of the collect
print S_SOURCE_H "#define ip_alloc calloc\n" ;
print S_SOURCE_H "$$sim_ref{system_headers}\n" ;
foreach my $h ( @{$$sim_ref{sim_class_includes}} ) {
if ( $h !~ /\.h$/ ) {
push @cpp_headers , $h ;
else {
my ($full_path) ;
$full_path = $$sim_ref{headers_full_path}{$h} ;
if ($$sim_ref{headers_lang}{$h} eq "cpp" ) {
push @cpp_headers , $h ;
else {
push @c_headers , $h ;
my %temp_hash ;
@cpp_headers = grep ++$temp_hash{$_} < 2, @cpp_headers ;
foreach my $h ( sort @cpp_headers ) {
my $printed = 0 ;
# list header files that are not under the trick_source directory
# (e.g. trick_models/ directory)
if ( $h !~ s/^TRICK_HOME\/trick_source\/// ) {
foreach ( @{$$sim_ref{inc_paths}} ) {
if ($h =~ s,^$_/,, ) {
print S_SOURCE_H "#include \"$h\"\n";
$printed = 1 ;
last ;
# list header files that are in trick_source
if ( $printed eq 0 ) {
print S_SOURCE_H "#include \"$h\"\n";
if ( scalar @c_headers ) {
print S_SOURCE_H "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n" ,
"extern \"C\" {\n" ,
"#endif\n\n" ;
foreach my $h ( sort @c_headers ) {
my $printed = 0 ;
if ( $h !~ s/^TRICK_HOME\/trick_source\/// ) {
foreach ( @{$$sim_ref{inc_paths}} ) {
if ($h =~ s,^$_/,, ) {
print S_SOURCE_H "#include \"$h\"\n";
$printed = 1 ;
last ;
if ( $printed eq 0 ) {
print S_SOURCE_H "#include \"$h\"\n";
print S_SOURCE_H "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n" ,
"}\n" ,
"#endif\n" ;
print S_SOURCE_H "\n" ;
# prints the user defined header code
print S_SOURCE_H "$$sim_ref{user_header}\n" ;
# prints classes defined in S_define file. Set in
print S_SOURCE_H $$sim_ref{sim_class_code} ;
# prints an instantiation for each templated sim object for ICG to process.
print S_SOURCE_H "#ifdef TRICK_ICG\n" ;
print S_SOURCE_H $$sim_ref{template_instance_declarations} ;
print S_SOURCE_H "#endif\n\n" ;
# prints an extern declaration for each sim object
print S_SOURCE_H "#ifndef SWIG\n" ;
print S_SOURCE_H $$sim_ref{extern_instance_declarations} ;
print S_SOURCE_H "#endif\n" ;
print S_SOURCE_H "\n\n#endif\n" ;
close S_SOURCE_H ;
print S_SOURCE "#include \"S_source.hh\"\n" ;
print S_SOURCE "$$sim_ref{user_code}\n" ;
# prints associated call functions
print S_SOURCE $$sim_ref{sim_class_call_functions} ;
# prints instantiations from S_define file. Set in
print S_SOURCE "\n// Instantiate stuff\n" ;
print S_SOURCE $$sim_ref{instance_declarations} ;
# prints integration loop sim objects from S_define file
print S_SOURCE "\n// Integration Loop Sim Object(s) JMP\n" ;
foreach my $integ_loop ( @{$$sim_ref{integ_loop}} ) {
print S_SOURCE "IntegLoopSimObject $$integ_loop{name}($$integ_loop{cycle}, $$integ_loop{child}" ;
my @integ_loop_sim_objects = split(/\s*,\s*/, $$integ_loop{name_list} ) ;
foreach my $integ_loop_sim_obj (@integ_loop_sim_objects) {
print S_SOURCE ", &$integ_loop_sim_obj" ;
print S_SOURCE ", (void *)NULL);\n" ;
# Default Environment
print S_SOURCE "\n/* Default Environment */\n" ,
"SimEnvironment::SimEnvironment() {\n\n" ;
print S_SOURCE gte("S_source");
print S_SOURCE "}\n\n" ;
# Memory Init
print S_SOURCE "\n/* Memory Init */\n" ,
"void memory_init( void ) {\n\n" ;
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "ALLOC_INFO * ai ;\n" ;
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "exec_set_version_date_tag\( \"@(#)CP Version $version-$thread, $date\" \) ;\n" ;
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "exec_set_build_date\( \"$date\" \) ;\n" ;
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "exec_set_current_version\( \"$version-$thread\" \) ;\n\n" ;
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "populate_sim_services_class_map\(\) ;\n" ;
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "populate_sim_services_enum_map\(\) ;\n" ;
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "populate_class_map\(\) ;\n" ;
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "populate_enum_map\(\) ;\n" ;
print S_SOURCE "\n" ;
# prints the job class order for the cyclic jobs
foreach my $cl ( @{$$sim_ref{user_class_order}} ) {
print S_SOURCE" exec_add_scheduled_job_class(\"$cl\") ;\n" ;
print S_SOURCE "\n" ;
foreach my $inst ( @{$$sim_ref{instances}} ) {
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "exec_add_sim_object(&$inst, \"$inst\") ;\n" ;
my $temp_type = $$sim_ref{instances_type}{$inst} ;
$temp_type =~ s/\s//g ;
$temp_type =~ s/[<>,:*]/_/g ;
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "TMM_declare_ext_var(&$inst, TRICK_STRUCTURED,\"$temp_type\", 0, \"$inst\", 0, NULL) ;\n" ;
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "if ( (ai = get_alloc_info_at(&$inst)) != NULL ) {\n" ;
print S_SOURCE " " x 8 , "ai->alloced_in_memory_init = 1 ;\n" ;
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "}\n" ;
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "// Add Integration Loop Sim Object(s) JMP\n" ;
foreach my $integ_loop ( sort sim_integ_by_name @{$$sim_ref{integ_loop}} ) {
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "exec_add_sim_object(&$$integ_loop{name} , \"$$integ_loop{name}\") ;\n" ;
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "TMM_declare_ext_var(&$$integ_loop{name}, TRICK_STRUCTURED,\"IntegLoopSimObject\", 0, \"$$integ_loop{name}\", 0, NULL) ;\n" ;
print S_SOURCE "\n" ;
print S_SOURCE $$sim_ref{create_connections} ;
print S_SOURCE "\n" ,
" " x 4 , "return ;\n" ,
"}\n\n" ;
# Write out the 'exec_collect_init()' function in S_source.c
# exec_collect_init() is responsible for initializing all the pointer
# management associated with 'collect' statements in the S_define file.
# For every collect statement, perform the following:
# (I highly recommended viewing S_source.c to get a clearer picture
# of what is going on here.)
# 1) Get a pointer to the collect info in the CP structures.
# 2) Allocate memory for the collect pointer list based on the number
# of items listed in the collect statement, allocate an additional
# 8 bytes to hold the number of items in the list.
# 3) store the address of the new memory in the 'n' parameter.
# 4) store the number of items in the list at the address pointed to
# by 'n'.
# 5) Shift the address f the original allocation past the 8 byte integer
# stored at 'n', and save this address in the pointer defined by the
# collect statement. This address represents the first element of an
# array of addresses of each of the elements listed in the collect list.
# 6) Save the address of each element in the collect list in the
# respective pointer list just created.
# Write the exec_collect_init() entry point.
print S_SOURCE "\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n" ;
print S_SOURCE "void exec_collect_init( void ) {\n\n" ;
if ( exists $$sim_ref{collect} ) {
# print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "long * lp ;\n\n" ;
# foreach my $collect ( sort sim_collect_by_name @{$$sim_ref{collect}} ) {
# # Number of params in collect statement
# my $np = $$collect{num_params} ;
# print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "$$collect{name} = (void**)ip_alloc( $np + 1 , sizeof(void*));\n" ,
# " " x 4 , "lp = (long *)$$collect{name} ;\n" ,
# " " x 4 , "*lp = $np ;\n" ,
# " " x 4 , "$$collect{name}++ ;\n" ;
# for ( my $i = 0; $i < $np ; $i++ ) {
# my $name = @{$$collect{params}}[$i] ;
# print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "$$collect{name}\[$i\] = (void*)&($name);\n" ;
# }
# }
#print S_SOURCE "\n#if 0\n" ;
foreach my $collect ( @{$$sim_ref{collect}} ) {
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "$$collect{name} = NULL ;\n" ;
my $np = $$collect{num_params} ;
foreach my $name ( @{$$collect{params}} ) {
print S_SOURCE " " x 4 , "$$collect{name} = add_collect($$collect{name}, (void*)&($name));\n" ;
#print S_SOURCE "\n#endif\n" ;
if ( exists $$sim_ref{vcollect} ) {
foreach my $collect ( sort sim_vcollect_by_name @{$$sim_ref{vcollect}} ) {
my $name = $$collect{name} ;
my $func = $$collect{constructor} ;
undef $func if ( defined $func ) && ( $func eq "" ) ;
foreach my $item ( sort @{$$collect{items}} ) {
my $ref = $item ;
if ( $ref =~ s/&// ) {
$ref = "&($ref)" ;
} else {
$ref = "$ref" ;
if (defined $func ) {
$ref = "$func( $ref )" ;
print S_SOURCE " " x 4, "$name.push_back(\n", " " x 24, "$ref );\n" ;
print S_SOURCE "\n" ;
print S_SOURCE " " x 4, "return ;\n" ,
"}\n\n" ;
close S_SOURCE ;
# Given an array of sim integrate statements, provide sort routines
sub sim_integ_by_name {
#Sort by sim integrate name in ASCII order
( ${$a}{name} cmp ${$b}{name} ) ||
#If two names are identical, then sort based on cycle time
( ${$a}{cycle} <=> ${$b}{cycle} );
# Given an array of sim collect statements, provide sort routines
sub sim_collect_by_name {
#Sort by sim collect statement name in ASCII order
( ${$a}{name} cmp ${$b}{name} ) ||
#If two params are identical, then sort based on num_params
( ${$a}{num_params} <=> ${$b}{num_params} );
# Given an array of sim Vcollect statements, provide sort routines
sub sim_vcollect_by_name {
#Sort by sim collect statement name in ASCII order
( ${$a}{name} cmp ${$b}{name} );