mirror of
synced 2025-03-30 15:46:04 +00:00
Changed all header file once include variables to follow the same naming convention and not start with any underscores. Also deleted old incorrect copyright notices. Also removed $Id: tags from all files. Fixes #14. Fixes #22.
187 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File
187 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File
use File::Basename ;
use strict ;
use Cwd ;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/pm" ;
use cp_cache ;
my $struct_param_info ;
my ($file_contents) ;
#print "$ARGV[0]" ;
$struct_param_info = read_struct_param_info() ;
foreach my $arg ( @ARGV ) {
my (%possible_names) ;
my (%reverse_pn) ;
my (@object_names) ;
my ($object_name) ;
my (@lines) ;
my $new_file_name ;
my ($my_convert_used ) = 0 ;
my ($param ) = "test" ;
my ($pointer_dims) ;
print "$arg\n" ;
open ( FILE, $arg ) ;
while ( <FILE> ) {
if (/^\s*([_A-Za-z][\w_]*)[.\[]/ ) {
$possible_names{$1}++ ;
push @lines , $_ ;
$file_contents = join "" , @lines ;
%reverse_pn = reverse %possible_names ;
@object_names = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %reverse_pn ;
$object_name = $reverse_pn{@object_names[0]} ;
print "object_name = $object_name\n" ;
$new_file_name = $arg ;
$new_file_name =~ s/\.[^\.]*$// ;
$new_file_name .= "." . $$struct_param_info{$object_name}{language} ;
print "new_file_name = $new_file_name\n" ;
open ( NEWFILE, ">$new_file_name" );
#print keys %{$$struct_param_info{$object_name}{params}} , "\n\n" ;
print NEWFILE "#include \"$$struct_param_info{$object_name}{header_file}\"\n\n" ;
print NEWFILE "#include \"sim_services/include/exec_proto.h\"\n\n" ;
print NEWFILE "#include \"trick_utils/units/include/units_conv.h\"\n\n" ;
$pointer_dims = "*" ;
if ( $$struct_param_info{$object_name}{language} eq "cpp" ) {
print NEWFILE "#include \"InputProcessor.hh\"\n\n" ;
print NEWFILE "void InputProcessor::default_data_$object_name( $object_name $pointer_dims $param ) {\n\n" ;
} else {
print NEWFILE "void default_data_$object_name( $object_name $pointer_dims $param ) ;\n\n" ;
print NEWFILE "void default_data_$object_name( $object_name $pointer_dims $param ) {\n\n" ;
while ( $file_contents =~ s/^(.*?)(?:($object_name\s*(?:\.|\[|\s).*?)\s*(?:\{(.*?)\})?\s*=(.*?);)//s ) {
my ($other_content) = $1 ;
my ($left_side) = $2 ;
my ($units) = $3 ;
my ($right_side) = $4 ;
my (@right_list) ;
my ($attr_units) ;
my ($need_units_conversion) = 0 ;
my ($need_index) = 0 ;
my ($index_is_integer) = 0 ;
my ($index, $offset) ;
my ($l_type , $last_name ) ;
$other_content =~ s/^\n// ;
print NEWFILE "$other_content" ;
#print NEWFILE "/* $left_side $units = $right_side */\n" ;
my $temp_left = $left_side ;
my ($next_name) ;
$temp_left =~ s/\[.*?\]//g ;
my (@left_list) = split /\.|->/ , $temp_left ;
#print NEWFILE "/* left_list @left_list */\n" ;
$l_type = shift @left_list ;
$last_name = pop @left_list ;
while ( $next_name = shift @left_list ) {
$l_type = $$struct_param_info{$l_type}{attr}{$next_name}{p_type} ;
#print NEWFILE "/* next_name = $next_name , new_type = $l_type */\n" ;
if ( $units ne "" ) {
$attr_units = $$struct_param_info{$l_type}{attr}{$last_name}{p_unit} ;
#print NEWFILE "/* unit = $attr_units */\n" ;
if ( $units ne $attr_units ) {
$my_convert_used = $need_units_conversion = 1 ;
print NEWFILE "conv_fn_s(\"$units\" , \"$attr_units\" , \&my_convert) ;\n" ;
$left_side =~ s/$object_name\s*(\.|\[)?/(\*$param)$1/g ;
$right_side =~ s/\n//g ;
if ( $right_side =~ /alloc/ ) {
my $temp_left = $left_side ;
my ($num_dim_specified, $attr_num_dim) ;
my ($cast_dims, $alloc_type_dims) ;
$num_dim_specified = 0 ;
while ($temp_left =~ s/\s*\[.*?\]\s*$//) {
$num_dim_specified++ ;
if ( $last_name ne "" ) {
$attr_num_dim = $$struct_param_info{$l_type}{attr}{$last_name}{p_point} ;
$l_type = $$struct_param_info{$l_type}{attr}{$last_name}{p_type} ;
} else {
#$attr_num_dim = length($$str{pointers}) ;
#$l_type = $$str{strname} ;
print NEWFILE "/* dims $l_type $num_dim_specified , $attr_num_dim */\n" ;
$cast_dims = "*" x ($attr_num_dim - $num_dim_specified) ;
$alloc_type_dims = "*" x ($attr_num_dim - $num_dim_specified - 1) ;
$right_side =~ s/alloc\s*\((.*?)\)/($l_type $cast_dims)ip_alloc\($1,sizeof($l_type $alloc_type_dims)\)/ ;
@right_list[0] = $right_side ;
else {
#my (@strings) ;
#@strings = $right_side , m/\".*?\"/sg ;
#$right_side , m/\".*?\"/sg ;
@right_list = split /,/ , $right_side ;
if ( $left_side =~ s/\[([^\]]+)\]\s*$// ) {
($index) = $1 ;
$need_index = 1 ;
$index =~ s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g ;
#print NEWFILE "/* index = $index */\n" ;
if ( $index =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
$index_is_integer = 1 ;
$offset = 0 ;
foreach my $r ( @right_list ) {
my ($index_print) ;
if ( $need_index ) {
if ( $index_is_integer == 1 ) {
$index_print = "\[" . ($index + $offset++) . "\]" ;
} else {
$index_print = "\[$index + " . $offset++ . "\]" ;
if ( $r =~ /\s*(\".*?\")\s*/ ) {
if ( $$struct_param_info{$l_type}{attr}{$last_name}{p_point} > 0 ) {
$r = "ip_strdup($1)" ;
else {
print NEWFILE "strcpy($left_side$index_print , $1) ;\n" ;
next ;
#$r = "ip_strdup($1)" ;
print NEWFILE " $left_side$index_print = " ;
if ( $need_units_conversion ) {
print NEWFILE "convert_units( $r , \&my_convert ) ;\n" ;
} else {
print NEWFILE "$r ;\n" ;
print NEWFILE "$file_contents" ;
print NEWFILE "(void)my_convert ;\n" if ( $my_convert_used == 0 ) ;
print NEWFILE "}\n" ;
exit ;