Alex Lin 14a75508a3 Cleaning up once include variables and copyright cleanup.
Changed all header file once include variables to follow the same naming
convention and not start with any underscores.  Also deleted old
incorrect copyright notices.  Also removed $Id: tags from all files.

Fixes #14.  Fixes #22.
2015-03-23 16:03:14 -05:00

524 lines
12 KiB

(Ball model EOM state parameter definition.)
(((Bailey, R.W, and Paddock, E.J.)
(Trick Simulation Environment) (NASA:JSC #37943)
(JSC/Engineering Directorate/Automation, Robotics and Simulation Division)
(March 1997)))
((2 dimensional space)
(Translational EOM only))
(((Robert W. Bailey) (Sweet Systems Inc) (March 1997) (Tutorial Lesson 1))
((Edwin Z. Crues)(Titan Systems Corp.)(Jan 2002)(Crude C++ translation)))
#ifndef BALL_TEST_HH
#define BALL_TEST_HH
// System include files.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <sys/types.h>
// Model include files.
#include "Ball++/L1/../L1/include/Ball.hh"
#include "test_ip/include/NoICG.hh"
#include "exclude_me/include/exclude_me.hh"
#include "test_ip/include/Namespace_tests.hh"
/** @class Ball
@brief ball in C++
#define TEST 80
namespace enums_in_namespace_test {
typedef enum {
} Location ;
enum Occupations {
Engineer , Doctor
} ;
typedef enum {
enum Fruit {
Banana , Cherry
} ;
#ifndef SWIG
typedef const struct ConstStruct_ {
double d[4] ;
} ConstStruct ;
class AlsoCannotCopy {
friend class InputProcessor ;
friend void init_attrBall_alex() ;
int i ;
AlsoCannotCopy () {} ;
AlsoCannotCopy (const AlsoCannotCopy &);
AlsoCannotCopy & operator= (const AlsoCannotCopy &);
class CannotCopy {
friend class InputProcessor ;
friend void init_attrBall_alex() ;
int i ;
CannotCopy () {} ;
AlsoCannotCopy alsocannot[4] ;
AlsoCannotCopy * alsocannot_p ;
CannotCopy (const CannotCopy &);
CannotCopy & operator= (const CannotCopy &);
class CanCopy {
int ii ;
int jj ;
CanCopy () {} ;
//CanCopy (const CanCopy &) ;
//CanCopy & operator= (const CanCopy &) ;
template <class T, class U, class V>
class MyTemplate {
T var1 ;
U var2 ;
V var3 ;
typedef int template_int ;
} ;
template <class T>
class MyPrivTemplate {
T var1 ;
} ;
template <class A, class B>
class TTT {
TTT() {
aa = 0 ;
bb = 0 ;
cc = NULL ;
} ;
A aa ;
B bb ;
TTT<A,B> * ttt ;
typedef TTT<A,B> C ;
C * cc ;
} ;
//typedef TTT< int , double > my_TTT_int_double ;
#define NUM 8
typedef union {
int i ; /* -- blah */
double d ; /* ** blah */
long long l ;
} UnionTest ;
union UnionTest2 {
int i ; /* -- blah */
double d ; /* ** blah */
long long l ;
} ;
typedef struct Foo {
double meow ;
double bark ;
} Bar , *Bar2 ;
typedef union DupName {
double d ;
int i ;
} DupName ;
typedef int Integer ;
typedef int AnotherInteger ;
typedef long long Myint64 ;
class Ball_alex : public Ball {
friend class InputProcessor ;
friend void init_attrBall_alex() ;
// Default constructor and destructor.
Ball_alex() ;
~Ball_alex() {};
/* maybe someday we'll be able to do something like this. */
double d_test ; /* -- blah */
double d ; /* kg blah */
double da[3] ; /* kg blah */
double * dp ; /* kg blah */
double daa[2][3] ; /* kg blah */
double * dap[4] ; /* kg blah */
double ** dpp ; /* kg blah */
double daaa[2][3][4] ; /* kg blah */
double daaaa[2][3][4][5] ; /* kg blah */
float f ; /* kg blah */
float fa[3] ; /* kg blah */
float * fp ; /* kg blah */
float faa[2][3] ; /* kg blah */
float * fap[4] ; /* kg blah */
float ** fpp ; /* kg blah */
float f_rad ; /* r float test value */
double d_deg ; /* d blah */
char c ; /* -- blah */
char ca[20] ; /* -- blah */
char * cp ; /* -- blah */
char caa[3][16] ; /* -- blah */
char * cap[4] ; /* -- blah */
char **cpp;
unsigned char uc ; /* -- blah */
unsigned char uca[20] ; /* -- blah */
unsigned char * ucp ; /* -- blah */
unsigned char ucaa[2][3] ; /* -- blah */
unsigned char * ucap[4] ; /* -- blah */
unsigned char **ucpp;
short s ; /* -- blah */
short sa[20] ; /* -- blah */
short * sp ; /* -- blah */
short saa[2][3] ; /* -- blah */
short * sap[4] ; /* -- blah */
short **spp;
unsigned short us ; /* -- blah */
unsigned short usa[20] ; /* -- blah */
unsigned short * usp ; /* -- blah */
unsigned short usaa[2][3] ; /* -- blah */
unsigned short * usap[4] ; /* -- blah */
unsigned short **uspp;
MY_ENUM ea[4] ;
MY_ENUM * ep ;
MY_ENUM eaa[2][3] ;
MY_ENUM * eap[4] ;
MY_ENUM ** epp ;
int i ; /* -- blah */
int ia[3] ; /* -- blah */
int * ip ; /* -- blah */
int iaa[2][3] ; /* -- blah */
int * iap[NUM] ; /* -- blah */
int ** ipp ; /* -- blah */
unsigned int ui ; /* -- blah */
unsigned int uia[20] ; /* -- blah */
unsigned int * uip ; /* -- blah */
unsigned int uiaa[2][3] ; /* -- blah */
unsigned int * uiap[4] ; /* -- blah */
unsigned int **uipp;
long l ; /* -- blah */
long la[20] ; /* -- blah */
long * lp ; /* -- blah */
long laa[2][3] ; /* -- blah */
long * lap[4] ; /* -- blah */
long **lpp;
unsigned long ul ; /* -- blah */
unsigned long ula[20] ; /* -- blah */
unsigned long * ulp ; /* -- blah */
unsigned long ulaa[2][3] ; /* -- blah */
unsigned long * ulap[4] ; /* -- blah */
unsigned long **ulpp;
long long ll ; /* -- blah */
long long lla[20] ; /* -- blah */
long long * llp ; /* -- blah */
long long llaa[2][3] ; /* -- blah */
long long * llap[4] ; /* -- blah */
long long **llpp;
unsigned long long ull ; /* -- blah */
unsigned long long ulla[20] ; /* -- blah */
unsigned long long * ullp ; /* -- blah */
unsigned long long ullaa[2][3] ; /* -- blah */
unsigned long long * ullap[4] ; /* -- blah */
unsigned long long **ullpp;
bool b ; /* -- blah */
bool ba[20] ; /* -- blah */
bool * bp ; /* -- blah */
bool baa[2][3] ; /* -- blah */
bool * bap[4] ; /* -- blah */
bool **bpp;
CanCopy can ;
CanCopy can2 ;
CanCopy cana[20] ;
CanCopy * canp ;
CanCopy canaa[2][3] ;
CanCopy * canap[4] ;
CanCopy ** canpp ;
CannotCopy cannot ;
CannotCopy cannot2 ;
UnionTest ut ;
union UnionTest2 ut2 ;
char cbit_0 : 2 ; /**< -- blah */
char cbit_1 : 3 ; /**< -- blah */
char cbit_2 : 3 ; /**< -- blah */
unsigned char ucbit_0 : 2 ; /**< -- blah */
unsigned char ucbit_1 : 3 ; /**< -- blah */
unsigned char ucbit_2 : 3 ; /**< -- blah */
char cpad[2] ;
short sbit_0 : 4 ; /**< -- blah */
short sbit_1 : 5 ; /**< -- blah */
short sbit_2 : 7 ; /**< -- blah */
unsigned short usbit_0 : 4 ; /**< -- blah */
unsigned short usbit_1 : 5 ; /**< -- blah */
unsigned short usbit_2 : 7 ; /**< -- blah */
int bit_0 : 4 ; /**< -- blah */
int bit_1 : 5 ; /**< -- blah */
int bit_2 : 6 ; /**< -- blah */
int pad : 17 ; /**< -- blah */
unsigned int ubit_0 : 4 ; /**< -- blah */
unsigned int ubit_1 : 5 ; /**< -- blah */
unsigned int ubit_2 : 6 ; /**< -- blah */
unsigned int upad : 17 ; /**< -- blah */
long lbit_0 : 4 ; /**< -- blah */
long lbit_1 : 5 ; /**< -- blah */
long lbit_2 : 6 ; /**< -- blah */
long lpad : 17 ; /**< -- blah */
unsigned long ulbit_0 : 4 ; /**< -- blah */
unsigned long ulbit_1 : 5 ; /**< -- blah */
unsigned long ulbit_2 : 6 ; /**< -- blah */
unsigned long ulpad : 17 ; /**< -- blah */
bool boolbit_0 : 1 ; /**< -- blah */
bool boolbit_1 : 1 ; /**< -- blah */
bool boolbit_2 : 1 ; /**< -- blah */
std::string str ;
// For now we have SWIG ignore templates with wstring
std::vector< std::wstring > vwstr ;
MyTemplate< double , int , short > my_template_var ;
MyTemplate< bool , bool , bool > my_template_var_bool ;
MyPrivTemplate< double > my_priv_template_var ;
MyPrivTemplate< double * > my_priv_template_var2 ;
TTT< int , double > TTT_var ;
int ikg ; /* kg unit-ed integer value testing */
int ilbm ; /* lbm unit-ed integer value testing */
double dkg ; /* kg unit-ed double value testing */
double dlbm ; /* lbm unit-ed double value testing */
double dno_units ; /* -- unitless double value testing */
double ds ; /* s unit-ed double value testing */
Integer iii ;
AnotherInteger aiii ;
Myint64 i64 ;
Integer iiia[6] ;
const int & cir ;
int const & icr ;
/* test comments */
int i2 ; // (m)
int i3 ; // (m) description
int i4 ; /* (m)*/
typedef int sizeType ;
typedef double mydouble ;
Ball_alex::sizeType st ;
Ball_alex::mydouble md ;
MyTemplate< double , int , short >::template_int my_template_var_int ;
int invisible_int ;
static double sdaa[3][3] ;
static const double scd ;
const static double csd ;
static double const sdc ;
// These need to be ignored by ICG
static const double scdi = 42.0 ;
const static double csdi = 42.0 ;
static double const sdci = 42.0 ;
typedef enum {
} Numbers ;
enum Animals {
} ;
Animals ani_1 ;
Animals animal_function() const { return Duck ; } ;
// other enum types
enums_in_namespace_test::Location e_loc ;
enums_in_namespace_test::Occupations e_occ ;
Fruit e_fruit ;
Numbers e_numbers ;
double das[sizeof(double)] ;
int8_t i8t ;
uint8_t ui8t ;
int16_t i16t ;
uint16_t ui16t ;
int32_t i32t ;
uint32_t ui32t ;
int64_t i64t ;
uint64_t ui64t ;
size_t sizet ;
u_char u_c ;
u_short u_s ;
u_int u_i ;
u_long u_l ;
quad_t q ;
u_quad_t uq ;
std::map < std::string , int > msi ;
std::list < std::string > ls ;
Ball_alex (const Ball_alex &);
Ball_alex & operator= (const Ball_alex &);
#ifdef SWIG
%template(MapStringInt) std::map< std::string , int > ;
%template(ListString) std::list< std::string >;
typedef struct test_struct {
int i ; /* (m) I am in meters! */
double d ; /* (m) I am in meters! */
#ifdef SWIG
namespace my_ns {
class AA {
std::string str ;
BB * bbp ;
BB ** bbpp ;
double mass ; /* kg mass */
} ;
} ;
// Test.hh
class Test {
Test *t;
const char * foo(){ return "called foo" ; } ;
// test polymorphism in the input file.
class Abstract {
Abstract( int in_id ) : id(in_id) {} ;
int id ;
virtual void speak() = 0 ;
} ;
class Cat : public Abstract {
Cat() : Abstract(1) {} ;
virtual void speak() { std::cout << "meow" << std::endl ; }
} ;
class Dog : public Abstract {
Dog() : Abstract(2) {} ;
virtual void speak() { std::cout << "bark" << std::endl ; }
} ;
#if 0
// This #if 0 block is in here to ensure that convert_swig does not generate code for excluded code
// Do not delete it!
class doNotIncludeMe {
int ii ;
} ;
#endif /* _BALL_HH_ */