Alex Lin 14a75508a3 Cleaning up once include variables and copyright cleanup.
Changed all header file once include variables to follow the same naming
convention and not start with any underscores.  Also deleted old
incorrect copyright notices.  Also removed $Id: tags from all files.

Fixes #14.  Fixes #22.
2015-03-23 16:03:14 -05:00

187 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File

use File::Basename ;
use strict ;
use Cwd ;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/pm" ;
use cp_cache ;
my $struct_param_info ;
my ($file_contents) ;
#print "$ARGV[0]" ;
$struct_param_info = read_struct_param_info() ;
foreach my $arg ( @ARGV ) {
my (%possible_names) ;
my (%reverse_pn) ;
my (@object_names) ;
my ($object_name) ;
my (@lines) ;
my $new_file_name ;
my ($my_convert_used ) = 0 ;
my ($param ) = "test" ;
my ($pointer_dims) ;
print "$arg\n" ;
open ( FILE, $arg ) ;
while ( <FILE> ) {
if (/^\s*([_A-Za-z][\w_]*)[.\[]/ ) {
$possible_names{$1}++ ;
push @lines , $_ ;
$file_contents = join "" , @lines ;
%reverse_pn = reverse %possible_names ;
@object_names = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %reverse_pn ;
$object_name = $reverse_pn{@object_names[0]} ;
print "object_name = $object_name\n" ;
$new_file_name = $arg ;
$new_file_name =~ s/\.[^\.]*$// ;
$new_file_name .= "." . $$struct_param_info{$object_name}{language} ;
print "new_file_name = $new_file_name\n" ;
open ( NEWFILE, ">$new_file_name" );
#print keys %{$$struct_param_info{$object_name}{params}} , "\n\n" ;
print NEWFILE "#include \"$$struct_param_info{$object_name}{header_file}\"\n\n" ;
print NEWFILE "#include \"sim_services/include/exec_proto.h\"\n\n" ;
print NEWFILE "#include \"trick_utils/units/include/units_conv.h\"\n\n" ;
$pointer_dims = "*" ;
if ( $$struct_param_info{$object_name}{language} eq "cpp" ) {
print NEWFILE "#include \"InputProcessor.hh\"\n\n" ;
print NEWFILE "void InputProcessor::default_data_$object_name( $object_name $pointer_dims $param ) {\n\n" ;
} else {
print NEWFILE "void default_data_$object_name( $object_name $pointer_dims $param ) ;\n\n" ;
print NEWFILE "void default_data_$object_name( $object_name $pointer_dims $param ) {\n\n" ;
while ( $file_contents =~ s/^(.*?)(?:($object_name\s*(?:\.|\[|\s).*?)\s*(?:\{(.*?)\})?\s*=(.*?);)//s ) {
my ($other_content) = $1 ;
my ($left_side) = $2 ;
my ($units) = $3 ;
my ($right_side) = $4 ;
my (@right_list) ;
my ($attr_units) ;
my ($need_units_conversion) = 0 ;
my ($need_index) = 0 ;
my ($index_is_integer) = 0 ;
my ($index, $offset) ;
my ($l_type , $last_name ) ;
$other_content =~ s/^\n// ;
print NEWFILE "$other_content" ;
#print NEWFILE "/* $left_side $units = $right_side */\n" ;
my $temp_left = $left_side ;
my ($next_name) ;
$temp_left =~ s/\[.*?\]//g ;
my (@left_list) = split /\.|->/ , $temp_left ;
#print NEWFILE "/* left_list @left_list */\n" ;
$l_type = shift @left_list ;
$last_name = pop @left_list ;
while ( $next_name = shift @left_list ) {
$l_type = $$struct_param_info{$l_type}{attr}{$next_name}{p_type} ;
#print NEWFILE "/* next_name = $next_name , new_type = $l_type */\n" ;
if ( $units ne "" ) {
$attr_units = $$struct_param_info{$l_type}{attr}{$last_name}{p_unit} ;
#print NEWFILE "/* unit = $attr_units */\n" ;
if ( $units ne $attr_units ) {
$my_convert_used = $need_units_conversion = 1 ;
print NEWFILE "conv_fn_s(\"$units\" , \"$attr_units\" , \&my_convert) ;\n" ;
$left_side =~ s/$object_name\s*(\.|\[)?/(\*$param)$1/g ;
$right_side =~ s/\n//g ;
if ( $right_side =~ /alloc/ ) {
my $temp_left = $left_side ;
my ($num_dim_specified, $attr_num_dim) ;
my ($cast_dims, $alloc_type_dims) ;
$num_dim_specified = 0 ;
while ($temp_left =~ s/\s*\[.*?\]\s*$//) {
$num_dim_specified++ ;
if ( $last_name ne "" ) {
$attr_num_dim = $$struct_param_info{$l_type}{attr}{$last_name}{p_point} ;
$l_type = $$struct_param_info{$l_type}{attr}{$last_name}{p_type} ;
} else {
#$attr_num_dim = length($$str{pointers}) ;
#$l_type = $$str{strname} ;
print NEWFILE "/* dims $l_type $num_dim_specified , $attr_num_dim */\n" ;
$cast_dims = "*" x ($attr_num_dim - $num_dim_specified) ;
$alloc_type_dims = "*" x ($attr_num_dim - $num_dim_specified - 1) ;
$right_side =~ s/alloc\s*\((.*?)\)/($l_type $cast_dims)ip_alloc\($1,sizeof($l_type $alloc_type_dims)\)/ ;
@right_list[0] = $right_side ;
else {
#my (@strings) ;
#@strings = $right_side , m/\".*?\"/sg ;
#$right_side , m/\".*?\"/sg ;
@right_list = split /,/ , $right_side ;
if ( $left_side =~ s/\[([^\]]+)\]\s*$// ) {
($index) = $1 ;
$need_index = 1 ;
$index =~ s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g ;
#print NEWFILE "/* index = $index */\n" ;
if ( $index =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
$index_is_integer = 1 ;
$offset = 0 ;
foreach my $r ( @right_list ) {
my ($index_print) ;
if ( $need_index ) {
if ( $index_is_integer == 1 ) {
$index_print = "\[" . ($index + $offset++) . "\]" ;
} else {
$index_print = "\[$index + " . $offset++ . "\]" ;
if ( $r =~ /\s*(\".*?\")\s*/ ) {
if ( $$struct_param_info{$l_type}{attr}{$last_name}{p_point} > 0 ) {
$r = "ip_strdup($1)" ;
else {
print NEWFILE "strcpy($left_side$index_print , $1) ;\n" ;
next ;
#$r = "ip_strdup($1)" ;
print NEWFILE " $left_side$index_print = " ;
if ( $need_units_conversion ) {
print NEWFILE "convert_units( $r , \&my_convert ) ;\n" ;
} else {
print NEWFILE "$r ;\n" ;
print NEWFILE "$file_contents" ;
print NEWFILE "(void)my_convert ;\n" if ( $my_convert_used == 0 ) ;
print NEWFILE "}\n" ;
exit ;