2020-09-02 15:52:31 -05:00

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Home → Install Guide


This document will walk you through the process of installing Trick on your computer. Please read each section carefully.

Package Dependencies

Trick requires various free third party utilities in order to function. All the following products are used by Trick and may already be installed as part of your OS distribution. Install any missing dependencies with your operating system's package manager. For most operating systems, the default version of a dependency will be compatitable with Trick. Please check the specific OS instructions below for your operating system for more details.

Utility Version Description Usage
gcc and g++ 4.8+ C/C++ Compiler Compiles Trick and Trick simulations.
clang/llvm 3.4.2+ C/C++ Compiler Utilized by the interface code generator.
python 2.7+ Programming Language Lets the user interact with a simulation.
perl 5.6+ Programming Language Allows executable scripts in the bin directory to run.
java 11+ Programming Language Necessary for Trick GUIs.
swig 2.0+ Language Interfacing Connects the python input processor with Trick's C code.
make 3.78+ Build Automation Automates the building and cleaning of Trick.
openmotif 2.2.0+ GUI Toolkit Covers Trick GUIs not made with Java.
udunits 2.x+ C Unit Library/Database Provides support for units of physical quantities.
maven x.x Java package manager Downloads Java dependencies and builds trick GUIs


Clang/LLVM compiler and libraries

Clang/LLVM can be installed and located manually should your package manager fail to acquire it. You can tell Trick where to find Clang/LLVM with the "--with-llvm" configuration option specified below.


Trick needs the javac compiler included in the Java Development Kit (JDK). Trick will work with either the Oracle JDK or OpenJDK.


If the Trick tests are passing, you can see exactly how we configure our test machines on Github's test integration platform, Github Actions.

If logged into any github account on github.com, you can access the Actions tab on the Trick repo page. Go to Trick-CI, and click the latest passing run. Here you can access a log of our shell commands to configure each OS with dependencies and also the commands we use to install Trick. In fact, that is exactly where I go when I want to update the install guide! @spfennell

Installing both the Oracle JDK and OpenJDK may lead to problems and confusion.

Operating Systems

Trick runs on GNU/Linux and MacOSX, though any System V/POSIX compatible UNIX workstation should accept the Trick software with very little source code porting. Below are instructions for installing the prerequisites on popular operating systems here at NASA.

Quick Jump Menu
RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8
CentOS 8
RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7
CentOS 7
Windows 10 (Linux Subsystem Only)

RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8, CentOS 8

Trick requires the clang/llvm compiler to compile and link the Trick Interface Code Generator. clang/llvm is available through the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux repository. Download and install the 'epel-release' package.

dnf install epel-release
dnf update
dnf install -y bison clang flex git llvm make maven swig cmake clang-devel \
gcc gcc-c++ java-11-openjdk-devel libxml2-devel llvm-devel llvm-static \
ncurses-devel openmotif openmotif-devel perl perl-Digest-MD5 udunits2 \
udunits2-devel which zlib-devel gtest-devel libX11-devel libXt-devel  \
python3-devel diffutils

Trick makes use of several optional packages if they are present on the system. These include using the HDF5 package for logging, the GSL packages for random number generation, and google test (gtest) for Trick's unit testing. These are available from the EPEL repository. In order to access gtest-devel in the epel repository you need to enable the dnf option PowerTools

yum install -y 'dnf-command(config-manager)'
yum config-manager --enable PowerTools
yum install hdf5-devel gsl-devel gtest-devel

proceed to Install Trick section of the install guide

RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7, CentOS 7

Trick requires the clang/llvm compiler to compile and link the Trick Interface Code Generator. clang/llvm is available through the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux repository. Download and install the 'epel-release' package.

# install epel-release
Run yum -y install epel-release && yum -y update

Trick also requires development packages from the base and epel repositories

yum install -y bison clang flex git llvm make maven swig cmake clang-devel \
gcc gcc-c++ java-11-openjdk-devel libxml2-devel llvm-devel llvm-static \
ncurses-devel openmotif openmotif-devel perl perl-Digest-MD5 udunits2 \
udunits2-devel which zlib-devel gtest-devel libX11-devel libXt-devel python-devel

Trick makes use of several optional packages if they are present on the system. These include using the HDF5 package for logging, the GSL packages for random number generation, and google test (gtest) for Trick's unit testing. These are available from the EPEL repository

yum install hdf5-devel gsl-devel gtest-devel

proceed to Install Trick section of the install guide


Trick requires development packages from the base repositories.

dnf install -y bison clang flex git llvm make maven swig cmake clang-devel \ 
gcc gcc-c++ java-11-openjdk-devel libxml2-devel llvm-devel llvm-static \
ncurses-devel openmotif openmotif-devel perl perl-Digest-MD5 udunits2 udunits2-devel \
which zlib-devel gtest-devel perl-Text-Balanced python-devel diffutils 

Trick makes use of several optional packages if they are present on the system. These include using the HDF5 package for logging, the GSL packages for random number generation, and google test (gtest) for Trick's unit testing. These are available from the EPEL repository

dnf install hdf5-devel gsl-devel gtest-devel

proceed to Install Trick section of the install guide


All packages required for Trick may be installed through apt-get. If your package manager cannot find these packages, try searching for alternatives, or your Ubuntu version may be too old.

#update apt
apt-get update

# install packages
apt-get install -y bison clang flex git llvm make maven swig cmake \
curl g++ libx11-dev libxml2-dev libxt-dev libmotif-common libmotif-dev \
python2.7-dev zlib1g-dev llvm-dev libclang-dev libudunits2-dev \
libgtest-dev openjdk-11-jdk 

proceed to Install Trick section of the install guide

MacOS Catelina/Mojave

  1. Install XCode from the App Store.

  2. Download and install Command Line Tools for MacOSX by opening a terminal and running the following command.

xcode-select --install
  1. Install system header files into /usr/include
### Catalina Only
sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.15.pkg -target /

### Mojave Only
sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target /

  1. Install Homebrew, MacOSX's unofficial package manager.
# bash  
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"


# csh
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install | ruby
  1. Install cask to get java and xquartz.
# brew install caskroom may not be required anymore
# brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
brew cask install java xquartz
  1. Finally, install the remaining dependencies.
brew install llvm swig maven udunits openmotif  

Openmotif may install dependent packages that conflict with other installations, fontconfig and freetype. Use the following command to skip installing these packages if you encounter conflicts.

brew install --ignore-dependencies openmotif

proceed to Install Trick section of the install guide

Windows 10 (Linux Subsystem Only)

  1. Set up the Windows Subsystem for Linux by following the Microsoft Install Guide: (link current as of September 2020) https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10

  2. Install the Ubuntu dependencies from above on the WSL: Ubuntu

  3. Install an X-windows server like Xming.

  4. Ensure hostname resolves to an address.

# Get name of machine
# Get IP of name
hostname -i
# If hostname -i returns an error find IP address
# Add an entry to /etc/hosts to associate IP address to hostname "numeric.ip.address hostname"
sudo <edit_cmd> /etc/hosts

proceed to Install Trick section of the install guide

Install Trick

1.) Clone Trick

The following commands will clone the Trick repository into a folder named trick in your home directory. You can install multiple copies of Trick in different locations to isolate your simulation environments from one another.

cd ${HOME}
git clone https://github.com/nasa/trick

2.) Configure Trick

Navigate to the trick directory you just created and run the configure script.

cd ${HOME}/trick

The configure script will generate makefiles and locate project dependencies automatically. It may be necessary to specify dependency paths manually. Run the following command to see the possible options configure will accept.

./configure --help

3.) Compile Trick

Now that Trick has been configured and a makefile has been generated, we can run make to compile Trick. To build Trick in 32-bit mode, first set the TRICK_FORCE_32BIT environment variable to 1.


4.) Optionally Update Your Environment

Gone are the days when you needed to set several environment variables to use Trick. Trick can now be used completely environmentlessly*. You no longer need to set TRICK_HOME and friends.

Trick still makes use of shell variables, but their existence is only required during simulation compilation and execution. If they are not set, Trick will infer them without polluting your environment. Furthermore, they will be available to any processes that are spawned as part of compilation or execution, so even your own tools may no longer need these variables to be manually set.

Similarly, Trick does not require its executables to be on your PATH, but you may find it convenient to add them if you prefer to not specify the full path to trick-CP every time you build a sim. They are located in bin under Trick's root directory. However, if you frequently work with multiple versions of Trick, it is often easier to use a full path than to keep changing an environment variable.

Finally, although setting TRICK_CFLAGS and TRICK_CXXFLAGS is not necessary, it can be useful to do so if you want a set of flags (-g or -Wall, for instance) to be applied to all simulation builds.

*The exception to this is if you're building in 32-bit mode, in which case the TRICK_FORCE_32BIT environment variable must be set to 1 before you build Trick or any simulation.

Continue to Building A Simulation


32-bit Mode

If you intend to build Trick in 32-bit mode, you will need 32-bit versions of the libraries in the above table. If a 32-bit version of udunits is not available through your package manager, you can build it from source:

tar xfvz udunits-2.2.25.tar.gz
cd udunits-2.2.25
export CFLAGS="-m32"
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install