Fixing the unit tests that broke because of my changes. Memory
Manager tests need to be compiled with c++11, and the STL unit test
was using a variable that did not exist anymore.
[Issue: x]
The typenames on the Mac need to be converted for strings. The
templates are genererating the long form of the string type name. I
wrote a function to catch test the template parameter types and
return std::string.
refs #206
Initial checkin of STL checkpointing. This checkin only covers the sequential
STLs, vector, list, deque, set, and multiset. This checkin does include the
changes in Trick header files to include/exclude our STLs properly to make a
restartable checkpoint.
refs #206
Moved the lock memory function to the real time sync directory. It doesn't need
to be part of the RealTimeSync class either so I left the lock/unlock code
in the C language calls for real time functions.
refs #195
Added a flag called validate_address to each variable server thread. When
activated each pointer address will be tested to see if it is in memory
the memory manager is tracking. If it is then everything proceeds normally.
If it does not, then an error return value is returned for the value of this
refs #193
OK, all the previous checkins were the wrong way to fix this issue. The SWIG
compactdefaultargs feature and the shadow feature clash for our DRBinary class.
I turn off compactdefaultargs for the DRBinary class, leaving it on for
everything else.
refs #176
Saved the timestamps on the default gettimeofday clock as close to
the beginning of the simulation, after initialization is finished and
at the end of shutdown. Printed out the elapsed time as well as
the number of overruns counted by RealtimeSync.
refs #183
Taking in the latest er7_utils directory and adding it into Trick in the
same location it was as an external repository. Made one change to
the files_to_ICG.hh file in the repository to remove the CheckpointHelper
header files. Those go in the Trick files_to_ICG.hh file.
refs #180
Setting the frame log size only resized the time line graph, not the normal
frame log groups. Added code to change the size of the normal frame log
groups in addition to the time line.
refs #177
Duplicating change from 15.1.1.
If a variable resolves to a class/structure type the variable server tries to free the
attributes associated with that variable name. But the attributes usually point to
a fixed place in memory that is not allocated. I removed the free statement. I don't
believe this will lead to a memory leak.
refs #165
Added a time variable that is in seconds. A created a special case
for var_add if you add "time" then this variable will be added to
the list of variables returned.
refs #151
Added a loop to set each 1024th byte in the recording array to 1 once the
memory has been allocated. Need to test if this is good enough to get Linux
to allocate the memory.
Added a current recording buffer pointer to use instead of using array offsets.
This should be more cpu cache efficient.
Changed the memcpy calls to direct casted integer assignments based on the size of the
parameter. If the parameter is not size 1,2,4,or 8 we fall back to a memcpy.
refs #155
Updated the directory names in the doxygen files to match the new directory locations
of our source code files. The documentation builds now. But we still need to
remove the duplicate documentation that is now in the wiki, because the wiki is
more up to date.
refs #158
When allocating a new event, if the same name is used, no allocation is
created and NULL is returned. We start trying to use the returned value
which seg-faulted. I added a check to only continue if the returned value
from the allocation is not NULL.
refs #149
Created a thread trigger container class to hold all of the various thread triggering
mechanisms. I wanted to avoid allocating/freeing trigger mechanisms. I added
an eventfd and futex trigger types. Updated SIM_threads_simple test sim to use
show how to set the thread trigger type.
refs #148
Did two things to stop the crash. 1. When following an address path if we hit a NULL
address, stop processing and return the NULL. 2. When trying to resolve addresses in
copy_sim_data, if a NULL address is returned then reset the reference to unresolved and
return a dummy value.
Need to fix MTV to handle dummy value returns.
refs #117
Added enable/disable methods to the SimObject base class. Used
enable/disable to be consistent with the JobData class that already
had these defined.
variables stored in a simulation. These variables are used to
compile JIT input files.
refs #104
Found two issues. First is that the next call times for
all of the jobs was not calculated correctly. Second is
that the if the user wants to sync the sim to a real time
clock interval, the initial sync to the real time clock was pausing
the full starting sim time instead of syncing to the clock
refs #99
After about 6 unsuccessful builds I decided to run the unit tests
before checking in these files. I fixed the integrator unit
test that was failing from a previous issue along with problems
with the sims.
refs #86