Added USER_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS for user to provide additional options to build trickified lib. Updated SIM_trickified_shared to use this option to pass in code coverage options to satisfy trick code coverage ci.
* Update to work with the new fields Trick's output produces
* Add unit tests and doctests for send_hs module
* Update TrickOps documentation to include info on send_hs usage
* Remove's unecessary dependency on send_hs
* Update pip when testing TrickOps per pip best practices
Co-authored-by: Dan Jordan <>
* TrickOps: Revert changes to trickops test yml file from Sept 2023
* trick_sims.yml was "accidentally changed" to remove unstable sims
in Sept 2023, breaking the TrickOps unit tests. This reverts that change.
* Adjust new hashlib md5 comparison approach to work on systems where
'usedforsecurity' isn't supported
* Move TrickOps Unit tests back into pull requests
* Adjust TrickOps actions artifacts to use v3.0.0
Per suggestion on workaround as described here:
Co-authored-by: Dan Jordan <>
* Added separate_thread_set_enabled(bool) function to MessageSimObject class for user to use the feature of letting trick to write the messages out on a separate thread in a more intuitive way (hopefully ;-).
* Updated for the newly added separate_thread_set_enabled(bool on_off) function in MessageSimObject class of
* Fixed the bullets
* Put missing update in due to merge.
* Provide MonteCarloGenerate capability
Intermediate commit, this squash represents all of Isaac Reaves' work
during his Fall 2022 Pathways internship tour
[skip ci]
* TrickOps: Add phase, [min-max] range, and overhaul YAML verification
* Add new "phase:" mechanism to TrickOps Runs and Builds to support
project-specific constraints on build and run ordering
- phase defaults to zero if not specified and must be between -1000
and 1000 if given.
- jobs can now optionally be requested by their phase or phase range
- See trickops/ for details
* Add [min-max] notation capability to run: entries and compare: entries
- [min-max] ranges provide definition of a set of runs using a common
numbering scheme in the YAML file, greatly reducing YAML file size
for monte-carlo and other zero-padded run numbering use cases
- See trickops/ for details
* YAML parsing changes
- Overhaul the logic which verifies YAML files for the expected
TrickOps format. This is now done in TrickWorkflowYamlVerifier and
provides much more robust error checking than previous approach
- .yaml_requirements.yml now provides the required types, ranges, and
default values as applicable to expected entries in YAML files
- valgrind: is now an sub-option to run: entries, not its own section
Users should now list their runs normallly and define their flags in
in that run's valgrind: subsection
- parallel_safety is now a per-sim parameter and not global. Users
should move their global config to the sim layer
- self.config_errors is now a list of errors. Users should now
check for empty list when using instead of True/False
* Robustify the get_koviz_report_jobs unit test to work whether koviz
exists on PATH or not
* Adjust to use the new phase and range features
- Make it more configurable on the command-line via argparse
- Move SIM_mc_generation tests into test_sims.yml
[skip ci]
* Code review and cleanup from PR #1389
* Adjust documentation to fit suggested symlinked approach. Also
cleaned up duplicate images and old documentation.
* Moved the verification section out of markdown and into a PDF since it
heavily leverages formatting not available in markdown.
* Clarify a couple points on the Darwin Trick install guide
* Update wiki to clarify that data recording strings is not supported
MCG Code:
* Replace MonteCarloVariableRandomNormal::is_near_equal with new
Trick::dbl_is_near from trick team
MCG Testing:
* Reduce the set of SIM_mc_generation comparisons. After discussion
the trick team, we are choosing to remove all comparisons to
verif_data/ which contain random-generated numbers since
these tests cannot pass across all supported trick platforms.
* Fix the wrong rule on exlcuding -Werror for Darwin builds
of SIM_mc_generation
* Remove data recording of strings in SIM_mc_generation
* Replace build_command with build_args per discussion w/ Trick team
Since we only support arguments to trick-CP, replace the build_command
yaml entry with build_args
* Disable var server connection by default in SingleRun if TrickWorkflow.quiet
is True
* Guard against multiple Job starts
* Remove SimulationJob inheritance layer since old monte-carlo wasn't
and never will be supported by TrickOps
* Ignore IOError raise from variable_server that looks like "The remote
endpoint has closed the connection". This appears to occur when
SingleRun jobs attempt to connect to the var server for a sim that
terminates very early
[skip ci]
* Adjust phasing of old/new MCG initialize functions
* Clarify failure message in generate_dispersions if new/old MC are both
* Adjust the phasing order of MCG intialize method to be before
legacy MC initialized. Without this, monte-carlo dry run completes with
success before the check in generate_dispersions() can run
* Add -Wno-stringop-truncation to for SIM_mc_generation
since gcc 8+ warns about SWIG generated content in top.cpp
* Introduce MonteCarloGenerationHelper python class
This new class provides an easy-to-use interface for MCG sim-module
1. Run generation
2. Getting an sbatch array job suitable for SLURM
3. Getting a list of SingleRun() instances for generated runs, to be
executed locally if desired
Co-authored-by: Dan Jordan <>