Some of Trick's unit conversions have too many significant digits #557

Input file has too many digits too.  This mimics change made in 17.
This commit is contained in:
Alex Lin 2018-02-09 13:28:15 -06:00
parent 112b745357
commit d7cb67363b

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@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def main():
test_suite , "2D array, single assign, no units" )
ball.obj.daa[0] = trick.attach_units( "lbm",[ 4.0, 5.0, 6.0])
TRICK_EXPECT_EQ( str(ball.obj.daa[0]) , "[1.814369479104077 kg, 2.267961848880096 kg, 2.721554218656115 kg]",
TRICK_EXPECT_EQ( str(ball.obj.daa[0]) , "[1.81436948 kg, 2.26796185 kg, 2.72155422 kg]",
test_suite , "2D array, single single row assignment with units conversion" )
TRICK_EXPECT_EQ( str(ball.obj.dap) , "[NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL]", test_suite , "2D array of ptr, initial value" )
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ def main():
ball.obj.dap[3][1] = 75
ball.obj.dap[3][3] = trick.attach_units("lbm", float(ball.obj.dap[3][3]) + 1.0)
TRICK_EXPECT_EQ( str(ball.obj.dap[3]) , "[60 kg, 75 kg, 62 kg, 29.02991166566523 kg]",
TRICK_EXPECT_EQ( str(ball.obj.dap[3]) , "[60 kg, 75 kg, 62 kg, 29.02991168 kg]",
test_suite , "2D array of ptr, single item assignment with unit conversion" )
ball.obj.dpp = trick.TMM_declare_var_s("double *[4]")