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synced 2025-03-23 04:25:28 +00:00
Update SAIntegrator tutorial for RKF45. #1123
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,9 +2,30 @@
The approach of this tutorial is to explain how to use the SAIntegrator library using the examples in the ```examples/``` directory.
**There is no need to recreate the source code in this tutorial.** It already exists in the examples. So, read the explanations below, and then go play with the simulations in the examples/ directory to learn how to use the SAIntegrator library. Enjoy!
**There is no need to recreate the source code in this tutorial.** It already exists in the examples. So, read the explanations below, and then go play with the simulations in the
**examples/** directory, to learn how to use the SAIntegrator library. Enjoy!
## First Things First
## Contents
1. [Introduction](#Introduction)
1. [Basic Numerical Integration](#BasicNumericalIntegration)
2. [RootFinding (DynamicEvents)](#RootFinding_DynamicEvents)
3. [Using Euler Cromer](#UsingEulerCromer)
4. [Not Just Integrating Over Time](#NotJustIntegratingOverTime)
* [Definite Integral Example](#DefiniteIntegralExample)
* [Double Integral Example](#DoubleIntegralExample)
5. [Adaptive Step Size Integration](#AdaptiveStepSizeIntegration)
<a id= Introduction></a>
## Introduction
SAIntegrator is a C++ numerical integration library, that is independent of any other framework.
It can be used with Trick, or completely independent of it. It provides:
* A variety of Runge-Kutta algorithms each of which supports dynamic events.
* Euler-Cromer for oscillatory systems like springs and orbits.
* Runge-Kutta Fehlberg 4(5), a fourth order adaptive step-size algorithm.
* Numerous instructive example simulation programs.
### A Tour of the SAIntegrator Directory
@ -22,7 +43,7 @@ The approach of this tutorial is to explain how to use the SAIntegrator library
### Building the SAIntegrator Library
In the SAIntegrator directory, run ```make``` to build the library ```lib/libSAInteg.a```, and run the unit-test programs.
<a id=BasicNumericalIntegration></a>
## Basic Numerical Integration
This section demonstrates the basics of SAIntegrator using the program in
@ -173,6 +194,7 @@ We also might want to change ```while (t < 5.1)``` to ```while (t < 9.1)```.
#### [How to Run The CannonBall Example](examples/CannonBall/README.md)
<a id=RootFinding_DynamicEvents></a>
## RootFinding (Dynamic Events)
This section demonstrates how to use a RootFinder with our integrator, using the program in [examples/BouncyCannonball](examples/BouncyCannonBall/README.md). This example simulates a cannon ball that impacts the ground (defined as pos[1] = 0.0), and bounces. The BouncyCannonball example is the same as the Cannonball example, with some additional code.
@ -231,6 +253,7 @@ So, the line ```while (t < 5.1) { ``` is changed to
#### [How to Run The BouncyCannonBall Example](examples/BouncyCannonBall/README.md)
<a id=UsingEulerCromer></a>
## Using Euler-Cromer
This section demonstrates the ```EulerCromerIntegrator``` class using
@ -343,19 +366,21 @@ The sixth, and final argument is the user_data. In this case we're passing the `
#### [Running the MassSpringDamper Example](examples/MassSpringDamper/README.md).
<a id=NotJustIntegratingOverTime></a>
## Not Just Integrating Over Time
This section demonstrates using SAIntegrator to evaluate a definite integral. using the program in [examples/DefiniteIntegral](examples/DefiniteIntegral/README.md).
### Description of the problem:
<a id=DefiniteIntegralExample></a>
### A Definite Integral Example
Given the coefficients of a third order polynomial, and limits of integration, evaluate the integral :


This example specifically evaluates:


<a id=listing-DefiniteIntegral.cpp></a>
### Listing - DefiniteIntegral.cpp
@ -424,6 +449,7 @@ This is to ensure the accuracy of the integration range.
#### [Running the DefiniteIntegral Example](examples/DefiniteIntegral/README.md)
<a id=DoubleIntegralExample></a>
### A Double Integral Example
This example demonstrates nested integration using the program in [examples/DoubleIntegral](examples/DoubleIntegral/README.md).
@ -490,10 +516,112 @@ int main ( int argc, char* argv[]) {
In the [DefiniteIntegral](examples/DefiniteIntegral/README.md) example, we use
```struct DefiniteIntegrator``` to specify everything necessary to evaluate a single definite integral. But, a nested integrator also needs access to the independent variables of the integrators that "enclose" it. So, in the DoubleIntegral example we need to modify ```struct DefiniteIntegrator```. First we expose the independent variable (```ivar```) and keep it updated in the ```evaluate``` method. Then we combine, or "stack" two DefiniteIntegrator's in ```struct IntegContext``` to be passed in user_data, so "inner" integrators have access to "outer" integrator's independent variables.
#### [Running the Double Integral Example](examples/DoubleIntegral/README.md).
# The End
<a id=AdaptiveStepSizeIntegration></a>
## Adaptive Step Size Integration
This section demonstrates the ```RKF45Integrator``` class using
the program in [examples/AsteroidFlyBy](examples/AsteroidFlyBy/README.md).
The RKF45Integrator is an adaptive step-size integrator. It adapts the
integration step-size to maintain a specified accuracy. If a particular step-size
doesn't produce the needed accuracy then the step-size is reduced and the integration step is performed again. If the needed accuracy is being produced then the step-size can be increased. There is some over-head in the extra calculations, that estimate the local-error. But, this can be more than made up for by the fact that the step-size is small **only** when necessary.
The listing below is a simulation of a relatively small asteroid flying past the Earth. As the asteroid approaches, and the acceleration of gravity gets stronger, the ```RKF45Integrator``` gradually reduces the step-size to maintain the required accuracy. As the asteroid retreats, the step-size is gradually increased, back to its normal, maximum value.
<a id=listing-Flyby.cpp></a>
### Listing - Flyby.cpp
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "SAIntegrator.hh"
#define EARTH_MASS 5.9723e24
#define EARTH_RADIUS 6367500.0
struct Flyby {
double pos[2];
double vel[2];
double planet_mass;
Flyby(double px, double py, double vx, double vy, double m);
Flyby::Flyby(double px, double py, double vx, double vy, double m) {
pos[0] = px;
pos[1] = py;
vel[0] = vx;
vel[1] = vy;
planet_mass = m;
void print_header() {
printf ("time, dt, flyby.pos[0], flyby.pos[1], flyby.vel[0], flyby.vel[1]\n");
void print_state( double t, double dt, Flyby& flyby ) {
printf ("%10.10f, %10.10f, %10.10f, %10.10f, %10.10f, %10.10f\n",
t, dt, flyby.pos[0], flyby.pos[1], flyby.vel[0], flyby.vel[1]);
void gravity( double t, double* state, double derivs[], void* udata) {
Flyby* flyby = (Flyby*)udata;
double d = sqrt( state[0]*state[0] + state[1]*state[1]);
derivs[0] = state[2];
derivs[1] = state[3];
derivs[2] = -state[0] * GRAVITATIONAL_CONSTANT * flyby->planet_mass / (d*d*d);
derivs[3] = -state[1] * GRAVITATIONAL_CONSTANT * flyby->planet_mass / (d*d*d);
int main ( int argc, char* argv[]) {
double sim_duration = 25000.0; // s
double dt = 60.0; // s
double epsilon = 0.000000001;
Flyby flyby(-20.0 * EARTH_RADIUS, 2.0 * EARTH_RADIUS, 10000.0 , 0.0, EARTH_MASS);
double* state_p[4] = { &flyby.pos[0], &flyby.pos[1], &flyby.vel[0], &flyby.vel[1] };
double time = 0.0; // s
print_state(time, dt, flyby);
SA::RKF45Integrator integ(epsilon, dt, 4, state_p, gravity, &flyby);
while (time < sim_duration) {
double last_h = integ.getLastStepSize();
time = integ.getIndyVar();
double r = sqrt( flyby.pos[0]*flyby.pos[0] + flyby.pos[1]*flyby.pos[1]);
if (r < EARTH_RADIUS) { printf("Collision\n"); }
print_state(time, last_h, flyby);
```struct Flyby ``` specifies the position of an asteroid, and the mass of the planet with which it's interacting.
The ```print_header```, and ```print_state``` functions generate CSV output for the simulation.
The function ```gravity```, of type [```DerivsFunc```](#typedef-DerivsFunc) generates derivatives for the ```RKF45Integrator```.
In ```main```, the following line [constructs](#RKF45IntegratorConstructor3``) our integrator:
```SA::RKF45Integrator integ(epsilon, dt, 4, state_p, gravity, &flyby);```
The first argument (```epsilon```) is unique to adaptive step-size integration. It specifies the allowable "local error", that is: the error per step. The ```RKF45Integrator``` automatically adjusts the step-size needed to achieve this accuracy. Local error is calculated for each state element. The largest of the element errors guides the step-size adaptation of the algorithm.
The second argument (```dt```) specifies the **maximum** integration step-size. Notice the difference between this, and non-adaptive step size integrators. Here, the actual step size is determined by the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg algorithm. The method ```getLastStepSize()``` returns this actual step-size. It may be smaller than, but will not be larger than ```dt```.
In this simulation, ```dt``` is 60 seconds, but as the asteroid approaches the planet, and the acceleration of gravity increases, the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg algorithm gradually reduces the step size down to ~ 3 seconds at closest approach to maintain the specified local accuracy.
The third argument specifies the state-size, in this case: 4.
The fourth argument specifies the list of variables comprising the state: ```flyby.pos[0], flyby.pos[1], flyby.vel[0]), and flyby.vel[1]```.
The fifth argument is a pointer to the derivatives generator function, ```gravity``` of type [(DerivsFunc)](#typedef-DerivsFunc).
The sixth argument is a pointer to the Flyby object.
#### [Running the AsteroidFlyBy Example](examples/AsteroidFlyBy/README.md).
## The End
# Appendix
@ -524,6 +652,37 @@ where:
For more information, check out the SAIntegrator User's Guide, or even ```SAIntegrator.hh```.
<a id=RKF45IntegratorConstructor3></a>
## RKF45Integrator Constructor
### Description
This is the third of four available RKF45Integrator constructors.
RKF45Integrator( double epsilon,
double h,
unsigned int N,
double* in_out_vars[],
DerivsFunc derivs_func,
void* udata);
|Parameter |Type |Description|
|epsilon |```double``` | Specifies the maximum allowable error per step.|
|h |```double``` | Default integration step-size. This is the maximum allowable step-size. |
|N |```int``` |Number of state variables to be integrated|
|in\_out\_vars |```double*```|Array of pointers to the state variables from which we ```load()```, and to which we ```unload()``` the integrator state |
| derivs_func |[```DerivsFunc```](#typedef-DerivsFunc)| Function thats generates the function (the derivatives) to be integrated. |
|user_data |```void*``` | A pointer to user defined data that will be passed to a DerivsFunc when called by the Integrator. |
For more information, check out the SAIntegrator User's Guide, or even ```SAIntegrator.hh```.
<a id=typedef-DerivsFunc></a>
## typedef DerivsFunc
@ -620,7 +779,7 @@ A function of type **RootErrorFunc** should:
<a id=SideNote1></a>
## Side Note 1
```integ.integrate();``` is implemented as simply:
```integ.integrate()``` is a convenience function. It's implemented as simply:
void SA::Integrator::integrate() {
@ -641,3 +800,4 @@ so,
with identical results.
Rather than constantly unloading and then reloading our last result, we load from One reason is ```load_from_outState()```.
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ void print_state( double t, double dt, Flyby& flyby ) {
printf ("%10.10f, %10.10f, %10.10f, %10.10f, %10.10f, %10.10f\n",
t, dt, flyby.pos[0], flyby.pos[1], flyby.vel[0], flyby.vel[1]);
void G( double t, double* state, double derivs[], void* udata) {
void gravity( double t, double* state, double derivs[], void* udata) {
Flyby* flyby = (Flyby*)udata;
double d = sqrt( state[0]*state[0] + state[1]*state[1]);
derivs[0] = state[2];
@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ int main ( int argc, char* argv[]) {
print_state(time, dt, flyby);
SA::RKF45Integrator integ(epsilon, dt, 4, state_p, G, &flyby);
SA::RKF45Integrator integ(epsilon, dt, 4, state_p, gravity, &flyby);
while (time < sim_duration) {
double last_h = integ.getLastStepSize();
time = integ.getIndyVar();
double r = sqrt( flyby.pos[0]*flyby.pos[0] + flyby.pos[1]*flyby.pos[1]);
if (r < 500000.0) { printf("Collision\n"); }
if (r < EARTH_RADIUS) { printf("Collision\n"); }
print_state(time, last_h, flyby);
@ -3,10 +3,6 @@
The Flyby program uses the **SA::RKF45Integrator** class to simulate
an asteroid passing near Earth.
The RKF45Integrator is an adaptive step-size integrator. It adapts the
integration step-size to maintain a specified accuracy. If a particular step-size
doesn't produce the needed accuracy then the step-size is reduced and the integration step is performed again. If the needed accuracy is being produced then the step-size can be increased. There is some over-head in the extra calculations, that estimate the local-error. But, this can be more than made up for by the fact that the step-size is small **only** when necessary.
For each numerical integration time-step, the simulation program prints:
1. time (s)
@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ FirstOrderODEVariableStepIntegrator_unittest
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