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synced 2025-03-21 11:35:19 +00:00
Improvements to SIM_test_varserv (#1414)
* Add freeze test to SIM_test_varserv; make mode test more comprehensive
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,6 +15,11 @@
#define SOCKET_BUF_SIZE 20480
#define DOUBLE_TOL 1e-5
// Pretend that gtest was kind enough to provide an EXPECT_FEQ operator with a tolerance
#define EXPECT_FEQ(a,b) EXPECT_LE(fabs(a - b), DOUBLE_TOL)
class Socket {
@ -337,26 +342,16 @@ TEST_F (VariableServerTest, Cycle) {
double cycle = 1.0;
double tolerance = 0.01;
double tolerance = 1e-5;
int num_cycles = 5;
// Challenge: no loops allowed
// I've been reading about lamdbas and when you have a hammer........
// Test: compare the differences in the returned sim time, make sure the difference
// between them are equal to what var_cycle has been set to within some tolerance
// Problem: setting a tolerance empirically is subject to fluctuactions in the environment,
// which could cause the test to fail even though everthing is functioning correctly
// For example, the original version of tolerances here passed in all the CI pipelines
// except Mac, which for some reason was returning much more variation in cycle time
// Instead, calculate the average cycle time for a few cycles, and make sure this
// value is closer to the current set cycle time than the previous set cycle time.
// This gives us less information before, we are basically only testing that
// var_cycle is actually changing the cycle time, instead of testing that the
// cycle time is being closely adhered to, but it shouldn't fail the pipeline unnecessarily
// And testing something is better than nothing
// between them are equal to var_cycle
// In copy mode VS_COPY_SCHEDULED and write mode VS_WRITE_WHEN_COPY, we should see exactly the correct copy rate
// Use a very small tolerance to compensate for floating point error
auto parse_message_for_sim_time = [](const std::string& message) {
// For this case the message will be
@ -370,51 +365,37 @@ TEST_F (VariableServerTest, Cycle) {
// Tail recursion, just for fun
std::function<void(int, double, std::vector<double>& )> record_cycle_times = [&] (int n_cycles, double last_sim_time, std::vector<double>& cycle_times) {
std::function<void(int, double)> compare_cycle = [&] (int n_cycles, double last_sim_time) {
if (n_cycles <= 0)
double sim_time = parse_message_for_sim_time(socket.receive());
cycle_times.push_back(sim_time - last_sim_time);
record_cycle_times(n_cycles-1, sim_time, cycle_times);
EXPECT_FEQ((sim_time - last_sim_time), cycle) << "Expected cycle: " << cycle << " Measured cycle: " << (sim_time - last_sim_time);
compare_cycle(n_cycles-1, sim_time);
// Does this count as tail recursion if the last thing is technically a return instead of a call to sum_vec?
std::function<double(std::vector<double>&, size_t)> sum_vec = [&] (std::vector<double>& vec, size_t index) -> double {
if (index == vec.size())
return 0;
return vec[index] + sum_vec(vec, index+1);
auto measure_cycle = [&] (double cycle_length, int iterations) -> double {
std::string command = "trick.var_cycle(" + std::to_string(cycle_length) + ")\n";
auto run_cycle_test = [&] () {
std::string command = "trick.var_cycle(" + std::to_string(cycle) + ")\n";
socket << command;
// Give it a cycle to update
double sim_time = parse_message_for_sim_time(socket.receive());
std::vector<double> cycle_times;
record_cycle_times(iterations, sim_time, cycle_times);
return sum_vec(cycle_times, 0) / cycle_times.size();
compare_cycle(num_cycles, sim_time);
auto closer_to = [] (double expected, double other, double test_val) -> bool {
return (fabs(expected - test_val)) < (fabs(other - test_val));
std::function<void(std::vector<double>&, size_t)> compare_cycle_times = [&] (std::vector<double>& test_cycle_times, size_t index) {
if (index == test_cycle_times.size())
double measured_cycle_time = measure_cycle(test_cycle_times[index], 5);
EXPECT_TRUE(closer_to(test_cycle_times[index], test_cycle_times[index-1], measured_cycle_time)) << "Expected time: " << test_cycle_times[index] << " Actual time: " << measured_cycle_time;
compare_cycle_times(test_cycle_times, index+1);
std::string command = "trick.var_add(\"time\")\n";
std::string command = "trick.var_set_copy_mode(1)\ntrick.var_set_write_mode(1)\ntrick.var_add(\"time\")\n";
socket << command;
std::vector<double> test_cycle_times = {0, 3.0, 0.1, 1.0, 0.5};
compare_cycle_times(test_cycle_times, 1);
cycle = 0.1;
num_cycles = 5;
cycle = 0.5;
cycle = 3.0;
num_cycles = 3;
@ -447,6 +428,95 @@ TEST_F (VariableServerTest, Pause) {
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(reply, expected), 0);
TEST_F (VariableServerTest, Freeze) {
if (socket_status != 0) {
std::string reply;
std::string expected;
int mode;
long long frame_count;
long long freeze_frame_count;
// Constants for clarity
const int MODE_RUN = 5;
const int MODE_FREEZE = 1;
// lambda capture by refence is neat
auto parse_message_for_sim_mode_and_frames = [&](const std::string& message) {
// For this case the message will be
// 0\t<mode>\t<frame_count>\t<freeze_frame_count>\t
// Sets the local variables to new values
std::stringstream message_stream(message);
std::string token;
std::getline(message_stream, token, '\t');
std::getline(message_stream, token, '\t');
mode = std::stoi(token);
std::getline(message_stream, token, '\t');
frame_count = std::stoll(token);
std::getline(message_stream, token, '\t');
freeze_frame_count = std::stoll(token);
auto wait_for_mode_change = [&] (int expected_mode, int max_wait_iterations = 10) {
int iteration = 0;
while (iteration++ < max_wait_iterations && mode != expected_mode) {
// Send the sim mode, frame_count, freeze_frame_count, and sim_time
socket << "trick.var_add(\"trick_sys.sched.mode\")\ntrick.var_add(\"trick_sys.sched.frame_count\")\ntrick.var_add(\"trick_sys.sched.freeze_frame_count\")\n";
// Sim mode should be MODE_RUN == 5
// Set to Freeze mode
socket << "trick.exec_freeze()\n";
// The mode takes a little bit of time to change
// Sim mode should be MODE_FREEZE == 1
// Not sure what else to test in copy mode VS_COPY_ASYNC
// Test VS_COPY_SCHEDULED - should see 1 message per frame
socket << "trick.var_set_copy_mode(1)\n";
int num_tests = 5;
int prev_frame = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) {
prev_frame = freeze_frame_count;
EXPECT_EQ(freeze_frame_count - prev_frame, 1);
// Test VS_COPY_TOP_OF_FRAME, along with freeze frame multiplier and offset
socket << "trick.var_set_copy_mode(2)\ntrick.var_set_freeze_frame_multiple(3)\ntrick.var_set_freeze_frame_offset(1)\n";
for (int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) {
prev_frame = freeze_frame_count;
EXPECT_EQ(freeze_frame_count % 3, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(freeze_frame_count - prev_frame, 3);
// Set the mode back to run or the next tests will get confused
socket << "trick.exec_run()\n";
socket << "trick.var_set_copy_mode(0)\n";
// Wait for the mode to actually change
TEST_F (VariableServerTest, CopyAndWriteModes) {
if (socket_status != 0) {
@ -455,35 +525,78 @@ TEST_F (VariableServerTest, CopyAndWriteModes) {
std::string reply;
std::string expected;
// We're just checking that every combination of modes is functional
// We can't test that they perform their copying and writing in the correct place from here
// Default is 0 0
socket << "trick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.a\")\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.b\")\n";
socket >> reply;
int num_tests = 5;
double sim_time;
int frame_count;
std::string vars;
std::string command;
std::string test_vars_command = "trick.var_add(\"time\")\ntrick.var_add(\"trick_sys.sched.frame_count\")\n";
expected = "0 97 98";
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(reply, expected), 0);
double expected_cycle = 0.5;
command = "trick.var_cycle(" + std::to_string(expected_cycle) + ")\n";
socket << command;
auto parse_message = [&](const std::string& message) {
// For this case the message will be
// 0\t<sim_time> {s}\t<frame_count>\t<other variables>\n
// Sets the local variables to new values
std::stringstream message_stream(message);
std::string token;
std::getline(message_stream, token, '\t');
std::getline(message_stream, token, ' ');
sim_time = std::stod(token);
std::getline(message_stream, token, '\t');
std::getline(message_stream, token, '\t');
frame_count = std::stoll(token);
std::getline(message_stream, token, '\n');
vars = token;
auto spin = [&](int wait_cycles = 5) {
// Check that every combination of modes is functional
// Check that reasonable times and frames are returned as well
// Default is VS_COPY_ASYNC=0 and VS_WRITE_ASYNC=0
// This mode doesn't give us any guarantees about frame or cycle consistency, so we can't test it
// Just make sure it works
command = test_vars_command + "trick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.a\")\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.b\")\n";
socket << command;
expected = "97 98";
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(vars, expected), 0) << "Received: " << vars << " Expected: " << expected;
// Clear out anything else that's been sent
// I may need to write something else for this
socket << "trick.var_pause()\n";
// Copy mode 1 (VS_COPY_SCHEDULED) write mode 0 (VS_WRITE_ASYNC)
socket << "trick.var_clear()\ntrick.var_set_copy_mode(1)\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.c\")\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.d\")\ntrick.var_unpause()\n";
socket >> reply;
command = "trick.var_clear()\n" + test_vars_command + "trick.var_set_copy_mode(1)\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.c\")\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.d\")\ntrick.var_unpause()\n";
socket << command;
// With copy mode VS_COPY_SCHEDULED and write mode VS_WRITE_ASYNC, the first reply will be all 0 since the main time to copy has not occurred yet.
// Is this what we want? Maybe we should have more strict communication on whether the data has been staged so the first message isn't incorrect
// expected = "0 -1234 1234";
// EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(reply, expected), 0);
// std::cout << "\tExpected: " << expected << "\n\tActual: " << reply << std::endl;
expected = "-1234 1234";
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(vars, expected), 0) << "Received: " << vars << " Expected: " << expected;
socket >> reply;
expected = "0 -1234 1234";
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(reply, expected), 0);
// Test that we see a difference of exactly expected_cycle (with a tolerance for floating point issues)
int prev_frame = 0;
double prev_time = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) {
prev_time = sim_time;
EXPECT_FEQ(sim_time - prev_time, expected_cycle);
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(vars, expected), 0) << "Received: " << vars << " Expected: " << expected;
// Clear out anything else that's been sent
socket << "trick.var_pause()\n";
@ -491,15 +604,22 @@ TEST_F (VariableServerTest, CopyAndWriteModes) {
// Copy mode 1 (VS_COPY_SCHEDULED) write mode 1 (VS_WRITE_WHEN_COPIED)
socket << "trick.var_clear()\ntrick.var_set_write_mode(1)\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.e\")\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.f\")\ntrick.var_unpause()\n";
command = "trick.var_clear()\n" + test_vars_command + "trick.var_set_write_mode(1)\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.e\")\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.f\")\ntrick.var_unpause()\n";
socket << command;
socket >> reply;
expected = "0 -123456 123456";
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(reply, expected), 0);
expected = "-123456 123456";
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(vars, expected), 0) << "Received: " << vars << " Expected: " << expected;
socket >> reply;
expected = "0 -123456 123456";
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(reply, expected), 0);
// Test that we still see a difference of exactly expected_cycle (with a tolerance for floating point issues)
prev_frame = 0;
prev_time = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) {
prev_time = sim_time;
EXPECT_FEQ(sim_time - prev_time, expected_cycle);
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(vars, expected), 0) << "Received: " << vars << " Expected: " << expected;
// Clear out anything else that's been sent
socket << "trick.var_pause()\n";
@ -507,17 +627,31 @@ TEST_F (VariableServerTest, CopyAndWriteModes) {
// Copy mode 2 (VS_COPY_TOP_OF_FRAME) write mode 0 (VS_WRITE_ASYNC)
socket << "trick.var_clear()\ntrick.var_set_copy_mode(2)\ntrick.var_set_write_mode(0)\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.g\")\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.h\")\ntrick.var_unpause()\n";
// Test frame_multiple and frame_offset as well, with stupid values
int frame_multiple = 13*5;
int frame_offset = 7;
command = "trick.var_clear()\n" + test_vars_command + "trick.var_set_copy_mode(2)\ntrick.var_set_write_mode(0)\ntrick.var_set_frame_multiple(" + std::to_string(frame_multiple) + ")\ntrick.var_set_frame_offset(" + std::to_string(frame_offset) + ")\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.g\")\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.h\")\ntrick.var_unpause()\n";
socket << command;
// Same issue as copy mode 1 write mode 0
socket >> reply;
// expected = "0 -1234567 123456789";
// EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(reply, expected), 0);
// std::cout << "\tExpected: " << expected << "\n\tActual: " << reply << std::endl;
socket >> reply;
expected = "0 -1234567 123456789";
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(reply, expected), 0);
expected = "-1234567 123456789";
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(vars, expected), 0) << "Received: " << vars << " Expected: " << expected;
// Test that we see a difference in frame_count of exactly frame_multiple with an offset of frame_offset
prev_frame = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) {
prev_frame = frame_count;
EXPECT_EQ(frame_count - prev_frame, frame_multiple);
EXPECT_EQ(frame_count % frame_multiple, frame_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(vars, expected), 0) << "Received: " << vars << " Expected: " << expected;
// Clear out anything else that's been sent
socket << "trick.var_pause()\n";
@ -525,14 +659,24 @@ TEST_F (VariableServerTest, CopyAndWriteModes) {
// Copy mode 2 (VS_COPY_TOP_OF_FRAME) write mode 1 (VS_WRITE_WHEN_COPIED)
socket << "trick.var_clear()\ntrick.var_set_copy_mode(2)\ntrick.var_set_write_mode(1)\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.i\")\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.j\")\ntrick.var_unpause()\n";
socket >> reply;
expected = "0 1234.5677 -1234.56789";
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(reply, expected), 0);
frame_multiple = 17*5;
frame_offset = 11;
command = "trick.var_clear()\n" + test_vars_command + "trick.var_set_copy_mode(2)\ntrick.var_set_write_mode(1)\ntrick.var_set_frame_multiple(" + std::to_string(frame_multiple) + ")\ntrick.var_set_frame_offset(" + std::to_string(frame_offset) + ")\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.i\")\ntrick.var_add(\"vsx.vst.j\")\ntrick.var_unpause()\n";
socket << command;
socket >> reply;
expected = "0 1234.5677 -1234.56789";
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(reply, expected), 0);
expected = "1234.5677 -1234.56789";
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(vars, expected), 0) << "Received: " << vars << " Expected: " << expected;
// Test that we see a difference in frame_count of exactly frame_multiple with an offset of frame_offset
prev_frame = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) {
prev_frame = frame_count;
EXPECT_EQ(frame_count - prev_frame, frame_multiple);
EXPECT_EQ(frame_count % frame_multiple, frame_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(strcmp_IgnoringWhiteSpace(vars, expected), 0) << "Received: " << vars << " Expected: " << expected;
// Clear out anything else that's been sent
socket << "trick.var_pause()\n";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user