Give trick-CP the same -C/--directory option that 'make' has.

Now one can do the following command:
     path/to/trick-CP -C path/to/SIM_example

without first having to cd to the path that contains the S_define.
This commit is contained in:
Pappy Van Winkle 2019-02-28 21:26:23 -06:00
parent 833f7efe82
commit a44014c0a3

View File

@ -15,10 +15,19 @@ $trick_home = dirname($trick_bin) ;
#### Handle arguments ####
$numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;
$makefileAddArgs = ' ';
$sdefine_dir = ".";
$sdefine = "S_define";
$makefile = "makefile";
foreach $argnum (0 .. $#ARGV) {
$arg = $ARGV[$argnum];
if ($arg =~ /(\w+)=(\w+)/ ) {
$makefileAddArgs = $makefileAddArgs . $1 . "=" . $2 . " ";
} elsif ($arg eq "-C" || $arg eq "--directory" ) {
$sdefine_dir = abs_path($ARGV[$argnum + 1]);
$makefileAddArgs = $makefileAddArgs . " -C $sdefine_dir ";
$sdefine = $sdefine_dir . "/${sdefine}";
$makefile = $sdefine_dir . "/${makefile}";
} elsif ($arg =~ /-d/ ) {
$makefileAddArgs = $makefileAddArgs . " debug ";
} elsif ($arg =~ /-t/ ) {
@ -30,17 +39,17 @@ foreach $argnum (0 .. $#ARGV) {
if ( -f "S_define" ) {
if ( not -w "." ) {
print getcwd() , " is not writable\n" ;
print "CP aborted\n" ;
if ( -f $sdefine ) {
if ( not -w $sdefine_dir ) {
print $sdefine_dir , " is not writable\n" ;
print "trick-CP aborted\n" ;
exit 1 ;
unlink "build/Makefile_sim", "makefile" ;
unlink "build/Makefile_sim", $makefile ;
$makefile_text = do { local $/; <main::DATA> } ;
$makefile_text =~ s/SUB_TRICK_HOME/$trick_home/ ;
$makefile_text =~ s/SUB_TRICK_BIN/$trick_bin/ ;
open MAKEFILE, ">makefile" ;
open MAKEFILE, ">$makefile" ;
print MAKEFILE $makefile_text ;
close MAKEFILE ;
system("make -f makefile " . $makefileAddArgs) ;
@ -90,6 +99,11 @@ Print the trick-CP help message (this message)
Send CP output to FILE_NAME
=item B<-C> | B<--directory> I<SIM_DIRECTORY_NAME>
Build a simulation located in a different directory than the current
working directory.
=item B<-p> | B<--no-python>
Exclude python input processor from simulation.