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synced 2025-03-03 04:18:41 +00:00
Restore support for "batch compiling"
In LIBRARY DEPENDENCIES, any file ending in ".a" will cause all files in that directory and any contained "src" directory to be compiled. What a terrible "feature". Refs #627
This commit is contained in:
@ -145,25 +145,32 @@ if (scalar @exclude_dirs) {
@all_compile_libs = sort (grep !/trick_source/ , @all_compile_libs) ;
@all_cfly_files = sort (grep !/^-|trick_source|a$/ , @all_cfly_files) ;
sub add_file($) {
my ($name, $path, $extension) = fileparse($_[0], qr/\.[^.]*/) ;
push @{$files_by_dir{$path}{$extension}} , $name ;
sub add_files_in_directory($) {
opendir THISDIR, "$_[0]" or die "Could not open $_[0]" ;
my @files = grep !/^\./ , readdir THISDIR ;
foreach ( @files ) {
add_file($_[0] . "/" . $_) ;
closedir THISDIR ;
# split off files by directory
foreach ( @all_cfly_files ) {
my ($name, $path, $extension) = fileparse($_, qr/\.[^.]*/) ;
$path = abs_path($path) ;
push @{$files_by_dir{$path}{$extension}} , $name ;
# get all of the files required by compiled libraries
# compile all files as normal files, we're not going to make a library anymore.
foreach ( @all_compile_libs ) {
my $path = abs_path(dirname($_)) ;
opendir THISDIR, "$path" or die "Could not open $path";
my @files = grep !/^\.\.\./ , readdir THISDIR;
@files = grep /\.[cfly]$|C$|cc$|cxx$|cpp$|c\+\+$/ , @files;
foreach ( @files ) {
my ($name, $unused, $extension) = fileparse($_, qr/\.[^.]*/) ;
push @{$files_by_dir{$path}{$extension}} , $name ;
closedir THISDIR ;
my $path = abs_path(dirname($_));
add_files_in_directory($path) ;
$path .= "/src" ;
add_files_in_directory($path) if -e "$path" ;
# sort and weed out duplicate files
@ -244,7 +251,7 @@ my %files_by_extension ;
foreach my $directory ( keys %files_by_dir ) {
foreach my $extension ( grep { /^\.(c|cc|C|cxx|cpp|c\+\+)$/ } keys $files_by_dir{$directory} ) {
foreach my $file ( @{$files_by_dir{$directory}{$extension}} ) {
push @{$files_by_extension{$extension}} , "build$directory/$file.o" ;
push @{$files_by_extension{$extension}} , "build$directory$file.o" ;
@ -267,10 +274,12 @@ foreach my $extension ( keys %files_by_extension ) {
# Write out the compile rules for each type of file.
print MAKEFILE "
# These targets should have an order-only dependency on their directories, which would require
# moving them to a .SECONDEXPANSION section and would complicate the rules. However, these
# directories appear to be created as part of the read_lib_deps function, so I'm leaving it out
# for now." ;
# We use .SECONDEXPANSION here to allow us to use automatic vairiables in the prerequisite list
# in order to add to each target an order-only dependency on its directory.
# See https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Automatic-Variables.html
# and https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Secondary-Expansion.html
foreach my $extension ( keys %files_by_extension ) {
my $compiler = "TRICK_" . ($extension eq ".c" ? "CC" : "CPPC") ;
@ -278,7 +287,7 @@ foreach my $extension ( keys %files_by_extension ) {
my $command = "\$($compiler) \$(TRICK_${flags}FLAGS) \$(TRICK_SYSTEM_${flags}FLAGS) -I\$(<D)/../include -MMD -MP -c -o \$\@ \$<" ;
print MAKEFILE "
\${MODEL_OBJECTS$extension} : build/%.o : /%$extension | build/%.d
\${MODEL_OBJECTS$extension} : build/%.o : /%$extension | build/%.d \$\$(dir \$\$\@)
\t\@echo $command >> \$(MAKE_OUT)
\t\$(ECHO_CMD)$command 2>&1 | \$(TEE) -a \$(MAKE_OUT) ; exit \$\${PIPESTATUS[0]}" ;
@ -286,6 +295,9 @@ foreach my $extension ( keys %files_by_extension ) {
print MAKEFILE "
\$(sort \$(dir \$(MODEL_OBJECTS))):
\t\@mkdir -p \$\@
\$(MODEL_OBJECTS:.o=.d): ;
-include \$(MODEL_OBJECTS:.o=.d)
Reference in New Issue
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