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synced 2025-03-24 04:55:22 +00:00
Improvements to SIM_splashdown code while writing documentation. #1289
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
import math
# Initialize the position (CG) of the vehicle 3 meters about the
# surface of the water so that it drops into the water.
crewModule.dyn.position[0] = 0.0;
crewModule.dyn.position[1] = 0.0;
crewModule.dyn.position[2] = 3.0;
crewModule.dyn.mass_vehicle = 9300.0;
# crewModule.dyn.mass_vehicle = 20000.0;
xrot = math.radians(60.0);
# Rotate the vehicle 120 degrees about the X axis.
xrot = math.radians(120.0);
crewModule.dyn.R[0][0] = 1.000000;
crewModule.dyn.R[0][1] = 0.000000;
crewModule.dyn.R[0][2] = 0.000000;
@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ crewModule.dyn.R[2][0] = 0.000000;
crewModule.dyn.R[2][1] = math.sin(xrot);
crewModule.dyn.R[2][2] = math.cos(xrot);
crewModule.dyn.mass_vehicle = 9300.0;
# If the vehicle mass is changed, the inertia tensor needs to be re-calculated.
# ==========================================
# Start the CM Display Graphics Client
@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ public:
double I_body[3][3]; /* (kg*m2) Inertia Tensor in Body frame. */
double I_body_inverse[3][3];
double momentum[3]; /* (kg*m/s) Linear Momentum */
double force_total[3];
double force_gravity[3];
double force_buoyancy[3];
double force_drag[3];
double momentum[3]; /* (N*s) Linear Momentum */
double force_total[3]; /* (N) */
double force_gravity[3]; /* (N) */
double force_buoyancy[3]; /* (N) */
double force_drag[3]; /* (N) */
double position[3]; // (m) Position (world coordinates).
double velocity[3]; // (m/s) Velocity (world coordinates).
@ -29,20 +29,23 @@ public:
double angular_momentum[3]; /* (kg*m2/s) Angular Momentum */
double torque_buoyancy[3];
double torque_drag[3];
double torque_total[3];
double torque_buoyancy[3]; /* (N*m) */
double torque_drag[3]; /* (N*m) */
double torque_total[3]; /* (N*m) */
double center_of_buoyancy[3];
double volume_displaced;
double mass_displaced;
double volume_displaced; // (m^3)
double mass_displaced; // (kg) mass of displaced water.
CrewModuleShape crewModuleShape;
double density_of_water; // (kg/m^3) density of water.
void init_defaults();
void init_inertia_tensor(double A, double B, double C);
void calcVolumeAndCenterOfBuoyancy();
void calcVelocity();
void calcRDot();
@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ public:
void calcDragTorque();
void calcMassDisplaced();
void calcTotalForce();
void calcBuoyancyForce();
void calcGravityForce();
@ -7,16 +7,29 @@
#include "trick/trick_math_proto.h"
const double acceleration_of_gravity[3] = {0.0, 0.0, -9.81};
const double density_of_water = 1025.0; // kg/m^3 Density of sea water.
CrewModuleDynamics::CrewModuleDynamics() {
void CrewModuleDynamics::init_inertia_tensor(double A, double B, double C) {
I_body[0][0] = mass_vehicle * (B*B + C*C);
I_body[0][1] = 0.0;
I_body[0][2] = 0.0;
I_body[1][0] = 0.0;
I_body[1][1] = mass_vehicle * (A*A + C*C);
I_body[1][2] = 0.0;
I_body[2][0] = 0.0;
I_body[2][1] = 0.0;
I_body[2][2] = mass_vehicle * (A*A + B*B);
dm_invert(I_body_inverse, I_body);
void CrewModuleDynamics::init_defaults() {
mass_vehicle = 9300.0;
density_of_water = 1025.0;
momentum[0] = 0.0;
momentum[1] = 0.0;
momentum[2] = 0.0;
@ -27,17 +40,7 @@ void CrewModuleDynamics::init_defaults() {
angular_momentum[1] = 0.0;
angular_momentum[2] = 0.0;
crewModuleShape.transformCoordinates(R, position);
double A=1, B=1, C=1;
I_body[0][0] = mass_vehicle * (B*B + C*C);
I_body[0][1] = 0.0;
I_body[0][2] = 0.0;
I_body[1][0] = 0.0;
I_body[1][1] = mass_vehicle * (A*A + C*C);
I_body[1][2] = 0.0;
I_body[2][0] = 0.0;
I_body[2][1] = 0.0;
I_body[2][2] = mass_vehicle * (A*A + B*B);
dm_invert(I_body_inverse, I_body);
init_inertia_tensor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
void CrewModuleDynamics::calcVolumeAndCenterOfBuoyancy() {
@ -24,23 +24,41 @@ import trick.matrixOps.MatrixOps;
class CrewModuleView extends JPanel {
private Color waterColor;
private Color vehicleColor;
private double[] vehiclePos;
private double[] centerOfBuoyancy;
private double bodyToWorldRotation[][];
private double vantageAzimuth;
private double vantageElevation;
private double vantageRotation[][];
private double vantageDistance;
private double beta;
private int screen_half_width;
private int screen_half_height;
private double illumination_vector[]; // World coordinates
private double vantageAzimuth;
private double vantageElevation;
private double vantageDistance;
private double beta;
private double worldToVantageRotation[][];
private Color waterColor;
private double water_vrtx_world[][];
private int water_poly_x[];
private int water_poly_y[];
private Color vehicleLineColor;
private double[] vehiclePos;
private double[] centerOfBuoyancy;
private double bodyToWorldRotation[][];
private double veh_vrtx_body[][];
private double veh_vrtx_world[][];
private int veh_vrtx_screen[][];
private int veh_vrtx_screen[][];
private int veh_edges[][];
private double water_vrtx_world[][];
private int veh_triangles[][];
private double veh_unit_normals_body[][];
private double veh_unit_normals_world[][];
private double veh_unit_normals_vantage[][];
public CrewModuleView() {
@ -48,23 +66,41 @@ class CrewModuleView extends JPanel {
// Direction of light.
illumination_vector = new double[] {-0.707, 0.0, -0.707};
// Observer location, looking toward the world origin.
vantageAzimuth = Math.toRadians(45.0);
vantageElevation = Math.toRadians(20.0);
vantageDistance = 12.0;
// Half field of view angle
beta = Math.toRadians(40.0);
worldToVantageRotation = new double[3][3];
setAzElRotation(worldToVantageRotation, vantageAzimuth, vantageElevation);
waterColor = new Color(220,220,250,180);
vehicleColor = new Color(100,100,100);
water_vrtx_world = new double[][]
{ 5.000, 5.000, 0.000},
{ 5.000,-5.000, 0.000},
{-5.000,-5.000, 0.000},
{-5.000, 5.000, 0.000}
water_poly_x = new int[water_vrtx_world.length];
water_poly_y = new int[water_vrtx_world.length];
vehicleLineColor = Color.GRAY;
vehiclePos = new double[] {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
centerOfBuoyancy = new double[] {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
bodyToWorldRotation = new double[][] {{1.0, 0.0, 0.0},
{0.0, 1.0, 0.0},
{0.0, 0.0, 1.0}};
vantageAzimuth = Math.toRadians(45.0);
vantageElevation = Math.toRadians(20.0);
vantageRotation = new double[][] {{1.0, 0.0, 0.0},
{0.0, 1.0, 0.0},
{0.0, 0.0, 1.0}};
vantageDistance = 15.0;
beta = Math.toRadians(30.0);
veh_vrtx_body = new double[][]
{ { 0.000, 0.000, 2.400}, /* 0 top point*/
@ -127,13 +163,34 @@ class CrewModuleView extends JPanel {
water_vrtx_world = new double[][]
{ 5.000, 5.000, 0.000},
{ 5.000,-5.000, 0.000},
{-5.000,-5.000, 0.000},
{-5.000, 5.000, 0.000}
// The order of the vertices in each of the triangles is significant. The points should follow
// a path counter clock wise about the triangle's normal vector. The position normal side of
// the triangle is the visable side.
veh_triangles = new int[][]
{ 0, 1, 2},{ 0, 2, 3},{ 0, 3, 4},{ 0, 4, 5},{ 0, 5, 6},{ 0, 6, 7},{ 0, 7, 8},{ 0, 8, 9},{ 0, 9,10},{ 0,10,11},{ 0,11,12},{ 0,12, 1},
{ 2, 1,13},{ 3, 2,14},{ 4, 3,15},{ 5, 4,16},{ 6, 5,17},{ 7, 6,18},{ 8, 7,19},{ 9, 8,20},{10, 9,21},{11,10,22},{12,11,23},{ 1,12,24},
{ 2,13,14},{ 3,14,15},{ 4,15,16},{ 5,16,17},{ 6,17,18},{ 7,18,19},{ 8,19,20},{ 9,20,21},{10,21,22},{11,22,23},{12,23,24},{1,24,13},
veh_unit_normals_body = new double[veh_triangles.length][3];
double v1[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
double v2[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
for (int i=0; i < veh_unit_normals_body.length; i++ ) {
MatrixOps.VminusV (v1, veh_vrtx_body[ veh_triangles[i][1] ], veh_vrtx_body[ veh_triangles[i][0] ]);
MatrixOps.VminusV (v2, veh_vrtx_body[ veh_triangles[i][2] ], veh_vrtx_body[ veh_triangles[i][0] ]);
MatrixOps.VcrossV (veh_unit_normals_body[i], v1, v2);
double vmag = MatrixOps.Vmagnitude(veh_unit_normals_body[i]);
MatrixOps.Vscale (veh_unit_normals_body[i], veh_unit_normals_body[i], 1.0/vmag);
veh_unit_normals_world = new double[ veh_unit_normals_body.length ][3];
veh_unit_normals_vantage = new double[ veh_unit_normals_body.length ][3];
private class ViewListener extends MouseInputAdapter {
@ -177,33 +234,33 @@ class CrewModuleView extends JPanel {
vantageElevation += (dy * Math.PI) / getHeight();
if (vantageElevation > Math.toRadians( 89.0)) vantageElevation = Math.toRadians( 89.0);
if (vantageElevation < Math.toRadians(-89.0)) vantageElevation = Math.toRadians(-89.0);
setAzElRotation(worldToVantageRotation, vantageAzimuth, vantageElevation);
public void updateVantageRotation() {
public void setAzElRotation(double RotationMatrix[][], double azimuth, double elevation) {
double Rotation_about_Y[][] = {
{ Math.cos(vantageElevation), 0.0, Math.sin(vantageElevation)},
{ Math.cos(elevation), 0.0, Math.sin(elevation)},
{ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0},
{-Math.sin(vantageElevation), 0.0, Math.cos(vantageElevation)}
{-Math.sin(elevation), 0.0, Math.cos(elevation)}
double Rotation_about_Z[][] = {
{Math.cos(vantageAzimuth), -Math.sin(vantageAzimuth), 0.0},
{Math.sin(vantageAzimuth), Math.cos(vantageAzimuth), 0.0},
{Math.cos(azimuth), -Math.sin(azimuth), 0.0},
{Math.sin(azimuth), Math.cos(azimuth), 0.0},
{ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}
MatrixOps.MtimesM( vantageRotation, Rotation_about_Y, Rotation_about_Z);
MatrixOps.MtimesM( RotationMatrix, Rotation_about_Y, Rotation_about_Z);
public void worldToScreenPoint( int result[], double X_world[]) {
// X_world to X_vantage
double x_vantage[] = new double[3];
MatrixOps.MtimesV(x_vantage, vantageRotation, X_world);
// X_vantage to screen
double perspective_scale = screen_half_width/(Math.tan(beta)*(vantageDistance-x_vantage[0]));
result[0] = (int)(perspective_scale * x_vantage[1] + screen_half_width);
result[1] = (int)(screen_half_height - perspective_scale * x_vantage[2]);
public void worldToScreenPoint( int result[], double V_world[]) {
double V_vantage[] = new double[3];
// Tranform vector in world coordinates to vantage coordinates.
MatrixOps.MtimesV(V_vantage, worldToVantageRotation, V_world);
// Perspective projection of point in 3D vantage coordinates to 2D screen coordinates.
double perspective_scale = screen_half_width/(Math.tan(beta)*(vantageDistance-V_vantage[0]));
result[0] = (int)(perspective_scale * V_vantage[1] + screen_half_width);
result[1] = (int)(screen_half_height - perspective_scale * V_vantage[2]);
public void setVehPos( double x, double y, double z) {
@ -232,23 +289,83 @@ class CrewModuleView extends JPanel {
// ======================
// Draw Water
// ======================
g2d.setPaint( waterColor);
int pt[] = {0, 0};
int wx[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
int wy[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
int pt[] = {0,0};
for (int i=0; i<water_vrtx_world.length ; i++) {
worldToScreenPoint( pt, water_vrtx_world[i]);
wx[i] = pt[0];
wy[i] = pt[1];
water_poly_x[i] = pt[0];
water_poly_y[i] = pt[1];
g2d.fillPolygon(wx, wy, 4);
g2d.fillPolygon(water_poly_x, water_poly_y, 4);
g2d.setPaint( Color.BLUE);
g2d.drawPolygon(wx, wy, 4);
g2d.drawPolygon(water_poly_x, water_poly_y, 4);
// ========================
// Draw Vehicle
// Transform the vehicle vertices from body -> world, apply the vehicle position offset, and then to 2D screen points.
for (int i=0; i<veh_vrtx_body.length ; i++) {
MatrixOps.MtimesV(veh_vrtx_world[i], bodyToWorldRotation, veh_vrtx_body[i]);
MatrixOps.VplusV(veh_vrtx_world[i], veh_vrtx_world[i], vehiclePos);
worldToScreenPoint (veh_vrtx_screen[i], veh_vrtx_world[i]);
// Draw Solid Model
for (int i=0; i<veh_triangles.length ; i++) {
double LOS_vantage[] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0};
double veh_RGB[] = {255.0, 255.0, 250.0};
// Proportion of the total light due to ambiant light, the remainder is proportion of reflected light.
double ambiant = 0.8; // Must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
// Transform the vehicle triangle normals from Body -> World -> Vantage
MatrixOps.MtimesV(veh_unit_normals_world[i], bodyToWorldRotation, veh_unit_normals_body[i]);
MatrixOps.MtimesV(veh_unit_normals_vantage[i], worldToVantageRotation, veh_unit_normals_world[i]);
// Render the triangle only if it's facing us.
double facing_angle = MatrixOps.VdotV(veh_unit_normals_vantage[i], LOS_vantage);
if ( (facing_angle > 0.0) && (facing_angle < Math.toRadians(90))) {
// Calculate the (diffuse) reflection intensity.
double neg_illumination_vector[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
MatrixOps.Vscale(neg_illumination_vector, illumination_vector, -1.0);
double diffuse_intensity = MatrixOps.VdotV(neg_illumination_vector, veh_unit_normals_world[i]);
if (diffuse_intensity < 0.0) diffuse_intensity = 0.0;
// The color intensity is a combination of ambiant light intensity,
// and diffuse reflection intensity.
double color_intensity = (ambiant + (1.0 - ambiant) * diffuse_intensity);
int CCR = (int) (veh_RGB[0] * color_intensity);
int CCG = (int) (veh_RGB[1] * color_intensity);
int CCB = (int) (veh_RGB[2] * color_intensity);
g2d.setPaint( new Color(CCR, CCG, CCB));
// Draw the triangle.
int triangle_poly_x[] = {0, 0, 0};
int triangle_poly_y[] = {0, 0, 0};
for (int j=0; j < 3; j++) {
triangle_poly_x[j] = veh_vrtx_screen[ veh_triangles[i][j] ][0];
triangle_poly_y[j] = veh_vrtx_screen[ veh_triangles[i][j] ][1];
g2d.fillPolygon(triangle_poly_x, triangle_poly_y, 3);
// Draw Wireframe Model
// g2d.setPaint( vehicleLineColor );
for (int i=0; i<veh_edges.length; i++) {
int point0[] = veh_vrtx_screen[ veh_edges[i][0] ];
int point1[] = veh_vrtx_screen[ veh_edges[i][1] ];
g2d.drawLine( point0[0], point0[1], point1[0], point1[1]);
// =============================
// Draw Center of Buoyancy Point
// =============================
int CB_screen[] = {0, 0};
int CB_symbol_size = 15;
worldToScreenPoint( CB_screen, centerOfBuoyancy);
@ -260,7 +377,7 @@ class CrewModuleView extends JPanel {
// ============================
// Draw Center of Gravity Point
// ============================
int CG_screen[] = {0, 0};
int CG_symbol_size = 15;
worldToScreenPoint( CG_screen, vehiclePos);
@ -270,24 +387,9 @@ class CrewModuleView extends JPanel {
g2d.fillArc( CG_screen[0]-CG_symbol_size/2, CG_screen[1]-CG_symbol_size/2, CG_symbol_size, CG_symbol_size, 0, 90 );
g2d.fillArc( CG_screen[0]-CG_symbol_size/2, CG_screen[1]-CG_symbol_size/2, CG_symbol_size, CG_symbol_size, 180, 90);
// ======================
// Draw Vehicle
// ======================
g2d.setPaint( vehicleColor);
for (int i=0; i<veh_vrtx_body.length ; i++) {
MatrixOps.MtimesV(veh_vrtx_world[i], bodyToWorldRotation, veh_vrtx_body[i]);
MatrixOps.VplusV(veh_vrtx_world[i], veh_vrtx_world[i], vehiclePos);
worldToScreenPoint (veh_vrtx_screen[i], veh_vrtx_world[i]);
for (int i=0; i<veh_edges.length; i++) {
int point0[] = veh_vrtx_screen[ veh_edges[i][0] ];
int point1[] = veh_vrtx_screen[ veh_edges[i][1] ];
g2d.drawLine( point0[0], point0[1], point1[0], point1[1]);
// ==========================
// Draw World Coordinate Axes
// ==========================
double origin_world[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
int origin_screen[] = {0, 0};
worldToScreenPoint( origin_screen, origin_world);
@ -86,19 +86,54 @@ public class MatrixOps {
public static void VplusV(double R[], double A[], double B[]) {
int A_rows = A.length;
int B_rows = B.length;
int R_rows = R.length;
if ((A_rows != B_rows) || (A_rows != R_rows)) {
System.out.println( "\n vector are wrong size.");
if ((A.length != B.length) || (A.length != R.length)) {
System.out.println( "\n MatrixOps::VplusV : Vectors are not the same size.");
for (int i=0; i<A_rows ; i++) {
for (int i=0; i<A.length ; i++) {
R[i] = A[i] + B[i];
public static double vector_magnitude (double V[]) {
public static void VminusV(double R[], double A[], double B[]) {
if ((A.length != B.length) || (A.length != R.length)) {
System.out.println( "\n MatrixOps::VminusV : Vectors are not the same size.");
for (int i=0; i<A.length ; i++) {
R[i] = A[i] - B[i];
public static void VcrossV(double R[], double A[], double B[]) {
if ((R.length != 3) || (A.length != 3) || (B.length != 3)) {
System.out.println( "\n MatrixOps::VcrossV : All vector args must be length 3.");
R[0] = A[1] * B[2] - A[2] * B[1];
R[1] = A[2] * B[0] - A[0] * B[2];
R[2] = A[0] * B[1] - A[1] * B[0];
public static double VdotV(double A[], double B[]) {
if (A.length != B.length) {
System.out.println( "\n MatrixOps::VdotV : Vectors are not the same size.");
return 0.0;
double R = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<A.length ; i++) {
R += A[i] * B[i];
return R;
public static void Vscale(double R[], double A[], double S) {
if (A.length != R.length) {
System.out.println( "\n MatrixOps::Vscale : Input and output vectors are not the same size.");
for (int i=0; i<A.length ; i++) {
R[i] = A[i] * S;
public static double Vmagnitude (double V[]) {
double S = 0;
for (int i =0; i < V.length ; i++) {
S += V[i]*V[i];
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