2.4 KiB

Debian and Ubuntu Support

  1. Overview
  2. Dependency Packages


Tahoe-LAFS is provided as a .deb package in current Debian (>= stretch) and Ubuntu (>= lucid) releases. Before official packages were added, the Tahoe source tree provided support for building unofficial packages for a variety of popular Debian/Ubuntu versions. The project also ran buildbots to create .debs of current trunk for ease of testing.

As of version 1.9, the source tree no longer provides these tools. To construct a .deb from current trunk, your best bet is to apply the current Debian diff from the latest upstream package and invoke the debian/rules as usual. Debian's standard apt-get tool can be used to fetch the current source package (including the Debian-specific diff): run "apt-get source tahoe-lafs". That will fetch three files: the .dsc control file, the main Tahoe tarball, and the Debian-specific .debian.tar.gz file. Just unpack the .debian.tar.gz file inside your Tahoe source tree, modify the version number in debian/changelog, then run "fakeroot ./debian/rules binary", and a new .deb will be placed in the parent directory.

Dependency Packages

Tahoe depends upon a number of additional libraries. When building Tahoe from source, any dependencies that are not already present in the environment will be downloaded (via pip and easy_install) and installed in the virtualenv.

The .deb packages, of course, rely solely upon other .deb packages. For reference, here is a list of the debian package names that provide Tahoe's dependencies as of the 1.9 release:

  • python
  • python-zfec
  • python-pycryptopp
  • python-foolscap
  • python-openssl (needed by foolscap)
  • python-twisted
  • python-nevow
  • python-mock
  • python-simplejson
  • python-setuptools
  • python-support (for Debian-specific install-time tools)

When building your own Debian packages, a convenient way to get all these dependencies installed is to first install the official "tahoe-lafs" package, then uninstall it, leaving the dependencies behind. You may also find it useful to run "apt-get build-dep tahoe-lafs" to make sure all the usual build-essential tools are installed.