* use correct fixed-width-font markup * fix hyperlinks to neighboring (github-side) .rst files * refer to python-2.7.11 consistently (thanks to PRab for the catch)
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Building Tahoe-LAFS on Windows
You'll need python
, pip
, and virtualenv
. But you won't need a compiler.
1: Install Python-2.7.11 . Use the "Windows x86-64 MSI installer" at https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2711/
2: That should install pip
, but if it doesn't, look at https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/ for installation instructions.
3: Install virtualenv
with https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/installation.html
1: Start a CLI shell
2: Create a new virtualenv. Everything specific to Tahoe will go into this. You can use whatever name you like for the virtualenv, but example uses "tahoe":
PS C:\Users\me> virtualenv tahoe
New python executable in C:\Users\me\tahoe\Scripts\python.exe
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
3: Activate the new virtualenv. This puts the virtualenv's Scripts
directory on your PATH, allowing you to run commands that are installed there. The command prompt will change to include (tahoe)
as a reminder that you've activated the "tahoe" virtualenv:
PS C:\Users\me> .\tahoe\Scripts\activate
(tahoe) PS C:\Users\me>
4: Use pip
to install the latest release of Tahoe-LAFS into this virtualenv:
(tahoe) PS C:\Users\me> pip install --find-links=https://tahoe-lafs.org/deps/ tahoe-lafs
Collecting tahoe-lafs
Installing collected packages: ...
Successfully installed ...
(tahoe) PS C:\Users\me>
5: Verify that Tahoe was installed correctly by running tahoe --version
(tahoe) PS C:\Users\me> tahoe --version
tahoe-lafs: 1.11
foolscap: ...
Running Tahoe-LAFS
The rest of the documentation assumes you can run the tahoe
executable just as you did in step 5 above. If you start a new shell (say, the next time your boot your computer), you'll need to re-activate the virtualenv as you did in step 3.
Now use the docs in running.rst to learn how to configure your first Tahoe node.
Installing A Different Version
The pip install tahoe-lafs
command above will install the latest release (from PyPI). If instead, you want to install from a git checkout, then run the following command (in an activated virtualenv, from the root of your git checkout):
$ (tahoe) pip install --find-links=https://tahoe-lafs.org/deps/ .
If you're planning to hack on the source code, you might want to add --editable
so you won't have to re-install each time you make a change.
Tahoe-LAFS depends upon several packages that use compiled C code, such as zfec, pycryptopp, and others. This code must be built separately for each platform (Windows, OS-X, and different flavors of Linux).
Pre-compiled "wheels" of all Tahoe's dependencies are hosted on the tahoe-lafs.org website in the deps/
directory. The --find-links=
argument (used in the examples above) instructs pip
to look at that URL for dependencies. This should avoid the need for anything to be compiled during the install.