2008-03-05 14:59:56 -07:00
2008-04-14 14:17:08 -07:00
import time, pprint
2008-03-27 16:46:08 -07:00
import simplejson
2008-03-05 14:59:56 -07:00
from twisted.internet import defer
2008-03-27 16:46:08 -07:00
from nevow import rend, inevow, tags as T
2008-03-05 14:59:56 -07:00
from allmydata.util import base32, idlib
2008-03-06 21:16:38 -07:00
from allmydata.web.common import IClient, getxmlfile, abbreviate_time, \
2008-04-14 14:17:08 -07:00
abbreviate_rate, abbreviate_size, get_arg
2008-03-05 14:59:56 -07:00
from allmydata.interfaces import IUploadStatus, IDownloadStatus, \
IPublishStatus, IRetrieveStatus
def plural(sequence_or_length):
if isinstance(sequence_or_length, int):
length = sequence_or_length
length = len(sequence_or_length)
if length == 1:
return ""
return "s"
class RateAndTimeMixin:
def render_time(self, ctx, data):
2008-03-06 21:16:38 -07:00
return abbreviate_time(data)
2008-03-05 14:59:56 -07:00
def render_rate(self, ctx, data):
2008-03-06 21:16:38 -07:00
return abbreviate_rate(data)
2008-03-05 14:59:56 -07:00
class UploadResultsRendererMixin(RateAndTimeMixin):
# this requires a method named 'upload_results'
2008-03-05 19:51:51 -07:00
def render_pushed_shares(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.pushed_shares)
return d
def render_preexisting_shares(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.preexisting_shares)
return d
2008-03-05 14:59:56 -07:00
def render_sharemap(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.sharemap)
def _render(sharemap):
if sharemap is None:
return "None"
l = T.ul()
for shnum in sorted(sharemap.keys()):
l[T.li["%d -> %s" % (shnum, sharemap[shnum])]]
return l
return d
def render_servermap(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.servermap)
def _render(servermap):
if servermap is None:
return "None"
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(servermap.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
shares_s = ",".join(["#%d" % shnum
for shnum in servermap[peerid]])
l[T.li["[%s] got share%s: %s" % (peerid_s,
return l
return d
def data_file_size(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.file_size)
return d
def _get_time(self, name):
d = self.upload_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.timings.get(name))
return d
def data_time_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("total")
def data_time_storage_index(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("storage_index")
def data_time_contacting_helper(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("contacting_helper")
def data_time_existence_check(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("existence_check")
def data_time_cumulative_fetch(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_fetch")
def data_time_helper_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("helper_total")
def data_time_peer_selection(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("peer_selection")
def data_time_total_encode_and_push(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("total_encode_and_push")
def data_time_cumulative_encoding(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_encoding")
def data_time_cumulative_sending(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_sending")
def data_time_hashes_and_close(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("hashes_and_close")
def _get_rate(self, name):
d = self.upload_results()
def _convert(r):
file_size = r.file_size
time = r.timings.get(name)
if time is None:
return None
return 1.0 * file_size / time
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
return d
def data_rate_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("total")
def data_rate_storage_index(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("storage_index")
def data_rate_encode(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("cumulative_encoding")
def data_rate_push(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("cumulative_sending")
def data_rate_encode_and_push(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
def _convert(r):
file_size = r.file_size
if file_size is None:
return None
time1 = r.timings.get("cumulative_encoding")
if time1 is None:
return None
time2 = r.timings.get("cumulative_sending")
if time2 is None:
return None
return 1.0 * file_size / (time1+time2)
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
return d
def data_rate_ciphertext_fetch(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
def _convert(r):
fetch_size = r.ciphertext_fetched
if fetch_size is None:
return None
time = r.timings.get("cumulative_fetch")
if time is None:
return None
return 1.0 * fetch_size / time
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
return d
class UploadStatusPage(UploadResultsRendererMixin, rend.Page):
docFactory = getxmlfile("upload-status.xhtml")
def __init__(self, data):
rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
self.upload_status = data
def upload_results(self):
return defer.maybeDeferred(self.upload_status.get_results)
def render_results(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
def _got_results(results):
if results:
return ctx.tag
return ""
return d
def render_started(self, ctx, data):
TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
return started_s
def render_si(self, ctx, data):
si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
if si_s is None:
si_s = "(None)"
return si_s
def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
return {True: "Yes",
False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]
def render_total_size(self, ctx, data):
size = data.get_size()
if size is None:
size = "(unknown)"
return size
def render_progress_hash(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()[0]
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_progress_ciphertext(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()[1]
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_progress_encode_push(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()[2]
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_status(self, ctx, data):
return data.get_status()
class DownloadResultsRendererMixin(RateAndTimeMixin):
# this requires a method named 'download_results'
def render_servermap(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.servermap)
def _render(servermap):
if servermap is None:
return "None"
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(servermap.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
shares_s = ",".join(["#%d" % shnum
for shnum in servermap[peerid]])
l[T.li["[%s] has share%s: %s" % (peerid_s,
return l
return d
def render_servers_used(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.servers_used)
def _got(servers_used):
if not servers_used:
return ""
peerids_s = ", ".join(["[%s]" % idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
for peerid in servers_used])
return T.li["Servers Used: ", peerids_s]
return d
def render_problems(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.server_problems)
def _got(server_problems):
if not server_problems:
return ""
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(server_problems.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, server_problems[peerid])]]
return T.li["Server Problems:", l]
return d
def data_file_size(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.file_size)
return d
def _get_time(self, name):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.timings.get(name))
return d
def data_time_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("total")
def data_time_peer_selection(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("peer_selection")
def data_time_uri_extension(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("uri_extension")
def data_time_hashtrees(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("hashtrees")
def data_time_segments(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("segments")
def data_time_cumulative_fetch(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_fetch")
def data_time_cumulative_decode(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_decode")
def data_time_cumulative_decrypt(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_decrypt")
def _get_rate(self, name):
d = self.download_results()
def _convert(r):
file_size = r.file_size
time = r.timings.get(name)
if time is None:
return None
return 1.0 * file_size / time
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
return d
def data_rate_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("total")
def data_rate_segments(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("segments")
def data_rate_fetch(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("cumulative_fetch")
def data_rate_decode(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("cumulative_decode")
def data_rate_decrypt(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("cumulative_decrypt")
def render_server_timings(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.timings.get("fetch_per_server"))
def _render(per_server):
if per_server is None:
return ""
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(per_server.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
times_s = ", ".join([self.render_time(None, t)
for t in per_server[peerid]])
l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, times_s)]]
return T.li["Per-Server Segment Fetch Response Times: ", l]
return d
class DownloadStatusPage(DownloadResultsRendererMixin, rend.Page):
docFactory = getxmlfile("download-status.xhtml")
def __init__(self, data):
rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
self.download_status = data
def download_results(self):
return defer.maybeDeferred(self.download_status.get_results)
def render_results(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
def _got_results(results):
if results:
return ctx.tag
return ""
return d
def render_started(self, ctx, data):
TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
return started_s
def render_si(self, ctx, data):
si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
if si_s is None:
si_s = "(None)"
return si_s
def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
return {True: "Yes",
False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]
def render_total_size(self, ctx, data):
size = data.get_size()
if size is None:
size = "(unknown)"
return size
def render_progress(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_status(self, ctx, data):
return data.get_status()
class RetrieveStatusPage(rend.Page, RateAndTimeMixin):
docFactory = getxmlfile("retrieve-status.xhtml")
def __init__(self, data):
rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
self.retrieve_status = data
def render_started(self, ctx, data):
TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
return started_s
def render_si(self, ctx, data):
si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
if si_s is None:
si_s = "(None)"
return si_s
def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
return {True: "Yes",
False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]
def render_current_size(self, ctx, data):
size = data.get_size()
if size is None:
size = "(unknown)"
return size
def render_progress(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_status(self, ctx, data):
return data.get_status()
def render_encoding(self, ctx, data):
k, n = data.get_encoding()
return ctx.tag["Encoding: %s of %s" % (k, n)]
def render_search_distance(self, ctx, data):
d = data.get_search_distance()
return ctx.tag["Search Distance: %s peer%s" % (d, plural(d))]
def render_problems(self, ctx, data):
problems = data.problems
if not problems:
return ""
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(problems.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, problems[peerid])]]
return ctx.tag["Server Problems:", l]
def _get_rate(self, data, name):
file_size = self.retrieve_status.get_size()
time = self.retrieve_status.timings.get(name)
2008-03-17 13:31:10 -07:00
if time is None or file_size is None:
2008-03-05 14:59:56 -07:00
return None
return 1.0 * file_size / time
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
def data_time_total(self, ctx, data):
return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("total")
def data_rate_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "total")
def data_time_peer_selection(self, ctx, data):
return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("peer_selection")
def data_time_fetch(self, ctx, data):
return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("fetch")
def data_rate_fetch(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "fetch")
2008-03-05 18:41:10 -07:00
def data_time_cumulative_verify(self, ctx, data):
return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("cumulative_verify")
2008-03-05 14:59:56 -07:00
def data_time_decode(self, ctx, data):
return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("decode")
def data_rate_decode(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "decode")
def data_time_decrypt(self, ctx, data):
return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("decrypt")
def data_rate_decrypt(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "decrypt")
def render_server_timings(self, ctx, data):
per_server = self.retrieve_status.timings.get("fetch_per_server")
if not per_server:
return ""
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(per_server.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
times_s = ", ".join([self.render_time(None, t)
for t in per_server[peerid]])
l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, times_s)]]
return T.li["Per-Server Fetch Response Times: ", l]
2008-03-05 18:41:10 -07:00
class PublishStatusPage(rend.Page, RateAndTimeMixin):
2008-03-05 14:59:56 -07:00
docFactory = getxmlfile("publish-status.xhtml")
2008-03-05 18:41:10 -07:00
def __init__(self, data):
rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
self.publish_status = data
2008-03-05 14:59:56 -07:00
def render_started(self, ctx, data):
TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
return started_s
def render_si(self, ctx, data):
si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
if si_s is None:
si_s = "(None)"
return si_s
def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
return {True: "Yes",
False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]
def render_current_size(self, ctx, data):
size = data.get_size()
if size is None:
size = "(unknown)"
return size
def render_progress(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_status(self, ctx, data):
return data.get_status()
2008-03-05 18:41:10 -07:00
def render_encoding(self, ctx, data):
k, n = data.get_encoding()
return ctx.tag["Encoding: %s of %s" % (k, n)]
def render_peers_queried(self, ctx, data):
return ctx.tag["Peers Queried: ", data.peers_queried]
def render_sharemap(self, ctx, data):
sharemap = data.sharemap
if sharemap is None:
return ctx.tag["None"]
l = T.ul()
for shnum in sorted(sharemap.keys()):
l[T.li["%d -> Placed on " % shnum,
", ".join(["[%s]" % idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
for (peerid,seqnum,root_hash)
in sharemap[shnum]])]]
return ctx.tag["Sharemap:", l]
def render_problems(self, ctx, data):
problems = data.problems
if not problems:
return ""
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(problems.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, problems[peerid])]]
return ctx.tag["Server Problems:", l]
def _get_rate(self, data, name):
file_size = self.publish_status.get_size()
time = self.publish_status.timings.get(name)
if time is None:
return None
return 1.0 * file_size / time
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
def data_time_total(self, ctx, data):
return self.publish_status.timings.get("total")
def data_rate_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "total")
def data_time_setup(self, ctx, data):
return self.publish_status.timings.get("setup")
def data_time_query(self, ctx, data):
return self.publish_status.timings.get("query")
def data_time_privkey(self, ctx, data):
return self.publish_status.timings.get("privkey")
def data_time_privkey_fetch(self, ctx, data):
return self.publish_status.timings.get("privkey_fetch")
def render_privkey_from(self, ctx, data):
peerid = data.privkey_from
if peerid:
return " (got from [%s])" % idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
return ""
def data_time_encrypt(self, ctx, data):
return self.publish_status.timings.get("encrypt")
def data_rate_encrypt(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "encrypt")
def data_time_encode(self, ctx, data):
return self.publish_status.timings.get("encode")
def data_rate_encode(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "encode")
def data_time_pack(self, ctx, data):
return self.publish_status.timings.get("pack")
def data_rate_pack(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "pack")
def data_time_sign(self, ctx, data):
return self.publish_status.timings.get("sign")
def data_time_push(self, ctx, data):
return self.publish_status.timings.get("push")
def data_rate_push(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "push")
def data_initial_read_size(self, ctx, data):
return self.publish_status.initial_read_size
def render_server_timings(self, ctx, data):
per_server = self.publish_status.timings.get("per_server")
if not per_server:
return ""
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(per_server.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
times = []
for op,t in per_server[peerid]:
if op == "read":
times.append( "(" + self.render_time(None, t) + ")" )
times.append( self.render_time(None, t) )
times_s = ", ".join(times)
l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, times_s)]]
return T.li["Per-Server Response Times: ", l]
2008-03-05 14:59:56 -07:00
class Status(rend.Page):
docFactory = getxmlfile("status.xhtml")
addSlash = True
def data_active_operations(self, ctx, data):
active = (IClient(ctx).list_active_uploads() +
IClient(ctx).list_active_downloads() +
IClient(ctx).list_active_publish() +
return active
def data_recent_operations(self, ctx, data):
recent = [o for o in (IClient(ctx).list_recent_uploads() +
IClient(ctx).list_recent_downloads() +
IClient(ctx).list_recent_publish() +
if not o.get_active()]
recent.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a.get_started(), b.get_started()))
return recent
def render_row(self, ctx, data):
s = data
TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
ctx.fillSlots("started", started_s)
si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(s.get_storage_index())
if si_s is None:
si_s = "(None)"
ctx.fillSlots("si", si_s)
ctx.fillSlots("helper", {True: "Yes",
False: "No"}[s.using_helper()])
size = s.get_size()
if size is None:
size = "(unknown)"
ctx.fillSlots("total_size", size)
progress = data.get_progress()
if IUploadStatus.providedBy(data):
link = "up-%d" % data.get_counter()
ctx.fillSlots("type", "upload")
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
(chk, ciphertext, encandpush) = progress
progress_s = ("hash: %.1f%%, ciphertext: %.1f%%, encode: %.1f%%" %
( (100.0 * chk),
(100.0 * ciphertext),
(100.0 * encandpush) ))
ctx.fillSlots("progress", progress_s)
elif IDownloadStatus.providedBy(data):
link = "down-%d" % data.get_counter()
ctx.fillSlots("type", "download")
ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
elif IPublishStatus.providedBy(data):
link = "publish-%d" % data.get_counter()
ctx.fillSlots("type", "publish")
ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
assert IRetrieveStatus.providedBy(data)
ctx.fillSlots("type", "retrieve")
link = "retrieve-%d" % data.get_counter()
ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
ctx.fillSlots("status", T.a(href=link)[s.get_status()])
return ctx.tag
def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
client = IClient(ctx)
stype,count_s = name.split("-")
count = int(count_s)
if stype == "up":
for s in client.list_recent_uploads():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return UploadStatusPage(s)
2008-03-26 18:20:07 -07:00
for u in client.list_all_uploads():
# u is an uploader object
s = u.get_upload_status()
2008-03-05 14:59:56 -07:00
if s.get_counter() == count:
return UploadStatusPage(s)
if stype == "down":
for s in client.list_recent_downloads():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return DownloadStatusPage(s)
2008-03-26 18:20:07 -07:00
for d in client.list_all_downloads():
s = d.get_download_status()
2008-03-05 14:59:56 -07:00
if s.get_counter() == count:
return DownloadStatusPage(s)
if stype == "publish":
for s in client.list_recent_publish():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return PublishStatusPage(s)
2008-03-26 18:20:07 -07:00
for p in client.list_all_publish():
s = p.get_status()
2008-03-05 14:59:56 -07:00
if s.get_counter() == count:
return PublishStatusPage(s)
if stype == "retrieve":
for s in client.list_recent_retrieve():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return RetrieveStatusPage(s)
2008-03-26 18:20:07 -07:00
for r in client.list_all_retrieve():
s = r.get_status()
2008-03-05 14:59:56 -07:00
if s.get_counter() == count:
return RetrieveStatusPage(s)
2008-03-27 16:46:08 -07:00
class HelperStatus(rend.Page):
docFactory = getxmlfile("helper.xhtml")
def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
t = get_arg(inevow.IRequest(ctx), "t")
if t == "json":
return self.render_JSON(ctx)
# is there a better way to provide 'data' to all rendering methods?
helper = IClient(ctx).getServiceNamed("helper")
2008-04-14 13:18:53 -07:00
self.original = helper.get_stats()
2008-03-27 16:46:08 -07:00
return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)
def render_JSON(self, ctx):
h = IClient(ctx).getServiceNamed("helper")
except KeyError:
return simplejson.dumps({})
2008-04-14 13:18:53 -07:00
stats = h.get_stats()
2008-03-27 16:46:08 -07:00
return simplejson.dumps(stats, indent=1)
def render_active_uploads(self, ctx, data):
2008-04-14 13:18:53 -07:00
return data["chk_upload_helper.active_uploads"]
2008-03-27 16:46:08 -07:00
def render_incoming(self, ctx, data):
2008-04-14 13:18:53 -07:00
return "%d bytes in %d files" % (data["chk_upload_helper.incoming_size"],
2008-03-27 16:46:08 -07:00
def render_encoding(self, ctx, data):
2008-04-14 13:18:53 -07:00
return "%d bytes in %d files" % (data["chk_upload_helper.encoding_size"],
2008-03-27 16:46:08 -07:00
def render_upload_requests(self, ctx, data):
2008-04-14 13:18:53 -07:00
return str(data["chk_upload_helper.upload_requests"])
2008-03-27 16:46:08 -07:00
def render_upload_already_present(self, ctx, data):
2008-04-14 13:18:53 -07:00
return str(data["chk_upload_helper.upload_already_present"])
2008-03-27 16:46:08 -07:00
def render_upload_need_upload(self, ctx, data):
2008-04-14 13:18:53 -07:00
return str(data["chk_upload_helper.upload_need_upload"])
2008-03-27 16:46:08 -07:00
def render_upload_bytes_fetched(self, ctx, data):
2008-04-14 13:18:53 -07:00
return str(data["chk_upload_helper.fetched_bytes"])
2008-03-27 16:46:08 -07:00
def render_upload_bytes_encoded(self, ctx, data):
2008-04-14 13:18:53 -07:00
return str(data["chk_upload_helper.encoded_bytes"])
2008-03-27 16:46:08 -07:00
2008-04-14 14:17:08 -07:00
class Statistics(rend.Page):
docFactory = getxmlfile("statistics.xhtml")
def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
provider = IClient(ctx).stats_provider
stats = {'stats': {}, 'counters': {}}
if provider:
stats = provider.get_stats()
t = get_arg(inevow.IRequest(ctx), "t")
if t == "json":
return simplejson.dumps(stats, indent=1)
# is there a better way to provide 'data' to all rendering methods?
self.original = stats
return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)
def render_load_average(self, ctx, data):
return str(data["stats"].get("load_monitor.avg_load"))
def render_peak_load(self, ctx, data):
return str(data["stats"].get("load_monitor.max_load"))
def render_uploads(self, ctx, data):
files = data["counters"].get("uploader.files_uploaded")
bytes = data["counters"].get("uploader.bytes_uploaded")
return ("%s files / %s bytes (%s)" %
(files, bytes, abbreviate_size(bytes)))
def render_downloads(self, ctx, data):
files = data["counters"].get("downloader.files_uploaded")
bytes = data["counters"].get("downloader.bytes_uploaded")
return ("%s files / %s bytes (%s)" %
(files, bytes, abbreviate_size(bytes)))
def render_publishes(self, ctx, data):
files = data["counters"].get("mutable.files_published")
return "%s files" % (files,)
def render_retrieves(self, ctx, data):
files = data["counters"].get("mutable.files_retrieved")
return "%s files" % (files,)
def render_raw(self, ctx, data):
raw = pprint.pformat(data)
return ctx.tag[raw]