mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 02:01:31 +00:00
webish: this file is too big, start breaking it into pieces, beginning with status
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.web import client, error, http
from twisted.python import failure, log
from allmydata import interfaces, provisioning, uri, webish, upload, download
from allmydata.web import status
from allmydata.util import fileutil
from allmydata.test.common import FakeDirectoryNode, FakeCHKFileNode, FakeMutableFileNode, create_chk_filenode
from allmydata.interfaces import IURI, INewDirectoryURI, IReadonlyNewDirectoryURI, IFileURI, IMutableFileURI, IMutableFileNode
@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ class Web(WebMixin, unittest.TestCase):
return d
def test_status_numbers(self):
drrm = webish.DownloadResultsRendererMixin()
drrm = status.DownloadResultsRendererMixin()
self.failUnlessEqual(drrm.render_time(None, None), "")
self.failUnlessEqual(drrm.render_time(None, 2.5), "2.50s")
self.failUnlessEqual(drrm.render_time(None, 0.25), "250ms")
@ -426,7 +427,7 @@ class Web(WebMixin, unittest.TestCase):
self.failUnlessEqual(drrm.render_rate(None, 30100), "30.1kBps")
self.failUnlessEqual(drrm.render_rate(None, 123), "123Bps")
urrm = webish.UploadResultsRendererMixin()
urrm = status.UploadResultsRendererMixin()
self.failUnlessEqual(urrm.render_time(None, None), "")
self.failUnlessEqual(urrm.render_time(None, 2.5), "2.50s")
self.failUnlessEqual(urrm.render_time(None, 0.25), "250ms")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
from zope.interface import Interface
class IClient(Interface):
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
import time
from twisted.internet import defer
from nevow import rend, loaders, tags as T
from nevow.util import resource_filename
from allmydata.util import base32, idlib
from allmydata.web.common import IClient
from allmydata.interfaces import IUploadStatus, IDownloadStatus, \
IPublishStatus, IRetrieveStatus
def getxmlfile(name):
return loaders.xmlfile(resource_filename('allmydata.web', '%s' % name))
def plural(sequence_or_length):
if isinstance(sequence_or_length, int):
length = sequence_or_length
length = len(sequence_or_length)
if length == 1:
return ""
return "s"
class RateAndTimeMixin:
def render_time(self, ctx, data):
# 1.23s, 790ms, 132us
if data is None:
return ""
s = float(data)
if s >= 1.0:
return "%.2fs" % s
if s >= 0.01:
return "%dms" % (1000*s)
if s >= 0.001:
return "%.1fms" % (1000*s)
return "%dus" % (1000000*s)
def render_rate(self, ctx, data):
# 21.8kBps, 554.4kBps 4.37MBps
if data is None:
return ""
r = float(data)
if r > 1000000:
return "%1.2fMBps" % (r/1000000)
if r > 1000:
return "%.1fkBps" % (r/1000)
return "%dBps" % r
class UploadResultsRendererMixin(RateAndTimeMixin):
# this requires a method named 'upload_results'
def render_sharemap(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.sharemap)
def _render(sharemap):
if sharemap is None:
return "None"
l = T.ul()
for shnum in sorted(sharemap.keys()):
l[T.li["%d -> %s" % (shnum, sharemap[shnum])]]
return l
return d
def render_servermap(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.servermap)
def _render(servermap):
if servermap is None:
return "None"
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(servermap.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
shares_s = ",".join(["#%d" % shnum
for shnum in servermap[peerid]])
l[T.li["[%s] got share%s: %s" % (peerid_s,
return l
return d
def data_file_size(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.file_size)
return d
def _get_time(self, name):
d = self.upload_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.timings.get(name))
return d
def data_time_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("total")
def data_time_storage_index(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("storage_index")
def data_time_contacting_helper(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("contacting_helper")
def data_time_existence_check(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("existence_check")
def data_time_cumulative_fetch(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_fetch")
def data_time_helper_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("helper_total")
def data_time_peer_selection(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("peer_selection")
def data_time_total_encode_and_push(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("total_encode_and_push")
def data_time_cumulative_encoding(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_encoding")
def data_time_cumulative_sending(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_sending")
def data_time_hashes_and_close(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("hashes_and_close")
def _get_rate(self, name):
d = self.upload_results()
def _convert(r):
file_size = r.file_size
time = r.timings.get(name)
if time is None:
return None
return 1.0 * file_size / time
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
return d
def data_rate_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("total")
def data_rate_storage_index(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("storage_index")
def data_rate_encode(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("cumulative_encoding")
def data_rate_push(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("cumulative_sending")
def data_rate_encode_and_push(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
def _convert(r):
file_size = r.file_size
if file_size is None:
return None
time1 = r.timings.get("cumulative_encoding")
if time1 is None:
return None
time2 = r.timings.get("cumulative_sending")
if time2 is None:
return None
return 1.0 * file_size / (time1+time2)
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
return d
def data_rate_ciphertext_fetch(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
def _convert(r):
fetch_size = r.ciphertext_fetched
if fetch_size is None:
return None
time = r.timings.get("cumulative_fetch")
if time is None:
return None
return 1.0 * fetch_size / time
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
return d
class UploadStatusPage(UploadResultsRendererMixin, rend.Page):
docFactory = getxmlfile("upload-status.xhtml")
def __init__(self, data):
rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
self.upload_status = data
def upload_results(self):
return defer.maybeDeferred(self.upload_status.get_results)
def render_results(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
def _got_results(results):
if results:
return ctx.tag
return ""
return d
def render_started(self, ctx, data):
TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
return started_s
def render_si(self, ctx, data):
si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
if si_s is None:
si_s = "(None)"
return si_s
def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
return {True: "Yes",
False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]
def render_total_size(self, ctx, data):
size = data.get_size()
if size is None:
size = "(unknown)"
return size
def render_progress_hash(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()[0]
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_progress_ciphertext(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()[1]
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_progress_encode_push(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()[2]
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_status(self, ctx, data):
return data.get_status()
class DownloadResultsRendererMixin(RateAndTimeMixin):
# this requires a method named 'download_results'
def render_servermap(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.servermap)
def _render(servermap):
if servermap is None:
return "None"
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(servermap.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
shares_s = ",".join(["#%d" % shnum
for shnum in servermap[peerid]])
l[T.li["[%s] has share%s: %s" % (peerid_s,
return l
return d
def render_servers_used(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.servers_used)
def _got(servers_used):
if not servers_used:
return ""
peerids_s = ", ".join(["[%s]" % idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
for peerid in servers_used])
return T.li["Servers Used: ", peerids_s]
return d
def render_problems(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.server_problems)
def _got(server_problems):
if not server_problems:
return ""
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(server_problems.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, server_problems[peerid])]]
return T.li["Server Problems:", l]
return d
def data_file_size(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.file_size)
return d
def _get_time(self, name):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.timings.get(name))
return d
def data_time_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("total")
def data_time_peer_selection(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("peer_selection")
def data_time_uri_extension(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("uri_extension")
def data_time_hashtrees(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("hashtrees")
def data_time_segments(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("segments")
def data_time_cumulative_fetch(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_fetch")
def data_time_cumulative_decode(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_decode")
def data_time_cumulative_decrypt(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_decrypt")
def _get_rate(self, name):
d = self.download_results()
def _convert(r):
file_size = r.file_size
time = r.timings.get(name)
if time is None:
return None
return 1.0 * file_size / time
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
return d
def data_rate_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("total")
def data_rate_segments(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("segments")
def data_rate_fetch(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("cumulative_fetch")
def data_rate_decode(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("cumulative_decode")
def data_rate_decrypt(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("cumulative_decrypt")
def render_server_timings(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.timings.get("fetch_per_server"))
def _render(per_server):
if per_server is None:
return ""
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(per_server.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
times_s = ", ".join([self.render_time(None, t)
for t in per_server[peerid]])
l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, times_s)]]
return T.li["Per-Server Segment Fetch Response Times: ", l]
return d
class DownloadStatusPage(DownloadResultsRendererMixin, rend.Page):
docFactory = getxmlfile("download-status.xhtml")
def __init__(self, data):
rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
self.download_status = data
def download_results(self):
return defer.maybeDeferred(self.download_status.get_results)
def render_results(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
def _got_results(results):
if results:
return ctx.tag
return ""
return d
def render_started(self, ctx, data):
TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
return started_s
def render_si(self, ctx, data):
si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
if si_s is None:
si_s = "(None)"
return si_s
def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
return {True: "Yes",
False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]
def render_total_size(self, ctx, data):
size = data.get_size()
if size is None:
size = "(unknown)"
return size
def render_progress(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_status(self, ctx, data):
return data.get_status()
class RetrieveStatusPage(rend.Page, RateAndTimeMixin):
docFactory = getxmlfile("retrieve-status.xhtml")
def __init__(self, data):
rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
self.retrieve_status = data
def render_started(self, ctx, data):
TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
return started_s
def render_si(self, ctx, data):
si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
if si_s is None:
si_s = "(None)"
return si_s
def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
return {True: "Yes",
False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]
def render_current_size(self, ctx, data):
size = data.get_size()
if size is None:
size = "(unknown)"
return size
def render_progress(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_status(self, ctx, data):
return data.get_status()
def render_encoding(self, ctx, data):
k, n = data.get_encoding()
return ctx.tag["Encoding: %s of %s" % (k, n)]
def render_search_distance(self, ctx, data):
d = data.get_search_distance()
return ctx.tag["Search Distance: %s peer%s" % (d, plural(d))]
def render_problems(self, ctx, data):
problems = data.problems
if not problems:
return ""
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(problems.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, problems[peerid])]]
return ctx.tag["Server Problems:", l]
def _get_rate(self, data, name):
file_size = self.retrieve_status.get_size()
time = self.retrieve_status.timings.get(name)
if time is None:
return None
return 1.0 * file_size / time
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
def data_time_total(self, ctx, data):
return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("total")
def data_rate_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "total")
def data_time_peer_selection(self, ctx, data):
return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("peer_selection")
def data_time_fetch(self, ctx, data):
return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("fetch")
def data_rate_fetch(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "fetch")
def data_time_decode(self, ctx, data):
return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("decode")
def data_rate_decode(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "decode")
def data_time_decrypt(self, ctx, data):
return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("decrypt")
def data_rate_decrypt(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "decrypt")
def render_server_timings(self, ctx, data):
per_server = self.retrieve_status.timings.get("fetch_per_server")
if not per_server:
return ""
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(per_server.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
times_s = ", ".join([self.render_time(None, t)
for t in per_server[peerid]])
l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, times_s)]]
return T.li["Per-Server Fetch Response Times: ", l]
class PublishStatusPage(rend.Page):
docFactory = getxmlfile("publish-status.xhtml")
def render_started(self, ctx, data):
TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
return started_s
def render_si(self, ctx, data):
si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
if si_s is None:
si_s = "(None)"
return si_s
def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
return {True: "Yes",
False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]
def render_current_size(self, ctx, data):
size = data.get_size()
if size is None:
size = "(unknown)"
return size
def render_progress(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_status(self, ctx, data):
return data.get_status()
class Status(rend.Page):
docFactory = getxmlfile("status.xhtml")
addSlash = True
def data_active_operations(self, ctx, data):
active = (IClient(ctx).list_active_uploads() +
IClient(ctx).list_active_downloads() +
IClient(ctx).list_active_publish() +
return active
def data_recent_operations(self, ctx, data):
recent = [o for o in (IClient(ctx).list_recent_uploads() +
IClient(ctx).list_recent_downloads() +
IClient(ctx).list_recent_publish() +
if not o.get_active()]
recent.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a.get_started(), b.get_started()))
return recent
def render_row(self, ctx, data):
s = data
TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
ctx.fillSlots("started", started_s)
si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(s.get_storage_index())
if si_s is None:
si_s = "(None)"
ctx.fillSlots("si", si_s)
ctx.fillSlots("helper", {True: "Yes",
False: "No"}[s.using_helper()])
size = s.get_size()
if size is None:
size = "(unknown)"
ctx.fillSlots("total_size", size)
progress = data.get_progress()
if IUploadStatus.providedBy(data):
link = "up-%d" % data.get_counter()
ctx.fillSlots("type", "upload")
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
(chk, ciphertext, encandpush) = progress
progress_s = ("hash: %.1f%%, ciphertext: %.1f%%, encode: %.1f%%" %
( (100.0 * chk),
(100.0 * ciphertext),
(100.0 * encandpush) ))
ctx.fillSlots("progress", progress_s)
elif IDownloadStatus.providedBy(data):
link = "down-%d" % data.get_counter()
ctx.fillSlots("type", "download")
ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
elif IPublishStatus.providedBy(data):
link = "publish-%d" % data.get_counter()
ctx.fillSlots("type", "publish")
ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
assert IRetrieveStatus.providedBy(data)
ctx.fillSlots("type", "retrieve")
link = "retrieve-%d" % data.get_counter()
ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
ctx.fillSlots("status", T.a(href=link)[s.get_status()])
return ctx.tag
def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
client = IClient(ctx)
stype,count_s = name.split("-")
count = int(count_s)
if stype == "up":
for s in client.list_recent_uploads():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return UploadStatusPage(s)
for s in client.list_all_uploads():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return UploadStatusPage(s)
if stype == "down":
for s in client.list_recent_downloads():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return DownloadStatusPage(s)
for s in client.list_all_downloads():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return DownloadStatusPage(s)
if stype == "publish":
for s in client.list_recent_publish():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return PublishStatusPage(s)
for s in client.list_all_publish():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return PublishStatusPage(s)
if stype == "retrieve":
for s in client.list_recent_retrieve():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return RetrieveStatusPage(s)
for s in client.list_all_retrieve():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return RetrieveStatusPage(s)
@ -6,11 +6,10 @@ from twisted.internet import defer, address
from twisted.internet.interfaces import IConsumer
from nevow import inevow, rend, loaders, appserver, url, tags as T
from nevow.static import File as nevow_File # TODO: merge with static.File?
from allmydata.util import base32, fileutil, idlib, observer, log
from allmydata.util import fileutil, idlib, observer, log
import simplejson
from allmydata.interfaces import IDownloadTarget, IDirectoryNode, IFileNode, \
IMutableFileNode, IUploadStatus, IDownloadStatus, IPublishStatus, \
import allmydata # to display import path
from allmydata import download
from allmydata.upload import FileHandle, FileName
@ -23,11 +22,12 @@ from foolscap.eventual import fireEventually
from nevow.util import resource_filename
from allmydata.web import status
from allmydata.web.common import IClient
def getxmlfile(name):
return loaders.xmlfile(resource_filename('allmydata.web', '%s' % name))
class IClient(Interface):
class ILocalAccess(Interface):
def local_access_is_allowed():
"""Return True if t=upload&localdir= is allowed, giving anyone who
@ -1373,180 +1373,7 @@ class UnlinkedPUTCreateDirectory(rend.Page):
# XXX add redirect_to_result
return d
def plural(sequence_or_length):
if isinstance(sequence_or_length, int):
length = sequence_or_length
length = len(sequence_or_length)
if length == 1:
return ""
return "s"
class RateAndTimeMixin:
def render_time(self, ctx, data):
# 1.23s, 790ms, 132us
if data is None:
return ""
s = float(data)
if s >= 1.0:
return "%.2fs" % s
if s >= 0.01:
return "%dms" % (1000*s)
if s >= 0.001:
return "%.1fms" % (1000*s)
return "%dus" % (1000000*s)
def render_rate(self, ctx, data):
# 21.8kBps, 554.4kBps 4.37MBps
if data is None:
return ""
r = float(data)
if r > 1000000:
return "%1.2fMBps" % (r/1000000)
if r > 1000:
return "%.1fkBps" % (r/1000)
return "%dBps" % r
class UploadResultsRendererMixin(RateAndTimeMixin):
# this requires a method named 'upload_results'
def render_sharemap(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.sharemap)
def _render(sharemap):
if sharemap is None:
return "None"
l = T.ul()
for shnum in sorted(sharemap.keys()):
l[T.li["%d -> %s" % (shnum, sharemap[shnum])]]
return l
return d
def render_servermap(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.servermap)
def _render(servermap):
if servermap is None:
return "None"
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(servermap.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
shares_s = ",".join(["#%d" % shnum
for shnum in servermap[peerid]])
l[T.li["[%s] got share%s: %s" % (peerid_s,
return l
return d
def data_file_size(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.file_size)
return d
def _get_time(self, name):
d = self.upload_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.timings.get(name))
return d
def data_time_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("total")
def data_time_storage_index(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("storage_index")
def data_time_contacting_helper(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("contacting_helper")
def data_time_existence_check(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("existence_check")
def data_time_cumulative_fetch(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_fetch")
def data_time_helper_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("helper_total")
def data_time_peer_selection(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("peer_selection")
def data_time_total_encode_and_push(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("total_encode_and_push")
def data_time_cumulative_encoding(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_encoding")
def data_time_cumulative_sending(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_sending")
def data_time_hashes_and_close(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("hashes_and_close")
def _get_rate(self, name):
d = self.upload_results()
def _convert(r):
file_size = r.file_size
time = r.timings.get(name)
if time is None:
return None
return 1.0 * file_size / time
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
return d
def data_rate_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("total")
def data_rate_storage_index(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("storage_index")
def data_rate_encode(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("cumulative_encoding")
def data_rate_push(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("cumulative_sending")
def data_rate_encode_and_push(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
def _convert(r):
file_size = r.file_size
if file_size is None:
return None
time1 = r.timings.get("cumulative_encoding")
if time1 is None:
return None
time2 = r.timings.get("cumulative_sending")
if time2 is None:
return None
return 1.0 * file_size / (time1+time2)
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
return d
def data_rate_ciphertext_fetch(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
def _convert(r):
fetch_size = r.ciphertext_fetched
if fetch_size is None:
return None
time = r.timings.get("cumulative_fetch")
if time is None:
return None
return 1.0 * fetch_size / time
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
return d
class UnlinkedPOSTCHKUploader(UploadResultsRendererMixin, rend.Page):
class UnlinkedPOSTCHKUploader(status.UploadResultsRendererMixin, rend.Page):
"""'POST /uri', to create an unlinked file."""
docFactory = getxmlfile("upload-results.xhtml")
@ -1625,476 +1452,6 @@ class UnlinkedPOSTCreateDirectory(rend.Page):
d.addCallback(lambda dirnode: dirnode.get_uri())
return d
class UploadStatusPage(UploadResultsRendererMixin, rend.Page):
docFactory = getxmlfile("upload-status.xhtml")
def __init__(self, data):
rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
self.upload_status = data
def upload_results(self):
return defer.maybeDeferred(self.upload_status.get_results)
def render_results(self, ctx, data):
d = self.upload_results()
def _got_results(results):
if results:
return ctx.tag
return ""
return d
def render_started(self, ctx, data):
TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
return started_s
def render_si(self, ctx, data):
si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
if si_s is None:
si_s = "(None)"
return si_s
def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
return {True: "Yes",
False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]
def render_total_size(self, ctx, data):
size = data.get_size()
if size is None:
size = "(unknown)"
return size
def render_progress_hash(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()[0]
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_progress_ciphertext(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()[1]
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_progress_encode_push(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()[2]
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_status(self, ctx, data):
return data.get_status()
class DownloadResultsRendererMixin(RateAndTimeMixin):
# this requires a method named 'download_results'
def render_servermap(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.servermap)
def _render(servermap):
if servermap is None:
return "None"
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(servermap.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
shares_s = ",".join(["#%d" % shnum
for shnum in servermap[peerid]])
l[T.li["[%s] has share%s: %s" % (peerid_s,
return l
return d
def render_servers_used(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.servers_used)
def _got(servers_used):
if not servers_used:
return ""
peerids_s = ", ".join(["[%s]" % idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
for peerid in servers_used])
return T.li["Servers Used: ", peerids_s]
return d
def render_problems(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.server_problems)
def _got(server_problems):
if not server_problems:
return ""
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(server_problems.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, server_problems[peerid])]]
return T.li["Server Problems:", l]
return d
def data_file_size(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.file_size)
return d
def _get_time(self, name):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.timings.get(name))
return d
def data_time_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("total")
def data_time_peer_selection(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("peer_selection")
def data_time_uri_extension(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("uri_extension")
def data_time_hashtrees(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("hashtrees")
def data_time_segments(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("segments")
def data_time_cumulative_fetch(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_fetch")
def data_time_cumulative_decode(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_decode")
def data_time_cumulative_decrypt(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_time("cumulative_decrypt")
def _get_rate(self, name):
d = self.download_results()
def _convert(r):
file_size = r.file_size
time = r.timings.get(name)
if time is None:
return None
return 1.0 * file_size / time
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
return d
def data_rate_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("total")
def data_rate_segments(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("segments")
def data_rate_fetch(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("cumulative_fetch")
def data_rate_decode(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("cumulative_decode")
def data_rate_decrypt(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate("cumulative_decrypt")
def render_server_timings(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
d.addCallback(lambda res: res.timings.get("fetch_per_server"))
def _render(per_server):
if per_server is None:
return ""
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(per_server.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
times_s = ", ".join([self.render_time(None, t)
for t in per_server[peerid]])
l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, times_s)]]
return T.li["Per-Server Segment Fetch Response Times: ", l]
return d
class DownloadStatusPage(DownloadResultsRendererMixin, rend.Page):
docFactory = getxmlfile("download-status.xhtml")
def __init__(self, data):
rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
self.download_status = data
def download_results(self):
return defer.maybeDeferred(self.download_status.get_results)
def render_results(self, ctx, data):
d = self.download_results()
def _got_results(results):
if results:
return ctx.tag
return ""
return d
def render_started(self, ctx, data):
TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
return started_s
def render_si(self, ctx, data):
si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
if si_s is None:
si_s = "(None)"
return si_s
def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
return {True: "Yes",
False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]
def render_total_size(self, ctx, data):
size = data.get_size()
if size is None:
size = "(unknown)"
return size
def render_progress(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_status(self, ctx, data):
return data.get_status()
class RetrieveStatusPage(rend.Page, RateAndTimeMixin):
docFactory = getxmlfile("retrieve-status.xhtml")
def __init__(self, data):
rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
self.retrieve_status = data
def render_started(self, ctx, data):
TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
return started_s
def render_si(self, ctx, data):
si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
if si_s is None:
si_s = "(None)"
return si_s
def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
return {True: "Yes",
False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]
def render_current_size(self, ctx, data):
size = data.get_size()
if size is None:
size = "(unknown)"
return size
def render_progress(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_status(self, ctx, data):
return data.get_status()
def render_encoding(self, ctx, data):
k, n = data.get_encoding()
return ctx.tag["Encoding: %s of %s" % (k, n)]
def render_search_distance(self, ctx, data):
d = data.get_search_distance()
return ctx.tag["Search Distance: %s peer%s" % (d, plural(d))]
def render_problems(self, ctx, data):
problems = data.problems
if not problems:
return ""
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(problems.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, problems[peerid])]]
return ctx.tag["Server Problems:", l]
def _get_rate(self, data, name):
file_size = self.retrieve_status.get_size()
time = self.retrieve_status.timings.get(name)
if time is None:
return None
return 1.0 * file_size / time
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
def data_time_total(self, ctx, data):
return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("total")
def data_rate_total(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "total")
def data_time_peer_selection(self, ctx, data):
return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("peer_selection")
def data_time_fetch(self, ctx, data):
return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("fetch")
def data_rate_fetch(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "fetch")
def data_time_decode(self, ctx, data):
return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("decode")
def data_rate_decode(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "decode")
def data_time_decrypt(self, ctx, data):
return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("decrypt")
def data_rate_decrypt(self, ctx, data):
return self._get_rate(data, "decrypt")
def render_server_timings(self, ctx, data):
per_server = self.retrieve_status.timings.get("fetch_per_server")
if not per_server:
return ""
l = T.ul()
for peerid in sorted(per_server.keys()):
peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
times_s = ", ".join([self.render_time(None, t)
for t in per_server[peerid]])
l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, times_s)]]
return T.li["Per-Server Fetch Response Times: ", l]
class PublishStatusPage(rend.Page):
docFactory = getxmlfile("publish-status.xhtml")
def render_started(self, ctx, data):
TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
return started_s
def render_si(self, ctx, data):
si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
if si_s is None:
si_s = "(None)"
return si_s
def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
return {True: "Yes",
False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]
def render_current_size(self, ctx, data):
size = data.get_size()
if size is None:
size = "(unknown)"
return size
def render_progress(self, ctx, data):
progress = data.get_progress()
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)
def render_status(self, ctx, data):
return data.get_status()
class Status(rend.Page):
docFactory = getxmlfile("status.xhtml")
addSlash = True
def data_active_operations(self, ctx, data):
active = (IClient(ctx).list_active_uploads() +
IClient(ctx).list_active_downloads() +
IClient(ctx).list_active_publish() +
return active
def data_recent_operations(self, ctx, data):
recent = [o for o in (IClient(ctx).list_recent_uploads() +
IClient(ctx).list_recent_downloads() +
IClient(ctx).list_recent_publish() +
if not o.get_active()]
recent.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a.get_started(), b.get_started()))
return recent
def render_row(self, ctx, data):
s = data
TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
ctx.fillSlots("started", started_s)
si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(s.get_storage_index())
if si_s is None:
si_s = "(None)"
ctx.fillSlots("si", si_s)
ctx.fillSlots("helper", {True: "Yes",
False: "No"}[s.using_helper()])
size = s.get_size()
if size is None:
size = "(unknown)"
ctx.fillSlots("total_size", size)
progress = data.get_progress()
if IUploadStatus.providedBy(data):
link = "up-%d" % data.get_counter()
ctx.fillSlots("type", "upload")
# TODO: make an ascii-art bar
(chk, ciphertext, encandpush) = progress
progress_s = ("hash: %.1f%%, ciphertext: %.1f%%, encode: %.1f%%" %
( (100.0 * chk),
(100.0 * ciphertext),
(100.0 * encandpush) ))
ctx.fillSlots("progress", progress_s)
elif IDownloadStatus.providedBy(data):
link = "down-%d" % data.get_counter()
ctx.fillSlots("type", "download")
ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
elif IPublishStatus.providedBy(data):
link = "publish-%d" % data.get_counter()
ctx.fillSlots("type", "publish")
ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
assert IRetrieveStatus.providedBy(data)
ctx.fillSlots("type", "retrieve")
link = "retrieve-%d" % data.get_counter()
ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
ctx.fillSlots("status", T.a(href=link)[s.get_status()])
return ctx.tag
def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
client = IClient(ctx)
stype,count_s = name.split("-")
count = int(count_s)
if stype == "up":
for s in client.list_recent_uploads():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return UploadStatusPage(s)
for s in client.list_all_uploads():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return UploadStatusPage(s)
if stype == "down":
for s in client.list_recent_downloads():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return DownloadStatusPage(s)
for s in client.list_all_downloads():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return DownloadStatusPage(s)
if stype == "publish":
for s in client.list_recent_publish():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return PublishStatusPage(s)
for s in client.list_all_publish():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return PublishStatusPage(s)
if stype == "retrieve":
for s in client.list_recent_retrieve():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return RetrieveStatusPage(s)
for s in client.list_all_retrieve():
if s.get_counter() == count:
return RetrieveStatusPage(s)
class Root(rend.Page):
addSlash = True
@ -2170,7 +1527,7 @@ class Root(rend.Page):
child_tahoe_css = nevow_File(resource_filename('allmydata.web', 'tahoe.css'))
child_provisioning = provisioning.ProvisioningTool()
child_status = Status()
child_status = status.Status()
def data_version(self, ctx, data):
return get_package_versions_string()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user