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Using Tahoe-LAFS with Tor
1. `Use cases`_
2. `Native Tor integration for Tahoe-LAFS`_
3. `Software Dependencies`_
4. `Client Configuration`_
5. `Storage Server Configuration`_
6. `Performance and security issues of Tor Hidden Services`_
Use cases
Tor is an anonymizing network used to help hide the identity of internet
clients and servers. Please see the Tor Project's website for more information:
There are three potential use-cases for Tahoe-LAFS on the client side:
1. User does not care to protect their anonymity or to connect to anonymous
storage servers. This document is not useful to you... so stop reading.
2. User does not care to protect their anonymity but they wish to connect to
Tahoe-LAFS storage servers which are accessbile only via Tor Hidden Services.
3. User wishes to always use Tor to protect their anonymity when
connecting to Tahoe-LAFS storage grids (whether or not the storage servers
are Tor Hidden Services) [*].
For Tahoe-LAFS storage servers there are three use-cases:
1. Storage server operator does not care to protect their own anonymity
nor to help the clients protect theirs. Stop reading this document
and run your Tahoe-LAFS storage server using publicly routed TCP/IP.
2. The operator does not require anonymity for his storage server, but
he wants it to be available over both publicly routed TCP/IP and
through Tor Hidden Services. One possible reason to do this is
because being reachable through Tor Hidden Services is a convenient
way to bypass NAT or firewall that prevents publicly routed TCP/IP
connections to your server. Another is that making your storage
server reachable through Tor Hidden Services can provide better
protection for your clients who themselves use Tor to protect their
anonymity [*].
3. The operator wishes to protect their anonymity by making their
Tahoe server accessible only via Tor Hidden Services.
Native Tor integration for Tahoe-LAFS
Native Tor integration for Tahoe-LAFS utilizes the Twisted endpoints API:
https://twistedmatrix.com/documents/14.0.0i XXXX replace with current XXXX /core/howto/endpoints.html
Twisted's endpoint parser plugin system is extensible via installing additional
Twisted packages. The native Tor integration for Tahoe-LAFS uses
txsocksx and txtorcon.
txsocksx will try to use the system tor's SOCKS port if available;
attempts are made on ports 9050 and 9151.
txtorcon will use the tor control port to configure Tor Hidden Services.
Software Dependencies
* Tor (tor) must be installed. See here:
https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-unix.html.en XXX link to operating-system-independent howto for tor
* The "Tor-friendly" branch of txsocksx must be installed::
pip install git+https://github.com/david415/txsocksx.git
Once this is merged then you can use upstream txsocksx:
* txtorcon must be installed::
pip install txtorcon
Once these software dependencies are installed and the Tahoe-LAFS node is restarted, then no further configuration is necessary in order for it to connect to other Tahoe-LAFS nodes via Tor (client use-case 2 from `Use cases`_, above).
In order to implement client use-case 3 or server use-cases 2 or 3, further configuration is necessary.
Client Configuration
``tor_only.enabled = (boolean, optional)``
This specifies two changes in behavior:
1. Transform all non-Tor client endpoints into Tor client endpoints.
2. Force ``tub.location`` to be set to "client.fakelocation:1"
This option is necessary to preserve the client's anonymity (client
use-case 3 from `Use cases`_, above). It is also necessary to
preserve a server's anonymity (server use-case 3).
Why is this option necessary to protect anonymity? If the Tahoe-LAFS
introducer announces a storage server with non-Tor endpoint
descriptor strings in the connection hints list in the storage
server FURL then this could cause the client to deanonymize itself
by connecting to the storage server without using Tor.
Storage Server Configuration
Native Tor integration for Tahoe-LAFS uses the txtorcon library for it's
Tor Hidden Services endpoint and parser. Please see the txtorcon documentation
for more information:
* https://txtorcon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
* https://github.com/meejah/txtorcon
* http://timaq4ygg2iegci7.onion/
Operators of Tahoe-LAFS storage servers can specify a Tor Hidden Service endpoint
descriptor string for the ``tub.location`` value in the ``tahoe.cfg`` like::
tub.location = "onion:80:hiddenServiceDir=/var/lib/tor/my_service"
Setting this configuration option is necessary for Server use-cases 2 and 3 (from `Use cases`_, above).
XXX Does using tub.locaton for this prevent both Tor Hidden Service and traceable-net service (Server use-case 2)? Maybe instead we need to have a `tub.hidden_service = ` config for this, and turning that on is how you do server Use-case 2, and the way to do Server Use-case 3 is to turn on `tub.hidden_service = ` plus also set `tor_only.enabled = true`? See also Tahoe-LAFS ticket #1010.
Performance and security issues of Tor Hidden Services
If you are running a server which does not itself need to be
anonymous, should you make it reachable as a Tor Hidden Service or
not? Or should you make it reachable *both* as a Tor Hidden Service
and as a publicly traceable TCP/IP server?
There are several trade-offs effected by this decision.
NAT/Firewall penetration
Making a server be reachable as a Tor Hidden Service makes it
reachable even if there are NATs or firewalls preventing direct TCP/IP
connections to the server.
Making a Tahoe-LAFS server accessible *only* via Tor Hidden Services
can be used to guarantee that the Tahoe-LAFS clients use Tor to
connect. This prevents misconfigured clients from accidentally
de-anonymizing themselves by connecting to your server through the
traceable Internet.
Also, interaction, through Tor, with a Tor Hidden Service may be more
protected from network traffic analysis than interaction, through Tor,
with a publicly traceable TCP/IP server.
XXX is there a document maintained by Tor hackers which substantiates or refutes this belief? If so we need to link to it. If not, then maybe we should explain more here why we think this?
A client connecting to a Tahoe-LAFS server through Tor incurs
substantially higher latency and sometimes worse throughput than the
same client connecting to the same server over a normal traceable
TCP/IP connection.
A client connecting to a Tahoe-LAFS server which is a Tor Hidden
Service incurs much more latency and probably worse throughput.
Positive and negative effects on other Tor users
Sending your Tahoe-LAFS traffic over Tor adds cover traffic for other
Tor users who are also transmitting bulk data. So that is good for
them -- increasing their anonymity.
However, it makes the performance of other Tor users' interactive
sessions -- e.g. ssh sessions -- much worse. This is because Tor
doesn't currently have any prioritization or quality-of-service
features, so someone else's ssh keystrokes may have to wait in line
while your bulk file contents get transmitted. The added delay might
make other people's interactive sessions unusable.
Both of these effects are doubled if you upload or download files to a
Tor Hidden Service, as compared to if you upload or download files
over Tor to a publicly traceable TCP/IP server.